Careers in Foreign Languages: a Handbook

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Careers in Foreign Languages: a Handbook DOCUMENT RESUME ED 115 120 FL 007 309 AUTHOR Sherif, June L. TITLE Careers in Foreign Languages: A Handbook. New Edition. PUB DATE, 66' NOTE 241p. AVAILABLE FROMRegents Publishing Company, Inc., 2 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.6 HC-$12.05 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Career Education; *Career Opportunities; Degree Requirements; *Employment Opportunities; Language Ability; Language Classification; Language Instruction; *Language Skills; Overseas Employment; Publications; *Reference Books; Resource Materials; Salaries; Second Language Learning; *Second Languages ABSTRACT This handbook supplies a variety of general and specific information concerning career in foreign languages for Americans. The main topics include:(1) general recommendations for language study; (2) a sketch of the principal languagefamilies of the world, their genealogy and geographical distribution;(3) foreign language courses and degree requirements;(4) aids for independent study of languages; (5) resources for language learning; (6) foreign language proficiency;(7) scholarships, fellowships and loans;(8) the training-of the multilingual, including English as a second language; (9) recommendations regarding overseas employment, with specific reference to opportunities in the federal government; (10) opportunities in international organizations;(11) specialized occupations relating to language skills; (12) employment opportunities in trade and business, both foreign and domestic; and (13) employment opportunities with a foreign language as a supplementary skill. The fourteen appendices provide information concerning addresses of agencies involved in the foreignlanguage field; salaries of government and public school employees;journals, foreign language publications and audiovisual aids, including distributors and publishers; colleges maintaining language houses; directories of stat foreign language newsletters and language supervisors; a list of professional organizations; and suggestions for further reading, including directories and generalreference books, publications of federal agencies and departments, and publications relating to language careers.(CLK) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many' informalunpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERICmakes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available.Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encounteredand this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopyreproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC .Document Peproduction Service(EDRS) .EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of theoriginal document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be madefrom the original. *********************************************************************** cp CAREERS in FOREIGNLANGUAGES: A HANDBOOK New Edition by JUNE LOWRY SHERIF U S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. CY) DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF 0 EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY 0 REGENTS PUBLISHINGCOMPANY, INC. 2 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY- RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY ecb), PERAT G TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS UNDER AGREEMENT WITH THE NATIONALIN- STITUTE OF EDUCATION. FURTHERREPRO- DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEMRE. QUIRES PERMISSION OF THECOPYRIGHT OWNER " Copyright 1966 and 1975 by Regents Publishing Company,Inc. All rights reserved. No part of thisbook may be re- produced in any form without'permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Regents Publishing Company, Inc. 2 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 Printed in the United States ofAmerica PREFACE In view of the diversity of occp.pations in which foreign languages are used in specialized and nonspecialized ways, it is necessary for the student or worker to have specific and comprehensive information regarding vocational oppor- tunities. For the positions described here, an attempt has been made to include such relevant information as: educa- tion and training needed, rate of pay, history of the position, work conditions, opportunities for advancement, economic demand for the work, examinations, licenses and/or certifi- cates needed, benefits, and location of position(s). Many of the positions require extensive command of the foreign language(s), whereas others involve duties in which the foreign language is regarded as a supplementary qualifi- cation. The foreign language student and worker must be cogni- zant of the fact that vocational opportunities in foreign lan- guages are strongly tied to sociological, economic, and politi- cal vicissitudes. It is assumed that the reader of this book is seriously in- terested in wing his foreign language study, both as a means of livelihood and as an expression of his desire to serve others. Opportune vocational choices are often based on extensive perusal of occupational literature along with extensive ef- fort. June Lowry She -if III 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Professors Emma M. Birkmaier of the University of Minnesota, Robert A. Fowkes and John R. Cos- tello of New York University, and Walter V. Kaulfers and Gilbert C. Kettelkamp of the University of Illinois for their many cogent suggestions, from which I profited immeasura- bly; however, they are in no way responsible for any errors of fact or interpretation which I may have made. The Center for International Relations and Area Studies of the University of Minnesota, the Modern Language As- sociation of America, and the Center for Applied Linguistics made many helpful suggestions and have supplied me with valuable materials. I am grateful to my husband, Gamal, who drew sugges- tionsfromhisbroad educationinthe sciences and humanities, as well as from his personal and professional ex- perience. June Lowry Sherif iv 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page General Recommendations for Language Study Our Language Resources 1 Educational Background 2 Collateral Studies 3 The Résumé, or Professional Dossier 4 Languages in Relation to Occupational Fields 4 Principal Language Families of the World: Their Genealogy and Geographical Distribution Genealogical Classification of Languages 7 Indo- European Languages 8 Non-Indo-European Languages 9 Reference List of World Languages 10 Esperanto and Interlingua 11 Language Depositories 12 Writing Systems and Transliteration 13 Foreign Language Courses and Degree Requirements Curriculum for the Elementary and High Schools 15 Curriculum for the College 15 Graduate Study 18 Language Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees 19 Language Requirements for Graduate Degrees 20 Area Studies Programs 22 Language Programs at American Universities and Colleges 26 Summer Language Courses in the United States for High School Students 30 Summer Language Courses in the United States for College Students 31 Residence Hall Language Programs 32 Summer Language Houses in the United States 33 Overseas Summer Study-Travel Programs for High School Students 33 Overseas Summer Study-Travel Programs for College Students 35 Travel-Residence Programs for High School and College Students 37 Full-Year Overseas Sttuty-Progliims 37 Private Language Schools 39 Ethnic Schools and Organizations 40 Correspondence and Extension Courses 42 Aids for Independent Study of Languages Basic Personal Library for-the Language Student 43 Mechanical Aids for Independent Study 44 Attaining Competence Through Independent Study 45 The Adult Language Learner and Independent Study 48 Resources for Language Learning Resources in the Home and Community 51 Information Resources 52 Foreign Language Proficiency Meaning of Proficiency in a Foreign Language 55 Time Needed for Language Mastery 56 Testing Proficiency in a Foreign Language 57 Tests in Foreign Languages 57 Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans 61 The Training of the Multilingual 69 University Programs in English as a Foreign Language and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language 70 Other Training and Testing 71 Urban Public Service Organizations with Multilingual Needs 73 Recommendations Regarding Overseas Employment 75 Federal Government Departments and Agencies: General Survey of Occupational Opportunities General Survey of Occupational Opportunities 79 Benefits for Federal Employees 81 Agency for International Development 82 Special Fields of Aid 83 Central Intelligence Agency 84 Library of Congress 85 National Security Agency 85 The Peace Corps 86. Ocrupations and General Information 86 Training 87 English Training Program of the Peace Corps 88 Advance Language Training Program for College juniors 88 vi Experienced English, Mathematics, and Science Teachers 88 U.S. Information Agency 89 Binational Centers 90 The Voice of America 92 The Foreign Language Specialist 93 Department of Agriculture 94 Agricultural Attache Program 94 Department of Commerce 95 The Bureau of Standards 95 The Bureau of the Census 96 Business Service Center 96 Department of Defense 96 Defense Language Institute (Army Language School) 96 Air Force Language Program 98 Army Language Program 98 Navy Language Program 99 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 99 . The United States Office of Education 99 Department of Justice 100 The Immigration and Naturalization Service 101 Department of Labor 101 The Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of International Affairs 101 Department of State 101 Division of Language Services
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