Transform your body!

Awesome In-Home 15 Table of contents

Welcome……………………………………………………...0 Modified Push Up……………………………………………1 Spiderman Abs……………………………………………….2 Situp Ball Press……………………………………………….3 Bicep Curl…………………………………………………….4 Glute Squeeze……………………………………………….5 Back Pull………………………………………………………6 Delt Raise……………………………………………………..7 ………………………………………………8 Ab Tuck………………………………………………………..9 …………………………………………………………..10 Mid-Back Row………………………………………………11 Tricep Shoulder Press……………………………………...12 Leg Ups……………………………………………………...13 Squats………………………………………………………..14 Tick Tock……………………………………………………..15 About My Fit Gals…………………………………………..16 welcome!

Are you ready to get fit? Congrats on taking the next steps towards your personal fitness journey by downloading this ebook. It is intended to be a useful resource as you experiment doing new exercises geared towards increasing your strength, making you more toned, and ultimately helping you live a more fulfilling life through fitness.

My Fit Gals has presented you with 15 awesome, in-depth exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home. Compared to the , in-home serves as more convenient and private, which should serve as an advantage in accomplishing your fitness & lifestyle goals. So go ahead, tackle these exercises and take charge towards your transformation!

P.S. - Several of these exercises require resistance bands. If you need a set, I recommend these

Stephanie Mountain Founder & Personal Trainer 1 Modified Push-up


Let’s be honest: push-ups are hard! Especially if you’re just getting into a fitness routine, sometimes you don’t have the strength needed to perform a full push-up and that’s okay! Modifying an exercise is a great way to build up your strength towards a particular move so you can one day perform the real thing. That’s why we’re here to show you how to do a modified push-up to help you build enough strength to do a full push-up in the near-future.

How to

Here are the steps to performing Modified Push-Ups:

1) Begin in a kneeling position on a mat with your hands below the shoulders and knees behind the hips, so your back is angled and long.

2) Tuck your toes under, tighten your abdominals, and bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the floor. Keep your gaze in front of your fingertips so your neck stays long.

3) Press your chest back up to the start position. 2 Spiderman abs


Spiderman Abs is a core body exercise that strengthens all abdominal muscles with a special focus on your obliques. Any exercise named after Spiderman has to be good, doesn’t it? Spiderman Abs is named because of the way you move during this exercise. With your hands planted firmly on the ground, your knees are “crawling” one at a time toward the elbow on the same side, thus making a “Spiderman” feel the way he climbs buildings. Don’t let the fun fool you. If you want great abs, you need to learn how to do Spiderman Abs.

How to

Here are the steps to performing Spiderman Abs:

1) Start in a plank position with your hands on the mat slightly wider than shoulders, legs long behind you and abdominals and glutes squeezed tight.

2) Pull the left knee toward the outside of your left elbow and hold for one count. Return to the starting and repeat on right side. 3 Situp ball press


Sit-ups are a traditional that strengthens your core. However, if you’re looking to amp up your game for a total body exercise, then just add a medicine ball to the mix and learn how to do a sit-up press! This move increases the challenge by firing up your shoulders and chest with the added resistance of the pressing motion and, because you are holding a medicine pall, increasing the intensity in your abdominals giving them a killer move for sure!

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Situp Ball Press:

1) Start on your back with your bent knees and feet on the mat. Your elbows are bent and the medicine ball is resting above the chest.

2) Bring the head, neck, and shoulders off the mat sitting up, and extend the arms out long pressing the medicine ball forward. Return back to the mat with control. 4 bicep curl


The Resistance Band Bicep Curl is a unique and fun way to strengthen your without picking up dumbbells or barbells. This exercise uses the resistance of the band to make your biceps engage and contract allowing you to tone and strengthen your arms without even holding a weight. This can be a great tool for those who have injuries in their wrist or other issues that prevent them from holding weights. It can also be a great way to sprinkle variety into your workouts. The resistance band is an excellent tool that makes you work hard but gives you a nice change of pace from the typical .

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Bicep Curl:

1) Stand with both feet on the resistance band holding the handles long next to your sides with your palms facing forward.

2) Slowly curl your hands up to your shoulders, squeezing your biceps and keeping your elbows next to your sides.

3) Slowly release arms back down to starting position. 5 Glute Squeeze


The Resistance Band Glute Squeeze is a unique way to strengthen your glutes and outer thighs. The outer thighs are a difficult spot on our bodies to tone and shape. This exercise uses the band to target the outer thighs and the glutes helping to tone and shape your lower body. The resistance bands challenge your muscles to work against the pull of the band rather than the weight against gravity. It’s not better. It’s not worse. It’s just different and that’s the key.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Glute Squeeze:

1) Hold the handles next to your hips with your elbows bent and place both feet on the band hip width apart.

2) Lift your right foot and press the band back at an angle squeezing your glute. Keep your leg straight. Release and switch sides. 6 back pull


The Resistance Band Mid-Back Row is a unique strength exercise that uses the resistance band to strengthen the upper to mid-back muscles. This move targets the muscles of your upper and middle back as well as your rear deltoid, or back of the shoulder. These muscles are important to keep strong not only so they look good, but these are the muscles that promote good posture and standing tall. If you learn how to do the Resistance Band Mid-Back Pull you can help avoid the slouched appearance that often comes as we get older.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Back Pull:

1) Standing with feet shoulder width apart, grab the handles of the band with each hand, then loop the band once or twice more around each hand to desired tightness.

2) Holding your hands straight out in front of you at shoulder height, pull the band open as your arms go out to the sides and the band comes in towards your chest. Keep your shoulders down.

3) Slowly release your hands back to start position and repeat. 7 Delt Raise


The Resistance Band is an exercise that strengthens the back of the shoulder, or rear deltoids, and upper back muscles. Strong, sculpted upper backs are not only beautiful, but they keep your spine aligned and encourage tall posture. Strengthening the rear deltoids is a great way to prevent that “hunched-over” appearance that comes with poor posture. So often as we age we neglect strengthening the muscles that are important for tall and strong.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Delt Raise:

1) Stand both feet on the center of the band and criss-cross the handles, so that the band makes an “x” as you hold it.

2) Bend your knees slightly and hinge forward from the waist keeping your back long and abs tight.

3) Open your arms straight out to the sides until your hands come to shoulder height. Gently release back to start position. 8 overhead press


The Resistance Band Overhead Press is an exercise that strengthens the shoulder muscle and increases the stability in the body. Pressing the resistance of the band upward is done with the shoulder or . In addition, as the band is being pressed, you need to tighten your core and glutes, which increases stability throughout the body. If you learn how to do the Resistance Band Overhead Press you will have another option for strengthening your shoulders.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Overhead Press:

1) Stand with both feet on the center of the band, hip width apart.

2) Bring the handles of the band above your shoulders, so that your elbows are bent 90 degrees.

3) Press arms straight up, keeping your shoulders down. Slowly lower your back above the shoulders. Repeat. 9 Ab Tuck


The Bend Extend Ab Tuck is an that strengthens your lower abs and helps train your core stability to strengthen and protect your low back. Bend Extend Ab Tuck teaches the body to stay stable while at the same time pulling the body up and down and the legs in and out. This is a challenging move, but if you learn how to do bend extend ab tuck you will feel your abs grow stronger and pulled in tighter.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Bend Extend Ab Tuck:

1) Start seated on the mat with your arms behind you, hands on the mat and your fingers facing your backside. Sit back on your hands and lift up your feet off the mat keeping the knees bent.

2) Keep your abs tight and press your legs out long and your lower back down slightly. You should feel your lower abdominals working, then push yourself back up and pull your knees in to return to your starting position. 10 row


The Resistance Band Row is an exercise that strengthens the upper back muscles located around and between the shoulder blades. Training the upper back muscles are a crucial balance to the many chest exercises we have such as push-ups and chest presses. In order to have good posture and a balance the muscles in your body it important to train the upper back muscles. If you learn how to do the Resistance Band Row you will have a great exercise that is easy to do any time and anywhere.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Row:

1) Begin in a seated position on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.

2) Holding the handles, place the center of the band around your feet, then wrap each end inside and around each foot one more time to make a loop on each foot.

3) Sit tall with your abs tight and hold the handles in front of you with your elbows bent next to your side.

4) Pull the handles back until they are next to your side and your elbows are behind you. Slowly release. 11 Mid-back row


The Resistance Band Mid-Back Row is an exercise that uses the resistance band to strengthen the upper to mid-back muscles. This move targets the muscles that sit around and between the shoulder blades which help keep you standing up tall and strong. If you learn how to do the Resistance Band Mid-Back Row, you will have a new way to tone your upper back and improve your posture to help avoid the slouched appearance that often comes as we get older.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Mid-Back Row:

1) Stand both feet on band hip width apart, holding the handles in front of your thighs with your palms facing in.

2) Keep your knees bent and abs tight as you flex forward slightly at the hips.

3) Pull the handles to your hip bones squeezing through the middle of your back. Release slowly. 12 TRICEP SHOULDER PRESS


The Resistance Band Tricep Shoulder Press is an upper body exercise that strengthens the and the rear deltoids, or back of the shoulders. By using the power and versatility of the resistance band, this exercise allows you to strengthen multiple muscles at one time, particularly hard-to-reach areas such as the rear deltoids –or back of the shoulders. Typically, in order to strengthen these muscle areas, you have to use weights in positions that have you working against gravity. With the band you are able to stand upright and fight the resistance of the band instead.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Tricep Shoulder Press:

1) Stand both feet on the band hip width apart and hold the handles with your palms facing behind you and your arms long next to your sides.

2) Bend slightly at the knees and hinge forward keeping your abs tight.

3) Press your arms straight back as far as you can keeping your shoulders down.

4) Release your arms forward slowly. 13 Leg ups


Sitting Leg Ups are a great core body exercise that requires you to lift the weight of both your arms and legs by using your abdominal muscles. Planks may be great for abdominal strength, but it’s important to work different ab muscles in different ways that challenge you to lift the weight of both your arms and legs using the muscles of the abdomen. Leg Ups are a more intense way to practice core strength with fewer reps and less time spent overall. Win win!

How to

Here are the steps to performing Sitting Leg Ups:

1) Lie on your back and extend your arms behind your head. Keep your feet together and toes pointed.

2) Keep your legs straight and lift them up as you simultaneously raise your upper body off the floor. Keep your core tight as you reach for your toes with your hands. Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. 14 Squats


The Resistance Band is a lower body exercise that uses the band for extra resistance to strengthen your glutes and legs. This is an awesome move that will add even more benefit to a regular squat. Know how to do a basic squat? Then it’s time to grab a band and get a little more bang for your buck! By taking your traditional squat and adding the band, you are giving extra resistance to your glutes and legs providing more results without having to pick up clumsy, heavy dumbbells. If you learn how to do the Resistance Band Squat you discover that the band is definitely the way to go! With its versatility and multi-directional options, this one, simple, portable tool is a game changer. How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Squat:

1) Stand on the band with your feet shoulder width apart and hold the handles next to your shoulders so the band is behind the back of your arms.

2) Slowly sit down and back into squat position keeping your abdominals tight and chest lifted.

3) Press back up through the heels, squeezing your glutes. 15 tick tock


The Resistance Band Tick Tock is a lower body exercise that uses the band for extra resistance to strengthen your glutes and legs and really target those outer thighs! This is an awesome move that will add another great lower-body exercise into your regular squat and routine. Know how to do a basic squat? Got lunges down just fine? Then it’s time to grab a band and get a little more bang for your buck! By standing on the band and pressing outward you are targeting a hard-to-hit area of your body: the outer thighs! With its versatility and multi-directional options, this one, simple, portable tool is a game changer.

How to

Here are the steps to performing the Resistance Band Tick Tock:

1) Stand on the band with your feet shoulder width apart and hold the handles next to youe hip bones.

2) Keep your legs long as you press your right leg out to the side, then set your right foot down and press the left leg out to the side. That is a total of one repetition.

3) As you alternate pressing legs side to side be sure to keep your abs tight so your body stays tall and doesn’t “tip” over to the side. About my fit gals

My Fit Gals is a fitness company specializing in in-home personal training services for women in the Greater Seattle area. We have it covered - all the equipment, accountability, and expertise you desire from a trainer to help you become physically fit. When working with us, you’ll be trained to become more toned and increase your strength with bodyweight exercises, resistance, bands, and dumbells. Our mission at My Fit Gals is to make you more physically fit and ultimately help you live a life without limits. This ebook is a starting point, though if you’d like a guide with the expertise and strategy to better ensure your success, we would love to make your goals a reality!

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