Discipleship and Mission
Discipleship and Mission GENERAL INTRODUCTION This quarter surveys several calls to ministry and the expectations of those called. Calls to service, as recorded in the gospels of Mark and Luke, are highlighted. We explore Paul’s call to ministry, with special attention to the Roman church. On Easter Sunday, we examine Matthew’s account of the Resurrection. Unit I, “Call to Discipleship,” has four lessons and highlights several aspects of what it means to be called by Jesus as a disciple. They include hospitality, counting the cost, reaching the lost, and salvation for all people. Unit II, “Call to Ministry,” has five lessons that explore the diverse ways in which Jesus’ disciples were challenged to exercise their call to ministry: by witnessing to the Gospel message, acting with loving kindness, sharing the Resurrection story, and making new disciples through preaching, teaching, and baptism. Unit III, “The Spread of the Gospel” (four lessons), begins with Paul’s introduction of himself to the Jewish and Gentile Christians living in Rome. Paul affirms that the call to salvation is to Israel and to Gentiles. This call to salvation is a call to a life in the Spirit and involves a new life in Christ. Spring 2018–TOWNSEND PRESS COMMENTARY | 1 2 | TOWNSEND PRESS COMMENTARY–Spring 2018 March 3, 2019 Lesson 1 CALLED TO HUMILITY AND HOSPITALITY ADULT/YOUTH CHILDREN ADULT/YOUNG ADULT TOPIC: Humility Is Good GENERAL LESSON TITLE: Called to Be Humble for You and Kind YOUTH TOPIC: Sitting with the Lowly CHILDREN’S TOPIC: Dare to Care and Share DEVOTIONAL READING Luke 14:15-24 ADULT/YOUTH BACKGROUND SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:7-14 BACKGROUND SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:7-14 PRINT PASSAGE: Luke 14:7-14 PRINT PASSAGE: Luke 14:7-14 KEY VERSES: Luke 14:13-14a KEY VERSE: Luke 14:11 CHILDREN Luke 14:7-14—KJV Luke 14:7-14—NIV 7 And he put forth a parable to those which 7 When he noticed how the guests picked were bidden, when he marked how they chose the places of honor at the table, he told them this out the chief rooms; saying unto them.
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