Please Elect Calvin Say City Council District 5!

Aloha Friends and Neighbors, I am Calvin Say and I’m running for City Council District 5: , Moiliilii, McCully, Kapahulu, St.Louis Heights, Kaimuki and Palolo Valley. I will be going door to door after the pandemic eases to introduce myself to you and our neighbors to listen, learn and understand your concerns and hear any ideas that you may have. Oahu is changing rapidly and we must adapt to the following changes and how they affect our community: 1)HOMELESSNESS , 2) CRIME, 3) PERMITTING PROCESSES, 4) TRASH AND SANITATION/ROADS, 5) CLIMATE CHANGE, and 6) COVID 19 PANDEMIC. We face global demands and pressures to do more development while trying to maintain the “Aloha Spirit” we are famous for. That is a delicate balancing act that requires the experience and leadership that I have gained through 43 years in our State Legislature. I am just a “Keiki O Ka Aina” of who loves the county of Oahu as our Island Home and I just want the opportunity to use my Knowledge, Experience, Wisdom, Leadership and Management Skills to serve this county and make life better for all of us. Knowledge, Experience, Wisdom, Leadership

Paid for by Presorted Standard Friends for Say U.S. Postage 1822 10th Avenue PAID Honolulu, HI 96816 Honolulu, HI Permit No. 9882

Supporting Free tax preparation assistance

ELECT CALVIN SAY Manoa • Moiliili • McCull • Kapahulu Standing with Hawaii’s workers St. Louis Heights • Kaimuki • Palolo Valley

Helping Hawaii’s tourism industry and workers Keeping our parks safe and clean