Eastern Illinois University The Keep Faculty Research & Creative Activity Biological Sciences January 1986 The genera of Elatinaceae in the southeastern United States Gordon C. Tucker Eastern Illinois University,
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[email protected]. TUCKER, ELATINACEAE THE GENERA OF ELATINACEAE IN THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES 1 Gordon C. Tucker 2 ELATINACEAE Dumortier, Anal. Fam. PL 44, 49. 1829, "Elatinideae," (Waterwort Family) Annual or perennial plants (up to 50 cm tall) of aquatic or moist terrestrial habitats. Roots fibrous; lower nodes usually with adventitious roots. Plants glabrous or glandular pubescent throughout, with unicellular or multicellular multiseriate capitate trichomes. Leaves opposite or decussate, entire or coarsely serrate; stomata anomocytic; 3 stipules scarious. Flowers small, actinomorphic, lablished in the first p.. (Inn, nold >,h V »n \h 19S8) and continued < •> Carolina, Georgia, \ he area covered by the nei ic i lora in< hides North and South Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana. The descriptions are based prim; , Alabama, 1 for Hi. oppo.tunities provided by the Generic Flor; I thanl., Norton Miller and Carroll Wood icr. Thomas . s help in the development c,1 ihepres.