J. M. Downer. Bicycle Brake
(No Model.) J. M. DOWNER. BICYCLE BRAKE. No. 606,834., _ ‘ Patented June 28, 1898. 1 % f llmrnn FFlCFt JOHN MITCHELL DOWNER, OF TORONTO, CANADA. BICYCLE-BRAKE. SPECIFICATION forming part of LettersPatent No. 606,334, dated June 28, 1898.. Application ?led Decen1her.18,‘189‘6. Serial No, 616,150. (No model.) To aZZ whom it may concern. Referring ?rst more particularly to Figs. 1 Be it known that I, J OHN MITCHELL Dow~ and 2, A represents the hub, formed in one NEH, a subject of the Queen of Great Britain, withor connected to the tubing or framing 55 residing at the city of Toronto, in the county of the bicycle and provided with anysuitable of York and Province of Ontario, Canada, antifrietion "devices a a to insure easy run have invented a certain new and useful Im ning, B and B’ are the pedal~crank_s_, and O provement in Bicycle-Brakes, of which the the driving-axle, all‘ of any approved con following is a speci?cation. ‘ struction. - D is the sprocket, ?xed upon said This invention relates to bicycle- brakes axle as usual and by preference having of that class which are applied through the formed upon its inner face an annular groove sprocket driving-wheel by the action of back cl to loosely receive the rim of a tubular ex pedaling, and has for its object to produce a tension A’ of the hub or framing A. This brake which shall be positive and direct in tubular extension is preferably somewhat 65 its action, easily applied, either instantane— larger in diameter than the main body of the onsly or gradually, and one which shall be hub and serves to inclose and protect myim simple and cheap in construction, not liable proved brake mechanism, which, as herein~ to get out of order, and one which will not add before pre1nised,consists of one or more brake materially to the weight of the bicycle or inter shoes E, pivoted at e to the inner face of the fere in any way with its easy running.
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