In Memoriam, Jack Vance: 1916 — 2013 by Anders Monsen Jack Vance, Science fiction Grandmaster, Book Amid the Sea of Mundane SF Meant Died on Sunday, May 26
Liberty, Art, & Culture Vol. 31, No. 4 Summer 2013 In memoriam, Jack Vance: 1916 — 2013 By Anders Monsen Jack Vance, science fiction grandmaster, book amid the sea of mundane SF meant died on Sunday, May 26. Born on August reading the apex of imaginative writing. 28 1916, John Holbrook Vance wrote over The Dying Earth and The Eyes of the Over- 50 novels and many more short stories, most world, set in the same far future, stood apart published under the name Jack Vance. His from more traditional fantasy books. Other works ranged from science fiction, fantasy, fantasy stories I had read were either epics on mystery, and regional fiction. Vance’s first the scale of The Lord of the Rings, or vapid published story was “The World Thinker” tales of kingdoms and coming of age stories. in 1945 for Thrilling Wonder Stories, and Vance’s Dying Earth tales imagined a far-fu- his first published book The Dying Earth, ture earth, the sun threatening to extinguish by Hillman Press in 1950. His last novel, at any moment. This was an age of magic, Lurulu, appeared in 2004, and an autobi- although a magic diluted and faded from ography in 2009. previous aeons. Wizards conspired against Vance retired from writing fiction after each other, rogues like Cugel the Clever tried Lurulu, but he dictated a slim biography a to make his way in this dangerous world. few years later. Though he approached 100, Cugel, a rare anti-hero in fantasy akin to and I always expected to read something characters by Clark Ashton Smith and Fritz about his death, I felt a deep shock when Lieber, struggled through one adventure after I finally received the news.
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