Beyond New Keynesian Economics: Towards a Post Walrasian Macroeconomics*
Beyond New Keynesian Economics: Towards a Post Walrasian Macroeconomics* David Colander, Middlebury College1 In the early 1990s in a two-volume edited book (Mankiw and Romer 1990) and in two survey articles (Gordon 1991, Mankiw 1990), the economics profession has seen the popularization of a new school of Keynesian macroeconomics. Now it's becoming commonplace to say that there's New Keynesian economics, to go along with post Keynesian economics (no hyphen), post-Keynesians economics (with hyphen), neoKeynesian economics (sometimes with a hyphen, sometimes not), and, of course, just plain Keynesian economics. While the development of a New Keynesian terminology was inevitable after the New Classical terminology came into being--for every Classical variation there exists a Keynesian counterpart--it is not so clear that the new classification system adds much to our understanding. There are now so many dimensions of Keynesian and Classical thought that the nomenclature is becoming more confusing than helpful. Most economists I talk to, even Greg Mankiw who edited the book that popularized the term, are tired of the infinite variations on the Keynesian/Classical theme.2 I agree. But the fact that the Keynesian/Classical variations have played out does not resolve the problem of how one explains to non-specialists the variations in approaches to macro that exist. * I would like to thank Robert Clower, Paul Davidson, Hans van Ees, Harry Garretsen, Robert Gordon, Kenneth Koford, Jeffrey Miller, Michael Parkin, Richard Startz, and participants at seminars at the University of Alberta, Dalhausie University, the Eastern Economic Society, and the History of Economic Thought Society for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.
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