Mailed free to requesting homes in Eastford, Pomfret & Woodstock Vol. VII, No. 35 Complimentary to homes by request (860) 928-1818/e-mail:
[email protected] FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2012 THIS WEEK’S QUOTE “A friend is a gift you give yourself.” Robert Louis Stevenson INSIDE A8-9— OPINION A12 — SPORTS Jean Sheldon leads the Survivor Lap that opened the 2012 Relay. Those on the sidelines blew bubbles to the Relayers walking the Survivor Lap. B1 — HOT SPOT B1 — CALENDAR B3— OBITS B4 — CLASSIFIEDS LOCAL Spaghetti supper nets The 80-degree weather May 19 and 20 was welcomed by Relayers, who have in past It was an emotional moment for many in the crowd when the National Anthem was $1.2K for senior center years walked the 24-hour Relay in the rain. sung by Linda Colangelo. Page A3 Kerensa Konesni photos SPORTS RELAY WOODSTOCK — The Northeast Connecticut Relay for Life was held at the Woodstock Fairgrounds Saturday,May 19 and Sunday,May 20. After all was said and done, more than $300,000 — and counting — was raised for the American Cancer Society. FOR LIFE For more photos, turn to page A16! Students present plans LaBeef lands Division 1 offer to improve their world Page A11 QVCC EXPO A LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS BY MERYL E WILLETT EVERDAY ECOLOGIST VILLAGER STAFF WRITER PAGE A5 KILLINGLY— The 9th Annual Quinebaug Valley ROUND ROBIN RELAYS Community College High School Manufacturing Expo PAGE A7 took place at the QVCC cam- pus on Friday, May 18, featur- ing six high schools from the area — Plainfield High School, Putnam High School, Woodstock Academy, Tourtellotte Memorial High School, Quinebaug Middle College, and H.H.