Not all fitness pursuits lead to dramatic visible changes — and that’s perfectly OK! If, on the other hand, you’re in the mood for more muscles, you may consider turning to hypertrophy training for the solution. Delts of doom, a big, round peach, and solid legs take time, work, and attention. You have to be deliberate, but you can choose where to add muscle through specific selection, using a moderate to high training volume, and keeping rest times short. When you train this way, you can match the heart and soul of your workout with the addition of muscles you can’t help but snap photos of (overhead lighting, anyone?). One way you can amplify your results is paying extra attention to building your rear delts, glutes, and . You can add in the quads and abs to round it out, too. It’s kind of like taking a vitamin for these body parts! Pop in this workout once a week if you’re already following a program, or complete it two to three times per week if you’re not. Think of this as a boost for you to get muscles that look like you must spend all day in the .

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 1 VITAMIN WORKOUT

For this workout, complete 3 to 4 straight sets of 10 reps of each exercise. That means you’ll finish all sets of the each exercise before moving on to the next, resting 30 to 60 seconds between each set. Click here to revisit this workout video


Dumbbell Bent-Over Rear-Delt Raise 3 to 4 10 Reps

Bodyweight Inclined Reverse 3 to 4 10 Reps

Bodyweight Frog Pump 3 to 4 10 Reps

Valslide Eccentric SHELC 3 to 4 10 Reps

Bodyweight Sissy 3 to 4 10 Reps

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 2 DUMBBELL BENT-OVER REAR-DELT RAISE

Muscle Focus

• Stand tall and hold two dumbbells with slightly bent elbows so they hang straight down in front of you. • Hinge your hips back to 45-degrees—similar to the bottom position of a Romanian —and let your arms hang straight down. • Leading with your pinkies, lift the weight out to the side, trying to spread your shoulder blades apart as you lift—think of letting your arms “hang” off of your body throughout the movement. • Keep your back neutral and shoulders away from your ears. • Lower the weight with control back to the starting position. Repeat.

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 3 BODYWEIGHT INCLINED REVERSE CRUNCH

Muscle Focus

• Using an ab incline bench, or other incline bench, lie down and grip the bench above your head. • Bring your feet up off the ground and your knees into approximately 90 degree position. • Holding this position, engage through your midsection, crunch, and lift your lower body off the bench, focusing on lifting your knees to the ceiling, rather than bringing them in toward your chest. • Lower back down in a controlled manner until your lower back makes contact with the bench again, not letting your feet back down to the ground between repetitions.

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 4 BODYWEIGHT FROG PUMP

Muscle Focus

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet pressed together. • Squeezing your feet together and into the ground, engage your glutes and press up into a until your hips are extended as much as possible without arching at the low back. • Slowly lower down, hovering just above the floor, and repeat.

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 5 MISCELLANEOUS VALSLIDE ECCENTRIC SHELC

Muscle Focus

• Lie down on your back with your feet on the Valslides and your knees bent. • Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips, bridging them to create a straight line from shoulders to knees. • Push your feet away from you slowly and under control until they are fully extended and your body is resting on the floor. • Bring your feet back in toward your butt while your torso and butt are resting on the floor to get back to the starting position. • Bridge your hips up and repeat the eccentric portion of the movement for the desired repetitions.

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 6 BODYWEIGHT SISSY SQUAT

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 7 BODYWEIGHT SISSY SQUAT

Muscle Focus

• Stand with your feet about hip distance apart and heels elevated on dumbbells or a block about 2 to 4 inches tall. • Using a rack for balance, shoot your knees as far forward and down as you can while squeezing your glutes to protect your back. • Maintain a straight line from your knees to your shoulders throughout the entire movement and lower as far as you can while staying balanced. • Contract your quads at the bottom to return to standing.

bignessproject.com and unapologeticallystrong.com 8