Nostalgia in Indie Folk by Claire Coleman
WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVE RSITY Humanities and Communication Arts “Hold on, hold on to your old ways”: Nostalgia in Indie Folk by Claire Coleman For acceptance into the degree of Doctor of Philosophy December 20, 2017 Student number 17630782 “Hold on, hold on to your old ways” – Sufjan Stevens, “He Woke Me Up Again,” Seven Swans Statement of Authentication The work presented in this thesis is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, original except as acknowledged in the text. I hereby declare that I have not submitted this material, either in full or in part, for a degree at this or any other institution. .............................................................................................. Claire Coleman Acknowledgements This thesis could not have been completed without the invaluable assistance of numerous colleagues, friends and family. The love, respect and practical support of these people, too many to name, buoyed me through the arduous privilege that is doctoral research. With special thanks to: The Supers – Dr Kate Fagan, Mr John Encarnacao and Associate Prof. Diana Blom My beloved – Mike Ford My family – Nola Coleman, Gemma Devenish, Neale Devenish, and the Fords. The proof-readers – Alex Witt, Anna Dunnill, Pina Ford, Connor Weightman and Nina Levy. My choir families – Menagerie, Berlin Pop Ensemble and Dienstag Choir Administrative staff at Western Sydney University Dr Peter Elliott Ali Kirby, Kate Ballard, Carol Shepherd, Kathryn Smith, Judith Schroiff, Lujan Cordaro, Kate Ford and the many cafes in Perth, Sydney and Berlin
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