day 8 day 12 day 4 January 8, 2021 day 16 day 20 day 24 day 28 day 32 day 35 by Dan Yoder January 12, 2021 January 4, 2021 by Kelly Hesterberg January 16, 2021 January 20, 2021 January 24, 2021 January 28, 2021 February 1, 2021 February 4, 2021 day 39 100 DAYS:WHO IS JESUS by McKenna Giordano by Je Singer by Joy Yankey by Alex Bost In this passage Mark gives us our first glimpse of Jesus’ public ministry. It shows how amazing He was to the people in the region. In the Passion Translation it by Brian Toombs by Promod Haque by Promod Haque February 8, 2021 Mark continues his gospel by telling the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. In Jesus’ day, people with leprosy were seen as “unclean,” both physically and by Brian Toombs starts with: Jesus withdrew from the synagogue to the lake and people came from all over the region “when they heard about all he was doing.” Many people were John the Baptist was radical. Clothing made of camel’s hair was outdated and extremely unique compared to other religious leaders for the time. A diet of spiritually. But when this man sees Jesus, he runs to Him and falls to his knees. He declares, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus’ response is complete- What kind of person needs Jesus? What kind of person deserves Jesus? These are questions that have been asked for the past 2000 years, all the way back to Whenever Jesus commands us to listen our ears, hearts, and minds should tune in! As we begin diving into chapter 4, we come across the Parable of the We all make choices every day, even when we aren't aware that we had a choice! The person in today's parable makes a choice to plant some seed. Over time, Verses 1-14 show three dierent forces involved: Satan, Society and SAVIOR. In this crowd were two people who were anxious to see Jesus: a wealthy synagogue ocer and an anonymous woman suering from an incurable disease. locusts and wild honey sounds, honestly, quite disgusting. He turned heads and needed to be distinguished from the rest because his mission—to Jesus’ days on the Earth. For many of us, we draw a line between these two categories. We can imagine the people who need Jesus. People down on their luck, attracted to Him, but if their focus remained on what He could do for them rather than on who He is, they didn’t follow Him for very long. Sower. This is one of Jesus’ most familiar parables and can have many dierent meanings. For example, it shows how generous and giving God is with His love. 22 The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching, because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the ly contrary to social norms. Mark writes that Jesus is filled with compassion for the man. What happens next is even more unbelievable: Jesus reaches out and since the soil is good (see Mark 4:8), the seed germinates, sprouts, grows, and eventually produces a crop. Jesus welcomed both. According to the law, this woman was ceremonially unclean, which restricted her religious and social life. She had tried everything but no “Wait. You want me to do what???” This is a risky, but transformational moment for the disciples. This is the moment when they are asked to put all their announce the coming of Jesus— was crucial for our world and God’s plan for His people. John didn’t care about appearances, but people’s eternal people making bad decisions, or who typically have it worse than we do. When we imagine those who deserve Jesus, maybe we think of the pious and religious, the We see the farmer sowing seeds amongst the thorns and rocky places; so too does God give blessings to all people, even those that have hardened, prickly relatively passive observations of Jesus into action. They must totally rely on God and on one other disciple as they are sent out in pairs to minister to people. religious scholars. touches him, says He is willing, and by the words of His lips, makes him clean. Satan -controlled the demons and the man who was possessed. doctor had been able to cure her. She made one last attempt as she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. She had heard of others being well-being. people who look like they have it all together. Is this true? Jesus had the disciples prepare a boat for Him so that He wouldn’t be crowded by all the people coming. Jesus used the skill and training of those of His hearts. If you are a follower of Jesus, your job is to spread the seeds of the message of Jesus; it is simply to carry the message. What others do with it is not your healed by Jesus and had faith. She touched Jesus’ garment and was healed; Jesus looked at her and called her “daughter.” And guess what? They preached and saw big results! The demons flee. The sick are healed. All from the anointing power of Jesus, but without Him being day 1 disciples who were fishermen throughout His ministry, as He often traveled on the Sea of Galilee. God desires to use all our experiences for His good and glory; responsibility. The seed contains life and will grow under the right conditions. Society- the people at that time had no control over the man who was possessed other than to isolate, bind and guard him. physically present with them! While moments like these can be scary, for me, they are where the most growth occurs. Placing faith ahead of comfort, releasing It would have been amazing to have heard that! As a religiously untrained carpenter, how was Jesus able to speak with such authority? Then, to further We all carry the uncleanliness of sin with us. But if you are willing to come to Jesus in faith and humility, He is compassionate and willing, and will reach out, touch, How is your life radically dierent because of what Jesus has done for you? How do you stand out among those around you? Thank God for His radical Jesus makes it very clear. Everyone needs Jesus, and Nobody deserves Jesus. The categories we may have always fall flat. Tax collectors were considered the lowest He doesn’t waste any of our skill, training and past if we surrender them and invite Him to use them as He desires. In verse 8, we see seeds being sown on the good soil. When it came up, it grew and produced an amazing amount, 100 times what was sown! God can Jesus responds to faith no matter how feeble or who we are. Others who touched Him didn’t experience miracles because they lacked faith. It is one thing to my fear, depending on God, rather than on self. Can you remember a time when you went from the safety and ease of being an observer to actually doing demonstrate His authority He cast a demon out of a man. In our modern world we don’t think about demons controlling or influencing humans – but we do and cleanse you. January 1, 2021 love for you. of the low, and yet Jesus spent His time with them. Pharisees were considered the Holiest around, and yet they didn’t believe they needed a Savior, so they missed produce an incredible amount of fruit in and through our lives when we allow Him to fully use us. We can do that by reading His word, retaining it, and sharing it Will you choose to sow some seeds today? Savior -came to this demon possessed man through a storm and graciously healed him. throng Him and just attend church and it is something else to trust Him and have a relationship with Him. something new and risky? From an observer to a doer? What did that feel like? by Haley Green accept that many people have addictions, fears and grudges that control/influence them. Do you think Jesus can get rid of those today? If you saw that, would Read: Mark 3:7-12 with others. Read: Mark 1:40-42 Him. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him, knowing that there isn’t one person worthy of that call. Read: Mark 1:2-8 it change how you perceive Jesus? Read: Mark 4:26-29 One would have expected Society to rejoice in what they saw and ask Jesus to stay and help them in other ways. But instead, they were troubled and angry Read: Mark 5:25-34 Read Mark 6:7-13 It’s January 1st, the first day of 2021. We made it! While we know that nothing magically happened when the clock struck midnight, we still feel the Read: Mark 4:1-8 Read: Mark 2:13-17 Pray: Spend time reflecting on why you follow Jesus: for His blessings or for who He is? Surrender your past experiences to Him and invite Him to use them as and asked Him to leave. Why? They didn’t want Jesus to disturb their comfort, their lifestyle, their possessions, and their routine of life. These forces of Satan, anticipation of a new calendar year, perhaps this year more than ever. There’s something powerful in the idea of a fresh start, a resolution, a new Pray: Ask for Jesus to reveal anything you are carrying that needs to be healed or cleansed.
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