day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 100 DAYS:WHO IS by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see :8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and , I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to . The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the . Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed. Then, come to Him in humility and ask Him to reach out and heal or Pray: Ask the Lord where you need to be more radical in your faith. Read Mark 1:21-28 He desires. Pray: Ask God to prepare your heart to recognize the choices you have to sow today. Thank Him for preparing the soil in advance for the seeds you will sow. Society and SAVIOR are still at work in our 21st century world trying to control the lives of people. Pray: Are you comfortable staying in the throng or are you reaching out in faith to Jesus, desiring healing, and a deeper relationship with Him? Picture yourself Pray: Spend a few quiet moments asking God for what risk He wants you to take today and then listen for His leading. Be attentive throughout the day, beginning, and a new year. cleanse you. Pray: Spend time praising God for how He loves you. Then pray for opportunities to sow seeds of your own for His glory. checking in with Him periodically. Pray: Pray that God will help you to recognize just how much you need Jesus and show you just how little you deserve Him. as the woman and listen to Jesus’ response as He looks and speaks to you. Pray: Ask Jesus to show you an area of your life He wants to heal. Jesus wants to heal and restore us into a relationship with him. Satan and Society oppose it. As believers, our role is to lift up Jesus in our lives, honor Him and Before we spend the next 100 days, reading together through the life and ministry of Jesus, I encourage you to pause and reflect on this past year, with tell others about Him. gratitude: What did you learn? Where did you grow? What unexpected blessings did you receive? day 5 day 13 day 21 day 25 Read: Mark 5:14-17 day 40 From a place of thanksgiving, ask the Lord to bring to mind what He has for you this year. When we express our deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness in day 17 day 29 day 36 our lives, we encourage ourselves and those around us to fully trust Him with our futures; we are better equipped to embrace a fresh start. January 5, 2021 day 9 January 13, 2021 January 21, 2021 January 25, 2021 Pray: Reflect on how these three forces aect your life. Confess as needed, asking God for healing and for a deepening relationship with Him. February 9, 2021 by Alex Bost by Alicia Price January 29, 2021 February 5, 2021 by Haley Green January 17, 2021 by Amy Zielsdorf by Jim Harrington January 9, 2021 by Je Singer by Jan Yount by Jim Harrington Pause: Take some time to reflect on this past year – Go for a walk, write in a journal, take a photograph, draw, paint – whatever helps you express by Je Singer Baptism is the outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases your trust, love, and commitment to Christ. The word I remember the first time I heard about the dierent types of people Jesus chose as His disciples—one was a tax collector, another was a zealot, one would John the Baptist is identified at the start of the Gospel of Mark as the “messenger” sent ahead to prepare the way for Jesus. And that’s exactly what he did, gratitude. Have you ever waited for God to fulfill His promise to you? How infuriating it must have been to finally get to hear Jesus teach, only to hear Him teach in stories that felt more like riddles. If you’re anything like me, I like Even before reaching its destination, Jesus’ journey with Jairus had already proven eventful. The Galilean synagogue leader asked Jesus to accompany him in baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to “dip” or “immerse”. When one is baptized, they are immersed in water signifying the I am by no means a perfectionist, but no matter what project I finish, there comes a time shortly after where I can’t help but think, 'what more could I have done?' eventually betray Jesus, and a handful of them were fishermen—I was humbled and filled with hope. Jesus chose “unschooled, ordinary men” to be His A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, yet it grows into huge bushes. Jesus tells the “Parable of the Mustard Seed” to illustrate the dynamic growth that will “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) in such a fashion that Jesus would proclaim: “Truly I tell you, among those born of Many times we expect things to go a certain way. We want our lives to run perfectly along a path of our choosing, and we take great care to curate as much as followers. When most of us think of picking teams we would think of picking the best of the best, but not Jesus. He chose people that did not have it all quick, easy answers so I can check the box and be on to the next thing. Jesus often taught in parables to keep His followers from doing just that. We want easy occur in God’s Kingdom. Jesus states that the mustard seed, which represents the kingdom of God, will grow from humble beginnings into a majestic TREE. day 33 order to heal his daughter, but along the way Jesus had also healed another – without even trying – as a woman who had been bleeding for years was restored Pray: Ask the Lord to guide your steps in this new year. washing away of their old, sinful life. The emergence from the water symbolizes birth into a new life with Jesus. For the first time in our story, Jesus asks someone to share about the healing they’ve received. He even gives clear, intentional directions: show yourself to the There’s always this desire to add more to the finished work, just to make it shines a little brighter. I can’t help but think that I haven’t done enough. While many feel women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11). we can, with the hopes that everything goes according to the plan. The most constant bump in that road is sickness. There is only so much we can do to together. answers to mark the lesson *done* and move on, but Jesus wants us to do more than that: He wants us to deeply understand so that we might grow. Jesus Christ told this parable to help us understand what is possible when we focus our lives on the kingdom: miraculous transformation and growth will take place. to health after reaching out in faith to simply touch His cloak. priests, as a testimony to them. Surprisingly, the newly healed man ignores Jesus’ direction and speaks freely about his healing, resulting in Jesus leaving the area. the same way, if we carry this sentiment into the grace we have from Jesus, we’ll be in serious danger. describes the dierent kinds of soil that seed will fall on: shallow, thorny, or good (v. 1-9). Jesus teaches that our hearts have those same conditions as He casts February 2, 2021 In Mark 1:9-11 we read about the baptism of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was sinless, would need to be baptized? Jesus was actually protect our health, but the reality is that some things are not in our control. That isn’t the case for Jesus. When we come to Him with our sickness and our need, Yet, John the Baptist would die a martyr’s death, having been imprisoned and then beheaded after speaking out against the “unlawful” marriage of King Herod He is able to change what we cannot. Doesn’t that give you so much hope? Jesus is ok with our imperfections and struggles. He wants you and me around Him despite them. Jesus shows us that the seed of, “the secret of the kingdom of God” (v. 11), but not all hearts are set up to receive it. We must work to cultivate a soft heart that is ready to grow and by Rob Robinson As that was happening, messengers arrived on the scene to tell Jairus that his daughter had died and there was no point in troubling Jesus any further. baptized for our sake, not for His own. Jesus, being sinless Himself, bore the sin of the world on His shoulders so that in Him we might become righteous While John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, Jesus’ followers did not. Fasting isn’t a bad thing, and Christians are encouraged to fast. But the Pharisees and The message for us is this: when one person makes the kingdom of God their lifelong focus, it brings growth and miraculous change in themselves and others. and wife Herodias. His death was one of many Biblical examples illustrating how the chosen often faced dire consequences in deciding to please God in Heaven In our waiting, we are all tempted to try to help God along, rather than simply obey Him. Maybe we start to believe that we can move His promise forward; that we no one is too unworthy or sinful to receive the grace of God. In the same way He showed the disciples, He wants to also show us how to become more like Him. understand what Jesus oers us, and “turn and be forgiven” (v.12). Amazingly, Jesus would not be dissuaded, telling Jairus “do not be afraid, just believe.” with God. The baptism of Jesus can be viewed as a display of God’s grace towards sinful humanity. As you go about your day, go with confidence and a followers of John had turned fasting into something commendable, a work that they could do to earn God’s favor, and Jesus was clear— this attitude had no place If we focus our lives on eternal things, we will be part of the dynamic kingdom building process. What can you do to make it your practice to be a kingdom over the far-lesser kings and other rulers here in this world. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick, but when Simon brought her to Jesus, He healed her. Then, many bring their sick to Jesus, and He heals them, and casts out might even know better than Him. However, as we see, this man’s attempt to help Jesus’ ministry along, not only forced Jesus outside the city, but also withheld his builder? This is a story of liberation! A lonely man, gripped by evil and unseen forces beyond his strength, is suering deep conflict and turmoil. The man is attracted to day 2 thankful heart knowing that you serve a gracious, loving, and mighty God. in the life of the believer. To try to add our works to the work of Jesus on the cross is to eliminate the cross from our lives entirely. They are as incompatible as new their demons. The things that we have no power over are nothing for Jesus. What are some of the things that you’re tired of trying to control? Maybe it’s time to testimony from the priests. Read: Mark 3:13-19 Do you feel your heart is in a place to receive Jesus? What do you think the “soil” of your heart needs to foster growth? Jesus and interested but also afraid. He wonders what Jesus will do to him. But Jesus simply heals him and restores him to his friends. Jesus wants to do wondrous things in our lives, but He’s asking of us the same thing that He once asked of Jairus: Place your faith in Him. wine in old wineskins, and as new cloth sewn onto old. Read: Mark 6:14-29 January 2, 2021 give them over to someone who can. Read: Mark 4:30-32 Read: Mark 1:9-11 Read: Mark 4:9-12 Read: Mark 5:35-36 by Mark Riggins God is faithful. We can trust that He will keep His promises. All He asks for is our obedience, that we may be participants is His greater story. Pray: Ask Jesus to help you to remember that you do not have to have it all together to follow Him and to help you become more like Him. Not everyone is sent to be a missionary overseas. Jesus sent this man back home to his friends to be a witness to the work of God. Perhaps this is where He Pray: God, I pray a hedge of protection around those who are trying to follow Your path, even when it so often runs contrary to what is deemed acceptable by Read: Mark 2:18-22 Pray: Ask Jesus to help you focus on His kingdom and kingdom expansion. Ask Him to reveal at least one person for whom He wants you to pray and sends you too? those in power here on earth. May you give me the strength and courage to join them on that path. Pray: Ask God to remind you of the great love He has for you. Pray that your identity would be found in Him alone. Read Mark 1:28-34 Pray: Pray and ask God what you need to help you grow in your relationship with Him today. Pray: Father, please help me be brave in trusting You. I ask for supernatural courage to have faith even in seemingly impossible situations. For I know that You The book of Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism when He was already 30-years old (skipping Jesus’ birth). Throughout the book, Jesus is constantly on the Read: Mark 1:43-45 influence. Pray: Thank God for His grace, today and always. are the creator of the universe and nothing is impossible. I pray I am able to place my trust in Your power over all things. move. Thirty-nine times Mark used the word immediately. Pray: Pray for faith in God’s power and timing. Ask for the peace in knowing that nothing happens outside of His will. Read: Mark 5:18-20 Pray: Ask the Lord to remind you of His promises to you. Seek His help in discerning where you are trying to help Him, rather than obey Him. day 22 Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to understand and embrace the love that You have for me. Help me to share Your love with those around me – friends, neighbors, The Book of Mark is probably the first of the Gospels written (around AD 60). The author (Mark) had a close relationship with Peter who was likely coworkers, and family. Sometimes, I long to change the world by looking overseas but my greatest ministry might be the people you put in front of me each day 41 Mark’s source for the material in the gospel. day 6 January 22, 2021 day 26 day 30 by Rob Robinson and every day. God, I thank you for the love that You give me, help me to share that love with someone today! In Jesus’ name, Amen. day 37 February 10, 2021 January 6, 2021 day 10 day 18 January 26, 2021 Each “Jesus story” describes the life of Jesus dierently with a unique audience and purpose: day 14 January 30, 2021 February 6, 2021 by Ken Houp by Je Singer January 10, 2021 January 18, 2021 News had reached Jesus’ family in Nazareth that He was “out of His mind” and doing “crazy” things. His family wanted to help Him but His own brothers by Kristi Gill by Jan Yount by Rob Robinson questioned Him during this time – why? by Haley Green I began imagining if Jesus asked me to prepare meals for 5,000-10,000. What would I do? First, ask my wife for help. Then call friends and realize I’d need the BOOK AUDIENCE JESUS IS by McKenna Giordano January 14, 2021 So frequently we might face something in our lives and think that it’s unique to us. How often have you felt alone in your struggle, or gone through entire resources of Calvary. I’d tell Jesus that I would need months to prepare. We’d need to spreadsheet out responsibilities, figure out the location. Then, how Matthew Jews Jesus = King by Cori Reed Imagine what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus. Your teacher is so popular that He must go onto a boat in the middle of a lake to have room to There is a dynamic story that many Christians have in common. It is a story where the believer turns away from terrifying fear, releases it to Jesus, thus building day 34 something dicult and felt that no one could possibly understand? Sometimes we may forget that even though He is so much greater than us, so vastly The Pharisees were the elite Jewish power group of their day. They believed their mission was to uphold the man-made rules of the temple regarding the Sabbath. Family - Jesus had left home and the family business in Nazareth to go out and be a wandering preacher who had no place to lay his head. teach. He is so wise that He speaks in parables. And you are…confused. But thankfully in this case, Jesus explains exactly what He meant. After another miraculous healing, Jesus finally arrives at Jairus’ home - and what a chaotic scene Jesus walks into! People are weeping and wailing, telling Him to prepare, deliver, distribute, and clean up. Wow, how stressful this could be. While all four Gospels tell us the story with diering amounts of detail, I began Mark Romans (ppl living in Rome under persecution) Jesus = Servant It is amazing that even Jesus, the Son of God, needed alone time. Considering God already knew His thoughts, what was Jesus’ impetus for waking up early to his or her faith. superior, Jesus gets it. Not just in a “I see what you’re going through is tough” kind of way, but in a very real “I have been where you are now, and I know Jesus often connected with the hurting, and stressed God’s love and forgiveness over the established rules of the day. Therefore, it is not surprising that He was February 3, 2021 the girl has died, and they even laugh at Him. No matter - Jesus walks into the room and tells the girl to awaken. To the amazement of her parents, she recovers! asking, is it all about the food? The disciples were on a retreat to debrief their ministry life experiences. Luke Gentiles Jesus = Son of Man still communicate with His Father. What do you think Jesus prayed for that early morning? Jesus by now had quite the reputation and following. Word had gotten out that Jesus was a man who taught amazing things and performed miracles. It was Friends - Jesus had started a new group of His own and they were not the “traditional” kind of people that a religious man would attract. John Broad audience Jesus = Son of God how it feels” kind. revolutionary. He was at home taking a break probably, when people couldn’t get enough of Him. His home was packed. It was so packed that some guys cut into perceived as a threat by the self-righteous rule followers. The parable of The Sower speaks directly about all who have been exposed to the word of God. As Jesus talks about the dierent places in which the seed Jesus’ disciples went through terrifying fear while they were with Christ on a boat. During this boat ride, the vessel entered a violent storm. The waves thrashed by Haley Green may fall, He links them to how the word will manifest itself in the lives of those who hear. The spectrum ranges from those where the seed never takes root and You may wonder why this story is interrupted by the healing of the woman with bleeding. In many ways, these stories parallel one another: Where Jairus nearly The disciples thought they were heading for rest and debrief, but God had other plans. Ministry is often like this, as I have experienced firsthand through local In the quiet moments, we have the ability to pause and listen to what God wants to speak to us. God wants us to share our prayer needs even though He the roof and created a system to get their sick friend down to Jesus. We have heard this story so many times, but stop and let it sink in. Foes - Religious experts in the law wanted to check on Jesus and stop what He was doing. These religious leaders, who couldn’t deny the reality of Jesus’ them about, came over the sides of the boat and they feared for their lives. They saw Jesus in the back of the boat sleeping soundly. The disciples woke Jesus lost his twelve-year-old daughter, the woman spent twelve years seeking healing. While Jairus asked publicly and his daughter received delayed healing In these verses, we learn an incredible amount about Jesus. We learn that Jesus was tempted. We see that while Jesus was truly God, so too was He truly In today’s world, with social media, news in an instant, and political firestorms, division can polarize the world. Jesus reminds us to use common sense, be tolerant is immediately wiped out to those where the soil is rich, producing a harvest. By explaining the various environments, Jesus calls those around Him to evaluate and global outreach. We need to plan and prepare, and hold our plans loosely so that we don’t miss the opportunities God has for us! Thinking only about themselves, the disciples admired the power of Jesus performing miracles, but struggled with the compassion of Jesus constantly already knows them! He also wants us to listen to His encouraging words and guidance. No matter where you are in your prayer journey, remember prayer is a power, tried to say His supernatural activities were carried out by the power of the devil. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (v. 29) and those who were and frantically asked, “Don’t you even care that we are dying in this storm?” Jesus answered by saying: “Why are you fearful?” Jesus had compassion and We love immediate answers and positive armations. From important text messages or emails, to a vulnerable social media post, when we don’t get an privately, the woman sought healing secretly and received immediate healing publicly. In both cases, the healing touch of Jesus restores wholeness to those man. This means that we don’t have a Savior who can’t sympathize with us, but we have One who has been tempted in every way we have, yet didn’t sin. of others, and to not overreact to unnecessary man-made rules. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. God’s love and compassion is our their own heart and in essence, asks us as the reader thousands of years later to make our own assessment. demonstrated His power by stilling the storm and addressing their fear. immediate, positive response, we can feel hurt and overlooked. When it comes to our faith and prayer life, delayed responses from God can lead us to believe serving others. conversation with God and He so desires for us to spend time with Him each day. These friends knew Jesus would heal their friend. They didn’t just walk away when it got tough. There was no room for them to enter the house, so they got guilty of this sin will never have forgiveness. Such blasphemy revealed hearts that were stubborn and unworthy. that asked in faith. Have you thought about what it would be like to prepare and get involved with Local or Global Outreach? Check out & Whatever you’re facing, and no matter how isolated you may feel, Jesus gets it. There’s nothing you can go through that He doesn't understand. salvation and His son Jesus, is truly the Lord of the Sabbath. the lie that our prayers and concerns are not as important to God as they are to us. creative. I love that they didn’t give up. I love their faith, I love their persistence, and I love that their friend was healed. It makes me reflect – who am I bringing to scroll down to Local & Global. Read: Mark 4:13-20 Is there a storm occurring in your life that you would like Jesus to calm? Are you drawn more to the power of Jesus or the compassion of Jesus? Read: Mark 1:35 Jesus? Am I giving up when it gets too uncomfortable or hard? Read: Mark 3:20-30 These parallel stories remind us of Jesus’ heart of healing towards us. His power to heal us and meet our needs remains the same, and He oers healing by His Read Mark 1:12-13 Read: Mark 2:23-28 For the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus does not immediately heal when someone asks. He does not even confirm that He will heal Jairus’ daughter. The Pray: Spend time reflecting with God on the place your heart has been in recently. Thank Him for what He reveals, and ask Him to create deep roots as you very own touch. Read Mark 6:30-34 Read Mark 4:35-41 text simply says, “And he went with him.” Pray: Ask God for the grace to encounter Jesus in the Book of Mark so that you may more readily recognize Him in your daily life. Pray: Find 4 minutes to be quiet today. Spend 2 minutes sharing your prayer requests to the Lord then spend 2 minutes being quiet and listening to what He Read: Mark 2:1-5 Pray: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see the signs of your Kingdom and a heart to welcome you when you come in unfamiliar ways. In encounter His word. Pray: Praise Jesus that though He was tempted, He didn’t sin. Ask for the strength to resist temptation, like Jesus did. Pray: Heavenly Father, please help us to become more tolerant and accepting of others and their beliefs. Please guide our leaders so they make thoughtful decisions Jesus name, Amen. Read: Mark 5:37-43 Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into Your adventure. Help us to hold our plans with open hands, watch for where You are moving and join in! has to say back to you. Pray: Think about the biggest storm in your life. Do you feel fearful? Ask Jesus to calm the storm and fill you with faith in Him. The image of Jesus traveling alongside a heart-ached Jairus oers us hope – that Jesus never truly leaves our prayers unanswered. He journeys alongside us Pray: God please bring people to my mind that I need to introduce to you, and help me to be persistent in that journey. that transform our world into a place of peace and harmony that we all desire. In Jesus’ name, Amen. every step of the way. Pray: Reflect on a time that Jesus oered you His healing touch. Oer your praise in response. day 3 day 7 day 11 day 27 Read: Mark 5:21-24 day 42 January 3, 2021 day 15 day 19 January 27, 2021 day 31 Pray: As you pray, imagine that Jesus is walking alongside you, every step of the way. by Joy Yankey January 7, 2021 day 23 day 38 February 11, 2021 by Julie Izor January 11, 2021 January 19, 2021 by Jim Harrington January 31, 2021 by Joy Yankey January 15, 2021 by Alicia Price by Amy Zielsdorf January 23, 2021 by Brian Toombs February 7, 2021 Mark begins his gospel with this thesis: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He then recounts story after story of Jesus’ life and ministry, inviting His by Je Singer by Joy Yankey Jesus begins His ministry by announcing the Gospel and calls His first disciples. Jesus went into Galilee preaching the Good News, “The Kingdom of God Jesus used beautiful parables to help followers understand what He wants both from and for them. In the case of the parable of the lamp under a bushel, Jesus by Alex Bost Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to watch Jesus feed 5000 men plus their women and children from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Seeing readers to decide for themselves if they too believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Is Jesus the Promised One who fulfilled prophecies, with an After getting away to pray, Jesus’ disciples search and find Him, telling Him that “Everyone is looking for you!” But pressure from others does not deter Jesus has come near. Repent and believe the good news”. He then calls His first disciples by saying “Come, follow me”. The disciples left everything and followed It’s easy to think in black and white. Right and wrong, yes and no. We are comfortable when everything makes sense and fits into our metaphorical boxes. Jesus uses light from a lamp as a metaphor for one’s faith. Just as a lamp is better able to light a room when placed on a stand, rather than under a bushel basket, so Have you ever felt totally out of control? The man in today’s passage could easily be described that way, and yet he was drawn to Jesus. Verse 6 says that he that miracle would have been incredible! Jesus did not perform this miracle so everybody could watch a show, He wanted to show His disciples that one of authority over nature, sickness, sin and evil? Is Jesus the divine son of God the Father? from His mission. Jesus knew His purpose, “the reason He had come,” and did not become sidetracked. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and obediently Maybe you know what you did was wrong. Maybe you’ve done your best to make amends. Maybe you’ve already been forgiven by the people you hurt. But have Jesus’ mother & brothers thought they had a pass to the front of the crowd because of their biological connection to Him. Jesus is not dishonoring them, but Jesus, immediately. too is one’s faith able to reach more people – and have more impact – when it is out in the open. saw Jesus from a distance, ran to Him, and bowed before Him. I remember the first time I returned home to visit from college. I was so excited to see my family and friends after a long 4 months. Likewise, they were excited things He came to do was to feed people and fill them spiritually. you ever felt like even though you’ve been forgiven by others, you still needed to forgive yourself? does not always make everything so comfortable for us as we follow Him. When Jesus came, people expected Him to bring clarity on the “how-to’s” of religion, rather teaching that no one receives automatic intimacy with Jesus and His Father. The invitation is open to all, but those who actually make the time to sit with, moved from town to town, undeterred by the pressures and demands of the people around Him. He kept His mind, heart and actions in alignment with His and greeted me with happy, smiling faces upon my arrival. In this passage Mark tells us that Jesus returns home to Nazareth after performing miracles Who do you say Jesus is? Whether you are just beginning your journey, have traveled long and far with Him, or are deciding whether or not to step hoping to catch Him in a mistake. Jesus comes and flips everything on its head as He doesn’t fit into their boxes. It’s easy for us to get caught in trying to do things learn from, and obey Him are His true brothers and sisters. Father. And as Jesus went, He preached and healed; He ministered through both words and actions. This parable could have led to challenges for early followers, who were often persecuted for their faith. And it can still have consequences today in an In what area(s) is your life out of control? Perhaps there’s nothing in your life as extreme as this man’s situation, but my guess is that something probably elsewhere. Instead of receiving a hero’s welcome, Jesus receives rejection as He preaches in the synagogue. His own people will not accept the authority He has Jesus has enough to give to everyone that comes to Him. While the crowd was physically hungry, they were also spiritually hungry. He provided food to meet onto the path with Jesus, our prayer is that you will experience Him in a new way as we walk through the book of Mark. Join us to see, experience and We are called to do the same Repent, Believe, and Follow. Repent and believe is the Good News Jesus brings. To follow Him throughout our lives and After Jesus forgives the sin of the paralyzed man, not everyone was as thrilled as you’d expect. The Pharisees who were there began to grumble among themselves the “right way” that we miss Jesus altogether. The people are so fixed on whether or not Jesus should heal the man on the Sabbath that they miss the point: a man “unchurched” area like Silicon Valley where it is often deemed inappropriate to share our love of Jesus in social settings. Yet, Jesus still calls on us to live our lives comes to mind immediately. Are you ready to run to Jesus and bow before Him like this man did, surrendering the areas of your life that are unmanageable? If to teach them from the Scriptures. their physical hunger and He also provided nourishment for their souls. Nothing will fill us up like Jesus can. Do you believe that? Have you experienced that? strive to live a life of obedience to God is a call to discipleship. The Bible specifically says that the disciples got up and immediately followed Jesus. They and accuse Jesus of blasphemy. After all, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Instead of correcting the Pharisees, He actually agrees. They were right; only God is healed. We ask Jesus, “This or that?” and He simply responds, “Watch me.” As believers come together from many dierent backgrounds and experiences, our relationship with God through Jesus is the common denominator that decide for yourself - Who is this Jesus? Jesus perfectly balanced words and actions, as well as prayer and ministry. He kept His eyes focused on His Father and ministry flowed from that relationship. in ways that spread His light to others. you are not already a follower of Jesus, are you ready to surrender your whole life to Him? There are so many things that we turn to fill us up. Do they satisfy you in the long term? Not sure what you have found, but I have often found that they do not. didn’t have to think about it, they didn’t ask questions, they instantly went with Him. If you were alive many years ago on this day when Jesus started His binds us together as His family. This bond is even stronger than blood relations. Jesus is inviting us into an ever-deepening intimacy with Him and into commu- Let us, in the same way, do the good works God has given us to do and run the race set before us with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. can forgive sins, but anyone could claim that they had such authority. Jesus wanted to make sure they knew that He not only had the authority to forgive sins, but It is baing as to why His own people would reject His teaching. The people of Nazareth suered from unbelief. Jesus sees this unbelief and is only able to heal Jesus longs for you to be satisfied with Him and Him alone. Read: Mark 1:1 ministry and He called your name, would you have followed, immediately? also the power to heal. If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have been forgiven. Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself, Jesus has forgiven you. Once you accept that Following Jesus isn’t always as clear-cut as we would like, but what He oers is better. May we not let our own desire to “get it right” cause us to miss Jesus nity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Read: Mark 4:21-25 altogether. Read: Mark 5:1-13 a few, then proceeds to move on. Even now as believers it can be easy to doubt the Lord’s power and goodness. Amongst the craziness and uncertainty of this forgiveness, the healing can begin. world we can rest in our Father knowing He is in control and has power and authority over all. Read: Mark 6:35-44 Read: Mark 1-14-20 Read: Mark 1:36-39 Read: Mark 3:31-35 Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a new way as you read through the gospel of Mark. Pray: Father, please open my eyes to areas of my life where I have been placing the light of Jesus under a bushel, rather than in the open for all to see. Show me Pray: Jesus, you already know every detail of my life. You know where I am holding tightly to my own way. Today, I surrender my life completely to you and I Read Mark 2:6-12 Read: Mark 3:1-6 how my actions can change to better reflect You. seek to follow you all the remaining days of my life. When I begin to tighten my fists again, please gently remind me that you are continually leading me on the Read: Mark 6:1-6 Pray: Ask Jesus to show you what you find your satisfaction in besides Him and ask Him to help you turn to Him alone Pray: Pray Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw o everything that hinders and the sin that so Pray: Spend a few minutes thanking God for Jesus’ sacrifice so we can have intimacy with Him and for the encouragement and relationship we have with other Pray: Ask God to show you how you can obediently follow Him today. path that is perfect for me. when you need to be filled up. easily entangles. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. believers. Pray: Praise God for His forgiveness. Ask to be able to recognize your sin and have the peace that comes with giving it to Jesus who bore it on the cross. Pray: Spend some time asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life where you could be missing Jesus. Pray for a soft heart to follow Jesus wherever He leads. Pray: Take a moment to thank God for His power and authority. Then take some time to pray for those that He has placed in positions of power