Free Home Bodyweight Program Prepared by Anthony Ange BS, CPT Disclaimer and a note from Anthony:

Section A. Thank you all for expressing interest in my free home bodyweight exercise program! I am excited to release this to you all and help you continue to pursue your fitness goals. While I am a Certified Personal Trainer and this program has been developed with a great deal of thought given to exercise selection and periodization for long term progress, please understand that there are inherent risks associated with exercise including injury or in severe cases, death. If you currently have any known Cardiovascular conditions, Respiratory conditions, Musculoskeletal conditions, Diabetes, Metabolic conditions, or any other conditions, concerns, or apprehensions about exercise, it is my recommendation that you consult your doctor before beginning ANY exercise program including but not limited to this exercise program.

Section B. By reading Section A. and willingly choosing to begin the Free Home Bodyweight Exercise Program created by Anthony Ange, you acknowledge and accept all risk of injury or death that could result from performing any of the contained within the Free Home Bodyweight Exercise Program and waive all rights to hold Anthony Ange personally or professionally liable for any injury or death that may occur as a result of your participation in the Free Home Bodyweight Exercise Program. If you do not accept ​ these conditions and terms, do not participate in the Free Home Bodyweight Exercise Program.

Section C. Ok, now that the fun and exciting stuff has been covered, I am very proud to deliver to you all a fully periodized, 9 week, mostly bodyweight (besides a few household items) exercise program!!! My goal was to provide a system that you could use not only for the 9 week duration of the program but also cycle through multiple times and continue to make progress long-term.

This program is a template and is not set in stone. I have provided recommended ranges for how many days per week these exercises should be performed as well as ranges for total sets. I have also included recommended rest intervals and the number of repetitions or time each exercise is to be performed based on fitness level. Understand that these are only recommendations and that I encourage you to modify this program to your own individual needs and find which exercises serve you best. I suggest that if you do modify this program that you are mindful of whether your changes are in line with the intended effect. For instance, I have kettlebells available to me so I may include a kettlebell swing exercise in place of a towel swing exercise. Another example is that I may substitute an inverted or doorframe row with another compound upper body pulling exercise such as a pull up or use a water jug for a row exercise.

I plan on creating video content to support this program and demonstrate the exercises so you can see the proper form which can be found on my Instagram at anthony_m_ange (possibly youtube in the future) For my current clients, if you have any questions feel free to contact me directly. For anybody who is interested in contacting me with questions about this program, you may contact me through Instagram at anthony_m_ange or email me at [email protected] . ​ ​

For inquiries concerning personal training services or custom exercise programming based on your goals, please contact me at [email protected] ​ Please feel free to share this exercise program with your friends and thank you all for your support! Phase 1: Stability and Mobility 3 weeks Frequency: 3 - 6 days per week Intensity: Generate maximum tension in muscles during stability and strength circuit, relax fully and breathe deeply during mobility. Time: Approximately 30 - 60 minutes Type: Stability and Mobility

Core Stability Circuit: 3 - 5 sets. Beginner 30 seconds, Intermediate 45 seconds, Advanced 1 minute Rest 1 minute between each round Side Plank each side (hold) Plank to Downward Dog (continuous movement) Single Leg each side (continuous movement) Bird Dog each side (hold)

Mobility Circuit: 3 - 5 sets. Beginner 30 seconds, Intermediate 45 seconds, Advanced 1 minute No rest between rounds Cat Cow Prayer Stretch Side Lunges each side Prone Handcuffs 90/90 stretch each side

Strength Stability Circuit: 3 - 5 sets x max effort to fatigue. 1 minute rest between rounds Doorframe Anti-rotation Hold each side Hold or Wall Sit Push Up Hold to Prone Scapular Retractions Eccentric Towel Curls Get Up each side

Conditioning: Walk up and down stairs 2 rounds x 5 minutes. Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Optional: Recharge Session (see Day 7 of HIIT phase Titled Recharge Session). If you are feeling particularly fatigued or beat up from any part of this program, throw in a Recharge Session to help your body recover and prepare for the next exercise session.

Phase 2: Strength 3 weeks Frequency: 3 - 6 days per week Intensity: Generate maximum tension in your muscles Time: Approximately 60 - 90 minutes Type: Resistance Training

Warm Up Circuit: 2 - 3 x 30 seconds. No rest between sets Windmill each side Squat Towel Over and Back Overhead Towel Squat

Power: 5 x 5 with 30 seconds rest between sets Standing Vertical Jump

Main Strength Exercises: Perform these exercises in order rather than in circuit. 3 - 5 sets x max effort to fatigue. No rest between grouped exercises, 1 minute rest between each group. Lower Body Superset: Towel Split Squat each side / Towel Hamstring Curls Lower Body Superset: Stair Heel Taps each side / from Stair Push / Pull Superset: Push Ups / Overhand Inverted Row or Doorframe Row Pull / Push Superset: Underhand Inverted Row or Doorframe Row / Bag Arms Superset: Towel Curl / Table Pressdowns Shoulder Triset: Water Bottle Rear Deltoid / Water Jug Lateral Raise / Doorframe Lateral Hold Core Triset: Side Plank Crunch each side / Half Get Up with Bridge / Bear Dog each side

Conditioning: Perform these exercises in order rather than in circuit. Repeat 5 - 10 times 1 Staircase Climb up and down 20 jumping jacks 30 seconds of rest

Optional: Recharge Session (see Day 7 of HIIT phase Titled Recharge Session). If you are feeling particularly fatigued or beat up from any part of this program, throw in a Recharge Session to help your body recover and prepare for the next exercise session.

Phase 3: High Intensity 3 weeks Frequency: 4 days per week high intensity, 2 days per week active recovery, 1 day Recharge Session Intensity: High Time: Variable based on individual abilities Type: High Intensity Interval Training

Day 1 HIIT 3-5 sets for each round before moving on to the next round. Beginner 10 reps, Intermediate 15 reps, Advanced 20 reps OR for timed exercises 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute respectively.

Rest 1 minute Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 between rounds

Lower Jump Squat Alternating Lunges Speed Skaters

Upper Inverted Row or Push Up (plyometric Bag Overhead Doorframe Row optional) Press

Core Get Up Crunch Kick Throughs Half Kneeling Windmill

Active Recovery 90 / 90 stretch Thread the Needle Windmill

Day 2 HIIT 3-5 sets for each round before moving on to the next round. Beginner 10 reps, Intermediate 15 reps, Advanced 20 reps OR for timed exercises 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute respectively.

Rest 1 minute Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 between rounds

High Intensity Burpees Alternating Jump Towel Swings Lunges

Isolation Towel Water Bottle Rear Towel Hamstring Deltoid Fly Curls

Stability Plank hold (Time) Side Plank hold Bridge hold (Time) (Time)

Active Recovery March in Place Standing Torso Standing Alternating Rotations Hamstring Curls

Day 3: Active 3 x 30 seconds 3 x 30 seconds 3 x 30 seconds Recovery

Hips Windmill Figure 4 Stretch Controlled Articular Rotations

Shoulders Wall Slides Prone Handcuffs Controlled Articular Rotations

Thoracic Spine Floor T-Spine Prayer Stretch Cat Cow Rotations

Feet Elevated Finish this workout with 5-10 minutes of feet elevated Diaphragmatic diaphragmatic breathing Breathing

Day 4 HIIT 3-5 sets for each round before moving on to the next round. Beginner 10 reps, Intermediate 15 reps, Advanced 20 reps OR for timed exercises 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute respectively.

Rest 1 minute Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 between rounds

Lower to High Knee Alternating Lateral Line Hops Jumps Crossover Lunges

Upper Bag Overhead Towel Pulldown Push Ups Press (plyometric optional)

Core Half Get Up Kick Through Kneeling Windmill

Active Recovery Prayer Stretch Towel Over and Alternating Side Back Lunges

Day 5 HIIT 3-5 sets for each round before moving on to the next round. Beginner 10 reps, Intermediate 15 reps, Advanced 20 reps OR for timed exercises 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute respectively.

Rest 1 minute Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 between rounds

High Intensity Turkish Get Up Dive Bombers Bag Thruster

Isolation Table Water Jug Lateral Assisted Sissy Pressdown Raise Squats

Stability Bear Crawls (Time) Wall Sit (Time) Plank (Time)

Active Recovery Lizard Stretch with Pigeon Stretch Lunge to Hamstring Rotation Stretch

Day 6 Active 3 x 30 seconds 3 x 30 seconds 3 x 30 seconds Recovery

Hips Lunge to Hamstring Butterfly Stretch Pigeon Stretch Stretch

Shoulders Prone Handcuffs Towel Over and Towel Triceps Back Stretch

Thoracic Spine Floor Windshield Cobra Child’s Pose Wipers

Feet Elevated Finish this workout with 5-10 minutes of feet elevated Diaphragmatic diaphragmatic breathing Breathing

Day 7 Recharge Complete each Session exercise in order

Standing Vertical 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 30 seconds of rest between Jump individual jumps and 1 minute rest between sets

Walk 30 minutes - 1 hour

Stretch 3 x 1 Windmill Prayer Stretch Lizard with Rotation minute each

Feet Elevated Feet elevated diaphragmatic breathing for a minimum of 5 Diaphragmatic minutes. Can be done as long as you wish though! Breathing