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March 10, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E345 work as a Vice President of the Pontiac Area ognition goes beyond the gratitude of one indi- RECOGNIZING THE SADLOWSKI PTA Council and President of PTAs for sev- vidual. We as Americans should be grateful to FAMILY eral Pontiac schools furthered her work with a man who has dedicated his life to public local schools to strengthen and empower all service, and we as inhabitants of this planet HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS sectors of the Pontiac community. Additionally, should be grateful to that same man who has OF FLORIDA Mrs. White’s volunteer efforts with the United dedicated his life to defending our wildlife ref- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Way and March of Dimes supported causes uges. Wednesday, March 10, 2010 serving those in need in our area and beyond. f Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, I rise me today to honor Mrs. Clara White’s dedica- RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF today to recognize George and Tina tion to the Pontiac community through public HENRIETTA SPROAT AND THE Sadlowski, who have two sons as well as a service and volunteerism. Mrs. White’s rec- WOMEN AIRFORCE SERVICE PI- daughter-in-law who currently serve in the ognition from organizations in Pontiac, Oak- LOTS OF WORLD WAR II United States Army. Mr. and Mrs. Sadlowski land County, and Michigan make evident that have founded Operation Treasures for Troops, her positive impact has been felt far and wide. HON. TOM McCLINTOCK which provides food and other essential items to military personnel who are stationed over- I wish her many many more years of health, OF CALIFORNIA seas. happiness, and productive service to our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shared communities. The Sadlowskis began Operation Treasures Wednesday, March 10, 2010 for Troops during their oldest son’s first de- f Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Speaker, I rise ployment in order to provide their son with RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT today to honor the service and achievements food and other items that are not available OF LARRY WARGOWSKY of Henrietta Sproat from Oroville, California. during their deployments. Currently, the During World War II, Mrs. Sproat flew as a Sadlowskis collect items for the troops through HON. RON KIND member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots their church, the North Lake Family Church, in OF WISCONSIN (WASPs). These aviators were the first female Tarpon Springs, Florida, and are in the proc- ess of recruiting stores to donate items, which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES flyers to be trained on U.S. Military aircraft. During the time when the need of the country would offset the costs of their organization. Wednesday, March 10, 2010 was greatest, these brave women flew fighter, The Sadlowski’s oldest son, Eric Sadlowski, Mr. KIND. Madam Speaker, I rise today in bomber, transport and training aircraft in the is currently serving in Afghanistan after having recognition of Larry Wargowsky, who has re- defense of American freedom. previously served twice in Iraq. Andrew tired from his position as Refuge Manager for I was a proud cosponsor of the legislation Sadlowski, their middle son, recently joined the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge after that recognized these women’s service, and I the military and is awaiting his first deploy- thirty three years of service with the U.S. Fish rise today to recognize Henrietta Sproat and ment. Andrew’s wife, Nicole, is currently pre- and Wildlife Service, fourteen which were congratulate her on receiving the Congres- paring to be deployed to Afghanistan. Be- spent managing the Necedah Refuge. sional Gold Medal. cause both are currently serving in the mili- tary, Andrew and Nicole have lived apart since He was born and raised across from the f Refuge in Juneau County, and enjoyed a ca- they were married. Additionally, the reer that took him many places, but was fortu- RECOGNIZING NATIONAL PEACE Sadlowski’s youngest son, Patrick, also de- nate to retire at the Necedah National Wildlife CORPS WEEK AND THE 48TH AN- sires to serve in the military. Refuge. Larry Wargowsky started his career of NIVERSARY OF THE PEACE The Sadlowskis currently mail about 100 public service after college where he worked CORPS boxes to the troops per year, financing the for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Re- postal and shipping costs themselves. H.R. sources at Horicon, Black River Falls and HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO 707, the Home Front to Heroes Postal Bene- fits Act, which I have cosponsored, would pro- Mead Wildlife Area. He then joined the U.S. OF HAWAII vide monthly vouchers so those at home could Fish and Wildlife Service working at various IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES National Wildlife Refuges in Illinois, Iowa, mail packages and correspondence to de- Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. His work has Wednesday, March 10, 2010 ployed soldiers without charge. This would benefited not merely one refuge, or even just Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, in the 49 allow more funding to be spent on items for one state, but Larry Wargowsky has been a years since the Peace Corps was established, the troops instead of on postal costs. public servant whose career has benefited an nearly 200,000 volunteers have contributed Madam Speaker, I strongly commend the entire nation. their time, energy, and skills to create oppor- Sadlowski family for their extraordinary military Throughout his tenure at the refuge, Larry tunity, empower people, and encourage service and for the selfless work that Mr. and has seen the resurgence of many wildlife crit- progress in the developing world. Mrs. Sadlowski do to serve the troops over- ters from the first bald eagle reproduction in By facilitating an international dialogue be- seas. I sincerely thank Eric, Andrew, and Ni- 25 years in 1996 to an increase in populations tween the people of the United States and cole for their service for our country and the of the timber wolf and was instrumental in the others across the globe, Peace Corps volun- many sacrifices they make as they serve over- reintroduction of the Whooping crane to this teers have helped to increase cultural aware- seas. My most heartfelt thanks go to George area. For this he received the Recovery ness, tolerance, and respect at home and and Tina as they voluntarily organize and Champion Award from the U.S. Fish and Wild- abroad. The compassion and commitment of send boxes to our troops overseas. The life Service in 2002. The Whooping crane these volunteers have left significant and en- Sadlowski family has shown how much they project at the Necedah Refuge has been a during impacts on individuals and communities care about our nation as each of them willingly boon to Necedah and Juneau County and has throughout the world. serves our country, both by their military serv- made the area a major ecotourism destination. I am honored to represent many Peace ice and their service for our troops. The Whooping cranes brought international at- Corps alumni, and I would like to recognize f tention to the Necedah National Wildlife Ref- ten current volunteers: Claire Albrecht in Zam- HONORING THE WORK OF MS. uge. To accommodate visitors, Larry led an ef- bia; Maridee Bonadea in Mali; Mitra Heffron in MAXINE FLOURNOY fort to build a new visitor center. Additionally, Paraguay; Hololapakaen Hoopai in the Friends of the Necedah National Wildlife Kyrgyzstan; Kacie Miura in China; Steven HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ Refuge was created under his leadership and Miyakawa in Togo; Nicole Nakama in Bot- OF TEXAS this today represents a robust and active swana; Kathryne Ogin in Ukraine; Mai Shintani IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES group. He is as much a friend to our country in China; and Theodore Varns in Guatemala. as he is to our environment. The selfless service and dedication of these Wednesday, March 10, 2010 I am proud to stand before this chamber individuals make them exemplary ambas- Mr. ORTIZ. Madam Speaker, I rise today to and applaud the dedication of Larry sadors of the Aloha spirit. recognize the work and dedication of a true Wargowsky to a life of public service and con- Mahalo (thank you) to all Peace Corps vol- patriot, Maxine Flournoy who today receives servation. As an avid sportsman, I am person- unteers, past and present, for your work in the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor for ally grateful to Larry for all of his hard work in promoting peace and friendship throughout her service as an airforce service pilot during preserving our wildlife refuges, but this rec- our world. World War II. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:48 Mar 11, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10MR8.013 E10MRPT1 dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with REMARKS E346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 10, 2010 She is among 300 surviving women who A TRIBUTE TO SHELIA EVANS- THE IRAN SANCTIONS served as Women Airforce Service Pilots dur- TRANUMN ENHANCEMENT ACT ing World War II. During the war, 1,102 women pilots served. HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK Ms. Flournoy completed a pilot training pro- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF ILLINOIS gram in early 1941 at a junior college in Jop- OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 10, 2010 lin, Missouri, and while working as a grinder at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a defense plant, she learned about the military Mr. KIRK. Madam Speaker, I rise to intro- needing women to serve as pilots. Wednesday, March 10, 2010 duce the Iran Sanctions Enhancement Act, a bipartisan measure to enforce U.S. law re- Shortly after that, Ms.