Lesson 26 Following Dietary Guidelines
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Following Dietary Guidelines • I will eat the recommended number of servings from the MyPyramid food guidance system. • I will follow the Dietary Guidelines. 26 his lesson discusses the MyPyramid food guidance system and Dietary Guidelines. The Dietary Guidelines are recommendations What You’ll Learn Tfor diet choices among healthy Americans who are two years of age 1. Identify the recommended or older. These guidelines are a result of research done by the United number of daily servings for States Department of Agriculture and the each food group in the United States Department of Health MyPyramid food guidance and Human Services. system. (p. 295) 2. List examples of foods from each of the food groups in MyPyramid. (p. 296) 3. List and describe the Dietary Guidelines. (p. 299) 4. Explain how to use the Dietary Guidelines. (p. 299) 5. Explain how to follow a vegetarian diet. (p. 300) Why It’s Important You are what you eat. You need to eat a variety of foods to obtain the nutrients your body needs for optimal health. Key Terms • Dietary Guidelines • food group • MyPyramid • saturated fat • cholesterol • vegetarian diet • vegan diet • lacto-vegetarian diet • ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet Writing About Following Dietary Guidelines Suppose you are • semi-vegetarian diet grocery shopping for a picnic with your friends. Your friends put potato chips, candy bars, and high-calorie prepackaged sandwiches in their shopping carts. They urge you to do the same. After reading the information about Dietary Guidelines on page 299, write an entry in your health journal about why you should resist pressure and stick to the Dietary Guidelines. 294 UNIT 5 • Nutrition David Buffington/Getty Images category of foods that contain similar nutrients is a food group. There are six food groups as illustrated by AMyPyramid. Each group has recommended servings per day depending on your age, size, sex, and level of activity. What to Know About Each Food Group Grains Every day you should eat at products. These foods are good sources least 3 oz of whole-grain cereals, of calcium and protein. Select low-fat bread, crackers, rice, or pasta. These or fat-free versions of milk products to Cola Facts A 12-oz limit your fat intake. People who don’t foods are good sources of vitamins, can of non-diet cola minerals, and complex carbohy- drink milk can choose lactose-free contains about 9 drates. They provide fiber, iron, and products or other foods and beverages teaspoons of sugar, vitamin B. A 1 oz serving equals 1 fortified with calcium. 150 calories, and has slice of bread, or 1 cup of ready-to-eat Meat and beans You need to eat at no real nutritional cereal, or 1/2 cup of cooked cereal, least 5 1/2 oz every day from the food value. rice, or pasta. group that includes meat, poultry, Vegetables You need 2 1/2 cups each eggs, fish, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds. day from the vegetable group. These These foods are good sources of pro- foods are low in fat and calories. tein, B vitamins, iron, and zinc. To help They are good sources of vitamins limit fat intake, choose low-fat or lean A and C and minerals. Eat a variety meats and poultry, and bake, broil, or from this food group, including dark grill the food instead of frying it. It is Make the green vegetables like broccoli and important to choose more fish, beans, Connection spinach, orange vegetables like car- peas, nuts, and seeds to boost your Health Information rots and sweet potatoes, and dry intake of essential fatty acids. For more information beans and peas. Oils Most teens need to consume on accessing valid Fruits You need 2 cups each day from about 5 teaspoons per day of oils, health and nutrition the fruit group. Fruits are low in fat, which are found in nuts, fish, cooking information, see page and they are good sources of vitamins oil, and salad dressings. Oils provide 20 in Lesson 2. A and C, potassium, and carbohy- essential fatty acids and vitamin E. drates. Choose a variety of fruits, Oils are different from solid fats, whether fresh, frozen, canned, or which contain more saturated and dried, but go easy on fruit juices. trans fats and cholesterol. These tend to raise "bad" cholesterol levels in the Milk You need to consume three cups blood and increase the risk for heart a day of milk, yogurt, and other dairy disease. LESSON 26 • Following Dietary Guidelines 295 (tt)Photodisc/Getty Images Discretionary calories Depending on of the recommended foods in your level of physical activity and the MyPyramid amounts to 1800 calo- foods you choose from the other ries, but you burn 2000 calories a day. 1. How many food groups, you have a certain amount of That means you have 200 discre- groups are “extra” calories that you can use. tionary calories that you can con- illustrated in Assume that your daily consumption sume. MyPyramid? 2. Name the food groups of What to Know About the MyPyramid. 3. How much of MyPyramid Food Guidance System each food group is recommended MyPyramid is a guide that recom- greatest number of servings of food you per day? mends the kinds and amounts of foods eat each day should come from the to eat each day and emphasizes physi- widest sections of MyPyramid. The cal activity. A balanced diet includes orange band on the far left of the pyra- servings from the five food groups. The mid is the grains group. MyPyramid stresses the importance of healthy food choices and daily physical activity. GRAINS VEGETABLES FRUITS MILK MEAT & BEANS Make half your grains whole Vary your veggies Focus on fruits Get your calcium-rich foods Go lean with protein 296 UNIT 5 • Nutrition To its right is the vegetable group (in servings in the ranges. The following green) and the fruits group (in red). calorie level suggestions are based on The wide blue band is the milk group, the 2005 recommendations of the U.S. and the purple band on the far right is Department of Agriculture (USDA) the meat and beans group. The narrow Center for Nutrition Policy and Serving Sizes yellow band (between the fruits and Promotion.For adults and teens: Commonly available milk groups) represents the oils group. food portions are • 1800 calories is about right for It is so thin because people require much larger than many active young girls, sedentary serving sizes for such a small amount of oils, and most teen girls, and sedentary women. MyPyramid. For Americans already consume enough example, many bagels oil in the foods they eat. • 2200 calories is about right for are as much as four most active adolescent girls, active Serving Size Guidelines times the serving size women, sedentary teen boys, and for MyPyramid. A serving is a specific amount of food sedentary men. that is indicated on the nutrition label. MyPyramid shows a range of • 3000 calories is about right for many servings for each major food group. active teenage boys and active men. The number of servings that is If you eat a larger portion of a food right for you depends on how many than the serving size, you should calories you need, which in turn count it as more than one serving. depends on your age, sex, size, and For example, a sandwich has two how active you are. Almost everyone servings of bread. The top slice and should have at least the number of bottom slice are each one serving. TABLE 26.1 Sample Diets for a Day at Three Caloric Levels Food Groups Lower Caloric Level Moderate Caloric Higher Caloric Level (about 1800) Level (about 3000) (about 2200) Grains 6 oz 7 oz 10 oz Vegetables 2.5 cups 3 cups 4 cups Fruits 1.5 cups 2 cups 2.5 cups Milk 3 cups 3 cups 3 cups Meat and beans 5 oz 6 oz 7 oz LESSON 26 • Following Dietary Guidelines 297 (t to b)Tony Freeman/PhotoEdit, Photodisc/Getty Images, Mitch Hrdlicka/Getty Images, Anthony Johnson/Getty Images, Benelux Press/Index Stock Imagery EATING RIGHT FOR LIFE Caloric Intake Providing the right amount of nutrients and calories for your body is an essential part of main- taining good health. Your nutritional and caloric require- Apples contain antioxidants, which can reduce cancer ments change throughout the course of your life, risks. depending on which stage of development you are in, how active you are, or if you become pregnant. can lead to serious spinal cord defects in newborn babies. Dietary sources of folic acid include green leafy vegeta- Nutritional needs of infants and children During bles, broccoli, breads, dried beans, and citrus fruits. their first few years, babies experience rapid growth. They need good sources of iron and calcium, as well as Nutritional needs of teen boys and active men fat, in their diets. Infant formulas and baby food are spe- Teen boys and active men need about 3000 calories per cially formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of day. It is also important for adults over the age of 50 to this age group. It is recommended that mothers breast- get enough calcium, which helps keep bones strong and feed for the first six months. Breast milk helps fight prevents the development of osteoporosis. Older adults infant infections, such as ear infections, diarrhea, aller- and people who have little exposure to sunlight need to gies, and pneumonia. Breast milk also promotes diges- take a vitamin D supplement. Sunlight is a natural source tion and absorption of nutrients.