newcomers, Ford to play with Chi-- 1 a new line of dope to knead. cago and Willett with St. Louis.-Dow- As a rule we are not strong for the at offices this, writings, of C Webb Murphy, even report could not be confirmed. When out:iiastes are humorous, but Johnson conveyed thlMmpression he clicked off one last night that is a that he was giving out 'the informa- real gem. .Lamp it: tion because he was glad the Amer- "Bill Brennan's decisions caused ican League was rid of these two riots in the National League, and if pitchers. They really aren't any good, he works in the future in some or- and Frank Chance and Hugh Jen- ganization which does not draw suf- nings were much peeved at the pros- ficient pectators. to make a riot, the pect of having to board them for an- peace and tranquility of the com- other summer. munities, by him Will be helped." All Qf which listen like the dope That's a nice bit of irony, but again we have been hearing for. several tween Charles and Ban. Ban says years. A manager always hands out 'the Fed's won't even start, and this stuff when he loses a piayer,. and Charles, by inferring they won't draw managers of prize fighterarun the enough people for. a riot says they'll same line when they lose their meal start, but will fihish-quick- ly. tickets. Get together, men. Ford hasnot been a whale for two ' Ad Brennan and Bill Killifer are in seasons. But he did show signs of Philadelphia today, and will meet returning to the form that' made him wjth officials, of the National League a sensation, and struck his real club of that city. There was no ap- stride during a part of the' summer. parent worry around Federal League Willett is a good pitcher,, and his headquarters, .however, . as Weegh- OSS will prove heavy to Detroit man said 'he had the two players se- Garnet Bush and Monte" Cross haye curely hooked: )een added to the Federal ' League has signed all of his jmpiring corps. Bush was' in the big team hut , , .eague in 1912, and Cross is a "vet- Danny Murphy and Ira Thomas. eran diamond star. He has not been BASKETBALL SCORES ictively connected with .the game lately. r. Heavyweight. Until the rosters Division, 16 ; Wen. Phillips, 12. of the Fede'ral X League teams are announced thei. Hyde Park, 19; Parker, 14. is wide opportunity for drearningV Lightweight. Any player who frowns when his dub ' EnglewOod, 12;" Bowen, 10. is mentioned can immediately be re- ' Hyde Park, 26; Wen. Phillips, 8. ported as about to sign with the Feds, Lane, 12; Lake View, 8. and a denial will follow immediately The signed contracts of Shortstop from his owner, thereby making two Owen Bush, Outfielders Robert stories grow where none bloomed Veach and Demmitt, and before. McKee were received today by the President Gilmore and President Detroit club.' - . Weeghman are maintaining silence Ray Fisher, one of the New York on new players signed, and refuse , club's veteran even to confirm Johnson's statement pitchers, was added today to the list about Ford and Willett. There are of players who have signed- with the-clu- facts which back it up, however. for 1914; ' Reprinting the statement that the Albert Dolan, infieWer, secured Fed's .are dead is becoming monoton- from Pittsburgh in a trade,, signed ar ous and tiresome work, and it is. time, one year contract with the St. Louis' the organized owners were giving us Nationals,