DANTE Limited City House 126-130 Hills Road CREATING THE Cambridge CB2 1PQ GLOBAL RESEARCH UK COMMUNITY Tel: +44 (0)1223 371300 Fax: +44 (0)1223 371371 Email: [email protected] Web: www.dante.net ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 CREATING THE GLOBAL RESEARCH COMMUNITY

ANNUAL REVIEW 2006 Contents

Chairman’s Report 01

Leading edge technology 03

Global reach 09

World class engineering 17

A year in pictures 22

Collaboration & Community 25

Customer focus 29

Accountability 35

2006 Report and Financial Statement 39

Income and Expenditure Account 39

Balance Sheet 40

Statement of Cash Flows 40

DANTE Shareholders and Staff 41 DANTE and the NRENs builds the networks that With this global research orientated 2006 – the are helping to create a truly global research connectivity now established and running Chairman’s view community where advanced resources and new successfully, our focus is turning to ensuring learning can be shared to the benefit of every that both our partners and our EC supporters Welcome to the DANTE Annual Review for partner. Networking projects led by DANTE derive value from their investments. For our 2006. This year has confirmed the value of now span the globe: part, we are enhancing our ‘transition to DANTE’s global achievements and prepared the service’ arrangements to ensure that European stage for the renewed boost that the Seventh • Europe: GÉANT2 links NRENs in NRENs, end users and international network European Framework Programme (FP7) will 34 European countries with a further partners can exploit the new technologies to bring to research infrastructures and global 8 countries connected via the SEEREN2 best advantage. As well as full implementation research networking. The networks DANTE network in south-eastern Europe support and troubleshooting, GÉANT2, builds and operates, in close co-operation • Mediterranean: EUMEDCONNECT brings DANTE’s biggest and most important project, with its partner European NRENs, now benefit together 11 NRENs from the is introducing formal training programmes for researchers across Europe – and an increasing Mediterranean, North Africa and the NREN engineers and, derived from the research number of their academics and researchers Middle East, and provides links to Europe activities, a range of new tools to help users across the globe. We are proud of our • Latin America: the ALICE project’s RedClara make the most of the high speed global achievements but recognise there is more network connects 14 NRENs across Central connections now available to them. still to do. and South America, and to Europe • South East Asia: – The TEIN2 network The central significance for Europe of DANTE’s Traditionally, science research has been connects 10 partners in the region to each work is evidenced by the importance attached undertaken by small groups working on their other and to Europe to research infrastructures in the 7th own and sharing their methods and findings • China: the 2.5 Gbps ORIENT link – the first Framework Programme for Research and at the end of the task. Communications direct overland connection between Europe Technological Development (FP7): “Research technology has revolutionised the process by and China – is fostering closer collaboration infrastructures play an increasing role in the allowing researchers geographically remote between scientists in the two regions advancement of knowledge and technology from each other to collaborate fully at every • India: a new direct link with India and their exploitation … they are at the core level and in real time - as though they were strengthens TEIN2’s presence in the of the knowledge triangle of research, sharing a laboratory. Research networking Asia-Pacific region education and innovation.” helps to bring together colleagues working • North America: extensive connectivity across both the European and worldwide provided from Europe to both the US and Our Annual Review 2006 looks at the broad research landscapes. It actively contributes Canada stimulates collaboration with range of DANTE’s activities and achievements to their research, supporting new scientific European researchers and reports on our key projects. To provide a and academic discoveries. • Africa: connections from London to South deeper insight into our organisation and ‘the Africa have been supplemented by a new people behind the networks’, we have peering agreement with the UbuntuNet organised this year’s review into six themes Alliance that illustrate the kind of organisation we are, the work we do and our approach to working with our partners, users and suppliers in Europe and around the world.

Klaus Ullmann

01 L e a d i n g e d g e t

Milos e c

Karapandzic h n o l o g y

Susan Taylor G l o b a l r e a c


DANTE plans, builds and operates cutting r l edge research and education networks and d c l our flagship is GÉANT2 – amongst the most a s s

advanced networks of its kind in the world and e n

the first to deploy hybrid communications g i n

technology on an international scale. DANTE’s e e r

business is delivering innovative networking i n

solutions for the European research g community that help underpin the vision of a C

European Research Area. Our work is at the o l l forefront of communications technology and a b o

generally well in advance of the commercial r a t

marketplace. i o n & C o m m u

Alex n i John t Gosnell y Chevers “Extending the boundaries of worldwide research depends on developing and C u

installing leading-edge communications s t o m

infrastructures. DANTE devises innovative e r f o

networking solutions that feed into the c u development of GÉANT2 – the world’s first s international scale hybrid network. We are setting new standards for what can A c c

be achieved.” o u n t a b i l i t Marian Garcia Vidondo, y Operations Manager, DANTE F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t

02 03 L e a d i n g e d g

Looking ahead – end-to-end e t

GÉANT2 The frontline Point-to-point e

co-ordination c GÉANT2 – focusing h n

“The of technology – creating optical o l

Co-ordinating the monitoring of dedicated o

on the future g of the future” – deploying hybrid private networks circuits creates new challenges since each y GÉANT2 celebrated its anniversary in June networks end-point may lie in a different NREN, each The extension of point-to-point (P2P) services 2006 by reaching a total of 50,000 km of having its own approach to monitoring, # Connect has been a key step forward this year. A basic installed network, offering its innovative GÉANT2 is a hybrid network, designed to switch troubleshooting and liaison with its providers. Communicate element of GÉANT2 technology, the effect of With NREN support, DANTE will oversee the G # technology, unrivalled geographical coverage, l both data packets and data streams. Combining o

P2P is to increase overall network capacity and, creation of a GÉANT2 End-to-End b Collaborate and high bandwidth capacity to more than the two methods in one network is innovative a # therefore, to allow larger amounts of data to l

Co-ordination Unit (E2ECU) in 2007 to monitor r

30 million researchers in Europe via its partner and opens up new service possibilities. e

be transmitted in a given time than is possible E2E circuits, enabling NRENs to concentrate on a NRENs, and as many again around the world. c GÉANT2’s leading position and role among in an IP switched network. h Funding for GÉANT2 is in place at least until their own networks while providing users with European infrastructures is widely Switching data streams between two defined August 2008. points on the network enables the creation stability for their international data transfers. acknowledged. In the 7th Framework P2P connections guarantee the quality of the of paths dedicated to specific users Programme for Research and Technological connectivity, enabling researchers to handle Now that the GÉANT2 network is operational, (point-to-point) and carrying only their traffic. development (FP7) work programme for 2007, large quantities of data with stability and W

DANTE is focusing greater attention on This contrasts with the switching of data o the EU recognises that GÉANT2 is “the security. DANTE reserves paths across the r l

ensuring that best use is made of these packets in a conventional IP network and d fundamental underlying enabler for the network that create dedicated, high bandwidth c

leading edge networking resources. Working allows extremely large volumes of data to be l realisation of e-Science and the European a

links between their defined end points - in s

in partnership with the NRENs, our research sent with unparalleled stability and with none s

Research Area. The advanced communication essence a private network. P2P services are e

and engineering teams are developing tools of the network congestion characteristic of IP n capabilities of GÉANT and the associated particularly suited to researchers needing to g i and services that help our community and its networks. At the same time the network can n

NRENs will foster new paradigms of transmit large volumes of data and are e end users to understand and exploit the full carry normal IP traffic. e collaborative research across Europe and r essential to a growing number of data i potential of the networks. n globally. GÉANT should represent an intensive projects, typically in the particle g This hybrid technology – never before deployed instantiation of the ‘Internet of the future’ physics and radio astronomy disciplines.

on such a scale – allows dedicated connections C by making timely use of state-of-the-art o l

of up to 10 Gbps between distant research l communication technologies.” P2P’s ability to handle large volumes of data a b

centres on an intercontinental scale – all o

is being exploited by CERN (the European r a

supported by a new system that monitors t i Leading the field in global research Organisation for Nuclear Research), which is o

traffic status across the multiple network n currently building the largest scientific networking domains that connect the centres. GÉANT2 will & experiment ever undertaken – the Large C o

be able to satisfy demand from data-heavy m Hadron Collider (LHC). GÉANT2 is a network of networks, connecting users, such as CERN’s particle physicists, for the m u

30 European National Research and Education high bandwidth, on-demand connections that n i Scheduled to go live in early 2008, LHC t Networks (NRENs) and linking more than 3,500 are vital to major projects. y research and educational establishments in 34 experiments will create conditions similar to European countries to each other and to those in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang and are expected to generate some 15

regional networks in North America, Latin C

million gigabytes of data each year. This u America, Asia-Pacific, the Mediterranean rim s t amount of data is too much for one centre to o and South Africa. The GÉANT2 network m

handle, so it must be distributed immediately e employs sophisticated switching and routing r f technologies and forms a key component of and safely to processing centres around the o c

globe for analysis. GÉANT2’s P2P technology u

Europe’s strategy to deploy a world leading s e-Infrastructure for Science. will allow this to happen quickly and efficiently. In 2006, DANTE also installed the Launched in June 2005 GÉANT2 is the world’s very first transatlantic P2P connection, first international scale, production hybrid supporting the work of physicists at Fermilab network, combining a packet-switched IP in the US and IN2P3 in France. A c

service and a data stream-switched c o point-to-point capability to provide a wide u GÉANT2 is operated by DANTE on behalf of Europe’s NRENs n t

range of advanced networking services to a b i

Europe’s growing research and academic l i t community. y

GÉANT2 is the result of cooperation between the European Commission, DANTE, TERENA (the Trans-European Research and Education

Networking Association, DANTE’s sister F i n organisation) and 30 of Europe’s NRENs a n

(National Research and Education Networks) c i a l

and has enabled European researchers and R e academics to collaborate on projects at the p o forefront of exciting developments in r t their fields.

04 05 L e a d i n g e d g e t

GÉANT2 at a glance GÉANT2 objectives e c h n o

• Network access for more than 30 million Beyond network deployment, GÉANT2’s l o

users in 34 European countries and an objectives are agreed in consultation with g y Emma Apted, estimated 60 million worldwide all partners and DANTE manages a number DANTE Operations of different networking, service and • A network that extends more than research activities to achieve these 50,000 km providing high speed key goals:

connectivity, plus Optical Private G l o

Networks for Europe’s most • Implement end-to-end Quality of b a

demanding users Service provision l r e a

• Develop a wider range of network c

• Direct connections with peer networks h in the USA, Canada, North and South services Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, the • Provide user support and consultancy Middle East and, now, China and India • Benchmark and support development

• GÉANT2’s comprehensive programme of NRENs* W o

of research and service development r l

• Coordinate research and network d keeps Europe at the forefront of c

service activities l global research a s • Conduct strategic studies into the s e n

future of European research* g i n e

• Disseminate benefits and achievements e r

of the network i n

Paul Cullen, DANTE Operations g * These activities are led by TERENA, working in

close collaboration with GÉANT2 partners C o

DANTE in action – Top of the PoPs l l a b o r

Paul Cullen is the network engineering specialist who looks after DANTE’s PoPs – the 32 Points a t i of Presence across Europe that provide NRENs with connectivity to the GÉANT2 network. This o n

is a hands-on role, for which Paul’s background as a network engineer – for several blue-chip & financial institutions, service providers and equipment manufacturers – is invaluable. C o Emma Apted joined Who do you work with? m Paul is responsible for planning and project managing elective upgrades to PoPs, either in Operations always has a close collaboration m u

DANTE in November 2006. with the Network Engineering and Planning n response to changes in service requirements, or as part of a programme of routine equipment i t upgrade. Even this work is much more than a desk-job though. Beyond designing, planning and Previously working in the team, especially during tenders. I am also y ordering for an upgrade, the work of commissioning will begin with Paul pre-configuring commercial sector for liaising with the End to End Monitoring delivered equipment in the labs at DANTE’s Cambridge HQ and assembling the kit-of-parts that System developers in JRA4 as their tools are Telstra Europe Ltd, she essential to making the E2ECU a success.

will be needed for the field installation. A short while after that, he will be found somewhere in C

This and software written by the E2ECU, u

Europe, on-site with his sleeves rolled up, either supervising electrical power or installation brings over 11 years of IP s t engineers (whose work-packages he himself will have defined), or personally carrying out together with the perfSONAR monitoring www.dante.net “GÉANT2 is a flagship project for the o networking experience suite is the communication bridge between www.geant2.net m some of the trickier engineering tasks, not infrequently on his hands and knees. e and a service-orientated all the different domains we are monitoring. r European Commission and a major success f o

Although he is usually personally involved with major upgrades, there is far too much routine I’m also working with engineers from across c

approach to DANTE’s u work taking place keeping PoPs at the leading edge of communications technology for him to Operations team. the NRENs, particularly those involved in the story. The innovative and ambitious s visit every site for every job. In these cases, much of the routine work will be undertaken by E2ECU but we want more NRENs to come on ‘remote eyes and hands’ – so his role includes supervision-at-a-distance of work whose quality board! The more partners we have, the network will provide the technology and he has to assure. DANTE is now replacing the JUNIPER routers that lie at the heart of each PoP greater the range of monitoring information What is your role at DANTE? as they reach the end of their planned in-service life and this programme will continue in 2007. we can offer about the End-to-End circuits. Much of my current role is focused on service to support the evolving needs of

helping to establish the first End-to-End What do you do when you’re not A

researchers. GÉANT2 is a fundamental c Coordination Unit (E2ECU) for the research at DANTE? c o

networking community. The E2E circuits that u Having moved into a new house with a building block of the European n are now being implemented cross various t garden recently, I've taken up gardening with a operational domains, each of which can host b i

the usual passion of a hopeful if not always l

Research Area.” i a local measurement system. The E2ECU t successful novice. It's thrilling to pick fresh y engineers can now watch a monitoring salad that I've grown from seed and I recently system which uses data gathered from nursed my physalis plant back to life. The Measurement Points placed in each domain. next challenge will be a pond for the frogs Viviane Reding, that keep visiting! I also enjoy making my What are you most looking forward own bread and going to T'ai Chi Chuan Commissioner for the Information Society to in 2007? F

classes. i n

I’m very pleased to be working on the a

and Media, n

development of the E2ECU. 2007 will be the c

What would you have been in i a

year it really gets going with more NRENs another life? l European Commission R and research institutions getting involved, In another life, I would have been a technical e p

and it’s exciting to be a part of something author or trainer, or maybe an interior o r new. Now is also a time of change in the designer. t GÉANT2 network itself, with both a connectivity and router tender this year.

06 07 L e a d i n g e d g e t e c h n o l o g y

Matt Wright Peter G l

Nancollis Tim o b

Streater a l r e a c


DANTE’s role extends far beyond the GÉANT2 r l

Guy d network in Europe, delivering transnational c

Roberts l connections in other world regions, to bring a s s

added value to both European research and to e n

the countries within those regions. DANTE is g i n

actively involved with partners in every world e e r

region and this section reviews our major i n

activities in Latin America (ALICE), South East g Asia (TEIN2), the Mediterranean C

(EUMEDCONNECT) and North America (DICE), o l l as well as our achievements and progress in a b o

extending GÉANT2 connectivity to China r

Dale a t

and India. i Robertson o n & C o m m u n i t “Global challenges require global y solutions. DANTE is committed to helping C u

close the digital divide by bringing the s t o m

benefit of advanced communications e r f o

technology to regions of the world that c u do not yet enjoy its huge advantages.” s

Dai Davies, A c c

General Manager, o u n t a

DANTE b i l i t y F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t

08 09 L e a d i n g e d g e t

The challenges of ALICE - reaching e c h n

global reach to Latin America o l o g y There are many challenges to overcome in # Infrastructure extending advanced internet connectivity to new world regions. Different regulatory # Education regimes for communications can throw up Development G

# l obstacles to building, maintaining and o b a

extending high capacity networks, for example l

ALICE (America Latina Interconectada Con r in countries where telecoms operators have e Europa) is the project responsible for creating a c monopolies and can be slow or unresponsive h RedCLARA – the first regional research and to innovation. These obstacles can also have education network for Latin America. severe cost implications: in some regions the RedCLARA connects regional researchers to cost of a 34 Mbps connection can be as much each other and connects them with their as the cost of a 10 Gbps link in others, making counterparts in Europe and around the world W it more expensive for these regions to o r

via a connection to GÉANT2. Involving 23 Latin l capitalise on research opportunities. d American and European partners, RedCLARA c l a

went live in 2004 and has stimulated the s Geography also makes a difference, as DANTE s development of many NRENs in the region. e n

extends its reach into world regions where g i n

inhospitable terrain and extremes of weather e

Since its launch researchers in 750 universities e make it more difficult to establish and r i

across 12 Latin American countries have n maintain high tech networks than it is in g enjoyed the benefits of closer collaboration If a volcano could sing … T@lemed - visiting the e-doctor Europe. The implementation of the ORIENT with their regional colleagues and with C

link, the first ever to take the overland o

European partners through the interconnection The ability to predict volcanic eruptions has always eluded mankind. Whilst not solving the RedCLARA has demonstrated that it is possible to bring first class healthcare to remote l l trans-Siberian route, demonstrates what can a of GÉANT2 and RedCLARA. RedCLARA is itself age-old problem, the interconnection between GÉANT2 and RedCLARA is helping scientists regions of Brazil where small communities can support a local health centre but have no b be achieved in less than favourable o access to specialists. T@lemed uses the power of RedCLARA to bring specialist medical r a partnership – between ALICE’s regional understand more about volcanic eruptions. The EELA (E-Infrastructure shared between Europe a t

geographic conditions. i partners, DANTE, CLARA – Latin America’s and Latin America) sponsored project collects geophysical information on seismic movements services to these small communities. Installed at the local clinic is portable scanning o that is translated into audible sound waves and can be ‘scored’ as music. The ‘scores’ from equipment that can be used to help detect conditions from pregnancy to cancer. And, using n research networking organisation – and the &

With the support of the European Commission different volcanoes can be compared and analysed for similarities that can help volcanologists Brazil’s research network RNP, the local doctor is able to transfer images to a hospital in a C

NRENs of France (RENATER), Italy (GARR), o and the NRENs, DANTE is using its experience understand the conditions that precede eruptions and so help in predicting them. regional centre and to discuss the case in real-time with a specialist. Using RedCLARA, the m Portugal (FCCN) and Spain (RedIRIS) – with information can be forwarded to other hospitals in Latin America for expert diagnosis. m

and expertise to address these difficulties. u

more due to join, including Bolivia’s NREN. The technique was developed to analyse ‘Il gigante buono’ – Mount Etna in Sicily – and this year n i

DANTE is also supporting overseas NRENs as t was extended for use on Tungurahua in Ecuador. Scientists in Europe – at the Italian Institute of y they move to take fuller responsibility for www.dante.net Managed by DANTE, ALICE is seen by the EU Nuclear Physics and in the University of Catania – are sharing data over the RedCLARA and their own networking to develop their own www..net as one of the projects critical to resolving the GÉANT2 networks using a 622 Mbps transatlantic connection to collaborate with colleagues www.eu-eela.org intra-country connections. studying Tungurahua. www.alis-telemed.net

digital divide – the gap between the haves and C u

have-nots of the information age. The success s t o

of ALICE has been recognised by the EU, which RedCLARA Topology Map m e

has decided to contribute further co-funding r f until the end of March 2008, so extending the o c u

project and enabling it to continue promoting s regional integration. In 2007 CLARA will gain greater independence and take greater “The firm foundation for “Since connecting to responsibility for building a sustainable research that ALICE has built RedCLARA in April 2005, we regional research network community. is demonstrating the benefits have seen significant benefits of collaboration for global and from collaboration with our A c

regional development, colleagues across the region. c o u

benefiting the wider By working together in areas n t a

community through initiatives such as crop science we have b i l i

such as monitoring climate been able to contribute to t y change, telemedicine and several major regional e-learning. This work is a initiatives.” reference model for those beginning to build research Joaquin Guerrero,

communities in other former President, F i n

geographical regions.” RAAP, a n c i

Peru a l

Antonio Crespo, R e p

@lis programme co-ordinator, o r European Commission t

10 11 L e a d i n g e d g e t

TEIN2 - reaching to e c h n

the Far East o l o g y Connecting East and West

TEIN2 (Trans-Eurasia Information Network) is responsible for extending the expertise of the G l well-established Asian NRENs – like those of o b a

Japan, Korea and China – to countries such as l r Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines whose e a c research networking capacity is less well h developed. The project has created the first large-scale research and education network for the Asia-Pacific region. It connects regional researchers with each other and with their W counterparts in Europe via GÉANT2, providing o r l a gateway for global research collaboration. d c l “Collaboration between a TEIN2 surgical training s

EUMEDCONNECT NETWORK s Initiated in 2004, in operation in early 2006 Europe and Asia is increasingly e n

and funded until 2008, the TEIN2 network is g

critical to solving global issues, i n

managed by DANTE, working in collaboration e

such as climate change and e with regional partners and the European r i health threats.” Launched at the Asia-Europe Meeting • Teleconsultations between the Royal EUMEDCONNECT is co-funded by the European n NRENs of France (RENATER), the Netherlands g (ASEM) in September 2006, TEIN2 is another Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia EUMEDCONNECT Commission’s EUMEDIS Programme until late (SURFnet) the United Kingdom (UKERNA) and demonstration of DANTE’s ability to deploy and the National Children’s Hospital in 2007. Six of the EUMEDCONNECT partners took Benita Ferrero-Waldner, - Reaching to the C Australia. As well as funding from the EU, Hanoi, Vietnam the first step towards forming an association of o regional networks based on the European l l TEIN2 also receives support from Japan, EU Commissioner for a model of co-operation. Linking the national • Medical education services including Mediterranean Mediterranean NRENS at a meeting in Rome b Korea, Singapore and Australia. o External Relations r

networks of ten countries - China, Indonesia, streaming high quality video of live surgery during September 2006. The ‘Rome Declaration’ a t i Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, to medical students in classrooms sited was signed by the NRENs of Algeria, Egypt, o

The EUMEDCONNECT project has created the n

Thailand, Vietnam and Australia - TEIN2 is remotely first research and education network for the Jordan, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories & C

transferring expertise and extending the • Disaster warning, oceanographic research Mediterranean region. The 11 project partners and Syria. o m

benefits of research networking to large parts and climate modelling studies with earth - Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Malta, m u

of Asia. The collaboration is another example scientists from across the earthquake-prone Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Syria, n i t of how high-speed networks are helping to regions of Asia-Pacific Tunisia and Turkey - are connected and y create an effective global research community. benefiting from an IP network running at speeds up to 622 Mbps. This infrastructure is TEIN2 Topology Map

With powerful network links now in place, helping to reduce the disparities that exist C u

academics in Asia-Pacific have an unparalleled between the Mediterranean and European s t o

ability to participate in world class regions, and increase academic collaboration, m e

collaborative research projects. Many of the effectively extending the European r f “TEIN2 represents a substantial “TEIN2 validates the European applications supported by TEIN2 (Trans-Eurasia o

Research Area. c u

ASEM effort that we are proud Union’s strategy for promoting Information Network), are of high societal s to have been involved with global connectivity by impact, bringing tangible benefits to the since its inception at the supporting a regional general population as well as the scientific ASEM 3 Summit in Seoul in backbone and interconnecting community. TEIN2 is already supporting several important collaborations: 2000. The network has clearly it to GÉANT2, linking A demonstrated the positive Asia-Pacific to Europe Looking ahead c c benefits it brings to the region. and beyond.” o u n

Extending it further across Now that TEIN2 is deployed, the priority t a

is to promote its use, to extend further its b i

Asia can only be a good thing, Geoffrey Barrett, l i

geographic scope within the region and to t y and I look forward to ASEM Coordinator of the ensure its sustainability at least until 2008. collaborating with additional European Commission To help achieve these objectives, DANTE countries using TEIN2 has appointed a full-time consultant to and GÉANT2.” work with the NRENs as a catalyst in the development of international applications. F i His Excellency, n a n

Mr Rho Jun-hyong, www.tein2.net c i a

Korean Minister for Information l R e and Communication p o r t

12 13 L e a d i n g e d g The GeMed Network and the “Without the access to e t

Linking to India Linking to China North America Africa e EUMED CANCER project bandwidth that EUMEDCONNECT c h n

provides, sharing research David West, o l

The GeMed (Genetic Medicine) Network o knowledge and expertise was DANTE has strengthened its long established Project Manager, g – hosted and connected by EUMEDCONNECT y difficult and slow. By enabling relationships with its partners in North DANTE and supported by the European Genetics America with the formation of DICE (DANTE, Foundation and the EUMEDIS programme easy access to specialist , CANARIE and ESnet). The – is helping to train health professionals by research and training modules partnership has contributed extensively to providing specialised courses and practical and events, EUMEDCONNECT G l

research activities on network performance o workshops online. A network of clinical is helping to uplift the b monitoring and reviews configuration plans for a l geneticists is being established to provide understanding and practice r GÉANT2’s interconnections to North America, e mutual help in diagnosing problem cases. a of clinicians to the direct c

making it a fully integrated part of the global h The GeMed network also enables testing benefit of patients We reported last year on our groundbreaking research community. Currently there are four GÉANT2 has been connected to South Africa’s and comparison of new technologies for the India’s ERNET became the latest NREN to throughout the region.” work to foster closer collaboration with 10 Gbps connections spanning the Atlantic. Tertiary Education Network (TENET) since laboratory diagnosis of genetic diseases benefit from high-speed global connectivity, researchers in China and are proud this year Amsterdam, London and Paris all connected to 2004 via its London PoP. EUMEDCONNECT’s prevalent in the Mediterranean region. as communication links between India and to have created the first direct link through , and an additional link connects connection to GÉANT2 has now altered the Dr Michele Bianco, Europe went live in October 2006. DANTE W the ORIENT project (Oriental Research Frankfurt and Washington. These connect to landscape for research networking in countries o

European Genetics Foundation r

and ERNET co-ordinated work on the 45 Mbps l Infrastructure to European Networks). the GÉANT2 PoP in New York with onward in North Africa. Momentum is building behind d

link, facilitated by Telecom Italia in Milan and c l

Whilst China is also a member of the TEIN2 connectivity to the Abilene Network, to initiatives to improve connectivity in southern a VSNL in Mumbai which enables universities, s www.eumedconnect.net consortium, the ORIENT link offers the highest ESnet and to CANARIE in Canada. and eastern Africa too. GÉANT2 has recently s and academic and research institutes in India e bandwidth direct connection between China reached agreement with the UbuntuNet n g

to collaborate on a global level. i and Europe. ORIENT is a networking first Alliance – an association of African NRENs n e e

–deploying the first ever overland – for a similar approach to TENET, connecting r i n

trans-Siberian connection between China to GÉANT2 from a new UbuntuNet router to g and the West. be located in London. Research networking in

“GÉANT2’s partnership with Africa has only recently begun to be addressed C New link stimulates o l l

ERNET is an invaluable step Collaborative work funded jointly from China in a concerted manner and efforts are focused a b

new projects and Europe has lead to the installation of a on how to address the connectivity needs of o

EUMED cancer project towards the advancement of r a

2.5 Gbps direct link between the two regions. other parts of the continent. t India’s information society. i - EUIndiaGrid o ORIENT now connects GÉANT2 with the n

India’s ability to communicate &

Chinese research and education community C

EUMED CANCER – the Euro-Mediterranean and share expertise with ERNET’s partnership with GÉANT2 has given global.dante.net o and is the product of collaboration between Internet2 – the US equivalent of DANTE – is David West has been What was your highlight of 2006? m network for Genetic Medicine and Cancer m researchers in Europe and rise to the EUIndiaGrid initiative, a consortium the EU, DANTE, the Chinese NREN CERNET following GÉANT2’s lead in the deployment of a The key success was working on the u

Prevention – is the first major deployment beyond is a positive step for of Italian, Indian and British research and with DANTE for six promotional programme for TEIN2, which has n and six European NRENs. hybrid network with dark fibre, an initiative that i t of this approach and encompasses both y India’s integration into the industrial partners that aims to develop the will further strengthen US-EU research potential. years, supporting the been recognised and applauded by Heads of specialised training of health professionals wider research community current Indian grid infrastructure to the point Several important scientific programmes are development of regional State and Ministers in both Europe and Asia in line with the European School of Genetic where it is interoperable with Europe’s peer as a major success and a project that they and will also help to stem the already taking advantage of the expansion in research networks in the should continue to support. Medicine’s approach to Genetic Medicine and grid project, EGEE (the Enabling Grid for C migration of scientists and global research capability brought about by u

Cancer Genetics, and is a response to specific Mediterranean and North s

E-Science). The link is already being used for t students from India.” the new link. These include work in the fields Who do you work with? o needs raised by countries in the region. m collaborative research with CERN connecting of radio astronomy, meteorology, high energy Africa and in Asia and I work with an amazing microcosm of world e directly to the Tata Institute of Fundamental their connection to cultures and experiences but we all share a r

physics and cosmic ray detection. The f Dr Gulshan Rai, o Research in Mumbai to transfer huge EUChinaGrid – China’s e-Science grid common purpose in making the world more c

GÉANT2. u Executive Director, volumes of experimental data. computing project – also expects to gain accessible for researchers, academics and s ERNET from being able to work with its students. counterparts around the world. What is your role at DANTE? My role is to help research networking What do you do when you’re not develop in key parts of the world and gives at DANTE? me the chance to make a real difference. I spend time trying to control nature – www.dante.net/orient working dutifully to tame my beautiful but A I manage the EUMEDCONNECT programme c wild garden. This can be both tiring and c which links NRENs in North Africa and the o u

Middle East to each other and to Europe’s thirsty work and it is fortunate that there n t

is a local English country pub nearby. a

research networks, and TEIN2, which b i l

connects both developed and developing i t countries in East Asia. My job is whatever What would you have been in y is required – sometimes I’m dealing with another life? technical issues or administrative work, In another life I’d have been a guitarist in DANTE in action – reaching to China but more often I’m acting as a commercial a famous rock and roll band. negotiator with suppliers or as a diplomat, bringing different people together in a

The ORIENT project works because the partners have learnt to function as an effective team. F i In January 2007 an important meeting took place between CERNET, DANTE and GARR, common cause. n a n

together with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Commission. c i Regular video conferences have been initiated and a successful project meeting was held in a l Brussels in April 2007. It is also vital for the project partners to engage with the user R e p

community. ORIENT has been represented at meetings of the EUChinaGrid and EXPReS (Radio o r

Astronomy) projects and a wide range of current and potential users have been identified. t

14 15 L e a d i n g e d g e t e c h n o l o g y Rachael Beale G l

Karin o b

Bane a l r e a c

WORLD CLASS h ENGINEERING W o r l d c l a s s e n

Xavier g i n

Martin Rivas e e r i

Hayley n Martin g C o l l a b o r a t i o n & C o m m u n i t Maurizio “Delivering tomorrow’s networking y Molina technology relies on world-class C u

engineering expertise. DANTE’s s t o m

international engineering team e r f o

generates groundbreaking research c u results. Transition to service – turning s leading-edge lab solutions into leading-edge user services – is just A c c

as great a challenge and one we take o u n t a

very seriously indeed.” b i l i t y Roberto Sabatino, Chief Technical Officer, F i

DANTE n a n c i a l R e p o r t

16 17 L e a d i n g e d g

Network performance Bandwidth on demand – creating Testbed and technology testing Roaming and authorisation e t

The GÉANT2 Network security e

measurement and monitoring AutoBAHNs for research traffic c h

There is little value in devising new tools and To achieve the vision of a truly open European n joint research o l Analysing performance in global research In an online world, network security is of Dedicated capacity is now offered within techniques if you cannot be sure they will add Research Area, individual researchers need to o g programme networks is complex. Any single path between paramount importance. The security research GÉANT2 via point-to-point connections. Taking value rather than complexity or further be able to log on to the network wherever they y two end points might run through a variety of activity focuses on enabling GÉANT2 and the this concept a stage further is AutoBAHN, the difficulties. To ensure this is the case for all are working and access their resources, As well as designing, deploying and domains – university networks, backbone and NRENs to take a more proactive and research activity looking at “Bandwidth on network elements, this research activity wherever on the network they are located. maintaining GÉANT2 and other networks, national networks as well as GÉANT2. And co-operative approach to security, in line with Demand”. “Bandwidth on Demand” services aim focuses on the development of a testbed to The goal of this research activity is to create there could be an even wider range of policies, the ‘end-to-end’ philosophy that characterises to deliver truly flexible networking where satisfy the need for methodical testing of all one seamless resource in which the many G DANTE and the NRENS together run a joint l o

monitoring tools and network information research networking. The key elements are: users can automatically reserve the bandwidth the technologies and techniques developed interconnected networks are invisible to users b

programme of research and development that a l takes new networking technologies all the way collection methods in use, creating confusion they need, as and when they need it. for use with GÉANT2. but where access to confidential project data r e

rather than clarity when investigating faults AutoBAHN aims to engineer, automate and remains strictly controlled. a from concept to service. This programme is at • Securing GÉANT2 network elements through c the forefront of research in advanced and other network performance issues. design and implementation of recommended streamline the setup of dedicated capacity Incorporating gigabit IP routers and switches h communications technology, generally well in access and usage policies end-to-end paths, in a multi-domain, and dense wavelength division multiplexing The key to achieving this is to build advance of the marketplace, and helps foster This research activity is developing a solution. • Building proactive security services, such as multi-technology environment, like the NREN (DWDM) transmission equipment to match interoperable systems that allow ‘roaming a culture of co-operation between the NRENs. Using network-independent tools, it collects a events databases, anomaly detection and community. The potential benefits of this type performance of the live network, the testbed access’ by verifying users’ identities and rights Carefully structured and user-centred, the wider set of performance data and network mitigation of denial-of-service attacks of service, which gives the user greater control provides an effective environment for (authentication) and granting access to W o r

management information that presents data • Drawing up a proposal for a common of their networking needs, are huge, but it implementing next-generation architectures. resources as appropriate (authorisation). l

research programme is designed to deliver d

tailored to the user and can be used by NRENs, approach and processes for co-ordinating relies on cross collaboration from across the c

the tools engineers need to get the most l a

the Performance Enhancement and Response responses to security issues entire NREN community. Currently, AutoBAHN Although the facility is being built to support A major output of this research activity is s from working with GÉANT2. s

Team (PERT) and high-volume users to monitor has been successfully piloted across the development in GÉANT2, it is also available the EduRoam confederation service, a e n g

network performance. The user community is strongly involved in this GÉANT2 testbed, GRNET (Greece) and HEAnet to other projects supported by the EU’s pan-European infrastructure based on i The results of this research would count for perfSONAR training session n (Ireland). AutoBAHN will be extended to more Framework Programme. authentication at the home institution and e little if they remained on the test bench. work to ensure that the toolset will reflect the e r i DANTE puts considerable effort into ‘transition For more information on the PERT, please see unique multi-domain, multi-managed NRENs, and a transatlantic trial is being authorisation at the visited establishment. n g to service’ – delivering research activities from the Customer Focus section. DANTE in Action – training the trainers on perfSONAR environment that research networks developed with colleagues in North America. Aimed at NREN-based EduRoam federations operate within. – the participating NREN constituencies – it the labs to the users and ensuring they C

perfSONAR The first GÉANT2 training workshop was held at DFN’s (the German NREN) offices in Berlin. Complementary to AutoBAHN is the Advanced will provide network access at any of the o understand and can use the new tools. l l The aim of the event was to train an initial group of potential trainers, and also to carry out a Transition to service is as important as the Multi-Domain Provisioning System (AMPS). federations’ sites. Powering this service is b o

important beta testing of the training materials and course, which will deliver practical r research itself, not just for GÉANT2 in Europe, The result of the research into network This aims to expand GEANT2’s Premium IP EduGAIN –the enabling technology that acts a training in the perfSONAR suite of network monitoring tools. t i but also across DANTE’s other regional measurement and monitoring is the service throughout its connected networks. as a bridge between the federations. EduGAIN o n networks. perfSONAR suite of software and tools. DANTE The three-day course was designed to support the perfSONAR pilot programme, and to AMPS will be the inter-domain IP QoS offers three important elements to users – the & C

and GÉANT2 engineers have been founding equip participants with the knowledge and high quality course materials that they will need management system where reservations are trust fabric so that a user can be sure of safe o m

Joint research activities partners in this worldwide collaboration, to cascade user training on the installation and use of the perfSONAR suite. The not made “on demand” but in advance. To access; the technology to make roaming m u

building and deploying an inter-domain success of the course was due to solid collaboration between TERENA, DANTE and the ensure scalability, AMPS is distributed, with authentication possible; and the service n i t The current joint research activity (JRA) infrastructure to make network monitoring participating NREN partners. only one system per participating network, which authorises a user’s rights to access y programme concentrates particularly on more transparent and more user friendly. and each system peers with just its neighbours. his or her home environment. extending advanced services across the AMPS has been developed by GRNet, PSNC

GÉANT2 and NREN networks and the (Poland) and DANTE. Test instances have been C u following summaries cover the activities successfully deployed, temporarily, in ESnet in s t o of each of the joint research teams. the US. Plans exist for a pilot multi-domain m e

service between France, Slovenia, Lithuania r f Individual networks use their own tools for and Ireland. o c u

routine performance monitoring and s perfSONAR acts as an intermediate software layer between these tools and the diagnostic applications utilising the data collected. perfSONAR is deployed worldwide with implementations in Europe, Latin America A

and the US, and regular workshops and c c o

development courses bring together engineers u n t

from across the NRENs. The collaboration is a b

now creating training and deployment i l i t programmes – to give guidance and advice to y those NRENs wishing to install perfSONAR within their own domains.

www.perfsonar.net F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t

18 19 L e a

First GÉANT2 d i n g

technical workshop e d g e t e

In January 2006, the first ever GÉANT2 c h

technical workshop brought some 180 n o l

project partner users and engineers Peter Webster, o g

together at DANTE’s HQ in Cambridge to Training Manager, y participate in development workshops DANTE and cross-topic discussions. Participants heard status updates from all the

research activities and had the chance G l o

to discuss achievements and future b a l

developments with NREN r e

representatives. Since then, workshops a c have been held twice a year to h encourage cross-collaboration amongst the research activities as new services are developed. W o r l www.geant2.net/research d c l a s s e n g i n e e r i n g C o l l a b o r a t i o n & C o Peter Webster recently Who do you work with? m I’m in daily contact with a wide range of m u

joined DANTE as its first people - engineers, research activity leaders n i t dedicated Training and NREN staff – from many different y Manager, to support the countries and I’ve been really pleasantly surprised to find just how multi-national ‘transition to service’ DANTE is. I also work closely with DANTE’s C

technical author, Ian Thomson and with a u

initiative. s t

colleague in TERENA, Jim Buddin, who is o providing valuable event and logistics m e expertise and support for the training r What is your role at DANTE? f o

My role at DANTE is to plan, organise and programme. c u deliver technical training in support of the s GÉANT2 project. My particular focus is What do you do when you’re not introducing our NREN partners to the new at DANTE? products, tools and services that the joint Two young children make certain I don’t have research activity teams have produced. a chance to get bored but I also make time This ‘transition to service’ process will help for music, playing guitar in a duet. A

all GÉANT2 users – from NREN specialists to c What would you have been in c their end users in research and academic o u

institutions across Europe - gain the benefits another life? n t

I had ambitions to study history but life a

of the latest network management tools b i

has its twists and turns – who knows, the l

and techniques. i t

opportunity may come again! y

What are you looking forward to in 2007? Whilst GÉANT2 was in development, training needs were addressed as they arose. Now F i

GÉANT2 is operational, we need to share n a

best practices and develop a consistency of n c i

approach, so 2007 will see the rollout of our a l

first face-to-face training programme. We R e

have already identified ‘perfSONAR installa - p o

tion and use’ and ‘defining standards and r t processes for PERT’ as topics.

20 21 A year in pictures

T he “ Test ing T sbon echn t, Li olog Summi y” t LAC eam EU- t the N2! E a TEI ALIC ver ve o Döbbeling and Vasilis Maglaris cut the ed li Hans ream eam y st G ANT2 birthday cake NAR t urger É erfSO S the p Th JRA1, e Bandwid th-on-De n the mand res hevers ma earchers nd John C JR Kirkman a A2 Ruth t d ac NT2 stan kle G A “S É ec uri ty”

I ST 2 00 6, perfS He ONAR a Ecuadorian N lsi ctivity l REN, CEDI nki eader Ni A celebrates , F colas Sim connection to new inl ar RedCLARA and

L aunc Te N2 hing ch TEI Ec wor ver uado ksh ne o r’s op edici new coll telem netw abo Live gang ork rat uGAIN ion The ed Anand Patil explains his research at TNC2006

Fire ots of Chari on the takes DANTE

anek, Fabi G rnard Viet AN , Be nam É T2 fficer co at ect o 06 nnec IS proj NC20 ts T2 EC at T to 006 out TEI helping N2!

Th e G ANT É 2 Exec C ommittee erlin in B elsinki shop am in H work unch te The ing shop N2 La PERT crew rain Work e TEI R t Tech Th ONA the erfS s at st p discus fir ates The Deleg Tech W orkshop delega tes in action Networking G ANT2-style a C É t TNC2006, atania, Italy

22 23 L e a d i n g

e d g e

t e c h n o l o g y Matthew Scott



r e a c h Roberto Scientific research has always involved Marian Sabatino practical collaboration between scientists Garcia Vidondo working on similar problems in many different

parts of the world, but geographical barriers W o

have often hampered the effectiveness of such r l d

partnerships. Interconnected national research c l networks have transformed this picture and a s

Sam s

are making routine global collaboration an e

Kyakilika n everyday reality. g

Otto i n e

Kreiter e r

Stronger scientific collaboration has a parallel i n

amongst the organisations that build and op - g erate research networks. DANTE, the NRENs C

and their peer organisations around the world o l l are developing strong collaborative links at all a b

Michael o

levels of their work – at the practical level, the r a

Enrico t

policy level and the promotional level. i o n


C o m m u n i t “Our successes are built upon strong y collaboration with partners across the C u

international arena. Such cooperation s t o m

is fundamental to creating a first class e r

f o

service for the research and c u education community” s

Hans Döbbeling, A c c

General Manager, o u n t a

DANTE b i l i t y F i n a n c i a l

R e p o r t

24 25 L e a d i n g

e d g

The successor project to SEEREN was launched e


Practical e

in 2005. SEEREN2 is led by GRNET (the NREN c h

in Greece) and is a partnership between DANTE, n collaboration Milos Karapandzic, o l

TERENA, NIIF (Hungary), RoEduNet (Romania), o

Project Manager, g – working together ISTF/BREN (Bulgaria), AMREJ and UoM/MREN y GÉANT2 to extend the (Montenegro), MARNET (Macedonia), ASA/INIMA (Albania) and BIHARNET (Bosnia research and Herzegovina). SEEREN2 aims to ease the

digital divide that still separates most of the G l community o south-eastern European countries from the b a l

rest of the continent. r e a c The GÉANT2 joint research Russia h programme The three Russian NRENs have agreed to form DANTE and the NRENs together run a joint a single representative body to facilitate their programme of research and development to participation in GÉANT2. Improving W o take advanced networking technologies all EARNEST meeting (copyright TERENA) r

connectivity to Russia and developing eastern l d

the way from concept to service. As well as European networking is important to DANTE c l a ensuring that GÉANT2 remains at the forefront and we are planning to establish a PoP in s s of its field, the programme helps promote a Moscow to make it easier to connect to the e Building the future of research networking n culture of co-operation between its g

wider Asian research community via our i Policy collaboration DANTE is contributing its expertise to the CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (copyright CERN) n participants. For detail of the activities that existing trans-Siberian link to China, ORIENT. e e

EARNEST study which consists of seven r make up the joint research programme, please - helping determine i n

work areas examining: g see the World Class Engineering section. Ukraine the future of DANTE in Action – collaboration with CERN

• Researchers’ needs – assessing the services C TERENA DANTE has welcomed URAN (the Ukrainian European research CERN’s Large Hadron Collider is the largest scientific instrument on the planet and its core o l l users expect from research networks in 5 to experiment is the largest undertaken in the history of scientific endeavour, expected to produce a Research and Academic Network) to the b networking 10 years’ time and examining the impact of o

around 15 million gigabytes of data every year. Handling this amount of data – analysing, r

European NREN community as the a

recent developments in infrastructure and archiving and making it all available to around 5000 researchers in some 500 institutes t i representative for the Ukraine. URAN is o services on research in various disciplines worldwide – is a gigantic undertaking, requiring in the order of 100,000 CPUs. The LHC n

installing a link to Poznan, in Poland, from &

Computing Project has chosen an innovative globally distributed model for the task – a EARNEST C where they will establish connection with computing grid. o DANTE’s sister organisation is TERENA • Technical issues – focusing on transmission Milos Karapandzic Who do you work with? m GÉANT2 with an interface supplied by the m technologies, control planes, operations and My key working contacts in the EC are with (Trans-European Research and Education As part of its work on GÉANT2, DANTE is u project. DANTE Chairman Klaus Ullmann wrote The entire enterprise rests on the ability of the research networking community to provide the joined DANTE as project the recently renamed “E-infrastructures and n performance, and middleware i collaborating on the TERENA-led EARNEST t Networking Association). TERENA is the to Ukraine's Vice-Premier Minister in February: necessary bandwidth, as well as the support and security that LHC needs. DANTE is a key player manager on the original GÉANT2” unit in the EC’s Information Society y organisation that brings together the European "It is very encouraging to see that URAN has Foresight study (Education and Research in this worldwide collaboration, and is responsible for the operation and implementation of the • Campus network issues – looking at GÉANT project and directorate. I work with managers, engineers NRENs in a partnership to discuss and resolve your support for its activities and for its Networking Evolution Study). Running until LHC Optical Private Network (OPN). and civil servants from across the European the technical issues arising in the development October 2007, the project provides inputs for bottlenecks, provision of network services, brings continuity, networking scene and also act as secretary

connection to GÉANT2 ... I am taking steps to C

initiatives to help keep European research rolling out IPv6, training network staff and The network topology supporting the LHC Computing Project brings together 12 NRENs as to the NREN Executive Committee which u of a high-quality European networking open discussions with URAN to find the most professionalism and s

first tier distribution points (two in the US, and one in each of Taiwan, Switzerland, Italy, France, t infrastructure. DANTE is an associate member networking at the forefront of worldwide collaborating with other infrastructure oversees the project, and to the Policy o effective way to facilitate interconnection m providers Germany, Holland, Scandinavia, Spain, UK and Canada), and substantially more organisations at depth of experience to Committee which discusses emerging network of TERENA and our activities are separate but developments and to enhance the e and will recommend to the GÉANT2 Policy lower tiers. The size and complexity of the project is mirrored in the complex collaboration that r

managing GÉANT2. needs, future directions and priorities. Having a f complementary. Within the GÉANT2 project, Committee that URAN is connected as soon as competitiveness of the European Research has been established between the research networking organisations that are essential to o • Economic issues – examining key trends clear ‘big picture’ overview means I can provide c TERENA leads the activity concerned with Area. EARNEST is a forum bringing together its success. u

technically possible. I hope that we can make s in the availability and cost of fibre and in useful information, advice and guidance to NREN development and support. rapid progress in welcoming Ukraine into the managers and technical specialists working in What is your role at DANTE? national approaches to pricing and colleagues on how best to address problems European research networking community." European research networking. The study is To make this happen effectively requires close working relationships between stakeholders My role is to keep the GÉANT2 project on and resolve issues when they arise. SEEREN2 preparing the ground for the development of cost-sharing at strategic, technical and operational levels. Key DANTE personnel are involved in a number track so I have to maintain an overview of of long term working groups delivering the capability that CERN needs for the success of DICE the research networking infrastructure beyond all project activities and progress, including What do you do when you’re not GÉANT2 and is looking at researchers’ needs • Geographic issues – investigating the the LHC. research and development and network at DANTE?

impact of overall national and regional build. My personal responsibilities include I’m away travelling, preferably somewhere A

and at technical, campus, economic, c project-level budgetary and administrative with sea and sand. Or else I’m playing sports, c geographic, organisational and policies and priorities with a view to better o matters and maintaining good working u understanding the challenges especially basketball. In quieter moments, n

governance issues. t

relationships with the European Commission I enjoy films and good theatre. a b

DANTE is a partner in SEEREN2 (South Eastern i

on contracts, contractual amendments and l i

• Organisational and governance issue s t Europe Research and Education Network), the DICE is a collaborative group covering North on reporting progress on deliverables. What would you have been in y – suggesting improvements in the planning second generation research and education America in which DANTE works with three another life? and delivery of new services network serving South East Europe, bringing other advanced networking organisations What was your highlight of 2006? My early ambition was to be a marine to the region the benefits of belonging to the – Internet2 (US) CANARIE (Canada) and ESnet It was rewarding to see the many years of biologist. Coming from a landlocked country • Other users’ needs – analysing in greater hard work that DANTE and the European like Serbia, I’ve always been fascinated by European Research Area. (US). DICE builds on earlier transatlantic depth user groups outside research and NRENs have invested in GÉANT2 culminate in the seas and open oceans.

co-operation, holding regular technical F

its recognition as Europe’s flagship research i

education – their needs and how NRENs n

meetings that provide the opportunity to e-infrastructure in the FP7 programme. a respond n discuss issues of common interest, helping c www.perfsonar.net i a l

build a more complete picture of the R e

international context in which research p o

networks operate. Three joint DICE workshops r t have been held during the year and there is continuing routine collaboration in specific areas within GÉANT2’s technical programme. 26 27 L e a d i n g

e d g e

t e c

CUSTOMER h n o l Peter o

FOCUS g Webster y

Jean Delivering networks and connectivity is Simon Reynolds DANTE’s main business but making sure that G l Watts users can exploit the technologies and also o b a

rectify any operational issues that arise are l

r e

both crucial elements in DANTE’s end-to-end a c

service. DANTE offers advice on network h solutions and resource management.

Our customer focus is expressed in two

main ways. First, through the quality of user W o

support that we offer to both NRENs and r l d

academic and research institutions and to c l major projects. Responsive and helpful user a s s

support services help to increase the value e n

Loukik partners and users gain from accessing our g i n

Kudarimoti networks. Second, we seek to raise awareness e e r

of our networks, services and activities i n

through the communications and publicity g materials that we produce. Good C

communications help to promote end user o l l uptake of new facilities and to encourage a b o

participation in further developments and r a t

in research work. i o n

Anton &

Antonov C o m m u n i t “DANTE supplies much more than y Julie network connectivity. We are extending

Ball C u

our portfolio of services to provide s t o m

support and guidance for network e r

f o

users, enabling and enhancing their c u research potential.” s

Dale Robertson, A c c

Public Relations Manager, o u n t a

DANTE b i l i t y F i n a n c i a l

R e p o r t

28 29 L e a d i n g

e d g

DANTE World Service e

t User support DEISA e c

Project support h n

services o l services DEISA – Distributed European o g

Infrastructure for Supercomputer y Performance and Enhancement Applications – is a production quality, Response Team CERN’s Large Hadron Collider distributed European supercomputing experiment environment running across Europe. Research networks and the computer It provides leading scientific users with G

CERN, the high energy physics institute transparent access to a pool of European l end-systems connected to them are o located in Switzerland, investigates the high performance computing facilities. b distinguished by their high performance a l

behaviour of fundamental particles and is r and advanced services. The user community e building its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to DEISA is building a continent-wide a c expects correspondingly high levels of simulate the aftermath of the Big Bang, an supercomputing grid to provide a h performance and DANTE has set up a experiment expected to produce some 15 distributed terascale computing facility. Performance Enhancement and Response million gigabytes of data every year. This will be used to power research in Team (PERT) to deal with less than optimum Together with its partners, DANTE has areas such as Cosmology, Fusion end-system performance on a case by case established an optical private network to Research and Environmental Sciences. W basis. PERT – a group of network specialists distribute LHC data to 12 primary sites o r

NRENs connecting to GÉANT2 have worldwide and supports the project by DANTE is guaranteeing the GÉANT2 l committed to helping users gain the best d

connectivity to all other European NRENs, monitoring network status across all capacity needed for the project and c l possible performance from their networking a

but not necessarily to the public Internet. connected domains. DEISA’s ambitious plans are based on the s s

– consists of a rotating team of GÉANT2 case For a variety of commercial or other reasons, provision of further GÉANT2 dedicated e managers enhanced by a pool of specialists n The LHC Computing Project – charged connections running at up to 10 Gbps, the g

NRENs may not be able to organise their own i drawn from the networking community first three of which have been delivered in n connections to the Internet and DANTE has with safely handling this huge volume of e 2006. The consortium deploys and e at large. data – has decided on a distributed r i established a service that makes this possible. operates an environment in which the n

computing model for the task – a g DANTE World Service is based on GÉANT2’s Many end-systems are not optimised for computing grid. The success of the grid aggregated power of 21,900 processors connection to two Service Providers with rests heavily on the underlying networks, had reached 145 teraflops by mid-2006. Europe’s high capacity, long distance C worldwide connectivity – Level3 and Telia o

with GÉANT2 at the core of the endeavour. l l networks – fitting a gigabit ethernet card a

– at a total of six interconnection points. DANTE and its partners provide essential DEISA’s principal activity is to b to a computer, for example, does not o support to this major customer. co-ordinate the environment of existing r

Traffic destined for these providers exits a automatically enable it to facilitate data at t

supercomputing power to enable new, i GÉANT2 at the closest point to its entry, and o that rate. But the reasons – and the solutions For more information about LHC, ground-breaking applications in n

return traffic enters GÉANT2 at the closest &

computational sciences. Structured as a

– can be quite subtle and need expert please see the Collaboration & C

point to the NREN. Several NRENs connect layer on top of national supercomputing o intervention to resolve. PERT provides that Community section. m

directly to Level3 and Telia routers on m expertise and is part of DANTE’s commitment services and coexisting with them, the u

accesses procured by DANTE as part of infrastructure requires coordination n to helping users get the best possible i t

the overall service. between participating supercomputing y service from GÉANT2. environments to ensure both efficiency and performance. C

The systems that comprise DEISA are u s

interconnected by means of dedicated t o

10 Gbps links provided by the NRENs and m e

GÉANT2. This network and its powerful r

f bandwidth capacity is crucial to accessing o c the remote data that each application u s needs, rather than having to carry the overhead of communications between processes necessary when a single application is distributed on several different computers. A c c o u n t a b i l i t

Construction of the Large Hadron Collider (copyright CERN) Barcelona Super Computing Centre (copyright BSC) y F i n a n c i a l

R e p o r t

30 31 L e a d i n g

e d g e

t e-VLBI e DANTE in action c h n

– providing point-to-point o l

The Electronic Very Long Baseline o g

Interferometry (e-VLBI) network is a services y collaboration of major radio astronomical institutes in Europe that work together on Different end users and larger scale data collected by an array of European projects can require additional dedicated telescopes. GÉANT2 provides network bandwidth to support the high data John Chevers, G

resources to allow rapid data transfers l

volumes that their research activities Project Manager, o

and participates closely in planning b generate. DANTE has introduced a new DANTE a l

discussions with the project. streamlined process to receive new r e

requests for services and progress them a c e-VLBI is a technique that involves the efficiently through to provision. h collection of simultaneous observations from a number of telescopes which are The first step for researchers needing to then correlated to form very sharp, establish a P2P circuit is for each potential high-definition images. The e-VLBI ‘end point’ to discuss requirements with the network works with similar Asian and W home NREN. A P2P circuit connects two o r

South African projects. l

in-country networks via GÉANT2, so both d

networks must be involved in the c l a

The use of GÉANT2 and NRENs in provisioning process. Once the order s s

participating countries enables significantly has been placed a series of technical e

DANTE in action – what are point-to-point services? n faster processing and correlating of radio conversations take place between DANTE g i telescope data. Data can now be n and the NRENs to define and confirm the e transferred using dedicated gigabit links The benefits of establishing optical private networks using point-to-point (P2P) services over e requirements. Upon installation, benchmark r i at near instantaneous speeds allowing GÉANT2 are becoming clear to an increasing number of large projects. Our P2P services con - n and acceptance testing takes place, to g nect defined end users to each other via their in-country networks and to GÉANT2, providing data correlation and processing to ensure the circuit meets end-user produce images in near-real time. The guaranteed additional bandwidth seamlessly. Two classes of point-to-point service are offered: requirements. Once in operation, DANTE C European e-VLBI community is one of the o and the NRENs monitor and maintain the l l • GÉANT+ a first to benefit from this level of service. circuit, to deliver optimum performance b NRENs pre-subscribe to an additional 10Gbps that can be quickly configured or o r

for Europe’s leading researchers. a

re-configured to meet the needs of up to nine different end users, providing direct t i o

connections to different destinations. At additional cost, GÉANT+ can also provide n

transatlantic P2P connections routed via London or Paris. &

C o John Chevers has been parts of the world was a major challenge m • Complete wavelength m too. But, as an equal 50/50 partnership, the At a fixed additional cost, DANTE will light dark fibre (installed and as yet unused optical u with DANTE for almost ORIENT project is different from the other n i fibre) to provide a dedicated 10Gbps ‘column of light’ between any two countries with fibre t regional networks that DANTE operates. y connections, giving NRENs and their end users access to vast bandwidth. Further extension three years, supporting Looking to the future, the circuit will enable of fibre links is envisaged but will be determined by economic and infrastructure needs. GÉANT2 projects and up to 20 million end users at more than the introduction of 2000 universities in China to collaborate C

Radio Telescope with EU researchers. u

point-to-point services, s t o and taking the lead on the Who do you work with? m e r

groundbreaking ORIENT I work with people from across Europe and f o

around the world, depending on the project. c

connection between u

Disseminating results and I keep in close contact with the Chinese s information Europe and China. network (CERNET) and with members of the European NREN community, as well as with Our NREN project partners and potential DANTE’s own engineers and project and What is your role at DANTE? PR teams. users need to know what services DANTE can As a DANTE project manager, I facilitate and does provide and what each may be able major projects that use the network such as What do you do when you’re not A c

to do for them, their fellow researchers and CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, DEISA and at DANTE? c o

academics and for their forthcoming projects. eVLBI. I have also helped to develop the u

I like to play with old cars and recently took n

organisational and procurement processes t DANTE produces a full range of publicity a risk buying a supercharged 1932 MG from a for providing DANTE’s point-to-point (P2P) b i

materials including interactive guides, Singapore –fortunately it paid off! l i services and I manage the ORIENT project, t brochures and case studies covering our y linking GÉANT2 to China. major projects such as GÉANT2, ALICE, TEIN2, What would you have been in EUMEDCONNECT. DANTE attends conferences another life? What was your highlight of 2006? A car designer and engineer in the 1920s, and events throughout the world to support View the GÉANT2 DVD at Without a doubt, bringing into operation the golden age of motoring – building classic its partners and to promote the potential to www.geant2.net/dvd the single biggest trans-Siberian circuit models alongside Ettore Bugatti.

be gained from research networking across connecting Europe and China was a major F i n

its global networks. technical achievement this year. a n

Coordinating discussions, agreements www.geant2.net/users c i www.dante.net/orient a

and activities between two such large l


governmental organisations in different e p o r t

32 33 L e a d i n g

e d g e

t e c

Waldemar h n

Zurowski o l o g y

Krystyna Owen G l o b a l

r e a c


DANTE aims to work to the highest r l d

professional and ethical standards in all its c

David l dealings with partners, suppliers, contractors a s

West s

and users and has established a regime of e n

rigorous management processes to secure g i n

value for money and fair and transparent e e r

trading at every stage. i n g Toby

Rodwell C o l l a b

Navneet o r Daga a t i o n


C o m m u n i t “DANTE is owned by the NRENs and y operates on behalf of the NREN community. C u

Being responsible for managing total s t o m

annual funding in excess of 55 M€ to pay e r

f o

for the projects' activities under DANTE's c u supervision, requires robust project and s contract management with strong accounting practices and controls. A c c

We are proud of our achievements and o u n t a

our reputation as an organisation b i l i t that delivers.” y

Matthew Scott, F i

Chief Financial Officer, n a n c i


R e p o r t

34 35 L e a d i n g

e d g e

t e

Procurement Project c h n o

management l o g

Commercial procurement is a crucial y element in the building and operation of Robust control structures ensure any network, especially one on the scale effective and efficient management of GÉANT2. DANTE, as the co-ordinating oversight of DANTE’s key project partner, conducts contractual activity activities: G

strictly according to EU procurement l o

policies with all work overseen by an b a l

• GÉANT2 NREN Policy Committee evaluation sub-committee of the NREN r e

Policy Committee. – consists of representatives from a c each project partner, meets three h GÉANT2’s infrastructure and equipment is times a year and is responsible for leased or purchased according to these setting and overseeing overall established policies. GÉANT2 technologies policy are at the leading edge of the market and W

we offer suppliers an attractive o

• GÉANT2 Executive Committee r opportunity to be involved at the forefront l d

of networking. In terms of scale and – appointed by the Policy c l a

reach, GÉANT2 is one of the largest users Committee and is responsible for s s

of dark fibre in Europe. GÉANT2 is built on preparing the yearly work e

Peter Nancollis , n

leased IP circuits and bought-in dark fibre, g

programme and for quality i for which public invitations to tender are Project Accountant, n assurance e e

published in the Official Journal of the DANTE in action – procuring network equipment DANTE r i n

European Commission. Equipment – such g as routers or switches – is usually pur - • Project Co-ordination - DANTE is Since its foundation in 1993, DANTE has procured six generations of pan-European research chased outright and upgraded as ad - the overall project co-ordinator and networks and links, giving the organisation an unrivalled depth of experience in negotiating C • provides overall project o

vances in services and technologies l l

successfully with equipment vendors and communication service providers. All procurement a

dictate. For GÉANT2’s points of presence management b

activities are organised and managed in line with EU public procurement rules. o

we usually lease co-location spaces. r

and co-ordination a t i • manages project finances and DANTE has earned its status as the recognised international expert in procuring the range of o Beyond the initial procurement, DANTE n

administration telecommunications equipment and services that go to make up leading edge networks like &

actively manages and continually GÉANT2 and the regional networks we have built and continue to manage, like ALICE and TEIN2. C • formally reports progress and o re-negotiates contracts in response Peter Nancollis provides What was your highlight of 2006? m deliverables to the EC m both to user demand and developments The way we maintained accurate accounting • is responsible for public relations Our procurement activity covers the purchase of: u in technology. robust financial support during a lengthy period of heavy workload - n i t

and for overall communications y • core transmission capacity to key DANTE projects and generated by the introduction of new between the project and the EC • transmission, routing and switching equipment accounting advice and circuits and setting up in-house accounting • dark fibre controls. The three day visit by Mark Urban, • Technical Management guidance to project head of finance for the CLARA project to • housing for points of presence C

see how DANTE operates was also an u – technical activity leaders directly • maintenance contracts for all of the above partners to ensure full s t • a network operations service capability enjoyable change. o manage the technical work of the compliance with rigorous m e

project, overseen by the Technical r

European Commission Who do you work with? In all this activity, we achieve and demonstrate value for money, stimulating demand for our f Committee. It is chaired by DANTE’s o services from peer organisations around the world for whom we are the acknowledged I work with a wide variety of people from c standards. u

Chief Technical Officer, Roberto s choice for the purchase and implementation of advanced networking capability. officials at the European Commission to Sabatino, and consists of the suppliers and engineers in the Far East, the activity leaders of: What is your role at DANTE? Mediterranean and South America. I also • The research and development My role is to look after the accounts for work closely with colleagues at DANTE, programme three projects – ALICE, TEIN2 and including liaising with the Operations • The task forces responsible for EUMEDCONNECT. I oversee accounting at team on transactions with suppliers. A

co-ordination of research and the project level with NREN and regional c What do you do when you’re not c partners and compile all required financial o

development initiatives u reports for the European Commission. My at DANTE? n • The multi-domain support t I like to take things easy so you’ll find me in a

work also involves forward planning of b

services i the garden or the greenhouse … or less l budgets, working with the project managers, i t my colleagues in DANTE and contacts in the often, watching the wake from the back of y EC. As part of the DANTE Finance team I look the SS Oriana, enjoying the setting sun with after the purchase ledger, ensuring that a long cool drink. invoices are correct and in accordance with contracts and purchase orders and What would you have been in that due credits are received. another life? F

A Customs and Excise Officer. i n a n c i a l

www.dante.net R e p o r t

36 37 L

2006 Report and Financial Statement e 2006 Financial a d i n g

Statements e d g e


Directors Income and Expenditure Account e c

Ian J Boland h For the year ended 31 December 2006 n Thomson o

T Brunner l o g

Paul J Gruntorad y Cullen I Maric K Ullmann The full financial statements, directors’ report and auditors’ report are included in a separate document entitled DANTE Secretary G l Annual Report and Accounts 2006. This is available online o M J Scott b a l

at www.dante.net r e a

Auditors c Ernst & Young LLP h Compass House 80 Newmarket Road 2006 2005 Cambridge ’000 ’000 Emma € € W

CB5 8DZ o Apted r l d

Turnover 55,820 46,683 c l

Bankers a

Cost of sales 52,200 43,183 s s

Barclays Bank plc ______e n

Bene’t Street Branch g i Gross Surplus 3,620 3,500 n

P.O. Box 2 e e

Cambridge Administrative expenses (3,953) (3,824) r i n Janet Mandeep CB2 3PZ Foreign exchange loss (31) (62) g Lipski Saini ______C

Solicitors o l

Operating Deficit (364) (386) l a

Manches b

Interest receivable 431 355 o r 9400 Garsington Road ______a t i Oxford Business Park o n

Oxford Surplus/(deficit) on ordinary activities before taxation 67 (31) &


OX4 2HN Tax on surplus/(deficit) on ordinary activities 2 63 o m ______m u

Registered Office n

Surplus on ordinary activities after taxation 69 32 i t y 9400 Garsington Road ______Oxford Business Park Oxford C

OX4 2HN u

There are no recognised gains or losses which have not been reflected in the above results for s t o

the current or prior period. m e

The above results are from continuing activities. r

f o c u s A c c o u n t a b i l i t y F i n a n c i a l

R e p o r t

38 39 L

2006 Report and Financial Statement 2006 Report and Financial Statement e a d i n g

e d g e


BalanceSheet Statement of Cash Flows DANTE Shareholders DANTE Staff e c h

As at 31 December 2006 For year ended 31 December 2006 (as of April 2007) n o l o g y

2006 2005 2006 2005 Organisation Country No of shares Name Job title Country ’000 ’000 ’000 ’000 € € € € G l ARIADNET Greece 22,000 Dai Davies General Manager UK o b a

Fixed Assets Net Cash (Outflow)/Inflow From Operating Activities (31,160) 19,238 Hans Döbbeling General Manager DE l

ARNES Slovenia 22,000 r e

Tangible assets 9,410 7,827 Anton Antonov Systems Administrator RU a c

CESNET Czech Republic 22,000 h ______Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance 431 355 Emma Apted Network Engineer UK DFN Germany 165,000 Current Assets Julie Ball Accounts Assistant UK Debtors 15,252 18,090 Taxation (471) (4) FCCN Portugal 22,000 Karin Bane Secretary/Administrator UK

Cash at bank and in hand 18,583 56,156 GARR Italy 165,000 Rachael Beale Webmaster UK W ______o r

Capital Expenditure and Financial Investment (6,365) (5,934) l

HEAnet Ireland 22,000 John Chevers Project Manager UK d


33,835 74,246 l HEFC-E on behalf of JISC United Kingdom 165,000 Paul Cullen Network Engineer UK a s

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 35,887 74,782 Management of Liquid Resources 32,115 (7,947) s (UKERNA/JANET) Kim Cunningham Public Relations Officer (maternity cover) UK e

______n g

HUNGARNET Hungary 22,000 Navneet Daga Network Engineer IN i n

Net Current Liabilities (2,052) (536) (Decrease)/Increase in Cash (5,450) 5,708 e Michael Enrico Network Engineering and Planning Manager UK e ______NORDUnet Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, 82,500 r

______i n

Iceland Norway, Sweden) Marian Garcia Vidondo Operations Manager ES g Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 7,358 7,291 Alex Gosnell Projects Administrator UK ______RedIRIS Spain 55,000 C

Milos Karapandzic Project Manager CS o l l Provisions For Liabilities and Charges RENATER France 165,000 a b

Ruth Kirkman Public Relations Manager (maternity cover) UK o

Deferred taxation 350 352 RESTENA Luxembourg 22,000 r a

Otto Kreiter Network Engineer RO t

______i o

SURFnet Netherlands 110,000 n

Loukik Kudarimoti Network Engineer IN 7,008 6,939 &

SWITCH Switzerland 110,000 C ______Sam Kyakilika Network Engineer ZA o m

Janet Lipski Secretary/Administrator UK m

Capital and Reserves u n

Hayley Martin Public Relations Assistant UK i t

Called up share capital 1,576 1,576 y Capital contributions 35 35 Xavier Martin Rivas Network Engineer FR Income and expenditure account 5,397 5,328 Maurizio Molina Network Engineer IT

______Peter Nancollis Project Accountant UK C u s t Total Shareholders’ Funds 7,008 6,939 Krystyna Owen Project Accountant UK o m

______Anand Patil Head of Systems IN e r

f Simon Pauley Webmaster (maternity cover) UK o c u

Jean Reynolds Secretary/Administrator (part-time) UK s K Ullmann Guy Roberts Network Engineer AU Director Dale Robertson Public Relations Manager UK 26 June 2007 Toby Rodwell Network Engineer UK

Roberto Sabatino Chief Technical Officer IT A c c

Matthew Scott Chief Financial Officer UK o u n

Nicolas Simar Network Engineer BE t a b i

Helga Spitaler Public Relations Officer IT l i t Cathrin Stover Project Manager DE y Tim Streater Network Engineer UK Susan Taylor Finance Manager UK Ian Thomson Technical Author UK F

Simon Watts Public Relations Officer UK i n a

Peter Webster Training Manager UK n c i a

David West Project Manager UK l

R e

Matthew Wright Network Engineer UK p o r

Waldemar Zurowski Network Engineer PL t

40 41 Working with partners around the world to support global research networking


Global Topology Map www.dante.net