& CO. LIMilED ' '· ' ) . ' .. RUN DOWN? 141•0 NEED rEOPLE BOUGHT· ·USED . . . A TONIC?? CARS and TRUCKS · ·T··H· • TAKE FROM US i:AST. tEAR -- BRICK'S Nova· Motors ·Ltd. Vol. 68. No. 39 TI;fE DAILY NEWS, S'.f. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1961 (Price: 7 Cents) TASTELESS·

I . . , • . . "".. . mars 0 uss1ans:- lnjur;ed W~n U. S. Negroes: U. N: Council .Chamber' By JOSEPH MacSWEEN ·Canadian Pre_, Staff Writer ED NATIONS (CP)- Dag Hammarskjold charged Wednesdoy that the Soviet Union to paralyze the United Nations by atta~ks on him and rejected Russia's demand th~t

UN secretary. general struck back at Russia at a hectic meeting of the UN Security which earlier saw the wildest melee in UN ·history when a group of Negroes roared 11e council chamber protesting the slaying of Patrice Lumumba in The Congo. : ~~ prr

br:an by descnbmg suring the free and untramelled can figure skating stars. 1 Among the 49 Americans w~o of Lumumba, ole·j' exercise bv the Congolese peo·j The Sabena Airlines. plane' perished were Mr. Maribel : premier, as a pic of the.ir right to independ· spun out of control in circling Vinson Owen, 49, of Winchester, CAIRO-The three chlldren or deposed Congolese Premier Pat rice Lumumha arc shown with ~Irs. Fathyia ~krumab (center), . " j ence." · for a landing and crashed in a Mass.• and two daughters. Mrs. wife uf Ghana Premier Kwame Nkrumah, ~t the Tahara Palace here Feb. 7th. Lumumba and the two aides who escaped Jail ...... am· POST As to the U.S. position, Slel'· sunlit farmyard, killing a br· Owen, nine times U.S. figure with hint were killed by natives Feb. l~th, it was announced by a Katanga government spok~sman Feb. 13th. The Lumumba · Mclared that I enson declared: · mer iti addition to.61 passeng· skating champion, wa~ coach youngsters are Juliana, sittin~ on Mrs. 1\'krnmah's lap; Patrice, Jr., and Francois (right), Mrs. Nkrumah's son, Gamal, js be- !lfkin~ not only to get "We, Insist that all foreign 1ers and 11 crew members. The for the two girls, both members lng held by ~Irs. Nkrumah's sistcr.-(UPI Photo). · b~t to destroy the .military aid from whateverjwreckage burned. . · of a U.S. team headin~ to ------:------lKfrtary. general and source and to whatever end be Among the dead. was a 39· Prague, Czechos!o1•akia, lor t!lc MillionS 1 d t ~th a "triumvirate removed from The Congo nnd year~ld tobacco farmer from Wodld Figure Skating r:hamp- 1 K w R • . ll(lt !unction. . . :" that no sue!: aid be permitted Vanessa, Ont.. ViCtor Maes. A lonships due to open Feb. 22. : s E r I I en n y ar n s us sa ~aid that m to interfere with the free and native of Belgium but a natural· Flames fed by bursting fuel ' ee c Ipse i . e li'r-:1\ltm.1crs he would Independent working out lly the 1lzed Canadian citizen, he w~s tanks quickly engulfed the hulk LO:-IDON t Reuters l - Mil· ; ~'t t'lthdrawal of ~n· Congolese people themselves. of I on his way to attend h:s of the $5,000,000 plane. lions of Europeans-and a num- 1 AP ~ mf of the Securtty their own poi!Ucal destiny. ·We jmother's funeral. The names frustrated rescue her of Soviet high - altitui;le ob- : 0 ( I t t• ;otm'J~ent me~be~ mean this and we intend· to keep I Also aboard was skating in· of firemen. who were speeding scrvation rockets - watch~d 0 0 II I0 If n ng erve n n tr~ r.s.. B r t tat n, on meaning it." structor D n i e I Ryan, .vho to help even while the plime Wednesday as a total eclipse of: a."'d 'Sationalist China- was still erratically aloft, with lhL sun cut a path of darknes; ; i.nes lo rtli~n. engines sounding oddly, in the from France to Russia. uN Off• • I R 1 I,. ·:n ,this t~e t~e So'li~t . final stage of a flight from New The moon's GOO-mile shadow WASHI~GT0:-.1 iAPl - Prcsi- zenga as the lawful government withdrawal of UN forces from rlit relusmg tts confl- ICia .. s. . ··.·. epo·.. \\···rt ... ' .· York. . . . .swept from Bordeaux. France. 1 r . , _ the s«ret•,.,.general "It ..... ~h""-~abomb•'- the·air-'·" · ..._, ·l' . y-- . .·. B ,dent I.cnned) \lilrned R~sola of The Congo - · rccQJaition The Congo and for ouster\of 81 051 01 1 •ippiny;. . -• • ,.., • '!"" • · .. cro•s ' y, ug ta, u · Wed e d· ·"1 1 t " · t ·1 coup' d 1'th r 0 mi 0 f Dag Harmmarskjold as UN see. ume tune taken a R • I I Port tower commander sa[d. garia, Romania and part of !t n st aty .~!bt .• ahams .1 1 2~ t ·: dw 'd a P se sup· 1113les it absolutely . con· · Heat was so Intense that part Russia, The eclipse started in . a e~~ o tn e~ \ enc um ? e:.: po~. an" aI . retary-general. . nre the pre.;ent eprasa s. n g·o of the plane's metal skin melted France at 7:32 a.m. G:I1T (3:32: ?IIY 111 The Con,o. .He Said tt I Gtzen,a .\IJS a former deputy -:: '·' -1 . ~!!lf'ral to resiJ(n, no . · , . llke · butter. Authorities said a.m. AST'. . , 1s the du~y ~f the ~h~1tcd States! of the st~m" Patnce ~u,numba, .-.:::,~· Demonstrate ,;,• . . could be . identification of many will ·be Russia topped scientific cf. • a1~d othe1 Un1ted :'\ac~ons '.nen:· 1deposed Conho premJct. '· ~ !fJ.Sy'O!r and the world would LEOPOLDVILLE - lnce, Willi arrested Tuesday af· difficult. forts tl) observe the eclinse hv hct.". to oppose any such mtct· ~ The "only lc"itimatc author-! In Montrea J tn the wish of the Reprisals against wh!tes for !he ter he shot to death a Bel~ian Debris. wd scattered for sev- the unexpected lau'nching ~~: vcntwn. · : ity" qualified t~ sn~ak for· the 1 • ;·, ~ ·'? to have thb or- murder of ex-premier Patrtce and wounded a Portuguese m a era! hundred yards. "several" rockets to carrv oult' The nrc>idcnl oncnin" 'lis i cnttre Con"o 1\cnticdv said is! :I!O:'i~REAL tCP) - Nea_r~y . ~ ~·~~, 1 • ' · • · · :·. 1'ts l' L b · t d w·~oru· h t 1 ba I . ' th d · ~nd · · · · · ~ ' · ~ 100 llfncan students attendtn2 .. . r:;·v.·' nn execu 1ve umum a were repor e o e r, c atmang ey ma e The passengers apparently studies of the sun in eclipse press conference with a sta•e· the "oYernmcnt of President I · . . . · \ .. by a triumvirate nesda1 by United ~allons off!· fun of Lumu.~ba. hail been warned to expett t.rOU· its effect on the upper at moo· , mcnt on The Cun;!o crlsis, '.Jid, Kasm;1hu at Leopolth·illc. lie' Montreal umversthcs Wednes.· ~· n?t. function 'IDd clals. · . · · . Four Bel~tans sought asylum ble. Many bodie!i were found in phere. · not specifically name Russia: snid discussions arc under way Iday marched lroa_n the., m~fn 11 dtfmttely would !lOt I The UN Said 25 whites were with EthiOpian UN troops in Bu· a crouching position . - head High • fiying jetliners Joad~rl ·but he said he is ",el'iou Jv • with 0 1 h e r countrirs nbout gate of the MeG til U:n erstty instrument ~or· an arreated. Tuesday. .by pro.·. Lu- nla, northeastern Orienta] prov· down; knees together - a'dopled with astronomical equipment i concerned at what. ap~ears , 1 ~ 'j broadening this government po.J cat;Jpus lo the Belgmn all_d countries of mumba. troops. In Bukavu, Clpi· !nee, . In crash landings. anq astronomers a 1~ 0 sped 1he. a threat of unilateral inter·. liticallv 1 Umted States consulates to pri' in ~eed." ! tal of Kivu province. . . WON'T. SEE UN • . alohg the moon's shadow in: \'cntion." . · · J test the d ~at h of Congolese SBld, bowever· 'some ·or them were ·rOUtlhly Meanwh)le, Premter Morse o·ff" It r· France and Russia, making ex- i : Kennedy also deplored any 21- leader Patnce Lumumha. t!!i~n if it were the handled and one was taken to. Tshombe of ·Katanga province, . I ICU 1me tended observations which 1t.! This was an obvious reference i tempt to "destroy" the U!'-1-[ The students, joined by a ~ uncommitted na. hospital .for treatment. The re-,lssued a statement reiterating . for Belgl"um will take three months to ana.,~ to Ru. ssia's recognition o.f th.. c 1· a. gain an evident reference to; score of while sympathizers, malnder were released. he woUld not receive ..an inter- lyze. regime of leftist Antoine Gi· Russia's ue~nnd __ ~~~~lay for 1~er~ ~ed by. Beele Nedi ~f Bakavu and Stanleyvl11e, cap, national commission to Invest!· Pope John observed the phen·· - ·. • · · · · ·· -- •·- ·------· - - Ethtop1a, prestdent of the Afn- I .I is thus In the ita! of Oriental province, were gate Lumun'lba's death. . BRUSSELS ut1· Foreign Mini5· night for Belgium" the count.ry treal Presbytery of the Pr~s· I Wednesday o1·er R~ts~ta!l de· hon. 1 th1s sa1•agery ..•." I i'Alrin earlier had u· is seeing "its flag5 Insulted, Its byterian c h \1 r c h In Cannda ma.nds for . the re~Jgnatmn uf I ------John's I d . k -----k- . Mnscnw'shttrayal" char;tellof · Lu: n·. e· . m·_. P·. oye R·a·n·.. -~.' embassiesburned." ransacked,· · and · e~en· TuesdayEdwin .J. nightWhyte nominal~rl of Edmon' Rl'\.'. on, era!llnl'.cd Dng Nations HammarskJold. Sec.rctary·G,211· Se.nator'\ Ta es Jab At·. loots o!. Belgian and or. Russian allegations that for moderator of the churr.h·s I Yugoslavia; joined in lhe So· · Belgmm was respons!~le for ~e 87th general assembly at Tor-jviet demands that Hammar· F• •. c • ;. I SJ~tech was· a reo d~~th of Lumumba• Wl~ny satd: onto, June 7. • lskjold be replaced and there tna~ce ompanle· of Htimman- E. xpa. .n. d .T 0 . 693. .000 I believe that the SOVIet u.nion Dr. Whyte, 8 nahve of Char- . were . d~monstrations against 1. . ~ I I s I . he said, · was · 1 Is the last country In a posttion lottetown, was educated at . !VI'c-1 him in Morocco, CzechoslOI'~l;ia 1 . lin lor civil war In ' · •. · to accuse others . . • • Gill University and is a former., and France . . and actually ~eclar- • · ·a,. ROBERT Rlt:E JIJluary jObless figure. r re- "If Mr. Lumumba was ~e ylc· minister at Ormstown, Qur .. ! ' • . OTTAWA 'CPI-Senator Cyr· dent of Federation d~ Cabses . t~ ~ demand· . caudlu 'Pretia· staR Wrtter. sents .108 · • f' f th ~bo tim of a political assassmahon, and In Montreal's Pointe St. i · But the ~o\·ernments of Bri· tile Vaillancourt, head of the t Populmrcs, spoke durmg debate ~td. of the UN C~go O'M'AWA ICPl ·-·The· riiiiQ force of: 8-:fO:n ° e a r we energetically condemn such Charles district. lla[n. Franc~, Canada and other credit union movem?nt in Que· on a prival~ m~?lber's bill ~t . · · ·Of Canada's . unemployed· ex· This m~~ ~t rou hi one an action." If elected, he would he the Western countries came solidly 1 hec, toot-. .a ~lm~ Jab Wednes- ~ouid reqmr~. !man~~ complll· l!tirtfd that.· Steven- 1 panded· Sblll'Jil)' last mlllllh to 1 ID. '.every nine workers:gw!· out ·Belgium would c~ntinu~ to first moderator from the AI· t~ his defence and deployed So-~· day a g a 1 n s t mt.ercst rates 1es and. reta11ers giVIng credll .. showed tile new post-war- peak of etlf,OOO jobless of 1 :lob last month. or the job- grant requested ,techm~al a1d to berta synod since· Dr. D. G. y1et efforts. to make . h!m th~ charged by some fma:Jce com· to s~ectfy the finance charges I of Prell- people · ·. less 87 per cent w re ' The Congo but 'we Will not In· McQueen· his predecessor at scapegoat m the ktlhng of pames. and mterest. . . :. . wu .appar· The.' tOta , li. the .. 1 ~ · • .. At. 1 • ' e men. . ~ene in Congolest! politics." Edmonton's First Presbyterian ousted Congolese premier Pa·l He told the Senate that he The bill was introduced ~1· old ConJO 1101· :....-2 f 1 ...... est un 000 m d1December, when G28,-. We. do not '!ant to collaborate Church, was nnmetl in 1912. trice Lumumba. . . spoke a few days ago to a man ier in the Upper House by ~· . . cnp."3"'~· f u re Ill)' . peop 1 · were unemployed,: In a ·c1vl1 war m The Conjlo," he . . . · who borrowed $10·000 from a tor David Croll (lr-OntariOl . .,.I monl;JI. In !be_lilt 15 yqn, 1 the rate was. 8.2, per · cent- declared. 'Plan· Lumumba Mea'nwhtle, Russ~a gamed 'liP· lender over a 10-ye~r . period and is similar to one he ~ Ham m ankjold, 'I'M bureu of sllltfiCb te- about 0!11 joblea worker ~ . . port. from the U~tted Arab Re· aJld contracted to pa)' mter~f't posed last session. He sli;lis • Wedde.d•yth,at tile m!d-,every 12. . . . · The vast and forbidding con· Mt.ll .public· Yugoslavta, E~'t Ger· .of $9,000 and a bonus of $!,000. some interest rates run ash~ sun uncertain Is . whether the tinent of Antarctica, eternally i [llany an~ Ghana lo.d Jts .I~OI'e "If we arc trying to imprOI'C' as 30 to 50 per cent but ap~l'

J~r~uaey fl1ure will repruent a cold,. must at one time .have HAVANA CAPl - The Cul)~n 1 to recogmze the regJ.me of .eft· and stA'engthen the economy of: modest to the publie becaii.M in cering pellr for thlt winter, or whet'tt>.r been covered in. forests and Sugar . Worker~ Fed.eration an-I winger Antoine Gizen~a. ~ one· this country. I fait to ~ee how it I they are expressed in mont~iy Wlemplo}'llltl!t will follow the bathed In su~;~~hme. The. Book nounced Wednesday it will make time Lumumha denutv. as . the can he .done .when th1; ~~pe ·of i rather than annual terms. .; · Nfld. . Skies I 1 1eneral treod of past 1ears and of Knowledge Cites the ev,~cncc a new sugar mill Patricio Ln. lawful boss of The Congo . :transaction 1s allow•!d, the.-·--··· · --··--y- AR-~ TIIUUDAY, 1'0,.11 1 f!Ur. • COIItinue to rill to 1 top point for ~Is 18 the· discovery of sev· mumlia in honor of the slain · • Quebec Liberal sairl. j THE COUNTR P .~ Sunset todly .. S:ZI.p.m. In :Mareb.· era! seams o( coal. Congolese ex-premier. l Yugoslav Forei!ln Minist~r I Senator Vailancourt, presi- :;; Sunrile ·.tu1111Jiill'• ..,...... •7: .. 1..111. · Wo~d-Wide Anti;.Belgian · Demonstrations Continue 7:17 p.m. ········ . . Koo~tru;.,.t ••••••• .11· .st.. Firat Qltarter .. !'lb. 2Z . ,...... 17 21 :IT '1'81: · CA'H'ADIAN PRESS In~ Colombo, Paris, Lyons, Lon. former ruler of The Congo, lJN purple ink while ransacking of- j with his wife and .two young I ...... 25 31 . TIDES Mobl attac:ted Belgian dlplo- don, Washington, Montreal, Ac. Secretary • General Dag Ham· flees for documents to throw , children while some 50 Polish ':· ., . mall ill Wafllw, aet fire to. the era, publin, Rome• Moscow, marskjold and occasionally at into a street bonfire. j police stood by .. impn;sil·.ely .. A :.i ...... ,. 31· .• ' ! .~ ·...... 22. 30 · Hi&b 8:1M a.m., 8:35 p.m. Bellfaa emblaq bl Cairo, ·and Prague, Casablanca, Khartoum, the United Sta(es and Britain "They even . went lor the Ipo)iceman 1 ate r said eight r , I fotiibt 1 pitclted battle ai a Tehran, Melbourne and other for supporting Hammarskjold in women staff," said . a diplomat youths were . taken away· from · ... :. 10 . 30 Low l:SO a.m.,.2:U p.m. :I I' United Natlona s.urHf Council cities. the face of Soviet demands he shakep by the second attack on the embassy area and released. . I 1'1Wlt.SD41', PIII&V.UJ 11. INiklt Ia. NIW Ycw:k Wedneaday At the United Nations, Amer· resign. the Warsaw embassy In . two! Meanwhile, · Belgian· · Forei.~n . t' ! 11 • fiWII. wm · tf tiolent pro- lean Negro demonstrators burst According to the M o is e days. · Minister Pierre Wigny sum- ' I ... 1011 ~...... • tlltl IINi- the alaylnt al Congo- Into the Security Council chnm· Tshombe regime in the seces- Embassy officials and their moned the United Anb Repub- th .••••• : ...... 1:00 p.m.. *' leader Patrke. Lumumba. j'ber and set the wildest melee slonist Congq province of Kat· secretaries took refuge from lie's amb,assador. in _Erussels to _!If, . Vlllllt ...... , ever seen in the chamber. Twen· ango, Lumumba was slain Mon· nying stones as nhout 300 dem· protest ns news armed of the i-1( ht llllltb ·• . ·. ' ... . ·'l ••• • ..... '.' ...... SboutiDJ atudeati aiSII led an ty-one ·persons, including •lemon- day by· villagers after escapmg onslr ators outside unleashed a sacking of the Belgian embassy "S . · f . f'o ... •· r-- •· • l:lJ: .. p.m. 0 111 UIIU1 t. en r ...... AmerlCall -., ~01111- strators, were treated for IDJUI'·· • custody. f us1'I ad e t hroug I1 th e wm· do>lis m· Ca1ro. · · . orne th ourld e are•· '"'" like 111. wtlt • · • ._,. ••. :.•••. • ••••_ ·.·,. ~ •. l.lt~ p~m. ·.(411 ..... liJt t.-.~,.-..., .• , ... , .... 'fl"••• .1:16 L •. llauy •In> .Cilro, hurlilll· stones ies. ! amitl h'enzied shouts o.f ''mur· Rioting students in•·aded thlf lmproh~e e bwor .t d • .· M..,r...... · · ·:and pluterlna portraltl of Lu·l · FIGHT DIPI.OM.~TS · derers, murderers." • Cairo embassy and s~t 'h'e to Ipunc. mg a ag - 1 ~ .. Rlllmba OY... llll' the' walla. Tile world . wide demonstra· Jn Warsnw. riolCI'> ~ntered •he i Western reporters cscm·tcd Idifferent parts of the building in notlnng to the bag, but lt.•. ~_,.\'!P!ili!i'll!MIIlillolll••llliofo...,l l· D•••Q:I•ilu were stqed tklns are aimed at Bei.Jium as Belgian embassy and splattered one ol the diplomaL~ to safety a systematic e[fort \•l raze it. docs develop us." · ~!

•' . .... ~ -~

' ' ~ .

f· I / I ' 'I J .,. .. • ' > ' U.C. Ladies Speaks on ROTP' Visit Former SPANIARD'S BAY-Licuten ant Leach, RCA. visited her Pfesident on Thursday afternoon an C()nc:eption News spol>e to the high school si1 ~ . Bay I~Y ROBERTS-· Twenty dents of Holv Hedcemcr Scho. :millben of the. Ulllted Church on what the· ROT!' has to off students who can qualify. i:~ met:~:u:O~e :~!;; Pupils Register We Did Not The Harbour The ROT!' is an excelle Obituary way !or above average sluden: tonser Pr11ldent. Mrs. Kenneth For Exams · Get Our Mountie Freezes.· to attend university, and o Bdteu, on February llrd., where GIOitGE MOCOCK tlle Chairmanship of Mn. lirauuatlon will have a care: 1lliUr waiting for them In the army. Clirence Greenland, a short SPANIARD'S- BAY-SIIftntr· SPANIAJlD'S-- BAY- Holy ~PANTARTl'S RAY-Part ~r tio DIHtln& waa conducted, after eight pupils attending HGI)' Be- !tedeemer School here holds 1 By MAX STARES the h'•bo•1r Is ehowlng an ef· Several students have askc. ; ; · which the remainder of the deemer School here rtlllterad bl·weeklJ assembly and for A link with the early days 1 fe~t of the low t~mpmtures for and received literature e~ IYenln& was enjoyed a birth· for the Public Examination• ln these Jather!nra of pup!Js tbe of the Iron and •teel Industry and moderate wlnrl~. as for a plaining, the whole ISet·up. Ttl' aa only obstacle will be the lack o. dA, ·party for Ml'l. BatteD, fol· tha lli(h Schol lfldes, Thm principal endenours to .. aet. 1 on Bell lal•nd waa broken on eoun'e of dnv~ "si•h" hns b~en lowin1 a dallcloua cup of tea were twenty·nlne In ll'lde nine,. 1peelal speaker. At least onte rebruary 10, le$1, when 1 formin!!. In ihe rc~!on aro,tnd necessary qualifications. tlit · member~ pmented Mn. the tame number In grade ten, a year an lnTitatlon bu bten prominent and familiar figure Grc~n Hend the ice Is harden· . . Batten with a ·love!)' blrthd17 and the balance ln JUde eleven. clven to a 1111111ber of the Har. In thl! penon of Mr, Gcor1a fed, and should the ~enson re· I Of the twenty In ll'Jde ten, and bour Grace Detachment of ·the lladcoelt of •the licotla Rldce, main calm and the tPmp~rature . W.M.S. Meet ' . rift Althou1h aurprlaed, lhe . l uilressed her appreciation of Of the twenty In ""de eleven, RCMP, and · the officer In Wabana, pused qulttlY from continue low, It wlll not be Ion~ •• > .,.. thl th t th t it hi h B.\Y ROBERTS - AN'lARD'S BAy _ Mrs. by Mrs. Charlc11 Snow and Mrs. ; 6tan .ug a a BAY ROBERTS-- :t'hl1 has not on hockey 11am11, but on Idol, the Jlrla to pa)' attention death It 11.11 p.m. on the above Melvin Noseworthv is present· Walter Caravan on "New Ways; been a very buay week at the the telephone! And tbia may to eveey word. Upetalra a look· mentiOIIId date. ly vistttM here from Toronto, of Speaking In Africa" with' B ttl f i (?ste Pre1' school. not be u far-fetched. u it out reported no alp of the To the writer a• well u to having . come here two weeks Christianity progressing as it is . a e 0 I economic role ' On Wednesday we formerly aeema; for IInce the introduc- patrol. car and relayed tbe dl• MillY othera the lata Mr. Bad· ago to attend her Aunt's fune· by Literature, radio anrl com·, Tht=> B 1qe . :-s"t~Y nutndcn:s Jf dttacken Ghandi · rnlte/ th•m: office h week we &ave the reaaon aa dead a poor aubltltutl tor a work, afterwarda 11 timekeeper. returned from the Gener~l Coley's Point ladtes served tea. reo tmes a a:, pr 0 t ers • . t , Eveleigh. . One hundred and five puplla I 1 1 1upplied b)' a friend wl th a mo Un U 1, W" ea h1 waa 1uperannua t ed II osp iIa 1 an d u· reC\lPe~a t1'ng The World ·Day of Prayer say. 1' ott~ll. mem:1 . nc;:s !~~i to investigat~ have re1latered for the Public 1 Examinations. Thla Is one third aen1e of humour; he au~eeated It Wll nearl,. tell e'clock In Nonmbtr 10!13, be Wll act· at home. will be held on February 17th. I ~!an: such meal·in · n-glass ~ ~ovl~~n ~nnn~ re~ra"~s arrived at G that the roblna atayed to eat up when tbt toiiiJII.encement be- illlln th• eapaclt,- of ma1allne Mr&. Joseph Noseworthy is at at P m ·n St 'latthew's . foods are avail~ble. 1 c.e.am~, a~nne,. . aft~r I 00 m i of the enrollmenL. Tbl;ty.saven 3 1 11 the .bllnd.nt .unnly •• do...... 1111,- '"""" .. ...ounu tlI •·-·...... k Hpar a ""litloll ht held the General HospJta· 1 w ht!re s h e h · d· Ill b· d \ d' 1' Thero• l<; \lelrccal by .Heacu 1 I· 0 unn"" •ae.. next li"!. ia :·.. Grade XI, thlrty·two for .-r .,. •""'• rv Chure , an w · e con uc e l J l . C 'd I td. Q t b. I Inrlb n';•n• to ~~~! rlea of the kind uaed by many up. Wt cOIIlcl o~ly thlu of •wfor ..many, yeara. He had a reeord unde!'Went 1urgery last Satur· bv Rev. Isaac Butler. B.A .. j o m•on ana a , .. uo a > i , , ... lllatriculatlon, thirty-four In 0 1 insuranc housewives to make an excel· lOme Ytry urpnt bualnesa had of service of approximately 411 day. Uer progress has been con· · . · b , 11 . Quaker Oats o£ ~~sdl ~rt~tary j ple 1i1·e. preh1rlice5 s:L1 2n.d. Vice Pre,ldent, Sister try. The availability o! a num· And that waa exactl:r what the home Bunda,. afternoon,. at Happy birthdnyl are wished manent home. On nmval t ere o Je 3nn tan . c ca sso· ~ lt ~ Jar!! Fannie Mercer; Secretary, 81• ber of willing and capable happened, although we are told whieh one of the favourite tor the following: Pauline Jones he •ecured a position. withl the I cintdiont which docs t not endorhse ., of. s r:~~~~:u 6o.ooo.rol 5 ter Hilda Stick, re·elected; workeu free of charge Ia ln. that Min Delaney, principal of hymu of the deceaaed &entle· and Mr. Robert N. Seymour on Ameriean Steel Co. wJth w 10m '1 pro ~:c or arpara us, says e hl rn rrer rrorn Treasurer, Slater Ethel Cave, deed a boon to the pariah, lor St. Ann•'• :Roman Catholle mall '11'11 IUilg: "Heaven 11 my Thuraday, February 16; Mr. he worked practically all the "con only repeat what the man·. ~lale~d~;,bil·;;~e!. '!1l!Y '. r~leded; lat. Alliltant, Sister thouaanda of man hour• have School waa very ·cordial, Home." The remain• were Joe Peddle on Friday, Febru· time up until his retirement ! ufaclurers of these products Iallowed lo c:r;~w wa!!r Melanor French, r•elected; 2nd been made available to the and If. lhe felt a bit aur· bome " motor beane to the ary 17; Gus Gosse on Friday three and one half years ago. I~lm·;-tha;, of seeing the fam· I village well' usrd by AIJIItant, Slater Edith Snow, ehurch ln thta way alnee 19M. prlsed that • member of Can. II.A, Citadel, where the Corp• the 17th, and his brother Lloyd . After an absence o£ 43 yean il~. doctor. IHindus. :-inr nrr , re.41!ected. . ada'a famoua Pollee lprat Offlcen, Mejor and Mn. George <~n Saturday the 18th. ~tr. Sol from his native land, the de· . The products are low In cal- to bathe in vm~~e Sick CommJttee: Slaten Mar- Pa r'tsh Meett' ng should call ·and addrall har Earll, assllted by Lieut. Ruby Vokey hal I birthday on Sun· ceased gentleman pai~ a visit one content a~d some peo.ple removnl nr ;lnirr.l! tha Bndbury, Myrtle Kearley, " forty pupils, ahe certainly did Yatel, officiated at the touch· day, February 19, and last on to relatives and friends on the could " probahly do themsclles and ctcanin~ nf :~!r!t!! Anna Abbott, Eva Mercer. Th' Fr·day not allow it. lng ceremon1, The hymns, the list 11 our own little misa, Island In July 1958. He also ~arm. , · which 110 hi~h · m~! ·A aoclal hour .followed the IS I Holf llt4eeDllr School Ill "Abide With Me" "When the Glenya Paulette, who will be spent a few days at his old home, i\!~ad .T 0 h ~ 50 n s \letrecnl would do-ronlinue to bualne11 of the meetlnJ, Spaniard'•' Jay Ia Anglle111, Trumpet of the X.:,rd," and "My five yean old on Monday, Feb· town, as well as at Pelley'~ Is· ., started the dtet·by - t~e-glass loltrd to them SPANIARD'S BAY-The an, Faith Loolca Up to Thee," were rvary 20. Happy birthday, Mop- land, Grand Falls and Spring. tre~d :md mo~t ot~~r gtet df.or·, The onlv ~·a1' to pet.. 1 bu I tin. Of the p 1 "- th 1 pet, from Mom. Dad, Keith, Di· dale. With him on vacation nt mu 3.s n!Jpe3 re on e ana 1 ~n ·to th!~ t)·pe or 'S A HONEY OP A nua I nell mee . lUll& ~, e lfll contrelatlon. . that time was has wife, the Imarl.ct late last year. Growth socl."l '"Or':•r<. sa•.·. II JT COIIfl'llttiOA of HolY Jltclaemer ersona s The b111d under the direction anne, Jeanette and Gall Mlch· of 1 h b en henomenal " " .. , d LOAF Church, uaually referred .to u - of land uaa•er v 1t-lm •id•· elle. former Mi&l Maud Normo.f~ 1 s~ es as c P · ' · the untouchalll1s ur. the -·"'•b motlna, wll.l be held :U.Y. IOBEl\TS - Mra. wt looked• af•-• • .....w IIIUJical"' • of thi s t0 wn • .·,ster" of Messr~. .· · :lie\rccallh u was't d launchedst t tbqu!Ptlv nh own {ee t· Attempl!· "' 'OUR OWN BREAD ..... '"lo .. ~.,,_ .., """ George C and Charles Nor· 'm . c • 111 e ' a es, rou~. mnde to achiel't thu '' ln tile ~ehool auditorium 111 " ranee Ira...... , Ia pn•onllf port1o11 of the •ervlce. Major N f Th k · medtcai·Journa! and d1rect·mml th unih• to '; lEST IY TEST ', Frfclav evenin« followlnl :Zven· vlaltllll·' btr daUihter lluth, Elrle t!ellvere ..11 I ve- eom· ote 0 an s more. d tl . d ~ t ' e comm . -. aj '' A r.l1•nnln" He a \'er smg an uoc or 1 sam- level of education AS ~!!!!!~~!l!~!l!!:'!!!~'~o~nl!_:·____ ·)I or and lfr1. &lan4 at fortlnl and ln ... lrlnl address, • " per~onality. pies ~ u- WllS · Jlo Ida •- •"·!r •-d .,. one of God's good men, · H'ndus1 1 -' r • uvm .... • """' -• ' takill( .. ,. text '-DI the ""th FOR HOSPJT 1\L USE " !'" ' • hur7 wt U·ro.to viait her daup. P8alm, ...."'art ef the"" ttb ve-·."" SP ,..,.• ""ARD'S BAY - Mr · nnd hi's genial presence will G•orde · B Dmnne• • " 111• chnrge The Indian roi11d h'""'•· •n n · M : . tar Au dr ey, Dr. and· Hrl. I. l. "We brlnr"' our yea!'ll to 111 end. Noah 'Barrett of Spaniard's Bay he sorely missed. All who knew or • ~.. e ~ 1etreca 1 d'JVJSJon . : .m •a d specini safe~uard s '" '"·ld t N. • ' th wl&hes to tllank all friends for him will endearingly treasure 1 · ·. • · . • the back war c1 a 1111 ..., Ill a d -erae)', Ill to II It were a tale that b told" klndnessu rendered during the . Johnson s Canadlnn operat1on.<, ch thi~ •oal. YOUR California with another dluJb· lltTII'tntlJ. a11d with lmprHsive his memory. said the diet food followed a rea · " ter Alice, Mr. and M.r•. Jll. L. solemnity, hla reTnalnt were lllneaa of and alter the death To his wi~e and daughter I ~ompanv OJroduct called Susl.a. Barrington, 111.

Bro1n1. . then .laid to r11t •n the "eme· of hla lovlna wife, Gladyl. To Alice, the writer tcn?er~ deep· 1. gen a 'higblv concentrated rood hns been '"lerlicallY WILL • "' the doetora and nune• of the t thY 1'n the1r 1rrepar ' · · " - · tery nearby where nouaht -'11 es aympa . · 1 powder developed for use m Reddl-Diet by . . KrJ, ~ Dawa ntulntcl dllturb Isla 111ntle 1leep ::w Grace Holpltal and the General able loss and poignant sorrow. hospitals for patients needlnl! the few ready.mtttdht . hOint lut week from vllitiDJ that hl.a earthl'T work 11 o'er, Hoapltal, St. John's; to Dr. mnsslve dosea of nutrients. It mulas, can be boUI btr lllter Mn. Latma11 &harpe The .hJmn aun1 at the trave- Drover and Dr. Avery of Bay BAR8 WOMEN MINISTERS coulrl be taken with water or eery stores or dellrered at Toronto, who Ia ilL . · aide was,· "SbaU We Gather Roberta:·, to Rev. E. Wlllla of LONDON, Ont. AY, FEBRUARY 16, l9fl .... - NEWFOUNDLAND. The Daily News . :~j ~------~------~--~r-· ~------"• .. May Erect cans Unemployment I Remembrance t1on Useless;· Menfions 1 Plaque.. . .· If the necessary funds can . t be provided, a special 'plaque ·men sI will be erected in· a building at I · Beaumont ·Hamel, France, on Pay July 16 this year ..- · s.es lri U. I. · The plaque will be in mem- ory of the July Drive,. July 16, ., )I oulf)'. UNP leader foundland where the economy for work done, should have said 1916, when 716 Newfoundland-~ B~;,~r of As_sembly,[ is more resilli~nt. · · that they have kept the situ­ ers went over the top in one tile drhate on the un- , · The loan pobcy of the govern- ation "From worsening." of the First World War's most . ' n•otion'· In thc;l mcnt for small business expan· Mr. O'Dea agreed with t~e remembered bat ties. or the 716·1 '''· ...... ru••· He thought 1 ~sion ·was not as good as It only 68 were able to answer "utterly useless,· .looked, ·Mr: Du(fy said. Thned Liberal member for Burin when roll call next day. The rest· !it" nml with no tape involved, he had been told he asked why_ we wait so. late were either dead or wounde.d. ~ th<' c\'il of unem- by a banker; made some would·· to do .~omethm~ about ":mt~~ 011 b11 borrowers by-pass this as- . work. Why watt for sprmg · Donations will be solicited , thou~ht too many sistance. I The idea is not to bring in from individual contributors ' p-oplr were draw- ~ANGE~OUS POLICY · \ big .induslries, he felt, but to and from business firins. It is 1 considered that $5,000 will · H,ttns to 111 rnt insurance Thts pohcy of penalizing.. work all the necessary things "'"'rm.·" the Federal American capital in Canada, : of smaller scale-the housing cover the necessary expenses of. \rt~nauer 11 itnrstigate. He said seems, Mr. Duffy said, to be a J for example. making and erecting the plaque ·.r hrre Ftb. and in furnishing a room in BUTTING HER WAY-On 1\londr.y, the S.S. ~ovaJwrt needed some four hours to run the formidable blockade from St. John's , 01wnmcitt had ex- dangerous one. Canada · and ------·'"'!in~ Ftb. " benefits Newfoundland have been de·l · . which the .plaque will be place~ !larbour to a point just off the north of the Narrows. It is doubtful if the guns fo the (}uecn's Fort ever provided a more effeet. .'-'·, it ~11.\PE with· a Newfoundland atmos­ ;CC the fund was P.endant _almost e~tire~y on out- ·- 1ve blockade than ~ome of the Ice barriers.-(1\lax l\lercer Photo.) •• - !hal of Patrol Boats phere. ----·----- ·------·----- ..... ·-----_.... He said the federal stdc capttal and tt wtll not be I I ~ccmrd to be re- good for us if American in· 1 Contributions are being ] rare up to this prob· vestors are shaken of their con· c •1 Harbour Ice ficience in Canada. sought-one. dollar from eiti-1 ouncl On Mercy Aid zens and ftve dollars from. Unless there are radical Discusses Many Subjects~ firms. · changes in our economy and Patrol . vessels operated by i f;r prohlcm did not our way of doing business, there the Federal Department of FISH MARKET fore refused. 1 ihc "existing one is not suitable ; Eases " 1\'cw- will always he the problem of Fisheries · in Newfoundland There seems to be a possihil· : for human habitation.'' · i~y that St. John's will have a CONSERVATIVE CENTRE . Mr. ~lacgillivray, the taxicab~ Icc conditions in St. John's 1 unemployment-but in New- waters figure prominently in Plans f(lundland we have the prob- mercy missions. Particularly is Worth f1sh market set up in one of On behalf of the Conservative , inspector will be aokcd to in· ;~arrows cased somewhat yes- the Coves off Water Street. 1 Club a lawyer business wrote ' spcct this and ~cp•Jrt to the ; tenlay and there was about otic· lcm of seasonal labour 141o this so during the winter 1 a~ainst this, and here there will I months when in some areas This subject was brought up the Council to ask permission next Council meeting. 1mile of open water to the ic:c · he little relief unless we might I travel by otl;er means is not Over $6000. at the City Council's meeting to usc number 112 Military edge which, until yesterday ha£1'- spread into various other indus- always possible. 'l'he B and B Market on the yesterday and made known that Road as a club for social and Sl'\0\V Cl.L\IUMi ~ been tight to the land. tries. ACT NOW In recent weeks several such . corner of Bennett Avenue and a site will be chosen, but the cultural activities. It was made Several Conncillot.; brought 1 , At least on~ \'esse!. the Bhi~:

:l2, of I n rry suggested that it 1 sea ambulance trips have been Blackmarsh Road has applied to harbour , be 1 clear that there would he no, to the City Engincc:··s attention: a \las able t:, En~land. ~lr. 11 1 devel~pment mus~ Foa~t. tr.al~ler.11 1 mur1• lllfll[lr ~ot womerl was cold policy to the pCOIIIc logged by the department'~ vcs- 1 the City Council to renovate c~mpl_eted first. Counctllor I outward change in the premises,: some· of the congested t~ake her ~' out through lht., unc111JIIoymrnt Jnsur·: in need and out of employment I sels in Sl'rvice along the South I their pr~mises for usc as a snack' N!g~ttngale .suggested .th.at the an~ _that it would not be a; areas where snow io still lying: •ce and p.rocc.cdcd110 on course.· c· , 11id not arnre from: to hear the government recount-, Coast. I bar-thts proposal has been Town Plannmg Com~tsswn be poll heal centre. The Engmcer! m abundance. On !'ower St.· , :llond~.~ 0t trawlers: at" off•r<· here he I ing the glories of the past. He 1 ,. . .. . • 1approved by the Department of asked to make a destgn a wtll make hts report to the : there is much · although tcmp_lmn. make port m ~o f~r 1 ~now ~ ~t 1 It I Ita.> II get . ~:-rh-i"h. 17. ~ct out • Sll""cstcd in closing that other The !II.V. Cmderell~ was at Health. There was some discus· modern market. was dcctdr.d Counc1l next week. 1 the street b1•en plowed .Tonn s, ere unable to . " • "" • • 1 Tacks Beach early lhts month 1 . . . . that the Engin e f 'th I 1 1 . . · throunh and went on to Ba•'· :o nwttgatc. : speakers to follow mtght pro·• 'd t r ti PI 1 swn m Council as to the a\'all-. . c r con cr wt 1 t troug 1. Around G~~orgc Street . n11 11 M t 0 .. t . . d .· · 1 1 unrrd nt l;rand Falls' duce some solution to allel'iate: w ~~~ 8B rest en ° 't tal ..a-: ability o[ parking space or pos- the Ctty Clerk, and submit a KELLY'S ·BROOK : United Church thc:·e is also a ct\1 101 15 awat unprole tr,c_. flcr toll mile~ of hik ' the situation. and that this dc·l·cen :a r 8.Y co~.mtum Y was 111 : sible traffic congestion, but it report on the subject to the ! Councillor McLeod wanted to I lot of snow which hinders · co~f t ' d . 1 . d 11 0 ld . . ,ent1 at on~e to the un· hate would be st•rving better if nee< 0 tmf me 1a e surge,~ytas was felt that there would prab- Council. ! know something of the progress I parking, and on th•~ West Side· ·111 l~l·cs chr aly sl fvmr.tl r fsf. tllC? . · b b h 'd ld 1 a rem 11 o acu 1e appent tel 1s \ b . d . h 1 . f Ch 1 . · w e s un ct a 1e o 1e 'n,urance of fICC. ! mem crs on ot st es wou 1The "Cinderella'' transferred ably he no more trouble than ., , _emg, rna e m t e cu vcrtmg of i o urc ull Park, the bus·. coast and the two-day harhou• ;taff member tuld ~1vc sctmc thnugll~ to th~ causes ~the palicnt a little girl to the market now has. The per- .1\IUCH .AIJO · : · 1 1\elly s Brook. It has now pass-1mcsses have httlc space free. ; icc blncl;adc will be Ol'cr. · · · 1 1 '< !'hcque had al- 1 m hopes of al'JSmg wtlh pos-j A ld' C' f t'h mit was recommended and Mcetmgs are sttll gomg ahead cd under Bonaventure Ave., but, 1 l I , . ~; mailt•d : siblc answers. hrno s okvc, bam rotm C ere agreed io as the building is concerning the operation of a that road is being left closed a \ I - s e Wa5 1a en y car 0 ome . b d' h b Ill R'd . . . . I· . . l - . I B Ch H 't I completely within regulations. oar mg ouse y . r. I eout ltttle whtle unttl tt has been Burn v·ICtlm . . ... th• 0 .:' l\IR. O'DE~ SPEAKS ~ y ance ospt a· __ on LeMarchant Road. l\l~. J. R.J gradually filled in. The Council I ' I 1~0 mg il ,· Th~ ·other member of the I Meanwhile, the Jlf.V. "East· CAMPAIGN SIGNS: The Day- Courage, lawyer fo~ Mr. Rideout 1 is saving money by putting in I • .. .. ~ . Beave r ! U.N.P. next ro~c to address the Iern Explorer" stationed in the Nile Neon (Nfld.) Limited has was at. the Council ~cstcrd_ay, fille~ that is cheaper, and is I mprovmg I L.ayoff Yet .:<~y. the I !'louse. He satd that he real- Port Aux Basques area, has J received permission to erect and satd t~at the. actwn temg obtamcd from the General Hos-~ I will have to be aband-1 1 zone.d. as R~stdenhal One, and ; the Kcl~y estate on George St. I driven hy a woman. were in f D ttl : .. I extending and improving the oned .. This location services a JllETRO AREA I ad.vcrltsmg Sl?n~ are not. per· I Th.c Writers. also WiSh to rc· I collision west of Bonal·ista yes- : erry &·a e; : ,I Newfoundland Bait service-it wide area .of Fortune Bay. A construction project valued 1mttted. PermiSSIOn was chen,.' htuld a phone booth there. as i tcrday but thrre ·.,·ere no in-· was announced recently by Hon. ~he eight units now being at an estimated $35,000.00 will i . ' - i juries. ' r·ckl I w. J. Browne, Solicitor Gen· delivered increases the total be undertaken by the Ted I R· G . . : Slippery road conditions hal'e. I e ce Diseases era! and Newfoundland rcpre- number installed over the past, Gillies Enterprises, as the plan.~: • reene. been blamed for the accident. : sentative in the Federal Cab- thre.e years to 20, and thus have been agreed to by the : An off-shore wind ycs!cdiY: incl. doubles the original number of Council. The ~nstruction will Damage to the two \'chicles' nmvcd the heal')' icc. aecunnl-_ Four of the new units will be fishing settlements having a be an office and warehouse on Does Not Agre'e w,·t·h was estimated on the spot at. lated on hoth sides of the In located at Brig Bay, Daniel's local bait service. Each depot the Topsail Road, opposite Bar- i about S500. · strategic Bell Island-Pnrtng~[ •.. ,rf~r from Harbour, Lark Harbour and .or unit serves a number of I ne)''s Restaurant., ( d ,.. '\ ------,Cove Tickle away from the Covt!: · 'ti~s. TbtY Piccadilly on the west coast of neighbouring communities. om men ations To I ovt side and against Bell Island .. ~ :l~aw waltr land the Province, thus providing a "Th b . h ld J i Another Slt.dt'ng I Consequently. instead of two . ' U~t'd by ese att 0 ing units," G , e·ll No .prclence was made- by·,· we arc 'maki~g n~ cffol't to Pill: :1 ferries operating yestcnlit.o;_: c.r 1\rt' they stretchregular ofbait coast supply previously to that longser- saidtomatic, Mr. havingBrowne, their "are own 'fully diesel au- reene s I . lllr. Rtchard Greene, P.C. Mcm-! the majority of these men back , I t~1cre was only one. the John ·• ,-mng~ viced only from the regular bait pow.er unit and have proven b~r for Bell Island t? agree -and here the member sug- fatality ,Guy. and she was hal'lng h& ... ;,~ ~nim~l depot' at Port aux Choix and a t' l I D t Wtlh the commendattons of-!,::csted that the Jlon. member . ! troubles. ·~ ~ of l~tr!nel very sa IS actory since their in- S ef ea ed · fered towards the government . of the fisheries is ltot really The Guy star. ted off rarJY' hi~h . catlt holding unit at Woody Point. troduclion two years ago • The Y for their assistance to employ-~ interested in employin" the Anothct· slidin~ fatality, , ycstcrda.y mornmg for the Bell -::ontinue t& Service· ·n bin the t dNotre d Dame have a capacity of approxt·· Opposition Leader .1. Greene ment. The P.C. member rose . fishermen. Hon. 1\lr. Cheesemanb the second fot· 1061, occurred· , lsi ann stde but. al 11 a.m. was area WI e ex en c to Bridge- mately 15,000 pounds of bait. spoke for a long time yesterday 1yesterda~ afternoon to address 1 promptly answered. "Well you at Corner Brook yesterday :~Ill! buttmg her way througll. port, thus providing a chain They are refilled as necessary in the House of Assembly on I the Lcgtslature on the Unem· arc entirely wrong." ·when nine-year-old Joseph ' tee. . . ._·. of. unitskl Bat dBeaumont, Leading • from the refri"cratcd" vessel second reading of his bill to P1 oyment Dc b ate. . , Bennett, was instantly killed It was ll)lposst bl e t_o say yes·· Ttc cs, ri geport and Herry III.V. Arctica, of the Federal thend the Election Act. He We have our share in the un· l\lr. (,recne spoke up to 6.00 when his slide tollided with . terday how 1cc comhhons wott!•t: Neck to supplement the depots Department· of Fisheries, or, d . f . employment which ·is across p.m., and at that It me the House a car. , be for the rest of t\J.e day bllt· 1 1 1 1 I at Nipper's Harbour • Twt'llin · wher e· posst 'bl e, bY re f ngera· t e d wantionecring c a afteronger proclamation tme or e ecof Canada, and we as a province 1vas, adJ'ourn c d . f or tl •.e d ay· tt· d'd1 not 1oo k· promtsmg.· · · gate and Change Islands. trucks operated by the Oe- elections and some other modi· have our part to play. '1 he me~tbcr w11l c?ntmuc his The· boy was the son or The Guy had aboard !evcra1 Mr. Browne said: "In Plac- partment. fications He was supported by Speaking on the subject of speech m the Legtslature tro· 1 :\lr, and Mrs. Hichard Ben- trucks carrymg provisions for·

entia Bay, an addt'tt'onal unt't R. Greene,· Bell Island, and A. scasona 1 . emp·1 oymcnt, .Mr. tnorro\"1 '· · nett of Cor n e r Br ook . th c IS· Ian d. will be located at Red Island,.. . As a further improvement to M. Duffy. Greene satd that we have, as I' where a substaatial number or· the 'service, a refrigerated hold has been said, an ingrained fishermen have previously had is being included in the De- Speaking for the government, thought; when it comes to sca- to rely on services at 'Mera- partment of Fisheries new large Hon. L. R. ·Curtis said when the sonal unemploytnent. But this, sheen, . Harbour Buffett and patrol vessel for Newfoundland Election Act needs amending he felt, is thought without tak-. Long Harbour." waters, and plans are . being *e gover(lment will bring in ing any steps towards the hope The remalf\ing two units will made for replacement of the The bill was I of improving our situation. Valentine Spe,:ials --;:=:------:....be:...:....::.:lo~ca::t.:ed:.....::a~t'..:R:::e=ncontre East. 42-year-old Arctica. FISHERIES ., I "I believe", he continued, speaking of the fisheries, "de­ FIRST QUALITY l spite the Hon. gentleman who ! runs the fishery department that · many more jobs could be given ~ in Newfoundland 'lfthey started with the prime promise: To give NYLONS jobs." There is a tremendous ' amount of money in the fishery, All Size 81 /2 Only .Mr. Greene stated, but we find I fewer fishermen empl'oyed in INewfoundland today than there • were many years ago. It seems Price ,,.• Snow Hampers ' Seamless First Quality ..... i,~E ·City ·Traffic St. John's . streets became .NYLONS very treacherous late yeste~day ''( morning as snow fell on the city and in some places, drifted half a foot. CLEARING AT Cars had great· difficulty on 49c inclines and many a . motorist had to take the long way home to avoid skidding on ·the slip­ pery surfaces. Other vehicles became bog­ Sl\(lpPill.g Centre ged down at curbside and many had to be shoved out where i . FRESHWATER ROAD the snow was not as hca1iy. :

· · Conditions llllJil'OI'ed wn;c 1 1 what in early early afternoo11: ·


•·, "',, ~ ~ ,\ ,. I I

THE DAILY NEWS. ST. JOHN'S, THURSDAY ' . , ' THE ·DAlLY NEWS .. Atlas Had It Easy • ., ..,. • • ' .• '• T • . , ' d Newfoundlancfs Only Morning · Paper I I '• • ' Washirtgtdii , I .. Notebook., " . The DAII,j'l NIWIII 1 morninJ paper .•,.. ... ;., utablllhtd In liM, and publiahed at .·~··· the New~ JuUdiiiJ, 884-89 Duckworth SMOU. SCREEN IS HIDING · the new administrator's No. 1 exhibit to Street, ·st.- ·.John'1, Newfoundland, br · ·s~ow that tlie secret of good health and INFOJII.MATION .AGENCY . WORK ' Roblmon i. Colnpall)', Limited: ' long ·iife is to have a heart attack. Like ' ·By JERRY BENNETT former President Eisenhower, who also : .. MIJIBD or · ·· Newapaper Enterpriae Ann. suffered il coronary, Johnson is follow· l TB1 , CANAI)IAN PKI88 ' WASHINGTON (NEA) ..:.:we•ve ·com; ing t11!0. physical fitness rule book to '. The Caaadlan !'rill .11 excluJiveil' mented . in thil pace previously ~bo.ut . the letter and feels as vigorous as any entitled lilt for rtpubllcaUon of to•tbtJ' • Preildent Kennedy's reluctance;. shice Washington. brass hat who never had. I • all newa dteateliuln tbll paper credit- the election, to be called Jack. Latest a maJor iilness. ed ~ lnr' to tbe Anoelated Pren or chapter· on this Is that members of the J<'or instance, Johnson recently be­ ( .( Reqteraand al.O tbt local newa publllh· family have been heard callln& him c~me the envy of overweight colleagues i ed therein; "Johnny." by dieting off 30 pounds in two m~;~nths . : ' BAilLY BUUCRIPTION RATEI . \ 'll') All Pr111 Servlcu and feature artleiH Edward R. Murrow, former newscaster Johnson put on the extra pounds during : .i ~·t! Canada' ...... :... $1Z.OO per annum hi tbl1 pap. ,ue copyrllhted and their famed for hi.J chahi-amoklng TV inter- . 'the campaign · and made up his mind itted ·· b~r -. . reproduetlOJI' II prohibited. vieWI who was just named hea~ of the to take them off without receiving ·any - ' . •,;; United lin1dom and aU U.S. Infcitmation Alency, h•s made a ·doctor's orders. · · ! definite Impression . his staU. Says · The vice president now weighs in itaf · .• forilp countriea ... $14.00 per annum oil i . : Member · Audit Bureau . one aide: . . . . · . the 190s and plans to continue reducinc ' P01t Office Department, Ottawa. 7, Roy 1 "Everybody ia smokln& more around until 1 he tips the scales between 175- - · · of Circulation. .. • t llfr. Rich& ' Authorized u 1econd cla11 mall, here Iince Murrow 'took over. I have 18!S, POU!ldS. • '9, Gary W '' gone up from two packs a diy to three,. ·How did he do it? By simply eatlnc • l{r. Geral~ ; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1981 EveR Murrow seems to be smoking leas, a close friend says. Asked if John· 10, Mrs.·] more lately, The other day he ran out son was taktng any additional exercise, 12, Baby . • I of ci&arettes." too, the man replied, "Are you kidding? 12 •.. Mr .The . .Price Of Socia Pro gre. s. s Such '!ltatements are music to the ears The vice president's idea 'of a quiet day .' of Murrow's predecessor,· George V. at the office would. be . a workout to . Allen. · lie now heads the American an.yone else." .... The taxpayers of Nova Scotia · incomes in C ana d a. A n d smce we Tobaeco Institute. • · ·Ada Rogers· \\%'on, . philanthropist- Er have little doubt that their new . have also the highest living. costs Soon after joining the Tobacco In· ·songwriter from Corpus Christi, Texas, hudget will include substantial in­ because. we produce so little con- stitute, Allen was invited to address a came to town recently. to introduce her would -like Ch.-.:;es in provincial taxation to sumer J:(Oods and are the principal Waahlneton Trade Association Execu- new march "America Victory! America Gander c< meet the costs of expanded public the peopl1 victims of the · inequitable hori- tives luncheon. He explained that Liberty!" · After ~onsrcss passed a following · services. zontal freight rate structure, our speaking to such a group after 30 resolution commending the words and Mondays eli The expectation is that the gaso­ situation is becoming more djffi. years with the government made him music pius :r.irs. · Rogers herself, the concerning line tax will be raised by two cents cult. feel like the soda jerk who went to weaithy'Teli:an tossed a reception for the it ( to nineteen cerits a gallo.n-the pre­ The position is further aggravat- · work behind the pharmacist's counter. press. Jia~·e been \'ailin,!l rate in Newfoundland-and . ed by the deficiencies that still The fiut time the boy answered the She served chicken sandwiches, pota­ other was n: exist in many of our public ser- phone, a woman's voice .asked. "Do to chips, celery, olives and continuous · of the ·nan that the present rate of three per Gander paper cent on retail sales will be increas­ vices in spite of. the tremendous you have anydimethancsulfonxybutane?" playings of the new march on a hi·fi .We had his n ed to five per cent. efforts that have been made in the Answered the ex-soda jerk, "Lady, set turned up full volume. Britain's National Health Service bave been : when I said 'Hello' I told you all I Bayard ·ouchincloss, Oklahoma City The .new taxes are needed par­ past ten years to raise: our stand- know." radio station owner, second cousin to The National Health Service was es· In the ophthalmir: 'rr·.J~.,., ticularly to finance the province's ards to an acceptable minimum A certain Washington coed and ar· Jackie Kennedy's stepfather and father tablished in 1948 under the National may, on thE:"ir tloe,nr' ..: !'·~~·omm share of the national hospital plan level consistent with our need. dent Democrat has iood reason for of a one-man· drive to end wasteful gov· Health Service Act, 1946, and other ha·:e their eye; t~>trd free. h•;t

and the improvement and exten­ Our chief . hope . of continued wincing every time someone mentions, ernment spending, has given House Acts of Parliament. The new service quircd to mako ~ payment t9warc; sion of the road system. progress lies first in the true ful- the Inaugural Bali at the Mayflower Speaker Sam Rayburn a paper 528 feet consolidated and extend•!d the existing cost of spectacle:: 1e.xeept for hey emphasise. two very im­ filment of the principle. embodied Hotel. While walking into the crowd· long, It's a list of 12,000 signatures of health services, which included hospi­ spectacles in standord frame'!. rtant facts which nobody in Can­ in Term 29 whicn_ in spite of the ed ballroom, she became annoyed when people. who support the Auchincloss tals supported by voluntary funds, hos· ·Hospital and Speciati 1t pitals maintained out o'f public funds. The hospital and ~pcriali~t , a can afford to ignore. One is McNair Report,. cannot .be. imple- ·someone behind her repeatedly stepped sound dollar campaign, He hopes Mr. t' social progress ·can be: obtain­ men ted by .a fixe.d financial ·sub- on her dress. Turning around she said ·Sam will present it to Congress. and a medical practitioner service for include in·patienllanrt out·palient State·insured employed persons. only at a price. The other ·is · sidy but must take . the form of sharply. "Can't you be more careful Auchincloss had adopted a wait·and. mcnt at ~eneral and >pecia! The National Health Servi.ce offers including tuberculosis sanatoria. that the poorer provinces are now variable grants adjusted to the ris- . where you put your feet?" see attitude about whether the New d The man was Mr. Democrat himself. Frontier economy will end his sound all forms of medical tr•?atment to all hospitals and convaie;cent hom>< moving into an area where. their h 7.30-8~ ing costs of. maintaining t. e stan - Adlai Stevenson. dollar drive or add another 12,000 sig- me.mbers of the community, without re· ccpt in emergencies. most of th;;~ Ali·Star • tax resources will soon be exhaust­ ards of services attained at the time Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson Is natures to the list of supporters. gard to their means or to any insurance vices nrc normally mcde 8.45-10. :ea unless they can achieve a rapid of the Royal Commission review. / . qualifications. The great majority of the recommendation of the fam:l·. . Senior idevelopment of economic growth. But the size of these grants can the public takes advantage of the ser· tor. The only charges are. to ·. 10.15-11 \_.To make. matters worse, their be reduced iil time by an intelli­ WAY TO TEST vice, and most hospitals and medical tients. for medicines and som! Skaters Lea new expectations in the form of gent national approach to the eco­ What Others By BRUCE BIOSSAT personnel are working within it. Doc· ces, and, to in·patients. for the f~peral financial aid must be re­ nomic nee~s of the province. It is in The condition of America's youth tors and dentists who are not engaged cost of beds with ~pecial amenittes strained by the fact that what is this that the Government of Can­ Are Saying .continues to be a subject for warm de· on a full·time salaried· basis may treat are not medically nccPsmy. private patients for fee~. and some hos· ··ttue of the provinces in respect of ada has fallen down sadly· and it bate. Local Health Senim 1 PERSONAL MODESTY pitals have a small number of beds for f,!_hancial . capacity is becomin~ is only through constructive aid in Many will argue that the phenomenon No really great man ever thought fee·paying patients. · The local health authorities ;!'!qually tr1:1e of the federal govern­ the tield of economic development of delinquency is considerably exag· child welfare centres. tc which I himself so.-Hnzlitt. gerated, and that to the extent it does The cost of the service (over £700 ment. . that government· can reduce its million a year) is met' mainly from than three out of four babies ar! · .... ,Here in Newfoundland all tax financial obligations to this prov­ exist it is at least as much the fault of for supervision and advice. ar.: . 1 AID BUSES parents as of their children. taxation but there are charges for· cer­ ';{lelds are proportionately lower ince. and allow us also to make a naiat clinics for mothers. n.~ Kitchener-Waterloo Record Some say that we adults are badly tain items in the service, and small com­ a per capita basis because we larger contribution tp the enrich­ plement the !'en·ices nf the fa[t:, .on . Since urban transport systems in On· underestimating the young generation, pulsory weekly contributions are paid have the lowest rate of personal ment of the ·Canadian nation. tario arc all experiencing financial diffi· bY. individuals contributing to. National tor by providing trained midw:r~ . . . ' ' that ita rebellion, where it exists, is in culties, it is high time Queen's Park did Insurance .. (Cash benefits during sick- attend mothers at home a.,d br fact i protest Bgainst not being taken ing for nurses to atter.d . .I something in the way of smoking conce~­ seriously enough. . .ness a.rc provided under the National ·!H< sions on the gas tax. Why should there Insurance scheme.) home, on a doctor's orders. If there is any great substance to thi~ Line· The General ~fedical Services charge. Health \'isitors (nurser :2' Russia Take$ A Dangerous be a gas tax oil buses which use only . contention, light could be thrown upon city streets? a special training) vi.,it and it by more exhaustive inquiry into the The family doctor is the basis of the . , .The Russians, quick to make the General and submission to it would service. Everyone is free to choose and the care of children and .;fuost of a. political opportunity, wreck the usefulness and prestige causes of unemployment among young of the household. Home help; INTERMINABLE workers. change his or her doctor; doctors may . ; !have lost no time in turning the of that body. Montreal Gazette also refuse patients. The doctor usuailv \'ided for confinements and in Rather astonishing it is to realize that •' murder 9f Patrice Lumumba to Neither can the U.N. agree safely Montrcals have much to be proud works from his own surgery and ther~ sickness and tp help old of our current sizable total of unem­ their housework. at a char~e 3,i!COunt. to withdraw from ·the Congo for about in the new terminal building of is no official interference with his judg. ployed, three in every 10 are less than cording to means. !aThey have declared that they no that would. .}eave a dangerous Montreal International Airport ~~ Dor­ 25 years of age. ment. He is paid by the State, usually !onger recognize Da.(l 'Hammarsk- vacuum which' would be -quickly val. · But many are still a bit distressed One might be tempted at first glance on the basis of the number of .names Other local service.< are free . jold as Secretary General .of · the filled by the evils of civil war and at the very long walks from one part to take thts in stride simply u evidence on his list. Advice and treatment are tion or immunisation a2ain~t of the terminal to another. free to the patient but a charge of one :. United Nations and have demanded the even greater evils of interna­ of the rising number of young job diseases; various forms of care or This has led one reader of The shilling, recl~imable on grounds of hard. i' the withdrawal of the U.N. from tional conflict. The Congo would, seekers. But the disturbing facts are care for the sick or conl'alesm!; Gazette to remark that "many who use that far too many in this age group are ship, is made on each item on a pre· nurseries for children under fir!. the Congo within a month. . in fact, become a hot spot in the scription for drugs . and dressings. :. . the new Dorval airport must feel that both uneducated and unskilled at a time bulance and car sen·ices. ·:;ro make matters worse, they 'cold war. The dental service, which also leaves ·, now Indeed we have interminable facili· when the economy's demand is for just · these services are or;anised b;· · considering the question of giv- These were dangers that were both patient and denti>t free to choose ~re ties." the reverse-for highly trained indvidu­ tary bodies on behalf of the ' iP,g aid to Antoine Gizenga who has averted last sUmmer by U.N. inter­ als. and accept each other, provides for ali Health centres, proriding forms O{ treatment, including the SUP· been leading the pro-Lumumba vention at Lumumbajs request but . THIS ENGLAND And all signs suggest that as the in· tion for groups of doctors and ply of dentures. Some charges are made 1 forces and who is known to be a what the U.N.- did, thereafter, was New Statesman creasing numbers of young people hit P~~ctising . under the ;'{ational l' in this· service, but they do not apply Communist sympathizer. not enough. There has been no Torquay Herald Expre,ss the labor market, their proportion among Service ·and for local clinical I . to dental examinations and not (except ~ The implications of this Moscow clear ahd positive policy ·for the An 18·year-old naval rating, ·who pro· the total jobless may also rise. The only exist in a few places. The School .. .for dentures) to pers cy m t ongo. · the failure of our achool 1ystem ·to t~e ~~ your fists are enough to protect your­ prospect· of reachin·g a measu.re of However that inay be, the Rus­ meet the demands of the day, But that February 16, 1!131. self. It is only Italhins and queer peo· is not all . REMINDERS ..agreement with the new· American s~an readiness .to u&e ·.the murder pie who use knives." Many American families do not set HOLD MUSICALE Vancouver PfOI·ince Ji:Sministration over the solution o·f of Lumum\18 an· excuse for try­ as standards of hard work. They do not Yesterday being the last Sunday be­ The politician may be sure .Dther and far more important world ing to undenrune· the· U.N. is a fore Lent, a ·musicale was held at the defatigable researcllers and THEORY AND LIFE put the eyes of their children on the problems. ' . totally reckless and. unscrupulous regulir Holy Cross Literary Association will dig up and bro;~dcast ererY London Daily Sketch pursuit of excellence. This pursuit , The U.N. cannot tolerate this.uni- act which could have tragic conse­ meeting.. Solos were contributed by P. he ever made. The al'erage mu "Gambling serves a useful purpose," need not be in professional, business Flynn, T. P. Halley, Mr. George Law­ only his wife to rely on for thil lateral repudiatipn o~ ihe Secretary quences. said Professor J. Cohen, of Manchester. and other white collar tasks. There i$ rence with ukelcle accompaniment, "It gives hope to the poor, and those dignity, satisfaction and financial re· violin selections by Mr. Hugh O'Neill who lose can consile themselves by say­ ward in the develcpment of manual and mechanical skills in this highly techni­ and some dance numbers by Mr. W. P. WHO NAMES BOl!BS! Standard' s· · Fine Example in~ that luck smiles only on imbeciles." February ·16, 1946. ·The:. His students took up a collection to cal age." Financial Post · It a who . ! buy him a sweepstake ticket. The ticket Many t~ends in present day life work, • • • used to be mystery pul)liC has been r~cently re~, vt>lvin.l{ .th~ ~ o! mOdern technical ROAD OPEN won a small prize.· The profeasor has of COUr!e, toward doing it the euy Way. Pullman cars and why. A that the Standard Manu· · equi»ment; .~. · . · · 1 The highroad from St. John's to Pla­ ':t:' t' ' '. bought another.· The acquisition of skills is not easy. puzzle is who names the : ·~­ lti!Ctulri!lll( Company is a convincing . · . · · ' . Without parental urging and example centia and Carbonear is still In good nuclear war. ',• I 1 lf*:ample of the capacity of a local .•. !hey_. ar~ .con~n~ng- pr?of that ' . condition for motoring. Two motor GERMAN WEALTH countless youngsters just won't mike The atom bomb that fell on j< -.am fac:tu~inlol. industry to operate· , ~~ 1s Jl?S!!ible for secondary 1~dustr.~ ears eame in from Placentia ·on Satur­ ' ,,I~ , 1 the effort. Even with it, some wiJJ not. burnin" and blasting 50,000 on imported raw rria-. ~o thrtve Ori: a ~ound eco~om1c ?asls Franz Etzel, day, ,. h '!I · West German Finance Mini&~r But the family ia always the unit of known as Little Boy. T ere · and .to.find mainland. mllr- -m Newfoundland and th~ir a.chleve­ Overseas, · Germans have the reputa­ resistance against any sort of weaken- · • • • called Honest John. for its·.prOduct's. . · .'ments should a spur. to ex­ PAPER SI.OWED .b~ tion of being terrifically rich, I!Dt only lne: trends. It is the bulwark that mu1t Is it possible that anl·~ne 101 mi~ht well nav, .~en though\ ~a~s~lve. exploration of the poten­ as a state but as a people. This assump· hold ouf. It Is the keep.er of tradition, · The · "Watchman" newspaper had. mental home feels affection • paint indu&try . might ·be a tlaJlb~s m !>ther spl)eres of ma11u· the .preserver of strength in. any society. some little ,trouble on Saturday issuing disastrous machines? ~ tlon is based on the flct that the Fed· · · a nam~ victin\.

., . "; --~- ' • { ,. ,· ·, _/:~:~:u_· ~·: .. :~<-~/ .::..:·: •-~~-!~-:~.'' ,'~•:', ' I'· .... .Keeps ·Bicycle· In Bedroom Nutrition Grant Funds High _Interest GANDER,;.. Problems For Terminals Adult Classes~-~:

Ga.n~er Bowling i: ; Schedules . .,: i t Mrs. Ancela Os­ nHntUAJtY 11 prt· Februaey 4, Mn. . . 'r,.· ..... ~ ~ ' GaacJer .Oa~~n1 Alleya J;i. cirl; February 8, Reilb', boy; February Hptl~ota vs Coolshota, 8 p.m.; )largaret Casey, boy; Teachers No. '2 va U;A. No. 2, :' I p.m. . · .' I%. )Irs. Sumlko Hee- ,,i. . '. ICAF Alley. ·I ' Mixed League, RCAF No. ·1 . .' vi EPA, 9 p.m.; Mens League, no' game.

'/ I I I ' Take Nearly 100 Seals

:: ,, I' i.31}-8.30 .~11-Star practice. U~lO.OO Senior practice. 10.1~11.30

February 16th. Christian Helene School Time is Youn Matinee "TWo In in ldinatun ~undup Rorm k ', Cmlcade •'.. ' Hitchcock 'Dillp·purinc Trick" : I a Gun Town" :-t: and ,;,: and ·j'_ "ne helps

I > 'tl> and in 1,', I


Lt!nlar Halltu: Dlle St. J'ob11'1 M/S "BEDFORD Ir' FEB. 18 FEB. 20 (xl '1/V "WOODCOCK" FEB. 21 FEB. 23 I M/V "FAUVETTE'' FEB. 24 FEB. 26 : oi the MIS "BEDFOitD If' FEB. 27 FEB. 29 'idin~ . (xl :11/V "WOODCOCK" ~IAR. 1 MAR. :i :octors and M/V "FAUVETTE" MAR. 4 )I.AR. ij "P :\'a tiona! :a 1 dinical The School I ..


; '\'TJERS i · Pro\'inre

------·· ----.. : .. !

the Divine Redeemer of man­ kind. :cs soMIS! ; the personal services . When the call is given to men ial post • in the Lenten season to practice ; :. rr.ysterY wbO voluntary self-denial in food, >· . ~- · ·hy. A Montreal Trust ... drink, esP.ecially in the use of ·. .c·.es the alcohol, the invitation is not to ' investments- just like managing a spend a period of mere morbid :··.• '1at fell on -is a full-.time job for profes.Wnala. self-punishment but to rise "from the stepping-stones of I . :1 ~ ~.000 1$1 I!! I~ tili3: M., IJ' eiet-utive tried 'to run his personal · . '.: I ·~·. There'l • . our dead selves" to the sub· after hou15 - and be foond himself living .. lime, happy and joyous heights to asalt mine. . · · · · · . · . . If you are jnterested in making mol\ey· as of Christian thinking and acti· . I . . ,:. ' . vity. · Kingston, Jamaica are different ito\V.. He has the professionals ·, ~ilY. News· Carrier •. please fill in' the MIV "BLUE PETER II" Trust admini5ter hi:fproperty . :! A~puQtion Fonn a~d brin~ to our· Ga,nder :'"'lllana".• hu inves~t portfolio. they've helped . Offi~:· .. If no: ~oute ·a~ilahle ·in vo~r area· FURNESS, ·WITHY & CO., LTD. LOADING ST. JOHN'S AND hts estate, including tnuffunds · · OUTPORTS children and' his wif~. I~ short, th~y manage Llnrpaal St. Jolll'1 BMtee R.Wu It Jell•'r ,, iinmeaiately, your application will' be plac w teDfalr tv to · to alam with the .same competence Hallfu St. Joh11'1 L'pool St. Joha '1 Rnsl All FEBRUARY 20th. ,.·' to his own jc)bl • . · . · -~.don file. T~en sh~mld an opening occur, Newfoundland Feb 22 Feb. 28 . Mar. 4 Mar. 6 "Nova Scotia" 1\far .. 1 1\far. 8 Mar. 1~ Mar. 18 Mar. 20 Refrigerated and Dry Cargo want to bio\v more •bout Montreal T~t's : we will get in touch with you. Newfoundland Mar. 22 Mar. 29 Apr. 4 Apr. 8 Apr. 10 · Accepted aeiirices, write or caD for our "Nova Scotia" Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 25 A~. 29 M'ay 1 ' . ,...,...... ,~ oo T""' Scrolca.J~ Will give you Diany r~~~~~~~~~---~~~~, . AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY:· ------CONTACT: on how Montreal Tnufcan help yo.ul . · l TBE DmY NEWS . ' B.O.A.C., K.L.M., Pan American Airways, )· P.O. BOX lA. GANDEll ( Scandinavian T.W.A. and . counecting BLUE PETER ThusT/ ••) IOliTI AfPLICATION. : . Airlines. CompanY,· • Persons contemplating passage· to -Europe' STE.AMSHIPS. LIMITED ~ NAIO: ...... :...... : by steamer should make bookings well in Phones:3661,7460,4124 . - OhX:U Acabn CIANlDA . advance.· •.:A:DDRBSS ...... ;...... :... I Consult us regarding vour trav~\ problems. . Ja Sr. JoN.~~ :Steyal i-.:a...nber. .. . ( l6- J' "'".,-~...... ' . . .._ . · ·,·' PHBIIIJ No ...... :...... :... :,-;;:"· I . FURNESS TRAVEl OFFICE , -:· ··~:~.rt·. ·--·~·at. .. - . ' ,.,s . •' . . ' . L:-:.. ..;...... -...... -...... ·~ .... ·... J NFLD. HOTEL PHONE 56:13 J.

'• . ' . ·'.' ,. ; . For ·Thursd1y, Februtry 1• ~resent-For You and· TSOtiai~PerSoh8f' 1 Yours , .. ~!lnute J:tcih will ' oc;ury rra::h of Y•'Ur day arid · ·· ~ (.:olttmri- _;:· I you will \', inJ ur feeltn;: ten:e . and r.vcrtired. ln!tead .ot doing •• • . 4 • unything'strcnuoul, relax \lith a bonk you've been m~anin~ tn ,•Jlr1".!·~~~-~~~------~------~~----~--~'•t--·' •:i:t• ·. , - · .t\CCOUlltan\1. dip into sin cc Chri!tma•, or work on hohhy. Ahove all. don't r 1 ~,·lev. Vbtee Gortng, Nationul _.._ Stud.Y SecretarY1 of the Student ON VISIT , "t1.kc your job home'' 11itil )Oll. Christian Movement of Canada, Mrs. R. H: Senger. aeeompail· ~ntly vPitln& here will a4d· .lcld by her tw~ dauc~tlr~, ·Hope •.• Amei;~•n air tom· ' !_, i · the it\Ulent aasembly at and Robin, arrived yeaterday started in 1793, .JIIIJIDJl'a College at u:us a.m. !rom Michlllarllto visit her par· when Jean ric r r c Blan.:hard · ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grant, Anniversary made the first balloon ascension Portuglll Cove. Road. Wedding in the U.S. He carried a letter Party· Fellne!ly--Kinsella from President Washington /)jll}B!LE BIRTHDAY ·- ad· and best CONFERENCE ENDS dremd to all citixen$ calling on On Monday night at the home '\ them to •·re;cive and aid" ll!r. 'il'IM•e• to Mrs. Millia Moore, 2 The Annual Salel Conference I o( the Standard Manufacturlnc of Mrs. M. Parsons, 1!0 Colonial Blanchard. Place, and her daullh· Street, an anniversary pnrty ~ i ueu•u•e, who celebratE~ their Company •nded on . Tueaday, . ! was given to Mr. and Mrs . . ' ~~da:ys today, Thursday, Feb- February 11th, and salesmen The Day Under Your Sign 16th. LUlie Debbie. who and their wives were cuests at Frank Noaewortliy, of Topsail a ate~~k dinner Tuesday ni&ht Road. Married : twenty five ARIES (8o·n Mar~ :ro::r i~:u• oa ocoptc 'IJltn and the best man delivered an Jord.-r t•J thialc IGr thtmn!us-trca U Witless Bay. The re­ turn to their home after a thre.e day visit to this Province to ln•pirlng talk directed towards was held at the home the celebrated eouple, An ap­ VIRGO (Aug. 22 Ia Sop!. 22) attend ·the Standard Manufae­ t;i~·f' •nr..!~;l:t '" ~v,uiring ~ r.tw a\.ill bride. propriate decoration of a silver "hit·:1 mt«ht tonpro>~l )OUr t:arail1f turing ~ompany Annual Sales Uf.lCit)'. Conference. Mr. · and Mrs. bell hung in the room, and I1ENDS CONVENTION 'from this there was written "2ll Gcor~:e Lake of Fortune and •Bill Bourne of the NeW· Years Married." Liaht and Power, is Mr. and Mrs. Chcs Butt of Har· There were two door prilel, illrel&ent In Hamilton. Ontario, hour Grace, also· left the city won by Mfl. Ralph and Mr. a Com·cntlon of the y.e5terday to return to thelr Duffett, there were two lucky of Industrial and Cost homes. cups, won by Mrs. David Bur­ The Mature nell and Mn. White and the card prize. were won byi 1\ln. Morrissey, !llr1. Maher and Mr. ew· Mold,ed Furniture Duffett. Parent A beautiful Silver Service MRS ..\lURIEL LAWRE1\CE' ' wa• presented to Mr. and Mn. No1eworthy by their hostess, PEOPLE CAN BE ORDEitLY J~ugged · And Smart Mrs. Parsons, and Mr. Nos• WITHOUT BEING TIDY worthy thanked all present for the !lift. Mr. Frank Noaeworthy. Is a veteran of World War 1. The Noseworthya have " children and one grandchild. The party concluded with the alnging of "AULD · L A N G SYNE" and the many people present ·heartily agreed that the party was a wonderful sue­ r------,eels. 1 • t I The Doc·tor t ' Says I I I ,, 11J IAROLD 1ROMAt lhMAN, I . M.D.



new fash Baked marshmallo\1 a velvety textt adventuring This ele~ the prunes i . mixture that . u it bake: airy de&Se rou'U agree t1 union! never be1

i f j:

· Did you know that your ~k111 . ablorbs •• mueh rich eream 111 half an hour as It does 111 24 hours? Thert't .mo need to walt untll bedtime befo!'f ereamin~ your fa~e. · Do It ~bile v o u ilililllllll•l . manicure your naDs. wateh telt· , vllioD or .Mil the )llrr;


. ' " •

Watch Food It May! Coffee For Two, Please:. . ' i And Be Sure lfs Good! .Not Be Fit For A Pig. Pe'lple wh~ refuse food they • demonatralinl that diet lnfiue~c·' j don't llke on the 1r0U11ds tHat I ea the development or atherjls­ "lt'a not lit for .a pia:" may well be ) cleroail for a wide . ranlt.. !•f rl:~ht. It now turn a nut that we ; mammals - herbivores (rabbits, may have been feedlna our pla:s i a:ulnea pig•,· monkeys>, c_,rrilv. more safely than we'v1: fed our. I ores tdoas>, and omn!vom· .trau \. · • selves. · and swine .l ' · · d At any rate, three Onterlo re· ·. -- aearc~ers have reported that r.;g · Flower-Fresh yolk and butter, common Items ot the human Canadian diet, ,re • very harmful to 9l(s. They dam· ~~~~~ How To Look Chic On A- Small Budget : Ble the pigs' arteries In • way . . ' ' ~ . ' that looks very much like what I '•appcna to human arterle~ he· I' ·~ ·~re penon hll 'hurt att~ck. a a .:, The l'csearch, aimed' 11in· at • ''I I ·nintlnc the cause o! the high [ \; .. ,te of heart disease In c!l·!\lz~cl : '. I ··~1tern man, was rr.!Jortad b\·1 '1•· .•T.F. M~sta,rd. n! S•1nnvbrook i l{ospltal. Toronto. Dr. H.C. Row·' '·~11 and· Dr. H. r.. Downlt. the i ·~ttcr two veterlnRrlnns nf the flntario Veterinary College. Guelph. ) · It show~ tha,t pJg~ fed 11 lot of cg~ yolk develo!led ~ix liJTles as ''"lch atherosclero~i~ lhnrrl~~;,~ nr the arterl~$l 15 rlld nl~~ r~d 'he usual ration. Ann .,ills fed huller in~tead of c~; volk5 h3d I three tlme5 . ~s much atheros· i t·lrro. for this palteu help to go over them smaller maker. (2) Brewing too long· 1 1 ~our memory. There mates coffee bitter. (3) Always usc NEW YORK - (NEAl -For. shrmkage. And manv of them, In putting togcthe~ ~ wardrob~ e,;pensil·e alterations. · ~tToun had the sam~ 33 per ec11t; Cstamps cannot be acceptcd1 to Just follow the sim· the proper arlnd of coffee for your ; the eat who wants to look ~nic l1 are partially or !tilly lined .. of cotton knit sepnrates, you ?f caloriP.~ reolacP.d by egg yolk I ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWI, measure a~urately, coffee maker. {4) Never allow coffee ' on a budget this spring, cotton !This is a point to rhrck care-~ ha>1c a free hand in n~ixing and Cotton knits are, of cour~c. mstead of huller fat. Household Art~ Dept. 10 FRO~ drink perfect co!fec to boil. (5) Wlien using a vacuum knits provide the perfect solution! fully when you sho'p, particulai'· matching colors. Or in contrast- 11'\tshable. Btn if you belong to "The swine frd e~t! ~olk ll'erc ST., WEST, TORONTO, ON!. mlke 11. bottle, fill it with bollins water while · to the problem. · lly when buying pants or slim, fng patterns with soliri shades.! the school of thought that sends f~und to ha1·e aporox!malPly sh; · Print plainly NA~E. ADDitES5, make coffee, &tart with jthe coffee is brewing. This helps to . maker, fresh coffee and keep coffee hot for a lonacr period. : For they've been given new lsklrtsl. IYou also have an opportunity to summer cottons to the dry limes •~ much aorllc ather~s.l PATTERS NW..fBER. styling and the same lovely ~ol·, _This spring, the. viol~! and hot; a_cqulrc clothes with n pcrf~ct; clc_ancr, you'll ha;•e )onr cot!on rlerosl~ as the controls .. and the I -- ors used for far more expensiVe 1pmk shades are dilne m pattern·: ftl. F'or should you toke n s1ze. kmts dry cleaned. They'll re- swine fed b\ltt•r thr•Je hmes as · · · fashions. Some of them also: ed and solid color knits. There 12 jacket or shirt and a size 10 tain a smooth look and brilliant 11111Ch," Jald the researchers. : a·~:U:U'1fU~Ut:~ have a special !lniah which elim-1 are plaids, &tripes, tapestry el- 1skirt, you can buy both that· color far longer. "Fltrthermm. the ~wine fed~ IT'S A HONEY OF A tr ~---- ... - --···---. -~-·-· --· · · .. ------egg yolk had more exlen5ive in·[ · Z Baked Prune Puff I W ld volvement or the coronary arter-• · LOAF ~ Gir Is or We The les than the s:vine f·Jd butter and. OUR OWN BREAD' r Mus t ar d Bak ed B t U the control swme... , . ' . Day of Prayer e ween s .Research throughc>ut tht world, BEST BY TEST ~ ' the doctors said, has produced •' Eggs Service Women Women "an e:densil•c_ _!:ody-~f __ e~~d_ence I, (Prepared by Women's In· ------~ .~.1 ter·Church Council of Canada). : I Sponsored by Anglican, Pres­ GALS VSE THEIR JOBS AS • RUTH l\IILLETT . ' GAYNOR MADDOX byterian, Salvation Army, Unit· "DOWRY" CO~IE·ONE Eggs are. becoming more plcn· cd Church and Y.W.C.A. girls WOJ\1:\N'S TOUCH :\lAKES tlful. So let's enjoy their econ­ youth group, Sunday; February I ANY SllELTER A HO:\IE There's a new kind of "dowrv" ,1,! omy In main course meatless 19, 1961, 4 p.m. Salvation Army 1/ that marriage·minded girLs of to- '1', dillhes. Temple, Springdale St. A recent newspaper >tory , day usc ns bait to gel a young iL·: MUSTARD BAKED EGGS I . Girl! from different. organi· about a woman's prison wa< . _ 'man to the altai'. ·, ' (Yield: 4 servlnssl 1 zations and denominations will lustrated by pictures of indil'i~-j Todny's "dowry" ion't a ~urn y, pound sharp Cheddar cheese take in this service. ual cells. . . of money, or piece of land. 4 eggs pa~t i ~ ~r .-·" Offertngs will be sent to the The Interesting thing about Ihe 1 a house prom1sPd by the hndc_ s What do you need most? 6 tablespoons powdered dry mus­ . :' tard Women's Inter-Church Council pictures was how much the WO· : fa.th,er to the you~g man who 1s Daah ground cayenne pepper of Canada and will be. used for men had done to turn their drab : w.1lhng to take h1s daughter off ''1, Christllm llterat~re 1n many [cells Into temporary "homes." 'hts hands. . ~ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or margar­ Countries;. Chrlshan work with j Gay curtains hid the ~rim I !orlay's dot i~ prom1sed ~Y the ine Refu~ees m Europe, the Near bnrs. Plants grew in profusion Ib:1de·to-he hcr.oclf - and 1t co~­ Shred cheese on a coarse !;asl and Asia; as well as for lin. pots and planters.· .Berlspreads i ~1sts of her ~11\lngness and 3h1l· shredder and sprinkle over the projects In Ca~aqa. . covered the prison cots. Family l1ty to get a JOb and go .to work bottom of a buttered gl asa g. A warm. Invitation 11 extend•! pictures were taped to the Wijils. to help support the marriage. ed to all g1rb to attend this ser- Instead of a row o( "just alike"! If · · . :~i-:H Inch pie plate. Break 4 egas vice. bleak cells each w n h d a young man wants _to fin1sh over cheese, being careful not to 8 ·.HER. t l oma college before he marnes, the . 1 ~o ,\\\E break the yolks. Combine cream .s r ved to turn her small room .m· girl who doesn't want to wait . , . JOIIS'S •Worthv y Ito a place of her own. •mhke that 1 g . 1 ...... 11 .t new fashioning for old with this marshmallow creme! mustard, eayen1111 pepper and See • 1the rooms of other inmates. , ' on Simp Y says. 1 QUI rn Drpl. 50 Baked Prune Puff-a BAKED PRUNE PUf'F salt and pour over the eggs, Dot TOROSTO, "?i~!a·!IJ~~~ j' ThL~ really 5houldn't he sur· s.chool_ and .. go to work and let YOU C,,N BORROW AT LOW COST - creme that 1 jar marahniallow creme witb butter or margarine. Bake . VI prising. For women hnl'e nn i 'ou f~msh. . And she promptly texture and a spir- 1 tablespoon lemon juice in a preheated· moderate o1•en · innate need to turn ev n the . goes Job huntm~ so that she can 1 THROUGH A llllventuring in all your ~~, teaspoon salt ( 350 degrees F. l 15 to 20 min· ' :most temporary or fru~lrntinr. : keep her bargam. I I. Thli elegant creme en- 2 egg whites utes or until eggs are set and · . prunes Into a delicate, ·1 cup chopped cooked prunes cheese is melted. !1 shelters Into some semblance or 1 If a young man has all the: a real home. 1 schoolin~ he intends to get but . that puffs to Pl'l'· ly4 cup chopped pecans POTATO OMELET I I It's not something the;- do he·l isn't earning enough to support . II II bakes. Just dip !n Blenlt the marshmallow r.reme Undlvlduall ,.·- cause they want to: it's some- J himself and a wife, too, the g-irl a~ry dessert for a taste lemon juice and salt into the


.. ::.: .' •

. ' THE DAILY NEWS, ST . NFLD., THURSbAY, FEB. Canadiens Gap B StOpping Maple Leafs 3. ' ' Black Hawks Take Rangers 5-2

TORONTO. ad over the second·plnce game. · : the nets with 74 seconds was penalized for Canadiens to four and the \iont· Gerry McNamara, 26' • year- · rem~ining in the game. ~lcDonalcl's two ~OJ!• old ·journeyman goalke-eper, I Jac~ue> Plante in the 'lnnt· rail h1s total to 15 for ·j, realers have . two . games in . Jl ---- . real nets. playing io his fourth Son .. came 111 the !ina! , game after a stint ·vith ~lont· as d1d lhe nair the ~e .. :real Ro,·al> after sufferi~g an er:; scored. · injured kn(·e. was the htar of Tori Sloan g;ll'e the Carbonear ,Win First; the dull· close-checking contc'l. 1·0 le~d in the fir>t Petit;~ IJ~:um~~·';Eliect1ed to h~d the local C~nstruction Curling Association at the group's hanquet last night 'He was particularly brilliant hts erghth of the season · ' midway through the second a~r­ slbw roller th3t dribbled . ' to· right). Seated:!-D, G, F. Horwood, President; W. F. Case, .1\f; ·Lowll~ ~?"~~ry. Presid~mt; ! iod when the Leafs ~ourerl in Ranger goalie Lorne , Se~!taJry.·r· m·ls· u· rer; ·W. F. Bishop, execu.tive. member;.· Standing: - Executive ~pembers D. G. Burnell, Drop Harbour Grace ion him. 1\'ors'ey, f)c[e~cm,n R. F. Horwood, R. TeMpleton, W.:Weii-. Missing is R. F. Martin, Vice-President. :, The len~ue's two ton score:·'· St Lauren' and Robh,· , · · · · (Royal Photo Service) Frank ~lahorlich of the Leafs lor the l!:•ll'ks before ', :-:·. imd Bo om Bnnm Geoffr!on Wilson i~mmed in il:e Faulkner Scores Seven didn't get a r,ol!.., \laho,·lich first ~o~l of tl1e ni;ht at h t ' B 'was well shnclnweil bv Dickie of the f1nnl period. HARBOUR GRACE- (Staff) while t h e ot cr en r~, ay 'Moore anrl had onlv a 'counlc·o[ Feildians :llcDonalrl', 1 w 0 -Carbonear won its first game Ro~erts, h~d three pomts to i !(oorl s c r i n ~ chances while Old-Timers Disagree, But Spann 0 were s~nriwiched MnrrM · o( 'the season in Conception thCJr crcdrt. I Geoffrion was in elose a. coup it• Dcnn Prent icr. ·.11 ic! . . . ' 1 1 Bay North Senior Hockey here Carbonear took a close 5·4 iof timrs h11t couldn't ~et a clc3r ll'ilh Chie;t~n·, Pimc And Irish last night at the Stadium. They edge into the middle frame hut ; shot on goal. · !he penally hns. took the victory at the expense Harbour Grace were leading 1 CHICMiO '.\PI - Paced In Worslr.\· \'.';J<.; ~:rmH··~r\·,;.! Is Game's All .. Time .Left-Hander bf the league leading Harbour 10-9 after the second stanza. I Ah ~lcDonatd's two ;!oals, i'hi· thrn Gtrnn fl:o'r in Ire ' Will Clash .. Grace team with i 15-11 deci· Carbonear came. back with a . cago Black llawxs skated to a r.1~c. he in~ rr'l'lir."'d t~ 1 :.By" HARRY GRAYSON have, the speed of a prame Feildians and St-. Pat's meet sion. • bang in the final frame and 1 5·2 :--iational Hockey League •.'ic- Chica~n '-lw~·~ 'n ~1 fr.r .. :. NEW YORK - (NEA) wind as long as he keeps the (or the last time in the regular Jack Faulkner of the losing scored six times while holding , torv orcr :\ew York Rangers at ball low, and around the plate. Grace to a sin"le "oal : hc~e Werlne"day. Toronto Warren Spahn now pretty gan­ schedule of Se[lior Hockey at team was th e top goa I ge tt er or Harbour b b erally is accepted as the great­ While his phenomenal record the Stadium tonight. The one· the night as he fired s~ven of and took the win. · B1· winnin~. the Hawk, •·r.· ~-lontrcal est of all left·harid pitchers, al· is in the books for all to sec, two clubs in the circuit will his team's 11 scores. Ertc Cole Only three minor penalties . maincd e i,g h t points hchind f'hic;'~" thou.:h you can get considerable is besl, remcm· clash at 8_15 p.m. . paced Carboncar with six tallies were called in the fixture with i ~lontrcal Canarliens in the race ~~~::oi~·cr:. af an argument (rom an occas· 1 · I•'c'tld'rans w'tll be p!avr·n" while Jim Penn_ ey and Allan all three going to the lpscrs. , for >er011d place and rulhl b ere d as a Iegen d ary_ eccentric. ' b h 1 eight po1nts ahearl or idle fourth Boston ional old-timer, · pro(c~sionalt That's a pity, for while Wad- their second last game before Dawe scored three times ea~ · __ . . ______and oiherwise. j dell, left·handcd all the· way, they enter 'the league finals. Hal Rossiter got two goalc w1th Two Conception Bay Inter·!----- Spahn has won 288 games, waa as erratic as fabled Bugs The Irish have two games le(t Alf Hiscock adding ·the other mediate hockey games are on I PI and with his rubber arm and ' Raymond, he also was as able besides the fixture tonight. marker. 1 tap at the Stadium tonight. In ans pitching virtuosity is fairly as , or to Over the first four rounds For Harbour Grace Fr.ed the 7.00 p.m. contest Port de Are Ready cer{ain to compile more victor· come more up to date, Grover t'cildians have defeated the Pardy backed Faulkner up wrth Grave and Upper Island Core I F iea ~an any other southpaw in Alexander and . Irish 6·5, 7·4 and 6·2 while St. three goals and Brian Wake· open their Section "A" finals

the long history of . baseball. i c · "Wh w dd II . I ( .. Pat's had a 8·4 decision to their .line notched the other ~ore. the Section "B" final~ between I a· ~ When you consider that Spahn , . en . a e was rrg l • Icredit. , The win gives Carbon:ar two Victoria and Conceptron Har· \.. ..,; Of Disaster L lostithree full se~ons to .the satd Conme Mack, the only A win by the Irish tonight points. Harbour Grace wrth hve bour will start in a game set 1 Arnt', years in which be would m~tnhager whod handledfthe Rube I "'ould assure them of at least points are on top of the circuit for 8.30 p.m. I' l wt any ogree o success, " ! By .JACK HAND : ~rt up a < ·,a,trr pion. :. Bv BILL BUTLE 1 have had a picnic in the pitch· "we've never had another who a tie for second place. . I 1\'E\\' YO!l.K-AP- Se,·eral ~after a crn;n inroldn, a: ·\Ell'S Sports er'a box, you commence to could· touch him~" Fci!dians will use the slime . G · Ed I professonnl sports teams al·, ian soeeer team in 1911 University realbe what a tremendous job 39-2 squad that defeated Guards l~st I eorge street - ge ! ready ha'.'e set up disaster plans: In the erent nf Iota: 'i o! Wales a the' ' Oklahoma rancher has But any argument against night for the encounter whtle 1 to take ('arc of any emer·.~ency ~ tcr to an \B.\ trJm. o:i turned in Cor the Braves ISpahn is refuted by the record. St. Pat's will go with the same 1 resulting from a tragic tra\'Cl: the surri1·ing teams ;,·"j through 15 years. His winning percentage is .613 squad that stopp~d St. Bon's • • A 4 3 :accident such as Wednesday's' able to protect five of its gymn ~ : "Pitching vlruoslty" s The win by He has won 20 or more games 5·3 on Tuesday mght. ·a vation rrny ,. '. plane crash that wiped out the players. The other fire · 'f~e young man across the l11 tfmes. No other major 1 I U.S. figure skating team. i go into a talent pooL T~e them into table at Leone's brought up the lll3gue pitcher has led his cir· I I that needed the help co~l(' tie with BishoJ 1ubject, and got quick rcac· cuit in winning percentage D t And • I BASEBALL 1 pick a maximum of 10 · United Colle tion. from Frarik Frisch, an au· seven times. His earned-run ~·an am George Street, fighting to marksman. i In the American League, an no more than two frcm a:' fuentic old-timer .. average of 2.99 would cover get out of the cellar in the George Street jumped to a 2·1 cmcroencv would exist in the club. - The price to te · "Spahrl has been a trcmen· even bad years had he had any. p·ee Wee Hockey Church Ho9key League, post· lead in the first period, had a event" of ihe death or disability would be determined bJ dOUJ pitcher, of course," said ed a 4-3 victory over Salvation 3-2 margin after the middle to seven or more active players mittec. I tha .•Old Fordham Flash, "but Those contending that War· A t the Prince of Wales stanza both teams scored once of a ba,;ehall club in an acci· I whoever · referes to him as the Warren Spahn rtn Spahn Is the most 1\Ccom· Bantam. hockey returned to A~~:a ~ast night. The win bv in _the final frame for the 4·3 i dent. . JIOCKE~ . . '· . top ·left·hander of all time plished of all left-hand pitchers St. John's yesterday afternoon St t rcventcd Salva· fmtsh. . The kague presrdcnt would 1 The Nalton.il Hoc•cJ (or the llvcs,of pitchers." need not apologize for him in with Caribous defeating Eagles ~eor~ reef P oving into I Albert Crane got the first , call a special meeting at which. also bas a r!etin~te ~lar. !cr never hit against Robert Moses . Grove bagged an even ·300 any respect. • in the league opener. In bon m~ r~~- mt · Salvation marker on H pass I each club, other than the one stocking a cluiJ that ha1 ' ,I Grove. "Spahn never had a 4 1 1 i games for the Athleti,:s and ·• Pee Wee hockey at the Stadium solo pos!llOn ° lrsd pt~ce. ·n from Don Benson. after Dave that suffered the disaster, 1 five or more players. The ·' real blazing pitch. I..efty Grove Red Sox. Lonaconinf Lefty ~ Snipers stopped Gunners 0-1. Cal LeGrow P~~e t e dwt s Dawe and Bill Wiseman had would list as available 12 of its' teams would attemp! lo wu :a left·handed Walter John- had 20.13, 24·8, 20·6, 28-5, 31·4, Carbous built up a 4·0 lead for the_ ree. given George a 2·0 lead. Cal 25 players. ! the problem \'Oiuntarih· .. liOn. • ·.c.·v···l· Servl·ce: Georg~ squaDa~e 25-10 and 24·8 seasons in suc-1 he talhed t"':'tce, ~.htle .. LeGrow. made 1·t 3·1 at the 12 The selecting team would; tiating. sale_s. lf the . · ''As remarkable as Spahn is, · I over Eagles before John Byrne D d Btll Wtseman smp 1 h cession In Philadelphia and was scored the lone tally for his aw~ an f d minutes mark of the second but take at least one from each club club sttll d1d not a>e II! &n~ong pitchers I saw ·I'd rate 20·12, 17·12 and 17·9 in a row IH k A • ed smglcs. Albert Cr~ne rre 30 seconds l~ter Jack Peddle and no more than three. The: Jation 18 players and a Grove, Carl Hubbell and Lefty In Boston after his arm went DC e·y •.Ctlon squad on Brian Gibbons' pass. two of the three Salvation Army f Albert Crane brought Sal- payment for each player would Ithe other clubs would . a Gomez ahead of Warren with bad and he had to resort to 1 Billy St. Croix from Danny goals and set up the other to rot~ t Albert . he .$7.'5.000. a pool. Each club t Eppy Rlxey right behind. You've Gosse accounted ·for the Cari· h · d' 'd 1 r va 1on c1 ose a 3· 2 · I I d cunning. . . . I take over t e m lVI ua sco · C f d 't 3_3 t 145 f th · The National League has not cmpt 10 pluyers an a JOt to hand it to Spahn. at that, You get into a lot of left· bou goal in the first period. ing leadership. Jack _Peddle was thr.andebulte Call LeGarow. wi~h hi: s. pellcrl out ilny exact plan. The The select in~ team wo~~ ati)J .,a star at 40 and pitching banders when you consider the Mental Hospital and Fisheries John Cochrane unassisted at the other SalvatiOn Army rr d f th .' ht tdca for a plan has come up for. no more thJn three Ire- passing out there completely unproteet· over-all picture. How about play in ~he first game of Civil 4.1El and Don Sellars the same sedconh g~a1 0 t e nl!l · scor· 1 consideration at several meet·: one club, at SjO.OOO ezcj half that sc! 5 55 ed against the jackrabbit ball ? The Gettysburg Service hockey· at. the Prince way ·at 7.11 moved Carbious three times while Brian Mur- e t e ~mner a . . : ings, but league policy has been~ -· ... _.--­ the Pri nee o wblle hitters come up wearing Guide won 326 games, and the of Wales Arena tonight while into a 3-0 lead in the middle phy had a goal and two assists. Salvatwn Army held the edge Ito wait and sec. with the idea. When l'ou're choosiJg I ll they piled helmets and everything else fact that 21 were won in the CNR will fac~ RCAF in the stanza. Jhumy Power• had it 4-0 Mike Hanlon scored one and in play thro~ghout th~ c?ntest that it would be better to avoid' dress or 'suit. choose a g~\d . In the SC( looking like they are going to Federal Lcag'ue doesn't mini- nightcap. The opening fixture when be· countered from Bud set up another with Peters An· but the hrtlhant netmnldmg of: any rigid formula. even if it's on the .· the PWC war. For years I have feared mize' hls record. will start at 7.00 p.m. while the Dawe at 9.15 but Byrne scgred drews getting a goal and Terry Charlie Pollock kept George ! , siue. A good knit will who played behind, him for second game is set for 8.30 p.m. six seconds later for the 4·1 fin· Hanlon drawing an assist. Ger· Street in t~e game and proved/ FOOTH.\LL , shape alter many wear~.;!· seven campaigns, called Plank RCAF are leading in the loop ish. . aid Murray gave Gunnners the to be the dtfference. • The Xational Football League without a skirt lining. II IT'S A HONEY OF A the greatest of all pitchers, even with Mental in second place and Each team was nabbed for lead early in the contest with Only _one minor penalty was has an insurance policy, cover· cleans beautifully. too. ... LOAF • though he was not the switcst CNR third. Fisheries are fourth three minor penalties in a well their lone score. called m the game and that in geach club in the league, at .... ·- -- · 1 OWN . BREAD or trickiest. ' while Treasury rounds out the played game. At 4.30 p.m. today Signallers: went to George Street. Salva- over Sl.OOO,OOO a club. How·, OUR . was ·another !ive team circuit. Tonight's Harry Roberts was the big meet Infantry in a Pee Wee tion Army (ailed to score when ever. it does not have a disaster Curl1"ng . BEST BY TEST. left-bander who demonstrated doubleheader is the second gun for Snipers in their game Igame with the Pee Wee All· they held the odd man advant. plan to provide playing tale~L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~fu~a~t~a~p~it~c!he~r~d~~~s~n~1~~~v~e~-~~~·~l~~~t~o~f~t~h~e~r~e!p~l~sr~s~~~c~d~u~~~--~w~it~h-G~un~n~e~r~s.~R~ob~c~r~~~s~c~o~re~d~~p~ticingat5.15pm. ap. ~teR~lle.N~comm1• ·; -- • -----·- ·-· sioncr, said "our feeling has: been that it might be advisable i to avoid any general format. I ~ .. . 369 \NATER STREET However, I expect it will come: up again at our spring meet· . E. 1\'arren \'S :-;. p, ing.'' tlll Endsl PHONE '*4041 • : Simon tevitz Trophy . BASKETBALL I -8.00- . The N ationai Basketball As· 1 .J. B. !\'orris I'S L. \!.A) I'! ------~------~ ;ociation was one of the first to 18 Ends) --~- .. ----· SPECIAL ·OFF-SEASON PURCHASE·. • • I I ' I I . I I · 1... _.s .... a_ve~ ... -59_. · _to_·_$1~~-a_t_i·r_e_, _. I A~~ST AlE SILENT · GUARDSMAN TYREX TIRES I • Guaranteed To Give 25% more tire ___ .,._, .. ------.--\- mileage, regardless of ·your present Tuhc-Tyrc Blackwall · . I ·brand. ~ · · . · • Gv11ranteecl For Months.ogainst'all Size Reg. Sale · ' ·~ ao ! I road hazards, (nails, gloss, curbs!. 7.10-15 ...... 30.95 21.88 • Guarantted 30%. Mora Tread than. tires installed ·on new 1961 model I 7.60.15 ...... 33.95 24.88 ! I . cars. 'rnb~lcss u tack wall I · • ·Cash In Now on the best tire buy of I ·the- year. · Size Heg. Sale ' . · Reg. 28.95 7.50-14 . 32.95 22.88 I 1i.Q()-14. . 34.95 24.88 I * .. '1(\ 88 Lowest' Priced New Tire. in Town I v .6.70-15 Crusader · . I I . . · Tube-Type 6.70-15 Tube-Type 10·9.5 J . BlackwaJl. Blackwall Reg. 13.95 . , •Aft4·tfto oW tire eH rour cer. • And Recappable Tire I WIN:SING TEAM in the first . t tbe ------~ held in St. John's 'received their pr1zesf ~ founrlland Hotel last night. Members 0 • ;er ·Guarantee - Sati~faction Or Money· Refunded rink were (left to right) seated:-~· w. ~15 and J. ~ ,~1.,.· F. Horwood. Standing: - A. Gmld(or CraiJ:.-(IWyal Photo Service). 1961 ' .. .!. !W /c1''?S9X\TF""'?'?~T' ''c'·"'"~"'"''''/·T~''•"'i?

' ~ Foildio:::.:• lh~~:::::.~tl~h~,~~~~ookoy gomo f'Si; ~ -~ o{ the season last night but had to battle over a fight- ; Brlten, Don Yetman iug Guards squad for the victory. With Stan Breen ~ 8! ,.,., G J E i' and Don Yetman picking up two gonls each, Feildiaus I~ ·ii nave i wo oa s ach ,i; defeated the Guards 5-3. B1·een's second tally was I~ '!. fired into an empty net. i :,:n:uo.H:u:n:o-s : !· ; I. Bud Duffett' got the other Feild marker while I (:, : i · • Dave Butler, Bert Warr nnd Rollic Clarke hit for the I . , I "·:I' Guards. Fcildians held a 2-1 edge after the first per-j :' iml with no goals scored in the second stanza. The :: 1 ': , loss left the Guards trailing third place St. Bon's by

1 [our points. ~ liuards play three more times. Le's th~n a minut1' later :while St. Bon's have two gauics I Guards wen• back wit!:in nne j 1ldt. St. Pat's with 12 pnints I' r;oal of Feild. Fred llickry ,cut 1 in sccomf place also play three Ed Vatchcr off with 1:1c ptick r more times. Fcildinas, who have i and as the lone Feild dl'fendcr j tw•l outings left. han• dinc·il~d i tonk Va\l'hcr out of tlw play , the top position and a bye into he pas:;cd the puck into .he 1 the finals. 1 open. Bert Warr tumed nn ~he · ··:->rr:1n St. Bon's must play l.uan\s. spee1i tn out race gnal!e 'J'ols ' B,,hh,­ and Feildians while ·' Feild 'at 10_04 Dave Batten fctl spot for l.uards up fr·mt ;1s Ed ! H. Clarke. B. Badcock, D. But EXECUTIVE-The annual meeting of the St. John's Regatta Committee last niglit heard· the sist to go nlong \vith lu,; two! a face-off pas~ hack to Yetman \ atdH·r :Jho pi;:Y<'tl ·.rcll. ::llax: ler. E. \'atehcr, B. \\'arr, J f •f Srcrr.tarv Mike Howley and Treasurer Dave Ba~rd with the election of officers conducted by goals last night and moved one! for a knee-high sereened riri 1·e' Holle II aurl !,onhn Butler i Crane. D. Chaulk. A. Pearce. !J) . •· • point out front o( linemate. I t tl · 1 t · 1 · 1 wer,, 1o)h dd<'nsn·el:·. . Osmond. D. Ba 1le:·. :. 1 nnd resulting in the Executlve for the coming year being (left to right) Seated:-James Doug Squires, in the individual I 0 n~fli~lg ~!a~~ee, set the stage I Hefl'l'!'('< r;"rry 2\[urph,· a!HI STOI'S • ' Yicc-President; James D. Higgins, President; Mike Howley, Secretary. Standing: - Hubert sco~in~ race .. Squires ~hat! ~wo for Guards to pu.ll goalie ·Jo:arl! Peter llully. ! CfiA!'~[,\"' 11 j II-~~ Ixrrnli\'e Committee; Dave Baird, Treasurer; Joe Healey, Executive Committee; Bernard Collins, ass~sts last mght for .~ 4 pmnls lhmcll for an extra attacker 1 1.!'>1-:l'l'S . . !lOll ELL. 8 8 12 -i!lj 1 Secretary, with Executive Committeeman Jack Connors missing from the photo. w;,nle Breen upped Ins total to a~. he stole the puck m the [ Feild ian-: (;oal: T. Ch:·rman; · .. ,. 2 (R 1 PI t S • ) • · , h F 'II' f j l'clid zone and waltzed m. 011! d<·lt·nce D. :llartin. r:. Bre<'n.j . . oya IO O ervJce . 1 11rcc ot. er CI 1 lans. 011 ow Chapman for a flip to the left E ThtsiiP. \. llrnd< rco 1 ~: for· )JUJtl: SPOI\T , •• ,, ------;---- ·-·----· -- .... _ ·-----· Ill the sronng race. Dale. Ba~ ~-side at 19.19 to mal;c it 4-:1. ~ wa:ds: :,;, eri'<'Il. B. !Julfctt. D.' The n•sults of last ni.~l•(; .. ' • F • s I t. II ·gi t tel~ and Don Yetman hale 1' but Stan Breen outraced Max· Sqll!r!'s, D. Yetman. D. Battrn. ('ommcrcia\ Howling J.ra.: .;,''''" ·a s In Irst tart· I n erco e a e pomts each .willie Bud puffett lllowl'lllo Doug Sitllircs clearing:\\", Youd<'n. H. Hm;·-dl. (', Pier· ~ames ant! Sport From T'.r.' ., Orl I W ' owns 1,5 pomts. Bart } ord. of pass and slapped it into the open • cry ..r. Thhtil·. Past will bC' found on IIi'! _,,.,. 5 Is • H k St. Pat • whoh wo~ the s<·~m:g 1 nels at 19.3.'l as the goalie w~s ': Gu:mk (;oal· E. Howell; de- 14. ·''•' 2 0 ! eFninloarls Oopceney la~t season, as pntll s I out. This had it finish 5·3. ~- ... - '. . ··- ·-----... . ::·: dak . . ; <;uards held their own with ll • ~, •• ' ale. s' 39 ... 25 R( 1 1y The ftx~urc marked th~ •. f·~~l : the league lr:tdcrs hut lacked . Jj~ [ ~· ~- .'l·i f" ,, Of W I s Prince regular sehednlc game ~~ ... l_c.ll : goal-mouth finish and this, ic\ I . ve n . .em I,., ~~-a f! . ' the two clubs_ .and l··~l·;"a;'~ i l~ln;; several extra_ fine saves by: • I~ •· IJ '"' t have won all fl~e .. Of II .c r ·d . Chapman held thetr score down. ! "" Linda Marshall lops -S corers games to date Fclld hale lo" .. Earl llowell pbyecl his second. w· e 13 20 DOT' .. Prince of Wales ami St. once to St. Pat'c: and St. Bnn's. ; Ecnior game for Guards and' . '~'}: ,"J't ft /?NJ ,. ' ver ' ,·.~-~~·: In the first quarter 1\IUN Noel 2 '4 Bon's open tltelr best or three f FIRST GOAl. . :turned in a ~noel netntinding . g ~ ~ J t ~ U~~ · :~'r pL1n. J. "" ...... 0 \v 'I I t k B5 l d 'th B I V. Robbins .... 1 1 3 St!nior Intereolle!liate finals I Dal'e Butler got the fir> I : uisplay. . : · , . , .: .:~·.nhin• an ~pnrls n cr , oo a · en • WI rem a '"' . goal of the game. It c<~mr- \\'tth : Sci·, of til, ~-.,n.,'s n- , 16 7 39 111 ::1 Ill 1949. rnil'rrsity handed! Marshall picking up four points, for the lllacpherson Cup at 1 'ld' h tl 1 I I' 11' en e _.. c c z· A d H p . ~·o· ' •' :' of 1otal \\'air• a 39-25 defeat i Verna Robbins atldlng three Ptlnre of Wales: the Prince or Wales Arena ' Fe! wns s or laiH Cl as ,() le : lllinor penalties were called ~mrnerman n ee nan ace vi Hi·9.' d I · d ~! h 11 t f th M. Peters ...... 4. 0 8 t!Jtla~·. They'll clash at 4.30 Clarke passed. the rcbot111';, t:;m·: ! against Fc!hlians with Guards ' ..... tprmn;: game of t h e ian ,m a. ars a wo or e Bob Badcocl1s shot to uuJm ,voring once while tlwr held; , ...... _,,::; B. Ashford ...... 3 0 6 · S

: 1 [nil!d Collegiate in St. non's. Over the schedule when Stan Breen lied the fix· 1 l:l-2. Tlw I''- o l'lutjs ;;l't mcctin~ RCJ\F nrtminder Chevalier·:~ opener. Joyce Noel two. Prince of Local .Boxers 1'\\'C edged St. non's 5-4 and lure at 1·1. N!'\' Jlendei'>Oil set . non Yctn~an and Stan Brcet\; in the >Pilli·l'illals for the ri~ht i blocked 20 of the 22 drii'C'"'; jumprd to a 23·9 Wales got all four polnh from 4·3 while the nluegolds took Breen free al hi> own bluelinc . parecl lhe h•tldmn ~taek With I to face firsln_~ game m 1', J!ot two. lllargo Peters. had weight champion Frank PllnrJm, AI Gande Guards clcarmg pass h~ wor ·e . an,on. 2.43: 2. RCAF. Dca~,.!r. I that ~ to 1 c four 1nor \Vhl{ B bb, Ash b ·. his way ~round two t.cfcuders , ~likr O'Keefe opened the. in Sl. .John's PntPred the last i 3.19: 3. RCAI". Zimmermim',r:·; . . • sedn , 1 · 1 c. e 0 ' · • also of Stepherlvlllc, meets Hec r 1 1 f 1 ft P f \' ] f d ] J 1 C ) ] 1 t and caug il lte 01' c 1' ·:•J.-~ !\night' of Colu!lllllls hilliard hall hour 1t was O'Brien lead.· ( J1ehtn>on 1, 13.40: 4. RCAF.:•: . lln.-e o ., a e_s I or Rllt ut Y o c tat wo Arsenault of nearb'' Mira in a: I I . I 1 1 I I "C ' I wni;-l \'" 11 '' · _,n,: ·' .tl\ll'tlHII1Cillll'ilh a :n:!-299 l'k·. in~ In,· a 'iw:lt' jloint. 0'1\'nn[r. ·ll!~cnrn. lli:cll.l'), Iil.O·l·. :'.no."'_.· ... ~C)' pi I PI I Up tl l~lr i eaC h for P\'' • SJX•round match. I ~ , " c " ,, 1 In thr srcund half 1 , • The 1UI'morla\ Unlverslt~· .ory o1w r;ns O'Brien las\ oubmr;·d ll'I:rirn hy 55 points! !~!son. from clwp. dcr Ul'cr the w~ckend for two ,J'Kt·cfc ran up ~~~ in ht·t·ak' tlu· 1':1t1. · Secon

,hurt passin~: in 1 heltl•r from the _foul hnc as, pl~cutlons of a creamy-moist hp·, lltdny nlgltt. . ThP Gr.md 1\ngiht. \\'. .!. up hi, :m in hrr.Jks O'Kre[c ' TJOT. Geangc, 16.02; RCAF. ~- lnd quarters. they hlt seven pomts to three slick. ':shi{·l·, was h1troducl'd hit n oic<' li:l "·ore and hatl i 7.itmncrman, 16.02, DOT, ~rruml I b~· A.: Bo1~'!!.,! i 1 ~uards cm·ered 111y Prince of Wales. Use your makeup accent us, Jim Drover, Henry llounsell E. Anrlrl'II'S. htll!ard. conmutter, othrr ~cnn•> m·pr t··n of :m. 28. 110.18. • · • ~ well. went to a , • rashion accessories. By harhmn· and Doug lloilsc who are nil l'ltairnwn. and Jlr. Ashley in : :!4. I B. 17. Iii. J.l and 12. ; . Third Period: !J. RCAF. Hce· .~ game. h\' placing I SCOREIIS ! l7.\ng eye-shadow or lipstick with rl'~lslerCJl with tlw Cit~· Junior weiPoming lho>e prc.'ent offcn·d i O'Jlri,·n h;H\ Ihirtern scores' nan, rKclly), 0.22; 10. RCAf,;, the ll~sket and' Melnorlal: t'G' P'r Pts. the predominant color In mull!- Ali-Strtrs Will lllake the trill . the "he~t of lnck" to all the: of tt•n n1· lltorr. lk seorrd 32.lllcenuu, (Kelly), 1.05; 11 ... ball into them for IL. Marshall ...... 7 3 17 colored Jew~lery, you can create with MUN. Jack l)ro,•er Is out players in the tournament nml: 24, 2l. lti. lti. 1~. 1:!, 10, 10 and i RCA~', Heen~n, (Kelly), 4.25• . B. 1\larshBll ...... 6 3 111 a hl!lh fash10n look. II£ ndlon with a foot ;injUry. · expressed the Wish that the 1 10 for Ins 216 Ill breaks. / 12. RCAF, Zimmerman, (Ne<'· - younger men would become~ nan), 5.24; 13. RCAF. Zimmrr- · R t F · interested in the grand old! One game is sehrduled for. man. (JTeenan), 6.51; 14. RCAF j T wo e u· rnees .or ~~anJC. : lhe tounw~· loni•!h: as B. no,c · 7.immermall. ll!eenanl. IB.IL l O'Brien mol'ed out front in, of spot will fne~ n. l.oddt•n of· 15, lleaB. r~!artin), 19.32. Pen· : I he first half hom of play hut.· plain in a r;amt• ;('(· for 9.00 alties: DOT. Lu,h, 0.02; DOT. I ·· saw O'Keefe come baek in the p.m.

I -•' Rev.. Br. D. T. Llewelyn, is also .. up fi·onl Gl'alntnar ",... . 1 conch of the Holy· Cross entry school. A 5' 3" good outside· in the Junior High School nas- mnn. ·he jllays well on ileft!nce. : ketball series Wllh United Col- Ted Downey and Bob Power /le~iate hu only twn .returnees arc the lither forwards listed . lo his sqUad but will have s'ev· wilh the teams. Downey stand!! I ~rat lOll playl'l's up from the 5' 7" and Is an aggressive re- Grammar Sl'hool nanks atld his bounder with a gootl ~ot·~er 12-matl tellm looks very strong. shot. He Is up ·from Grammar I. 1'he high scorer· of Grammar school while l'o\\'er. is !llnyin!l School League of last season. his first year of ball. Power is ! ,.• .John McDonald, IB eel\ter for 5' 10" wl!h ability . and he the Crusaders. He lk 6' 2" and should develop. .. a. first year man. llis brother, Thrc~ gttal'ds round out the ,. Jim, lloltls the scoring record teatn. Eddie Hurley is 5' 6", for the· Hlab School Loop. while 'hoth .Oavid. Wilsot\ and

M1ke Bambrlelt, a good jump· Ron Chafe' are 5' 1". Hurley Is !• I er and rebounder with a fine up !rotn Grammar ami was the jump shot, hi ·one of the for· best bnckcourt !'(Inn in that warda. He stands 5' 10" and Is lea·~ue last season. Ue is a top

up from the Orammnr league. ball hdndler and a tlcfcnsive ~: . l Leon Fitzgerald, another ll' 10" hawk with a fine shot. His : man, Ia a top reboundin.g tor· action may be curtailed because ward 1nd -al1o up trotn Gram· of the number or guards on the mar school.' squad. Both returnees.. are guards, Uoth Chafe And Wilson have Jack Hurley, II' 6", is the team a size handicap but both have • captain and hu an excellent ability. Wilson Is tops on a 1 outalde shot. He ill tops as a full court press as a defensive b11ll handler· .aud can drive., pl~cr with Chafe being a ·beady Brig Noftall i_s the other rc· I peJ·rormcr with a good out~ ide turnee. He is 6' 3" and best Ishot. . I aJ a floor man.- He ·handles the i · ball Well and can shoot. · ) Holy Cross a1·e the defPndlnf( Tom Healey IR rated a~ the 1champions and will ·nll'et Uni· man to watch on the squad. He; cd Collt•giate in a b~si or sel'!•n h•s terrific 'potertllal with an games sl!rot•s fot· the Leo II.· IULUAUDS <}l'ENJN!i--Knights u[ Columbus Hilliat•d Tottrnttllll'Bl upcnctl lust night as plnycrs (left to excellent jump shot and Is a :Stead ·Trophy. With Unlii'Cl / right) :-Gus O'Brien and Mike O'Keefe mul'c their first hrcal,s. Watc•i1ing the breaks arc (left to right) •ood ball·handler. He is 5' 5". Collt•giate reported to have a i Otto. Byrne is anothtr of the, fine tcbm also the Junior series l1 Frank O'Toolt~, W. J. A~;hlcy, Grand ·Knight; A. E. Altdrcws, Chairmmi of the Billiard Committee, and II!Vtn a;uatdl on tbt team, and Ilooks inlerl'sting. T. J. Fagan, rdcree for the· first gmnc.-(Royul Photo Service). t t

,• • ---·----____'l;.;.'H;.;.;.;.,:: !JAII.Y NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. !'\FLD .. THURSDAY. FEB. I ,. OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE


MFt. fl.)L\01'1 1!. S\I~L SEE· A FE:V--J WELL, THET:S WHY HE PUTS A ~EAR's ,___ DOUBii~G IKOMASES IN iHf= SUPPLY. 11-J THE AUDIENCe! PLlLL AWAY1HE NEEDLE J;T Cont: Arcad wll 100 2\lo 2\lo 2\lo liard 110<1< 6011 13 13 13 50 1'HA1 E'-JGR'r'O:-lE CAf..lSE:'E: i ' I OJCE! I Arta liOO 73 7S 73 +I Har·Mbi 1000 5\lo !\; ;I', t \1 JtJOGit ~ENCHV HAS I ND'EEO I 'I A An>a + l1'o I I' IA•macbo 22000 13 12 U +I Hact Bay 1415 S4m 461'J 46'111 , •.'o iimal 2300 110 180 180 + 5 loo 35300 62 58 59 • 2 I .. ~ lol. ld - El-dlvldond, xr-EI· Bao0 Melli 3!00 1~ a a J Waite 21600 32 30 32 + 2 2 ; • sw-EI·warraniJ.l B11ka 6000 u m~· 14~1 JacobUJ 1300 75 75 75 -1 1 • 1 • 'JIIol Betblm tmo 93 u 90 + 3 J•1• Expl 2500 u I! 13 ' ._. IIIH RIJII Lew CIHa Clo'p Bldcop 1021 11 101'. IOVo- ~ JoUel 2bOo 23 22\~ 22~,- 1,; ;L 1 ., · IIIINE8 Black Bay 21900 II fl'l 10 -II> JOlllm!lh 1600 10 10 10 - .... t. 13170 m 310 ~s + ts a..... 4000 ~ 45 45 +t Kerr Add 2755 smi n 1m + ~• I : : 4J50 73 71 71 -2 Brolome 735 720 710 720 +20 Kirk Town 50 m B\1 . Farod1 ,._Elpl 1000 4 4 4 Brul!IW Kirk Town !100 ~~ Bl'• 8\lo ~ R,r 1110 788 780 780 -10 Cadamet 12.10 9 D 9 Kopan 5875 131\ 1~ m, ' u, iAIII 110111D 100 12\io 12\1 12~ . Can1p Cbtb 111110 720 !ISS 710 ~ 25 Labrador 52 !AMI' : 3135 II> B\\ 1\lo C TUnl 500 US 155' !55 +5 Lako LIDJ 20110 9 9 9 ""! ·- · -- •· ·------C Astoria 14000 I 71~ 7\lo L Shore 1~5 lGO m 3~0 -10 ,.••••••••••••• C Malort 2500 35 M 35 +I Lan1l1 9930 .10 4911 491\,... 1'> • C N Inca 1671 II 10 10 Latin Am 27400 IS 46 47 ' Cdn :'iW 2m 20 20 211 Lollob 1000 155 m m Cdn Tbor 5l00 3~ 31'1 3~ Lcnconrl 600 5 l 5 C•n·F.rln moo 52 50 52 +I LL Lac 400 191 191 191 + 5 Building? Caular . 580 $1311 l!lio 13\1- la· Lorado 1200 t6 46 46 . i' C.nt Pat 1400 ~ 811 119 -1. I Lorado y;IJ 150 4•> 4\ 1 1 1 IOO'S. 41 ••• ~ F c lllscD\' 350 360 360 ~6tl +I ~bttagmi 200 61~ 615 615 1 ~ol'a St·otia .,,n M9 i. 15!l r,-11" , nank .'\1ont 627 $61 &o~, ~1 - \8l Quf! Phone 10 41 G 21 21 + '• CG Arrow <4500 Z2 21 22 Maybrun 3200 6\\ 6h 6H • Co-:nmrree .i8.~ Sti1 1:.t 61 611l :Hank ~s MIS 6'1 61\;" 1,q Que- Ph wt 8.iO t21 1 1 1 1 !1 21 llalll 161\.900 48 45 4ffi+2\t Mclnlyre 300 Ui\• :7\• 2H ..: 111 1 11nt•ennl Si1\, il 7}1, BRnfJ CN :n:1 :,7 '1 5i '.:1 'Qu" Ph 521 ~ 1 1!.'~ _,,! 5i ~ ::.•~p ~on 41) 41) ' ~ C Marben 2100 53 53 .53 +2 Me Mar 500 5 5 5 ~ Royal IJ73 $i3 i:.! 1" i:.!' ~ ~~ :~, I flan11 PC Hi 4:Fia 42 42 - 1, Ruh~ Fon w 1M 40 1 ;~ "i 5i'J C Marcut 3000 73 73 73 McWat '25-100 :JJ 30 32 • 5 Tor·Dont !i03 S:i!l 5t·'t :i9 I Biltll P A J~j rl n 43 + ~ St l. Colllm 'inU 'iJO . ' 1~-' l~ I Con M S 2140 S%1 21 .f. Mentor :!I 23'·J 24 t"J 1\allth P R 17ti ll 1 I -I : 1 Capitol 201.~ ~A ~100 1 l~'D\'STfllAI.S 0~ ~aucnn ~~~ 1 1 7 1 C! t-lorrllon 11000 11 15VJ 11 -l- '~ Mentor 2100 24 23'h. 2t . l"J ,\lumlnl lti~O SJ4 JJ :l:l 1-1 1 °,; 1\rll Phon~ ~.!ifl i9 18 " 4H a t- ~' .St10p S::&\'f' nj $8 1 1 1 :'iO" ~~~' +5 I r. Moshr 4&00 200 18% 200 +15 )hrriU ~:,oo 72 M 70 .:!; .\nglo ~fld 4~j S8 S fl -~ ~ nuw ~ 11r 7''0 S-lii , 1HI.~ 4!1 ~ !-i1~ra1ta liOO iU !Jl 131 . By H.\1, 1 1 ,. Clll'HR.\~ ron Nlcl'!ot 500 ~~~ 4'h 4Ha Meta Uran 2500 1H~ 1011 1011 c 11rew lj0ti7 S41Fa 47 .:.t ~B 1 !1• :."I Row 51~ pr 100 $52 l :i21l5.!'~. \.l Sl!oi("Of 1700 111 ' ' Today Commercial 1 1 , \\ hy don't people ' C NorU1Id 1000 26 26 2~ -1 ~Udr1m 20~ o\4 H t\ 1 + I Oo!.l'O bll $11 11 11 Bowaler 1~0 $7' :J. 7 :! 71 , ~oiJ~·y ?..10 $\.j I f J 1 i ______1 f" Pr-rrll M!J 8 8 8 -1 Min Corp 121)0 $12 12 1" · lnl&.nd G~tos fi-15 !i1, 5 ."114 '• Brazil .\11 4~1l .;B .;1~ 15 'S Durault :lnllS In rli:.,\'ana.:u.!rc1 !lUll R 7 ~ i 1- ~,fJe\en, -- c . girls. ' c 1 to buDd welL DickPnson 90.4 :uo 297 310 +10 N My lama 4700 48~ 47~ 47'':.1 -1 nuild rrorl ::o s:w J :w 2 3411 - \\'('ndf'll troon 3 1 1 . Capitol Theatre, a real fun Dome 22:!1 U2~a 22~122~~ N Senator lOCO 4~1 ~h lh- l:;o: Cal ,,ow 2:1~0 ~.i:~~ :?3 1 4 21 1 ~ + ~~ \\.f'st,ille :>t'OII 3 l J E Antnhl t;SOO 5 5 s Nickel MS 1600 45 43 45 .~oz Can Cem zit '2111~ :!81, 2R't t'nlhtf'd ftlm. East SUU 800 162 161 !82 +1 Noranda 1.598 S41~ 40'f U~' t '-J • Can (t'm llf 73 S:!ti'~ '.!61f. ~fll~ 4.thoC':tlf'! 2~0 J;:, :Ji~ 37~ . 2~ "\\'c had fttn makt'ng I'( and F.~':it Mal 4500 155 155 155 Norlartle SOD 21 21 21 C1 Fn~r.-.. :'JOj S:!{)'~ ~0 1 M :?f\1• -·· ~~ \Ita 'fnk .o\ 2~1l Sl!P, 2'1 2'i1~ 1 1 News I El:Ser 2500 103 101 101 +1 Normetat 5:)~ :!70 26S :!:til\ +3 I ! ('an Malt lf)(] !567 1 ~ 6i1'l fi7 1;: • .! 1 •• I Alta rnf> \\ 1~0 $.10'• 11•'4 1 1 ~ \\'~ hope audiences are r::mng to El Sol '1000 7\-i 7~ m + \.; N Coldstrm 1250 &7 as 87 ., 1 MO~Tnr:.\r. CLO~I:Sfr STOCK:\ 1 CSL lti" ~~i li' 47 'C":unp chih BOO fi~i G~O c.~•) 2~ 'ha\'t: fun \'v'alchintr it." said thn Clo I 1 Falcon , 143.5 $-4~4 40 4G Northgate 500 38 38 3?1 8y Tht Can.::~dlan Prtu , C ,\\ J.11ton 12·, S~.!l;,. 2~ 4 !~I~ 1 C nom Su.': z~2 s~ '' • li 1~·' n '- De - 1 1 1 tFar.:&dOly 3300 JZ9 128 128 +1 N Rank 2500 44 ~3 43 .12 Abltlhi H Fraser 2~ 1c Rank (.' ~11 $tiJ1~ fit fill~ I(' P:H'k B 'so S'I·P· ~~ • ~\'• •' star wno organized Dorthester 1 3 0 P1 1 F'west T 1200 a s 8 -1 North. Can MO 100: 102 1Ct'Z Asb~~tos !.'1 Gt Lakc111 ~~~. l\ln Brew l~Yt S\8 '.! 4i'~ 4?.•, ~ C•ln Dt>\' 2° IRn ''5 tM "~o J Pruductwns to Jn(tke the PI.C· Fatima 13300 36 34 ~5 -2 O'Brlea 21)(1 56 55 Sfi +-3 1 Bnq11e C Sat 571;;;llud llllY ~1m Hi'~ C Bromc z:?O ~1.1 1 -z J.q•~ 11111 ~ (' lll~tr~on 1111 ~~o ~· 1 lO Styli Frobl.sher 40320 16 u~ 18 +t O'Leary 600 1:! 111"1 12 ... ~~I Bank Mont 41 How Smith 1111~ fdn Ct>lan 7.111 :?:P~ ~'!',., ~.1'~ . Cf'nl OPI t:.:no ~45 .'i4 .~:-. tun· for \\"arner Bros. 4 1 IGo.Uwln 5000 5'·" 5\-i 5'h: Opemtska 22& .585 'Bank NS M Imp Ran11: it I c Chern f,IJ 1 (]If:! ,. Parf'r j' - - an.vone WOI'k tl\'l,l'C News. ~ 58~ ~25 7.~~. li ~ ~ ~H -lV~ 1 How t'Ollld I Geco Mlnes 1070 S1BV. 1B~ 18~4- 'i Orchan 3900 1S~ 153 1~5 .. 2 · Rnqu~ PC' 4.2 , lmp Oil :i!l; ... i c ChcmS \V ROO :!iO 2r,:; ~f1i -10 f'f.n c;tl'l !iill SJH 1;•~ IR 4 Repc I Gnt Mau~t 1000 35 3S 35 -1 Ortnada ~ 6 ~ 6 l Balhunt .\ 43 lnt !\iek h-11~' c Frbko; 1\ 100 SIP~ 111~ IJl~-- ·~I rord :Zl!l5ll2 l!~ 1~2 the hours of the averaoe work 40 Giant VK :!>54 Sll1.~ 11 11\t OrmibY 2000 23 2., 23 1 Bathurst B 10 Int PaP 3r, I c 11u•ky 1110 !."1 !'i ~, 3 ~ I C:l'n f:lt•t"t sn5 6i l!:i , 1 ing-man to maintain h1s bU"\' at 1 1 I Goldale 2500 22 2G'h. 20~ Oaisko 500 :!9 :!!) ~!) •1'-: I Bt>ll -t:FI ~1il!tS·I'tr II;~ I c ll~·dro tOO $10''2 10'-: lfll~ I : nJart! CJ\: 31)(1 $11 ~ il'~ t:·~~ ~ .,~ 1 ! GF Mlnlnc 3000 20lf.l 20 20 -1,.'.1 Pamour 953G 90 &5 90 • Rra1il ~li :"\ st. c.,r 1~ nL 11i0 ~15 1~ 1i HniHngrr :J~lo 'S'H :!2 1 ~\ • 2 ; scnrdule during the filming: of ntce fiL:ut·r 2 4 Goldray 2667 20 181,.1 ll'h- ','J Paramaq 40 BldJ: Prod :HL~ :Sorandi\ HI,. CJ row ~'lj $13 14 J)~, 11 & _Ito ,ft)('kf:'o c HiOtt ~l'\O 27~. !:'ll I the Tct.:hntl'Olor feature and. ENGINEERING . 1 Granduc 275 155 155 155 +8 Prdee 1500 19 t'tll:J 11~''1·- 1~ 1 Cfc~\('land 6 rauda!ill 1.1 I CI Prt\\' pr liO $~0 4(} ~0 Kfrr ·\dd l3fJ Sll'• 11~. ''-· st'll "I f l, Gunnar 1437 765 750 76l Pato 612 2.55 25:1 :zj5 • ~ : c Cemt'nt ~r.~. Jlriu· Hi1.i C1ln Oil :'!·,n 211 1R :H Lnbl'o \ 1i•l s~P. :w~ .1.a·~ · ,, .1 consH cr any o his acti- An optim 1;;t :" 1 4 1 GwUUm 5000 4\~ t\) 4.,. Pit("h·Ore :coo 4 4 1 C: Ccntcnl J'lr :!tit, Oul.' Pow 1Q CPR rh;·, ~-'! 1 ~ 1 .''~ .>.!'~·- 4. 'tor~faclnrf'n -\ 4'n~n:~ ~:'1111 · !I, I' :!!'1· ·,·' \'ltl •s ae., "f1n".1 15 pre tt Y h anJ to' t's t'onli,IJ "lltJtt•h tol•l d ·. '· 7 1 1 1'1acer 'llO tlJI ll1 hl!::fl: JQ C.'\~ \111 o\~ ('or C1 ctlit 27;, St~· ~ 11:: 11 l t t 1 d · ALWAYS Uayrork 4121 fil 60 61 nom Tar tj11! Cnns Pap 43'~ Dist Sei!J;: J~on ]:;1: lr!l ::~1~ I ~1 Tfttal "'"'1"'1: lndURirial'\ t:;:;,4UD: minro;. le me 0 ramaliC t'omedy. Re:upar 4000 If) 151~ l:l'"::t- t;: Foundation tP. Fnrd 11:.! llOll\(' l'f'lif' :_J1'11t fl0:1 9011 9(1:) :!i ,lind oih 1 U~.nllll, Thrre it proceeded on schedule, WAIT., IDI ::: 81: 805 -B . 14 Pot withstanding the fact that ~~;om ~: 80~ 8 -~-~- ~ g ~~d~Y~ 1;~l~ ~\~ ~;;~: ~~'~, Rlx Athab 2ooo 35 33 -2 n Gla" 1; s;1 73 71 · Sinatra. Dean :.!arlin, 33 ~:rank YOUR SIGNAl. 1 30 1 ~':~r . ;0 ~ 1 ~~ l~ _ : ;; ~~~~~ ~.; ~;L 1 -~ \; ,~ i1, 2 -:; , ~,.t111my Davis. Jr.. and Peter 6=1 2 1 SaD Ant 2200 t36 133 133 -4 ! Dom Tar eis:; S1~'" lj'~ 1:i 1.-.-- 1 ~ t.:\wford. who top the east, were Sand Rlv 100 6 ;1, 5'; -1 , nom Tr>t 410 !11'· 11'• II'• .1!><1 appearing twice nicrhtlv on 1 Sherrltt 4980 400 300 300 - s . nonohulf' 700 $18:~"' 1:1~ 1 1P · 1 .. ' I " · su Miller seoo ·12 40 ~ +3 nu Pont ,,:,o !lOI, ~o,, 20•, : 1e stage of thr Copa Room at Slllcoe 1192S 135 131 135 + 4 ~EW \"ORK CLOSI~G STOCKS 1 En am Pr A ;o.!:i 5S~~ fiL.z Rt.! SEW YOUK CI.O:o;lt-;G :--TUf KS . I hP Sands Hotel. NOW PLAYING 1 1 StHp • 23U 78 760 770 5 By Tht c.nadlan Prua I Fam PlilY ~7i SIB:\s 1R I 1H ·, I Ry Tht .\s~Ol'i&tl"d J•rl"'i~ t ' Stura:eoJ1 15200 28 2l :!~ - Beth Sleel 43:1.k Monty w 29 ! Flct'twood. 27:i su~'oj ll'·~ tl"i~ ~('W \'or~ Sto:li. Exchan.;f'. ~:t·h 15 : There wrre some 22.1 people

SUd Cont 3500 s 5 5 Borg Warntr 37114 N\' Ctnl lj'4 't Fndatlon ~~1(1 ~lt1ot ttl, tt7~ -l t;, I h:d -- r.x·dmdend. xr - f~x n~ht~. I m the film unit and their acti· SuJUva11 710 156 151 153 -1 Cons Edison 631 H Std OiJ !'\J 1P~ Fra.,er • :iGO 4::2~ ·~~ ?.I 1, I X\\ -- Ex-wctrrant .. ) l . Sunburst 1720~ 20 19 19 -3 El Auto El 49', Utd olircrall ,19', I Fr Prl• nr m 181\ 3l0 18o - ~ ·j '>tl l'lt~· brought such hordrs Of tltc Sylvaaitt 6SOO 24 2.t 2t Gen Ele(" fij 7 ~ v~nadlum 20'~ I FrOo;l>t A 205 ~1S 17:'14 18 -l 1 4 1 !H~ck. Salrs 11!.Ch Low Cl?lir (h'rr t rurious to the fabulous com 7 1 Temar • 301J 131 131 131 -4 Goodyear ~2Ji, Westnc~e H•.~ I Gathu•rtu 35 53312 :w~ :HIII.z- 1~ ..a.c~o lnd 4VJQ .l3 " 51 4 .11~4 ·~: • 1 1 TerrltorJ 4SOO 16 15 16 tl Kennecott 821'~ I r. Dvnam 1:i:; S.t21oc ~.,!1{,4~1)! I Atldre'IS J!)(I{J 8H f.tJ •t {lh J _, 1·4 muntty that the Las Vega~ 11 11 1 11 Thom L 500 53 53 53 .. 5 Int T T !1!!~4. GI~ Paper 8JO U7 1 ~ .\7 4i1,:, 1 t, ' ~1-!0. ~90 R~O R!JG -t 5 :\m ('pn 11900 1-t .;)•, H 1~. • ' · Ult~Shaw !!:066 7 7 7 1 I Horn£! Pif .. ~no ~ro ~ao 3110 1.\m .\fot 12oiOO 111' 17,~ 17',. _ ·~!son:-~] PXCltement. 3 1 1 u Mlnlnt t500 19 1B''i l9 ~ ;~ H l.imllh 1200 SJII 1 ~ 3R :w-i! + •·" · .\m Smf'lt 27rn1 :~; , 56 J ;i7J... ~, Produccr~director Lewis :\lile· I vcrv earl\' murr.rng holm. 1 ,I U Arsbeslos 2100 39j 390 390 5 11 Smith pr r.o 5~o1: 4fP, ~rr Am Stc1 16000 14,.~. 1~1, 14 ~ • 1 2 I k h' ' · 1578 :! - ·; Am Tl"l :Jolwo .. 1 p. IS , un Ke11o 930 5 930 lllld n;~.v ~ su;.;~ ~r·'~ ~r.;~ + 1 ll.,~~o!1P 11'.! ~ 'ont:- ·ept cameras husy in\ action at 1he ~tmm~ 9 00 4 17 11 1 , Upp Can 2000 117 116 117 t.t ~ hnp Dank Ril $711 4 it ;t -1,:' -~m T,ob 1l0 ;, ' iZ ' ~~,,- ~~ q, .. ca~ino~ at Thr Sands The· at its lowf> .. t ebb. 1 i Ventures 1939 $J2:1i. l2'~ :l:!:o 1 .J. t• 1 , Imp 1n' .'t r.~.-, 5121 ,~ l'!1,. 111 ,, ~ ,nt·m a RJr..t:J .iP. ~9~1 ~d·., · 1:,. ,.1 ·' , . I • \'espar 1500 19 19 - h 1 -\CTI\'E TORONTO sToCKS !tmp Oil s-:!l;" :F•:• I rnmen Sll . 1·- ,.... a" 'I UP-:~ ~tosT 1027 :\'"~~~, 1 ~ 5~,(\0 7P~ ;o ~!~"' hr S:Jhara. The extras 3('trd eroup!m 1 1 5 V!olam 27~> 72 71 "I 1 11 - t I " '" "" l:'llil ' ;r,>' .i< '• P. · d Th Fl · ·• I l t I' I ...... ' .I I ,. Thr Canadian Prr'l~ mp loll l.'fl';' l:llJ 1:11 ... ~: ... - l ~ ... Bahcn~k :?.::n(] 4114 41 4114 .1':1era an e ammgo on i m.en_ an( pa,\f'TS a I.e 6 0 __ :-!loC"t fh'ct 1 1 Halt Ohio lj011 t'afl1PrJ ~=!~mil~m ~~ ~~ ~ ~0.i 2 ~~~f~~~~h ~;~ Clo~r 1 ~m\r ~:·~·:·p ;.~~ ;;;:~, j{ ~~ ~ ~ 3i'~ 1:.·~ 1.1~~ \':hu·h \arird with' WJthtn ran~t. 7 1 1 11 21 4 1 1 IWtrncr 8500 101'l 9'1 10 ·~ 01:-.l Sea.~: 13:leO 3.1J~ 11 341 1 .1:>1 4 • ~.,I .\l :!i:. pr z.!O $.i"~ ,i~'~ ~!'~ j :~~:~~ (n llilllO -' • ~ • ~.! !', . 'lf'•"'""'lf\' nf not in1erferin~: ne.c:: ...:: ('Ollll!l11rti d.' il ~UI~~r I ~soo 141l u 141~. \l"l nom Ta•· t09in Sl5lR 151~ !!"''~ :I .\C .t:~o pr :.!i Sill'~ f!l'~ 11;•.- 1 t' nun i·:n"" 2~~1·~H1 s~tii4J\1~ ,:-.o;~. ~~ \\'ilh the normal actiYitv of I otht-rs. Aitrr dark. --:! liCI'I 117 117 117 StL rorp ijJS $20:-t.i ~O~t~ zn-· 111 I :\"il'kt>l 184~ !til :~, f>1 6~"~ . 11 s.., n . Hudd Co ~ 11 _ ~ ,I . f l ''"" WARNI!R IIROS. TIECHNICOLO,.. I"ANAVISION Wiltsey 7000 9 a·~ 9 r ~~ :\lummi ii.!JO S3~ ].l :l.l'l . 7~ llnl,nul c pr z:ll $1~1 1~ !~ I Bllll lnll rtll!rMl L>' I 1:\ ~ ~ - .... --.- ' pan! 0 trn 010\('( I 1 1 1 1 . Wr liars: 700 107 11l7 1(1i .-\lata Gas 670t ]),,~ :!tP 291 • , lnt :-.tarkrJ JRfl S6P• liJ tiP ~ . l2.~0h :i ' 1 'M I:J'-. ' I\\~·;;; <' fli(W') ~~~;~ 4~~~ t'"'" -1·~ I 4 11 111 1 3 1 1 Ynlt l.ead 1500 10'~ 1 l'".L 011.~ 1 lnt p~p .iflli "-:n~, 3:;,, :J':l ~' ~", Buzn:h'll JiOOIJ 3:i ~ :rr,, :l~ ~ · .!'. l"n t'arlt 25h0. 1::!~ 1'1'• l''"~·' . 1 OOCtUrna "l'!'IJ€(, Jn COIItmo; Yk Bear 102 100 102 p .J • · t'an Dry l'1flO 1 . 1 t·111 \ur G11l ..- · :un • 2 ro\R :HJJO :!:JB 218 233 l 5 lnt l'lil g::,t,i ~11-'~ 41 ·HI'3 _.~ I\~:·~ c',,Hmrt ~1 ~ 211~ ~~" 'r 'tn Jfj'' 1Q~~~ . :~.I stars appramu:: on Young IIG 10600!~" 59 5:-i ~8 · 2 t'n Oll!! 2iiOU 135 l:.:!R lll li [ Int l'tll pr .iO S~fi 1c, ~ 6 1 Wn J) 1·F~ ,~, l" l'td < urp :;-;on j1: i'" 7• J I . RICHARD CONTE· CESAR ROMERO· PATRICE WYMORE· JOEY BISHOP Yuktnn J\1 4 4 4 - l"J D:inAmlr 25100 1!2 711 iA 1 lntf'r PI. 1170 fit 1)~:.~ f,.l - .z' ~PR. J~no ~:! '.!~~~ ::!l'~. '~ l ~ Gyp<;; :!,;(,11 10~14 •oR lORI, ,, 'not appear. a'io:3Jn~t Ztnmac 21)00 191'J 19 1!1''1 ~1 Ll Pele "1000 7 7 j I ho•a G1 pr 3I'l ~w· lO'J 1 ;<..•~•· .JI 1•UO J01lllJ'" 11!- 1~ I'; Rubb xd 3Wl 4Q1- 4a·~ 411~~ 1, rolor£'d fararl<'~"nd ~~.~...,.., .... ,. ~.liWI;.;:...;I'....;.as....;REll:..:SK!l:..::..:lON:.;.·.::GE:..;OilGE:::.:.:IWI.:.,~I- . IW"""'·..,. '"'" HAARYBIIJVIliiii!CI!IJIL£.1L£0£R!I~~ bj Zulapa 2000 25 25 25 ~1 r.tmnll l!r;oo 41 39 ..J.O ~2'l;T.ahatt :~) SJ:.:1: 3111 :l~:!::J!(;al!•r Tr lll;l!'~l]l'l·r·~fl ].", ;~·,~ ~~ l'S S!t•f>l l~t.iOO )!~:, 8J n~ ·~1~if I. l •• 1 1 . -~-- .. -~ ~ curlt f.ol'l, :'If rio 1-l "J .. ,. 7,, '" \ ::!tJOO 11 1111 4 • 10h·.;; 3(. --· :-.nsEs 1 ~ 91 ~ ·9. 1 ~~l.wf'~t' 2!ll, - ·~ :~r·act ~1 20~ '"I amon:s 1 21 14 Pend Ore :11'10 250 2~R !.'in f 1 C Halll Hi6900 48 lj 4i'-"l , :. ,.\fR ,1nd PR 201!1 Slil~ .. :~ • anre liOO ~' ~ l.!··~ -'~··~ \\a'kl'n ~011 W'' 4P, ~P4 . On)\' ~Onlf'Ollfl m!h 21 17 11 1 \'ukc-n Con UOO 53 52 51 ..).. 2 n:,·. t!Or 6UOOO M ri T , I Ch{'r, Oh1o I il'O t.v 4 li.! 4 tll 1 W I 11 Ttl 1_; 1011 J nr 111 Also 1 19 16 1 100 1 ~ ·4~' ~ .u: • ~ I · · 1 UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS OILS Cenl rnrc ' • 16 -:? • a (' $1Rl~ lRI~ 1ll 1 1 '~; Chnsll'r l:l~t.o ~.!s~ 4:: 1 ••;~•1 WP-.th~E" JiP.IlO .;4~" 4411 HI..... thusJa::,lll. rn('rg:-ar.d 47.)00. 161.-'i; 14\2 lfi .f :'\1a;<,s F 2Wl:'i ~(P11 lJI• 1!71( ~~ Citl<' Sv 28110 ~~ ~JI ~t1 . ~; W 1 h ~ TIMES OF SHOWS: A P Cons tOO 41 41 41 Jo'robishrr 40320 lti 14'l 16 .11 ~fns!) r· "1''J p l~0$1031~ 10::~,. 103 ,'2 • 1 ne\L~e c 2 ~ 00 ~~ 1 ·~ ;:;,; ' O•lwt 'iioo ';zt' 7n~ .. i:.! -!t..,' of Frank S111atr.a ~:::'l"t!duo ~;~o 17~ 17~ 17~ ~ 5 15o 35300 62 56 59 "2 ~loi>un .I ' ~~~ $~P. '" ::,·,, • I . CIH'a Cl•la '''"" 90 ~· :, ~:.I ' ,~: l Qnl ();j - ;,·- ~- -- 2 IktFI a prujrrl such j EVENING SHOWS: 6.30 - 9.00. ~nchor 700 8 8 8 -1 ~io~son R 125 $:!514 2;l~N :Z.'i•.".lr 1~ rCBS ·r.ar/0 :wJ J-;" .:-:~ .. ·I~ I '''IERIC.\S (.'LOSIS'G :-.TOCt\R I F'l " 0 011 Anlillo AmJ£ z8 5~ 550 5~0 ' '\On pr 25 $tit, 411 ~' 4 1 1 ~ f.oml Sui\' H~l)() :'6 1:. II :'.~·~ •• 1 ~ n' Tl \ I I d p '(l\'en }!otng 137 137 I ' MATIN;EE: 2 P.M. Bailey s A 4250 695 670 695 +30 ~~Ont I.Ol'fl zliO Sl 4 '11 1 Con r.d 7800 Gf\ 3 ~ hfl ,,a I.,.- A.ml'dran ~~o~kU;.I~~h~tiR@o-~r:h 11 I addition to hl'i Bani£ 3tc0 102 too 01 l::':l SUS ·2 <'ontaL;tt>r HiOO :?il" :.!71• t- .-.:. F. 1()0 -2 •··.'i. St~t C.1rTru~t 300. $12 1P4ti~ 6~12 + t., 1I (.'ont ('•n "o". !,'ll '. 9~~ 1~~~~ ''d- .x-dividl!'nd, xr - Ex-riji!ht~.' fore lhfl ramrra~ Bat• 1.l00 6'!.1 6 6112 N d ~ .. ,J ,} n 3:r:-l :·.fl·~ ~ :.., : 'XW - f:X·\\arranl'\ I 1300 28 28 28 +1h N~ra 11 n xd 8 ~·"' Hll~ 411511 41 '~ ,_ '~·Con Oil 3200 SiP• :;;•. ·,/ 1 ~- 1 s,t :the footlights. hr " '• 63 lt71,'a t7:l.'o 17;. 1 • LP 255 $!6'• 1 6 1.~ 16l4 Copw Stl 1000 3i' 3ti 17 • '14 I ~tOl'k S If'~ 111 h L Cl C • O'lf Ol'f' Cal Et Ogih·le 460 SW'' 481-z 0:8', .. ~i I <'l'ane Co '.000 50 1 . a ' b Jr a teleyj~;;.jon , · ", .... 13~'4 2103 9 ~ 5 ,~ 5 103'·~10i~"to~:t"- 3 Cenl Del 3122 545 53S 5~:1 +10 Commonw'tll Int~r Lt.\, r'd ;:it 7' noll d~ \ .. ) ,"li':J '' 5 '~- ~~ 'F.aton :\tf.i: 3iOO 3~ :v, :w"' ~~I frl\)}p 3JI(IO Jir~ 3i lis.; ~ 1 Conte. CN:H Rorr.ttO. 81 52 2 1 1 c Draaon ' 3000 141 14 14 -1 Corporate lnl'"stora 9 ' 'n •,n II. l.'i ' !lZ ~ • F.l \ui;J J 1200 "~~~ -1S t 1(j~~ Pt I Cr•)Wn CP 7(}1) nli. w ... 14 4 ~ ~~ ' I I L , .:12 10.HI ank 3114 i2 7:.H'l _ 1. ; · ' nt', p ! 400 '• '• 't o~·a. Si:!'~ 1 1 3 14 \\',,·more. . ney ~arler Oil 1510 lOS 105 106 -! 1 Diversified lnr. Shs. Ser. B J.9~> 1.JO. RnyahtP 1000 fi95 61li f,!l:i 1 5 · 1.1 .Pa'io lli:'JOO ~H J 28 .. ~:; ~ , n . il. p d 11 , c Mlc Mac l300 190 1BO 100 -9 Dt-..tdend Sharc!i 3,16 3411 sn. Cem ~ 4 i.JOS!:?~M 121 , '·"•-'• Fln .. tn 11100 3R :J~J·., ::;~" ;1"~ 11 nmt'P1 rt 1R009 1t6 9 9316 ~3-16 1 Tamiroff an enr. C \Vest P 600 300 2t5 300 Dominion Eqult•" I""" 1£.21 1 •'J"II , c·on' 1Fonl Hnoo l:ifl~~ t.7:t~ r;a··· t•~' r} 1 "' r!ow 400 36'~ ~6~4,,, 56~,-*,, • ,,l" . · "O eean ·s · "·"·~ 8Got s'lo:~~ 2.0~" ··o~ 1 3 u 2 ,o , 20 28 !litar tn DevPal 74 7 73 -1-3 SJrst Oll anti Gal! 4.00 SIL Cp A pr Ill 11 FruE'h Tra 23 tl :!2:'la 1 rl ltj~ ~Ji! Su It - * . ?,~oof)() ~3 ~lj:: ~fl J!~n 2~ ~ 0 g::~~ Pele l~ 90~ B7~ 19~ 4 20 :~~3: g111~~:~f : 5 19 •\.97 Sal a~> S ~5~0 jDI' 11' 0 n• \ , 1; I Go•r lh'n " 41'fi~ 0 ~~~ ;, ~:,, ,_' ~: roo.·ar 17~00 J),, :w~ 35 -- 4 I 1 1 1 Ll Pete '11000 7 7 7 - 1h I KC!yatont 15.0~ lfi 27 l'n ME'tl 255 ~ ~ -;-t~- 1.~ Gr Paut~ t3qoo 2 4 2'~ 2 ~ .1.. • 1 571 71 1 7 1 Maitraftl 11000 • 2 ~ 2 -1,-ll Mutual Accum. fund 7.98 a.i:.! 1 \'lao ~ 00 Sl:lVl 131 -J 131 ~ Grand l.n 1000 ~0 ~ 29 ~ 30 ~ J '~ 1 0 16 u~~old ~m 20~ 19;~ 20;, +S ~~:~alA~~o~~dF~dCda. ~.~i ~~·~~: :::~~ ~~~ 1%~!~~" :~!r'• :~~5 ~ ~~ rg: ~-o~ R i~ :~ !~:~ :~,~~ ~: i 2600 31 30 31 +1 Pret Et ; 41 4 1 1 Permo pr 2200 ~ ~ 5S SUpervised Extc 58 ~.9fi 60'l! Ar 1'10 4 4 -1 I lnt P IR 1';" 17 Kroehttr 10 13~~ tJ 11," . 14 • accumulate at the same rate '"·t . 21%5 ~Y.a ~'h 51,-4, ------n,n~ Ch HlOO 1 .1 ~ ).lanh Fld ~on ~a~" :iR~J ~?,it- s., i ' 2600 4Y.I 41h 41,.; : Rlue Bon 7.25 $1i1' fi1 { ,:;t 4 \1('}\te 4RM M A: Jl11s ! ~'• I e Interest rates for lesser periods on ap 7!JO 6t:i 69() 6U +~ ~nnn,.,.1 loon 1~ l!i 1S :\linn Honxd 1flOO 1~3' ~ 14~ 1:i2 · 4'"), 1 I1•, lMO 47 47 47 -3 ~or nit• 4500 3 -i :lh 3'\ ,,inn '\t:\1 9900 781~ 77 771.] • 11, 1~10 142 41 41 -1 alumtof 1:100 ;1 1 3 \linn Ortt 1400 3~1~ 311-i :121~ : 14 0700 72 n 72 t1 ,. llredr::t: tnn $1:,1;. 1:il~ 1'114-1:, I !\ton!llanto ~!WI 4& H ~;'~l!,-1: I :00 415 .CIS 415 -10 1 ''F Prod )2H32B Sf:!\4 ll'3 li~, ;. 14 ~font Ward 11400 29 2fl~4 ~q - \~! 4500 13 12~ 11\0.1 -J,-::1 '' Korlt~~.k J:Jnn pt tto An -1 1· Sn.t A-..t11t 2800 235~ 2111~ ::!8'~ ••••••••·GET YOUR CERTIFlCATE TODA ~500 10, 10 10 r Pnw~r 183 Sl\ 1 ~ 1\ 1 ~ ,;n2 :-.tat Cuh 7400 n~~ i114 ,71'~ .a. '-z! I lt&DWeD 1000 ' 38 36 38 .J.1 1 MO,.TRE.\L CLOSING RTOCKS ( Canuba 4rfl0 ~ 1 ~ I ~at Olst 193GO 173 4 2f>' 1 ~;- 4 \1.! 1 : THE EASTERN TRUST CO:\!P.\~lY, 'l•ual 100 57 37 &7 BJ' Tbll Caaadlaa Preas f r.:1rtiH Q J;'irll) 10 1n 10 + 1-2 Xat Gyp,. :on 6() 60 r.n l rranJ Can .500 UJ 41' f. : address. -\ ••• SSOJ¥S: 6.15 - 9.00. T,lth l.orp '\flO 45 .I') 45 -;-? Royal Out 7700 331~ :l8 J81~ +- l& ~NING ~etTill soon 71 67 71 1-5 Sears R 6500 5j~A S'i•,l 55:1, .. \--;• ~--············-················-· "i't Chib 40110 11:1 17 17 -1 Rhell 0\1 4400 42:~4 42 4.2'-'l:-; 1 ~ 1 1.30, r \f rt Oalrits 12511 $7'~ i''-~ 71~ ~heraton 1'700 1i'4 17 17 ~- ~ I N'a1;,,r M ~tlf\ 10 to lll Slnrlalr ;t:10Q 43li1 42$it 4118 + I!~ ' . CJ/,r, I "' J~cJ.c r. 400 3 2L~ . ~n:2- 1.. 1 Socony !600 41-"1· 431 R 411 11,~- I~ ~ S;.•ltiiH'O !lnro :"t,Y ,,., .,1.1: ~ 1-2 f:i'l~>rr:; R 2j~00 23'2 2.21~ ~1''~ ; ~~ ~W \multi ?0000 11~2 1r.11J 17 Sld Brand 1400 5!i 5i~~ 'i~,'l.•- t" " \ lhrP G.)lll'l , 11'1 3R :'l;q ., 2 IStd Cal 6300 ~():'!" ~.0 1 8 501.~ ' I EASTERN '\0 Pov.· 100 $"J)t~ '0 !In ~ll'l Jnd 7400 49~ 1 IE,, 4~1 1 • 11 • (h1f'"1 Expl fl A ~ Std X.J Zli500 44:\, 4~ 1 "' 4H;, t ~- ) ":wd·h·h !tM 1'! I? 1.., I Stud Pftl·k 20M:tl 71 ~ , 7 flf';lt\bN' 10'11'\ ~ " "l - 1~ Sun Oil !lQJ; 5$:\~ :lli J:it.~ ' ·~ · Mtft l>nw rf' '2 rr 7i $!>"' ~':'! ~:! ,' T~l..i'l('() flfi\)0 'l2 !HI~ qp~ I( 184 Ha!lil Street, Hal~;· 1 lfea


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Continuing ·· ·. .. BIG SALE-USED .APPLIANCES WASHERS !ROM ...... $39.50. !I.ECTRIC R~NGES FROM ~ ...... ;.... $35.00 11 nou-,~.ov"'• RANGES~ FROM' .... $39.50 OIL HEATERS FROM ...... $35.00 ALSO Pie'ces Bedroom .Furniture and ~any . other B~RGAINS -----

... ______..... 2.03-Je"' Wlilllll Shuw 2.31-Jem Wl&iin• Show S.O~Weatllhl Jamboree, • JACOBY 4.00-Newa ln a Mlnutl r·V•RADto[OG- 4.05-Randa Party, f ON BRIDGE• 6.00-Nelft ln 1 Minute ::<:a: - ...... 6.ol-Bob Lllwll Dance Pare, 6.00-NeWI HiJbllehts OLD TIMER IS 9. 1!).-Lindu First LoYI 8.01-WeaUier STILL GOOD 9.30-Mornlna Date 8.0:;-BulletiD Board 10.00-NEWI 8.10-Natiollal Newa 16th. tll.05--Stork Club 10.15-J 1m Ameclle Shr .w 6.15-Sporta 3.25-Ever Blttery NeWI NO~TH 18 10.55--Newa 6.30-Club Q3 11.00-Jlm Amecbe Show 7.0Z-Club 113 .11114 New• t1.15-Western Jamboree .JII63 7.45-Don Jamieson's Newa of the Mornlni P.M. +A72 .Sc11·s and WeatbeJ 12.00- ·western Jamboree 8.01-Best from the Weal .974 8.3{1-Natlonal News Clock 12.30-News WEST !'AST (D) DevoliODI 12.3!).-Ramblln with Recorda 8,31-Best from the Wilt •an 9.00-News Hlghllllbtl .AQ10887•2 Preview 112.45--Fisherman's Forecaat .4 9.ol-Nfld. Soiree. 12.50.-Ramblln with Reeonil +10988543 +KQJ 9.40--Salt Lake Choir. l. .82 oftU3 15--Sportseast 9.4!).-News. 1.20-Rnmblin wltb Recordt SOUTH 1.45--So The Story Goea. lO.ol-High Adventure .AKQJ107 10.30-National New• 2.110-.llm Amccbe Show 1 .K2. 10.45-Sports +None 1 2.5!).-News 1 10.5!).-Letters and Messa11• oftAKQUO 3.00-Prlles and Problems oD SHORT RIBS By FRANK O'NEAL 11.00-News Highlights East and West wtner&:..t -· ··-· .. ·----·------~---...... -----·-- School Broadcast 1.01}- Western .Jnmboree. 11.01-Musie in the Nl&llt Eaiii Soutll Wen Norlh m the Mormnll 4.30-Bob's Bandwagon. 1.Dl-Sign Off. PaSi PaiS Pops. 4.5!).-News 1. 6. .. 1 Pass . called Sheppard 5.110-Bob's Bandwagon Opening lead-• 4 ,'!.. . School Broadcast.j' 5.;!0-Supper Serenade CJON-CJOX TV I ' Hrart Program 6.00-Bulletin Board. 1'------­ i 6.10-MoviC News. 'fHURSDAY, February 16th. 1 By OSWALD JACOBY 6.15 .Sportscast and Travel 1 10.45-Carl.oonw. Guide. 11.00-Romper Room. This band from Karpin's ' Dar Serenade ! IJ.alt- Supper :Serenade · 12.UO-Local and National News book Is a real old-timer and has Bulletin ] 6.45--Ne\li Summary, appeared in one form or an· Program · 7.00-Shillcalagh Showtime. ~00-Dr. Christian. other in every book on play and i :iews and Weathc1 I 8.011- Cream 01 The Crop 2.30-Chez Helene. most bridge columns. Hunter Show. 9.4!).-News. · 2.45-Nursery School Time. After East's opening heart I RandeZ\'OUS. itO.OO-VOCM All Time Hit 3.00-The Verdlc' Is YourL hid South is certainly justified AILEY OOP ~wun Obs. Time I Parade 3.30-Movle Matinee, in bidding six spades. It looks 110.30-Eventlde Med\taUoat 4.3~Muslc ln Miniature. as il a heart opening will give 10.4~Sporta 5.00-Junlor Roundup-Part I •. him 12 easy tricks. School Broad· ll.OU.-Big Top Ten. 1 6.15-Junlor Roundup.-Part JL I . lll.SO-Club 1190 and Newr. , 6.011-Popeye Theatre. When West opens the four ~!uga,rten of the Air. l.OO-New1 In a minute and 6.25-World of Sport. of hearts and the five and three '' and Trans Canadl Stcn Off. 6.30-Newa Cavalcade. appear in dummy all South's 'J .Oil-Alfred Hltchocll visions of grandeur go up in smoke. Obviously, that four spot '·: ------Presents. •'.~· CJON 7.30-Maa Without 1 Gun. Iwas a singleton and West is go· i 'fHURSDAY, February 16th. ing to trump the heart return. 8.00-Three Giteues, .l··I 8.15-Natlonal News. What can South do about it? A.M. 8.00-Dayton Allen Show He has one chance. He mu~t Preview e.aO--Tbe Bob Lewta snow 8.311-Wyatt Earp. drop his king of hearts on Guest 6.35--Weather Forec.t•l 9.00-Tlgbt Rope East's ace. :j:' ~luslc. 6.40-·Tbe Bob Lewis Sbolf . !1.311-Llve a Borrowetl Life. .Sews and Weather 6.45--Headline New• •ncJ Now what is East going to 1'·. 10.,0-Checkmate Program Forecut do? If East is a really great . ;I I 11.00-Tennessee Ernie Ford. .. , Today 6.~0-The Bob Lewil SU. player and is particularly sharp ,. Bulletin 7.00-News 11.30-Wrestllng. this particular day he may rea· · By LESLIE TURNE 12.30-News Headlines, Reporter 7.0!).-Locaf Weather son to himself that Sout~ just '1.20--The B~b [.ewil I!Oow would not have bid six with and Resources 7.35-Coml,lete Weathet two losers in his hand and that for Mariners 8.05-Weather North's nine of spades and ace Forum 8.15-Sbipping Report STEAMSHIP of diamonds represent a nice · Showcase 8.20-The Bob ·LewiS Sbow bonus just in case South held Showcase 8.25-Kiddfes Corner MOVEME-NTS king.deuce of hearts. In that 8.40- The Bob Le'w!J Show case East will lead a second 8,5l)_Just a Minute CLARKE STEAMSHU' CO, heart and South will be down News, 9.05--Muaic for Mllllona 17th, arrive St. John's Feb. 20th, just as surely as if he had not and Talk. 9.2G-JerrJ Wiggins Show leave same day. tried the deceptive play. Off. 0 Canada. The 9.51>-Jane Gray Show. •Novaport leave Halifax Feb. 110.00-News tn a Minute 24th, arrive St. John'" Feb. On the other hand the chan· r------·10.01-Martln'a Corner 27th, leave sanie day, ces are that East will look at 110.15-Houaewlves Cholet. •Novaport leave Halifax his nice safe khig of diamonds and drop it tin the table where· 10.30-Natlo:~al News .. March 1st, arrive March 4th, '. 1 16th. 10.33-What'• Cooldn'. leave same day, upon South will be· off to the I 10.15-Houaewlvea Chohle •Novaport leave Halifax Mar. races. J•' ,i.l and Weather 10.45-;-Homemakers News. 9th, arrive St. John's Mar. 12th,. I with Bill 10.50-Housewives Choice. 1 · leave Mar. 13th. ' ':! with Bill 11.10-Kitchen KlaUer. 0 Novaport leave Halifax Mar. . I ' 1 'tl'--: and Waterfroat 11.3!).-Nfld. Qub • 17th, arrive St. John's Mar. 20th, CARD Sense ,• 11.45--Town and Country leave same day. Q-The bidding pas been: P.M. 0Refrigeratinn. ' ' North East South West ,. 12 ..:J3- Town· and CountrJ NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA 1.·- 1.00-Newa. STEAMSRU'S LTD. 1 • Pass 1 • Pass Editorial 1N.T. Pass ! M.V. Fauvette salllng from You, South, hold: , 1.35-Don -Jamltton't Halifax February 14th, due St. • K J 8 6 5 .K 2' +Q 5 4 I . l.40-Sports John's February 18th. l.iS-Art Bilker's Noteboclll M.S. Bedford II salling from ofoJ 9 7 2.00-News .HighliRhts What do you do? Halifax Fepruary 18th, due St. , A-Pass, Your partner's one John's February 20th. no.trump ~ebld has shown a ' ' M.V. Woodcoclt sailing from maximum of 14 points. Four· l_·.J .. Halifax February 21st, due St. teen plu• 10 Is only 24 and John's February Z3rd. · your band it suitable · for no· ;.. M.V. Fauvette sailing from trump play. '. Hallfalt Februm ·24th, due St. TODAY'S QUESTION John's February 28th, ...-ards West reopens with two clubs. M.S. Bedford II aallinll from North and East pa'ss. What do Halifax Febniary 27th, due St. ·-~: .. John's ftiarch lat. · you do now? ... _.' Answer Tomorrow Refrigeration space available -· . ·-·~ ..... ···-- · M.V. Woodcock. April 18. Leaving --for Halifax FliRNEBS WITHY AND and Boston April 19, due Hali· COMPANY, LIMITED fix April 21 and Boston April . ,. Newfoundland due St. John's ~. • 1 24. Leaving Boston April 25 ' l' J : .• Feb. 21st. Leaving for Halifax and Halifax April 29, due St. ' '. 1nd Boston Feb. 22,. due Hali· ·. :·;Y, John's May l. Sailing again . ' ' fax Feb. 24 1nd Bo1ton Feb. same day for Liverpool. ' . \'' . %7, Leavinll Bolton Feb, 28 and FURNESS RED CROSS LINE Halifax March 4, due St. John's S.S, Carol Trader leaving March e. Sliling asaln same New York Feb. 17, llal!Cax Feb, ...... day for Liverpool. 20th, arriving Sl John's Feb...... Nov1 Scotia leaving Liver· 23, leaving St. John's Feb. 24 pool March · 1, aue St. John's lor New York (not calling at ...... March 7. Leaving for Halifn Comer Brook) . MORlY MEE:KLE By DICK CAVEll ...... and Boaton March B, due Hall· fu March 10 and Boaton ?4areh lM!IGINE! 45 BlLLIOI'i I HAD NO IDEA 13. Leavinl Bolton March 14 GERMS,;_ON THAT THERE WAS and Hallfu March 18, due St. ONE UntE PIN! SUCH A' HOU5lNG John'• March 20. Saillnc acaln SHOI

' . :;-;,_. ... 1 . -i:·_,.. ' ,·f :-: ,'. ~' -...- .: ::. -, THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, FEB ' 16 \ ' . ' 196[ _,. . .


.'-. '

. . . \'.· c· N-IB Pro'blems .------.------CAN ACCO~ffttoDATt: Two . . .SPECIAL AUTO PAilS (Whole) boarders, Male or Femal~ AT In a furnace heated home. ,,...,, .. . . Pa. r. amount . .TORONTO (C Pl._ Louise FOR LE~·r IH!d Phone 36125. DA~· · .. ·. , Cowan brings an unusual under· 1~ ·· The Old Mill ....:.. '. ~ r . . romorrov. standing of the problems of the ArlllllUI'f CASH- i;·AID FO-R:-__:c~~~~-- you may enjoy .. II . · . · blind to her new job as national Cleaned Flippers Wur\u Magazines, pocket novels .' ... By H.nry Falft NIGHTLY DIXI:\G ...' ...:------director of welfare and home .75 Singly - $7.00 per 38 and hooks. John D. Snow, and/ or DA~CIXG ' l,..."r Htaor hiNI Dillrihltol It MMtopir Elftrprlll Aua · teaching for the Canadian Na· Dozen. .Bambrick 9 New Gower Street. The finest In ' ' · · . · . ~ "ICE PALACE" tiona! Institute for the Blind. , : :- TBB.STORY: Blanche Bud· With anh:alr. off rbesolkutiton sthhe· ·:IN 'TECBNICOLOR Slle's blind herself, the result Guaranteed Perfect. --.,_.;;;::::~)i:t~~~J-2 feb13,tmth FOODS and BEVER.\G[I : :-. terrified 'b:r her slater wheeled erse 1 ac 0 e of an accident when she was a Delivered anywhere in City. .\t:\t~-~~;:,j

• • • · excitement, who might ·try to Home Journal, the book stayed . Her·; early education was at I' S1 ..Jq\ 1 n·, ,., . IX interfere personally Instead of on the be~t-sellcr lists for: 22 the school for the blind at FURNif'JnE REPAIRS-lie· )lo·.t.l'•qt~l 1 1r :li'!>p·,t ' .. Blanche freed herself of this calling Dr. Shelby. Or·- ·SUP· weeks and thus served to fur- Brantford; Ont .. ncar her home pairs to sprmg-filled mat-· B:·ookfteld Rd. Tel. ~}!; I ~ i . ELECTRICAL 9 renrie. . pose she was a notoriety seeker !her enhance 1\liss Ferber's: re· in Princcttn. She got her B.\. APPLIANCES tressc3, Chesterfield SUite~ 1 ' ~ • ·!)1:1 ' and called the newspapers.! ·. putation as the world's most . r rom Mel\! aster University, alw rebuilt Fifty years' I 1 . _,_,ner gaze flew out suddenly h · popular American woman nove· Hamilton. in 1943. 0 AINE JOHNSTON experience. Keats ~latln·» · ICI:·~e house at the end of the _Blanche ~rew back from t. e list 1 "I wasn't quite certain what " Factory, 16 Mount Royal 2 gal'(len IS one of the French wmdow as If from a thr~aten.ed · . I wanted to do then and for a p t 0 I' 0 COMPANY, LTD. Avenue Dial 92753 or 2656 doors swung open.: and Mrs. blow. Suddenly she saw tt qUite b ~s v.;,aGs. th~.~a:~ fort~~~s ~er-~ while I worked in the CNIB ,,a- romp e tvery · n Agency Department nov3tl,tf a.~. as If making her appear- clearly, photographed and re· er s lan ' e s u 10 · as tiona! library at the old Bever- • STOVE OIL 243 Water St. Dial 2102 a~ at just that moment de·' produced in ~he evening papers spared ,?0 e~pense to make "lee' Icy Street Iieadqunrters in TJr· • FURNACE OIL YOUR FRIGlDAIRE OIL Bt;RNER SERVICE- tnie'rately to point out' to Blan·l _ along wtth a resume, no Palace, whteh opens tomorrow I t .. • HARD COAL ·DEALER. Furnaces, Ranges and . ·~e''the foolishness of her over· I doubt, of her career, ending a tthe Para::1ount Theatre, a on,~.l t k 'th hi' d tl • SOFT COAL Spac(~ !!caters, dependable , ~ught conjecture· emerged: with the accident which had powerful, exciting and authen- 0 un celr d wtor w1. t mt ~ • IRO~ IIIREl\IAN HEAP & PARTNER scrvi•~c at reasonable rates. 0 10 · ' d '1 'ded th Th · 'ght· tic •aga of a young country· veterans e an eres HE!\Ttl'IIG I S (' R 1 PI 4"793 placidly onto the lawn. Drcs~e en at career. ey ml . :' " ,. . , teaching and reballllitation and~n · EOUIP~IEST· ' INFLD ) LTD .eor:;e oy e, lone 1 as always in her· smock and even -~ncover so'meh of th?d mt·· cd~dmfmg Tof 1 "~· Wphalt ?,•.dant she resigned from the library Wirin~ Mate~ials. Wire and jan3l,lmth · ~aw hat she paused glanced formatiOn about t e ace• en; 1 or exas, 1 ce a ace oes 'in 1944 to ioin the small staff Cables, Motors Starters, ·------~- - down the length of the garden that the studio \had managed for.Aiask.a. of the rehabilitation centre. Lamps, Switches, Lightin~ Wall Washing . with. evident satisfaction ~nd to suppress .• .-. . Excepllonal ~are was _exerted STUDIED IN MICHIGAN , Fixtw·es, etc. WALL Wi\SIIING - Walla .. She's rxpt·l·lin:t. ~'J COUI'~P ~he l'XIlr.Ch u• :o . -then crossed to· the faucet to She et go of the grille ahd. -to assure the nght casttnCS for Sh oent three year~ tench- ! lVAREOOUSE: PRINCE'S ST cleaned by new machi~e lllrll it on. Blanche. pulling her· 1 the Ferber characters. The . e b~raill tv ewriti~ '\nd 'IALSOSS Results perfect: saves pamt. anothC"r room tr) her h:r::e: . ··self closer to t~c grillwork, ~~~~:. ~h:se!~~d~:~ ~~: ~=~ story of the march to stale~ood ~~~It~ ant for· Ptwo sJm~ers " -New 11ethod Rug and Wail • • And if \'Ol' llt'"'l n:nrr .m~:: ~~:g~~ic. mto her poe· ~~~~ ~:!\~e ::ttec::~~e~!~; ~:on:~~ i!a:~ld cr~a~hcA~f[.~:;. l~~~i s~~~~lco~;s~~cf!l t~or~o~~ ------_ _;,F_I;.;R,;;.E...;I,;.N,;.S;..U~R;..A;.;N..;..:C,;;.E__ \.: ~~-~~~~~9JO~reshwater Ro3d for a :!l'O\i'ill'~ fami~·.· · you should t:ome in ~r.d ·. · , e4'Mrs. Bates. was still . far there could so easily be ugly tury-long str.ugglc of tl~o Tt- Michigan. In 1946 she dccid~d CROSBIE & CO., LTD. I FOR ALL '~'OUR Exterior ~: . ough away. that she might tans. The Tttans are Rtchard to obt.a'ln her soct'al "'ork -'egrec ~·Oti•Ce Of d I - P . to U.' ahont tile , . d consequences, consequences B h z b "C " " u I~ Agents for an :Jtertor aintmg, you will wanl [nr yo:t~ . njt notice. But if she wa1te that she didn't da're risk. But · ur 1on. w 0 as e 7.ar and "ot hrr :\LA. from the UNDERWRITERS AT Paptr Hanging Cleaning, . ta dto·p_ it: ajld:Jane.came into if she threw away this chance, K~nnedy, wants to take every. Unh·e;~ity of Toronto in 1948.. Public Sale LLOYDS. Rooftng, etc. 'Phone L. Don't ri·.'i,,y -- rl 1 it '-'rb~ . •IKe room before shed had the there wouldn't be another until thmg from the country and Until her recent appointment LOW RATES 1 .Howell, 739 'H or 3752A. COl ·. 'c@ance ... Then ~ound came Mrs. Stitt came 0-n Friday . . . glve nothing, and Robert R~:an she was the Institute's Ontar.io , ------:---- .from the- hall\\'~Y. and her. de· • • • as Thor Storm, of Norwegian· supervisor of home teaching tm· In the matter of a distraint DIAL 50ll ~-THE CENTIIAL BARBEl! cij;ion was made for her;_ Jet· Certainly, Mrs. Stitt had in· heritage, whose love for Alaska 12 vears. by ~Irs. Clara Boundridgc HARDWARE STORES SilO I'-We are now opera!· .tq.g go of the grillwork, she formed Jane, ·too, of her plans. rous~ ~i~ to battle fo; the "The CNIB spon~ored my against Joseph Rodg~rs; anti . . ing 10 chairs, you can be . sijoved herself back and drop· Jane could hardly be plotting slate o tis peop 1c wan · studies with the plnti tho! I in the matter of a di•-trainl assure~ of prompt, effici· ·-: ~ down into her chair. k . Carolyn Jones, Martha Hyer would come bnck and work in TOOL RENTAL ent, sanitary service. No ~She had only just managed anrthing so sinister, nowtnC and Jim Backus also are . some ohnse of home teaching," by W. J. Corcoran against c. Electric Sabre Saws. waiting problem. 24 New 1 et her chair away from the that woman would be ·coming red in a cast which includes ~liss Cowan ~ald. "It's interest· Kean. Portable Sanders and Gower Street opposite Ade- . w ow and turned ·around into lhe house the next morn· Ray Danton and two lovely 1·ng ··1·ork and. just as tr.achim! Skill Saws. ' la1dc ~lotors, Ltd. · Recallt'ng her morbid fan ' "' Bv virtue of a distraint made 1 ··-when the door opened and mg. · newcomers, Diane McBain ·and the vcternns was, a reward in~ • Reasonable Rates : ------·_·Jane shuffled ·into view. cies about Jane's plans to Shirley Knight. Of unusual in- exoerience."· by me as Bailiff on January HARltlS & lliSCOCK LTD. OIL BURNER UI,P.\IRS · Jane was wearing her usual starve and frighten her to terest is the casting of the 19- She savs there I~ a great llth and January 27th respec- General Hardware and maintenance. Furnaces, ' morning costume, an old wrap: death, Blanche felt a faint flush year-old Eskimo beauty, Dorcas need for inore teachers. tively, I will sell on the Sporting Goods. Space Heaters and Ranges. per of q1,1ilted an~. badly soiled of chagrin. What a state she Brower, from Point Barrow in "We trv to find them within premises known as No. 253, ___ Phone 91884L. dec7.1m . white satin. Her dyed hair was had been in! Since Jane had the Arctic, in the role of Robert the registered blind groun but Duckworth Street, on Thursday,. ERNEST CLOUSTON, in the same state of· wild dis· uncovered the· breakfast tray Ryan's young native wife. -we find people in their early 20s February ~ 6 · 1961• at 11 ·00 a.m. LIMITED FOR SALE .'arra,y 1s it had been· when she to ~how Blanche there was To Insure authenticity of best for the job, and the rna- the followmg ~o.ods: ~!cCLARY AUTOl\IATIC · had first awakened and gotten nothing wrong, it was evident background, the company spent jority of close to 25,000 hlind 2 TeleVISIOn Sets. WAR~! AIR CONDITlONING .. out of bed, and on her feet she the hideous nonsense was end- four weeks in Alaska filming people In Canada are In older Dated at St. John's the 14th~ DIAL 4183 1956 I 216 wore the red patent-leather san· ed. b d scenes against its prjmitive al!e brackets." da" of February A.D. 1961. __.::. W.;,;A;.=T.:;E.:,;R...;S:;::T:..:...-- I dais. She was carrying another And then she remem ere ; grandeur of glaciers, mountains The new national director will ' Morris Oxford . covered tray. Mrs. Stitt had altered her plans and ice-fields, its salmon-fish- continue her work with the 14 H. BARFITT, _R_A_D_IO_-_T_V_RE_P_A_I_R_S_Ie Excellent condition Rahd Ham ·:.Jllne. put . the. breakfast tray for the week; she had .said she lng, Its canneries and the fron· Ontario offices while acting as Bailiff. I \\'ith Pineapple s~wtr. \ GREAT EASTERN OIL Bargain price 1 diWII on the desk and w1th no would be back on Monday tier-faceted cities of Fairbanks consultant to all welfare work· TELEPHONE 5646. I.I . Brussels Sprouts tlr . sigh of IllY special interest took morning. Tomorrow! The awful and Juneau and the small fish- ers and home teachers in .the Cebl4,16 COMPANY, LTD. Owner leaving ,. ! Cream ( :orn. Fren~i1 . up<·the one from the evening weight of her anxiety fell sud· ing ~ommunit:r, . of Pet.ers~urg other six national dirisions. , ••••••-~::::::::-~ REPAIRS TO RADlOS, TV ('Ountrv. bet'Gre 'and moved back toward denly away. How foolish to on Mitkof Island In the Inland She will keep watch for all I AND ALL ELECTRICAL i Fried or \J asher\ . tht'ldoor. Just as she· was start· have· forgotten; in her frighUt Passage, largely inhabited by new a1•cnues of social work 'hnt IT'S APPLIANCES PH: 951343 or 96547 I·Iomemadl' HoJi, AVA · inf"frOfll the room, .however, had simply slipped her. mind. Non'legians. · can be adaoted to work • C~IB f ----~D~IA~L~3~0~0l~to~3~00~b---­ WATE!l shlil'Paused. But now that she had remem· ''Ice Palace" is the first big- and will orobably be assiqned feht6.3i Tea, CoHct' or '.iii\ l' FABULOUS l Jane crossed back to the tray bered it was. all so simple; budget film to be made by a to a~sist blind peoole from oth~r I _GROCERS (Retail) on~fhe desk, reached out- to ·the when Mrs. Stilt came tomor- major studio in wide screen- and countries who apply for CNill THE NEW $1.25 · c!Dtb and pulled il !'Side.. As roiv, she ·would promptly send Technicolor on location in the helpm I L. HEALEY CITY CLUB .. sin(.' did so Blanche ·quickly her out to call Dr. Shelby £ro111 49th state. Many. of the story's =====:__~- WILLYS Jeep Cross Roads and \Vater Street avrncd ·her eyes. · the nearest phone booth,· and characters are identifiable · (2 and 4 wheel drivel · Dial 3026 Tltc Annual General terior sets ever built on a .I Sb'e remained quite still, even when he came · · · What an ab- Alaskans, C\'en though their DON'T DEI.A Y-SEE 11 ~leeting will he held · ou 1ftei Jane's footsteps had faded solute fool she had been to let names have been changed. studio sound stage were con· TODAY INSURANCE AGENTS THURSDAY, Feb. l6th,­ awif through the hallway and herself get into such a state Native Alaskans have expres· structed on Warner Bros' lar· ddwa the stairs. But then, over nothing. Folding ·the note sed enthusiasm over the idea of gcst stage to represent a vast McKINlAY MOTORS AND BROKERS at 8.15 p.m. knOWing that she .would have quickly, al'!'ost e~barrassedly, having their land pictured on expanse of Arctic snow country LTD . JOB BROTHERS . to r,l6oner or later, she made she sho:ved •t back mto her poe· the screen as it really is-:not and an Eskimo village in the LeMARCIIANT ROAD By Order, , Arctic. Designed by the film's & CO. LTD. ;M ( l herself tum and look in the ket. . (To Be Continued) just as a country of igloos, Eski- PIIONE 4193 · 4 art director, Malcolm Bert, they Water Street R. C. KNIGHT, : dirlletion of the desk. mos and ice, although there· are 1 ·;: • • • Slime magnificent snow scenes were amazingly realistic down Dial 2658-41.23 Secretary. : 8 • to such fine details as bear febl5,16 · S ol She bad been so certain that LUTHERAN HEAD DIES In the film. The story of the REG. T. MORGAN ------TO-NIGHT at , o ·. tailed for 1 she wu., to be confronted with COLUMBUS, Oliio !APl~Fu- territory's struggle to gain tracks in the snow, glistening plus a prem a si&ht of sickening repugnance neral services will be held here statehood has been. truly told, ice packs, Eskimo huts (no ig­ Where To Stay INSURANCE LIMITED DEB\TE: to date of : that it was severs) moments be- Thursday for Canadian • hom they feel. The screenplay covers loos) and endless- rows of froz: Temple Bldg., P.0. 801 168, "Canada should Holders of fore her mind adjusted to the Dr. Efoo9 u e 1 Poppen, 86, a 40-year span (1920-1960) jn en fish; They were also inhabit­ Balsam· Hotel 341 Duckworth St. •·. EWFOUNDLANO a policy of Posilirc s.me with ' ' I fact that .what she was staring president of the American Luth· the growth of America's most ed by caribou, reindeer, Kodiak BARNES ROAD Dial 80370 or 7758 thereto at t -' ' . SERVICES· .. · at was only her usual break· eran Church from 1937 ·to 1950. northern state. bears and howling huskies, as Situated in the Heart of tralism.'' 2'15 Water' fut. a Poached. egg, orange A native of Dundee, Ont.· he To supplement · loca~ion well as actor~. during the film­ the Ci• :. DRUG STORES Affirmati1·c: H. celve the p llYeq that · Juice, buttered toul and tea. . .was ordained a .minister In 1695. scenes, two of the Jarges~ ex- ing. "Ice.Palace" was 'produced by Quiet, Comfortable Atmos­ PASSENGER IT. Porter. from Marcl ..' M. CONNORS LTD., \\' Henry' Blanke and directed by phere. Prescriptions Pickup and ~OTICES 1\cgath·c: · !101, D5, 11 . . . . Vincent Sherman. For heservation~ and In· delivery service. Phone 2206 i Short. De, &7 formation. \ · co:>~NECTION souTH COAST II 11 .. . school us,~ -JUST .. ARRIVED NEW ,SHIPM·ENT. OF AYlWARD'S DIAl 90070 SERVICE 0 Ol\ ·~) ' • . ' PHARMACY Tr:tin "The Caribou" leaving Lon~ s Il1ll Dial 6336 Cor. Monchy & Empire AYe. St. .John's 1:30 p.m. to-day, ' . MRS. JOHN FACEY Thursday, will. make con­ . Resident Manageress nection at Port aux Basques with m3J.tf ~LV. Bonavista on the South FAW-CETT. . Coast Service. Fresh Local CO~NECTION PLACENTIA GREAT EASTERN BAY SERVICE (CO~lBINED 1 9 5 5. RUN) FRIDAY RABBITS TORRID~OIL OIL & IMPORT BUICK I Regular 8:30 a.m. train leav· CO., LTD. in~ St. John's to-morrow, Fri·l CU~TOM DELUXE .. RANGES ' day, will make connection at $4QQ·OO Rldlo, Television. Wubers, Argc-ntia with M.V. Hopedale on . ' ...... · Refrigerators, Deep Freezen EXCITING FEATURES Electric Rangea, Placentia Bay Service. Vessel, SLU Floor Polishers, ! wea1 her permitting will sail • F'ull len&th, fluorescent lighted background. Baird Motors Ltd. Gramophunea 'I fro:n Argentia 2:30 p.m. PubUe Address Syste!DI, • Exclusive Fawcett Syncro-Matic Draft control . COl'iNECTION SOUTH COAST MERRYMEETING ROAD Tape ftecordera / ' ' SERVICE , , , aavea up to 26% :in fuel dollars. REI'AIRS AND SERVICE DIAL 8-0378 • 8-0379 Regular 8:30 a.m. train leav­ • Temperature controlled oven, with "fingertip" ·· 6 IJNES I control on backguard. · . DIAL 3001 to 31105 ing St. John's to-morrow, Fri- i A day, will make connection at ,, • "Mirror-bright" polished cooking top, inter-locked WATER STREET Arg~ntia with S.S. Bar Haven L. to prevent odors eacaping. . · ian26.1Y. WELCOME WAGON on South Coast. Service. • Non-Up, four position chrome oven rack. SIGNS! ·HOSTESS ' . . • "Fioatlng-ln·Fl•me" o\'en allows perfect · roast­ DESIGNED Ing and baiting with even "all-round" beat. Will Knock at Your Door ~·l~i ('IllI AND St. Pat's \'S • Roomy 1torage drawer , , • 'Opens silently ·on with Gifts and Oreetings I -~ .IJI nylon bearlnlla: · PAINTED from Friendly Business P.l.l ·· e- • Balcoll\' ··· Neighbours and Your i lilt: I\IADIAN NAT.IONAL Gen. Admission · ·· IUY ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN OUTDOOR Ci•1ic ·and Sdtial Groups I _..,..,,...------FRIDAY, FEB· I • SIGNS lEDDY KILOWATT 8 occdsion of: : ()· the at 9 P· 111' TRUCK, VAN, 1 NO DOWN PAYMENT e New ~omer to the City, Etc. · ELECTRICITY The Birth of a Baby, FR~"E JR. SE~ll HOME PHC~~E 94865 - 90943 St. John's All-Stars is CHEAP in NURSING KEATS and 3582. vs ·ST. JOHN'S is a serine of tile Reserved Gen. Admission . ST. JOHN Tickets on sale.· ~~.~!!! ~ ~ws~r;i AMBULANCE h~ldin~ seat TOPSAil ROAD Cheal=· Reliable OUR. OWN I Electricil~ I' BREAD~. II Needs Yout Support to-day. ----~ In an l Around St. John·~ j BEST BY TEST ~ i 13:.L

•' ..

'I ' I . . I ,•' ' . ·I,. ::• i

' ' ·'

. I CONFEDERATION CABS PROPERTY FOR RENT CONFEDERATION GROUNDS THE ~ KINSMEN··. ·8 a;m, to 12 p.m. Confederation Building PHONE 94071 PHONE 95011 Ext. 524 ROYAL ,TRUS~. Boys_ Club dee21,1m · • COMPAr-.'Y ·~~ ' . The Funeral of our late Comrade 741 Water Street · BINGO ' Thomas Carroll will take place THIS ;· $75.00 per month : :·; WANTED- MORNING· at 10:15, from his late resi­ ' . dence, 2 Pilot's Hill. Unfurnished buement apa.t: SERIES 43 mcnt, consisting of Jiving roomr available ex-Servicemen are request­ ' ' · All kitchen, two bedrooms a!l(f TO·DAY'S NUMBERS ·One Shoemaker's ed to attend. · bathroom. Available immedt> ]. W. GOODYEAR, ateiy. (Inquiries after 5:30 p.li!J Stitching Machine Secretary, St. John's Branch. Phone 7441). · -r -·~ I N G 0 In 1 good condition. ------~ ALSO Phone 3057 or write details to: BOX E-5250 TO RENT I 95 NEW GOWER STREJ!!J 19 31 49 73 \ Three storey building contalit.: Offices at 336 Duckworth Street, ground ! ing small business premises a11d floor, private entrance, approximately an apartment. Business premist.s 29 40 51.68 500 sq. feet. Iconsist of main noor and full· . concrete basement with rei!' WANTED Suitable for Doctor or Dentist. ' entrance from George Street.''"· 32 58 Offices presently occupied by Dr. Cowan. I Apartment con~ists of livi't\lt Possession available on March 1st. ; room, kitchen, three bedroomf A YOUNG LADY i and bathroom. Will consider.': Apply MR. RICHARDS ! r~nt!ng separately. "' · ·· 44 48 as General Office Assistant. ' For further particulars appjy,"' Halley, Hickman & Hunt ·.... 45- 52 Shorthand and typing essential. THE ROYAL TRUST ., .~· Apply stating experience if any to: . 321 DUCKWORTH ST. ST. JOHN'S .. -.. febl6,1B,20,U 1'.0 BOX 727, ST. JOHN'S COMPANY :•\'•' __ftblll,lll ;______1 Phone 5198 P.o. Bos 1300' ------.St. John's Total Abstinence 'ffrbl4,16 .,.,, NOTICE And Benefit Society For Fast· I . The Annual Requiem Mass for deceased My Auction Rooms ot 15 Henry Street consolation prizes for .the letter members of the Society will be offered in .. A A_nn-\J.. [ Taxi Se"ice ·· .. :: ; . will be open daily (except Saturdays) g across the top and down the centre. the Basilica on FRIDAY of this week, O IV\l!J.X)J.v : HOTEL TAX from 2 p.m. to 4 p •. m. to receive goods Feh. 17th, at 8:15 a.m. I.'' that. my patrons may wish to have (Sgd.) JOHN JOYCE, Kin· - Help Kid dies . auctioned. At other times by appoint· Secretary. ce, il Dial2424-2410~ ··• ment by dialing 90811. Auctions r~~ ; QUEEN'S ROAD .... - be held regularly and will be ad· Open rrom 6.30 &o Z a.m. · ~ ,. will ____ ,, .~ ... ~::,:::-::-=:::::::: ·watch Repairs . ·vertl,.d. . JOHNM. WALSH ;, WORK PANTS FOR FAST ·H0~1E . .. , ... UCENSED AUCTIONEER. DELIVERY PHONE ••1 .. , febl8,18 ·.·r:•: ------~------i CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN Department of Transport"" '· IF CHAFE MAKES THE CLOTHfS. 2141 Ottawa, Ontario OR CALL AT OUR TENDERS ·~ { .. ,.. Wm. L. CHAFE RETAIL STORE, ·" ! .. SEALED TENDERS, address · TAILOR 665 WATER snmET 1... Reg, 5.50 Pair ed to the undersigned marked 4 HOLDSWORTH ~T. ST. JOHN'S Not inserted by B.L.C. "Tender for Dwelling-Ca!llp.•. .,•' ' oz. Sanforized Isldnd" will be received up tu.:. ' 1------'- 3 p.m. (E.S.T.) March 7, 1961- ,... I Cotton Twlll-vat Dyed 1 for the Construction of a SifliLe.•. AVALON CREDO JEWRLERS ' Dwelling at Camp Island, Labra' · IIATU AT ADt:LAIPI£ PHONI , ... WANTED To BUY Re.enforced '' '' dor, located at the North en .. I '' ' 99 trance to the Straits of Bellt>. ~ t·' . pockets, ·Heavy du~· Isle near Battle Harbour. •.; ·· i':' .25 Plans, specifi 1tions and oth··· ;"I •'., !' ON~ $MALL CABIN zipper. Sizes 30 to 44. er tender documents may b~ ·· examined at the Office of the•• NOTICE District !llarine Agent, Deparl·· • CRUISER ment of Transport, P.O.. Bo~ t11E HOLDEIS OF .TJJlRl\ NOVA MOTOitl YOU SAVE $1.51 1:1.70, Charlottetown, Prince E

~ . Good Quality ·chisels .. .. . '. SLIGHTLY · DAMAGED · Heavy Construction Long and Short EACH AT1rENTION Handles $3.20 !BOYS. -... THTU.BS ONLY s).2s If you are interested in making money as '\fb'edl-Steel Reg. 79.95 NOW S9·M . . GENERAL .. SPORTING a D~ly: News Carrier, please fill in the Reg .. 69.9lS NOW 59·95 HARDVIAR.E GOODS ·, . '' \' I ' ' Appiication Form and mail to our office. Reg. NOW . 'ifhit~-Steel 89.~ 59·95 . If no route available in your area lm· ~eg; 89~93 .NP':". :54.95 Harris ·& ·His·cock mediately, your application will be placed . ··. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE . . LIMITED on file. Then should an opening occur. Cast Iron Reg. 98.95 NOW ·78·95 167 WATER STREET· DIAL 7352-5016 .~ . I . ,. Cast Iron Reg. 91t~ NO~ 68.95. USF AG.· A nam~ extremely well we will get in touch with you: lmoWft to Newfoundland car ·owners for .. :t'.:.: . . r. :~ • . Shower Cabinet · _. 1 'I• • many, p!IDY years - invites· you to join r------, ... '· 88.915 ...... ;·.... :.: ...... NOW .,.. I TilE DAIU NEWS .• I , . :. thetr ~g number of auto insuran~e : . '' . ' ' \ . ~ ·. P.O. BOX 520, ST. JOHN'S t I '' . customen · who now )qWlf 1'A~ -· APPloiC~TION '> '~ ·. :! ' •' us year. We guar·. . . ,, ~ . ' 'cllfftr,aee. JOin this 1 ; .. fi. _{. ' ~ I >¥ ;.t. l,lflt"Vpu'D ilever regret it. · . l'IAME ...... •• ...... - ...... ·.. · 1111 ~ ~ ~ :····:~ ~: J ' . : .. . . . ' . • '"VRESS . . : ...... :··-·: ..... ·~ • ftDELfTv & GUARANTY Co. t'LJ •ooouoooott••••ttonottyouooolooHtooh••ooo...,,~ ~, .. ' ·~1: 1.' ~EY, Resident Manager ; •I !H9NE Ko...... ,...... I PHONE 7035 L :._ ·..... - .., ·~ ...... ;.;...... ·~ -·-···"'·': ., THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, FEB.ts --·-·-·~-.---N.-T_TB_E--C-o-mm-e-rc'""":"ia-1 ------:...~·· ! ! • ~ ~~ SIG1~ B . L f SEEDLE.SS RAISINS . . ~( , " ' . , {, . ov ow 1mg eague · 48-15 oz. Golden Sun and Bonners . ~ . .. THB Winning three frames from' . In Stock: the Royal Beverage squad· last IZ RAISINS TROPICAL FISH night gave the Nfld. Llghl & SEEDLESS NEONS --...wuOK Power team third place in 36~11 oz. "Golden Sun" and ·''Bonner's" BI.ACK 1\IOLLIES Section "A" of this League • .., 1 The Bennett Brewery have ·, CAT f'ISH THE DOOR OF ~·• ' already clinched first spot liETTAS OPPORTUNITY with Brookfield lee Cream In SEEDLESS.· .RAISINS etc., etc. seetmd. . ' . Arthur :Meighen . $7.50 FULl. I.INE OF The regular schedule will ' Bulk- 30's "Golden Sun" THE MACKENZIE cbnclude tonight with the ,' . AQUARIUMS · finishing order in Section "B" AND SUPPLIES. KING RECORD SHELLED. ~ALNUTS J. W. Pickersgill . 11.50 to be dccll\ed. pEOPLE ,. CONFESSIONS OF 55's Light Amber Halves 1 A HAPPY MAN (Last Nigbt's Scores) CARS Geo. Neal Ltd.-2 {' .. 1 Art Linkletter ...... 3.95 A. Fogwill 224 199 168-591 A CANDLE TO J. Avery 186 210 16~565 ~· , BRAND CU.RRANTS LIGHT IN THE SUN J. Maloney 246 151' 158-555 "PRIZE" A. Prowse 114 190 219-523 '. 36 - 11 oz. Pkgs. Patricia Blondal .. 5.00 770 750 714 2234 410 WATER STREET, .• A SILENCE OF DESIRE Dally News-1 . Phone 4328, St. John's H. Butler 189 179 293-661 DATES K ama l a P. Currie 204 213 151-568 "ARABIAN STEED" Markandaya ...... 4.50 J. Antle. 135 170 184-489 36 - l's THE NIGHTINGALE c. Ro~ers 121 155 162-444 Agne~ Sligh 1 ~717 790 2161 . I Sport From ·: ~ LOOSE DATES Turnbull ...... 4.50 .canada Packers-?? I • 70 lh. Boxes HOW I MADE A. Pmksen 21o 202 166-578 "ITH ~~j~~~~rJ The Past $2,000,000 IN THE ~: ;~~!~an ;~~ ;~~ i!t!~~~ FEBRUARY 16, 19M STOCK MARKET R. Caughie 300 212 284-796 Nicholas Darvas .. 5.25! 959 872 869 2700 Stenorette' Uishop Feild stayed in A TOURIST IN AFRICA Elcctri~ Utilities-? ? Most versatile dictating. T. &M. WINTER LTD. the Junior Intercollegiate , H. Fetid 202 224 186-612 transcribing machine you DIAL 5101 - 5102 - 5103 runninl( with a 7-3 win Evelyn Waugh .... 3.25 G. Daniels 196 157 194-547 (an own today. Does every­ GENERAL MERCHANTS ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND o1·c•· rrince of Wales. D•1ug THAT GREAT A. Chafe 258 218 252-728 thing high~st-cost unit3 do Squires and Don Yetman LUCIFER 1 D. Hiscock 217 193 167-597 : bu_t ~t hu.lf the t $ had two goals each f•1r th~ 873 792 869 2484 pr1ee. • • • • • • • • 224 •56 winne1·s with Dave Bnrl Margaret Irwin 5.50 (Third frame tied. Winner · l•:lt. llOii'C• Hollett an1l Stan THE CLASSICS not on score sheet). Brt•en ''dding a sln~h~ tal· RECLASSIFIED .She Views Her Blindness As 'Inconvenience' ly cath. Max Dean, !?irl O'Regan's Agencies-% l'iu~l mul Bill Drover ~c11r· Richard Armour .. 3.50 D. O'Regan 220 183 215-618 t'tl for PWC. LOVE AND A. Molloy . 247 207 18g_:.637 -0- J. Molloy 224 206 271-701 Thc final standings of MRS SARGENT P. Hurley 137 310 213-660 4.~ 1 828 906 882 2616 ~ALL . ' Commercia! Bowling saw Virginia Rowans .. .. A.I,O. first in section '1A" TAKEN AT THE 1 Bnlne-Johnston-1 with the DAILY NEWS K. Barry 277 190 189-656 6331-6332 second and Ayre '& Sons FLOOD G. ~1ason 147 160 173--480 third. In Section "B.' John Gunther ..... 5.00 W Skiffington 249 136 206-593 Simon Le1'itz copped first, THE NUMBERED P. Walters 194 270 214-678 lm]•erial Oil were second 867 11756 784 2407 OR CAJ,.L IN AT ' and London, New York and ACCOUNT Paris took third. A.m Bridge ...... 3.75 T. ~lcMurdo-2 -0- THE NYLON PIRATES R. Sinyard 205 172 239-616 In Commercial llockey, • R. Spurrell 138 153 168-459 Canada Packers edged Ter· Nicholas J. Aitken 139 178 18~06 TOOT ON'S ra Nova ~1otors 4-3; Ava· Monsarrat 4 25 ~1. LewJ·s 185 196 237 ~18 !on Telephone st11pped · ...... ·.. ' " -u WATER STREET stopped Ayres 7-3; Job s Dl'cks & (o Ltd Dun & Bradst~:~~: 833 2199 tied with Parkers 1-1 and Distributors in Nfld, Bowrings and Hlckmans I '' • P. O'Brien 260 155 194-609 were deadlocked 3-3. Jh B k II Ill!. O'Brien 145 155 178-478 for Kodak I e 00 se ers M. Jakeman 205 107 174-486 CAUSE IS UNKNOWN I . - t B. Jake man 150 199 190-539 VICTORIA tCPJ -lnvestiga· 1Sptn 4425 or 2008 or 3191 760 616 736 2112 lion into a fire aboard the de· I' stroyer escort HMCS Sk~ena p0 I'ICe. BI otter Bursey's Trucklng-3 Saturday has so far fa_iled ~o i Only two arrests were made E. Smith 201 314 184-699 reveal the cause. _The shtp 1s m by city police yesterday. Both F. ~tacDonald 142 161 173-476• C. Arns 163 130 208-501 Hughes·Maynard-0 I . drydock, undergomg repatrs to were men arrested for drunk· E. Clemens 155 159 194-509 H. Crotty 260 200 307-767 1H. Rodgers 137 148 Ihe • port propeller. No damage R. Bursey 281 216 189-686 689 724 959 2372! P. McGrath 174 159 estimate1 will be available until cnness. 779 850 740 2369 Tooton's Ltd.-1 R. Moolan 168 192 1 I the amount of electrical equip- Colonial Garage-0 R. Eddy 140 85 205-430 L. Walsh 196 147 I ment which will need replacing .T. Quinlan 164 200 199-563 M. Kavanagh 193 150 180-523 675 646 621 is determined. K. Foley 132 134 169-435 K. Kenny 175 157 223-555 .r. Bartlett· 172 253 152-577 W. Furlong 305 213 189-710 Nfld. Light & Poll'er-3 W. Elton 121 116 160-397 813 605 797 2215 B. Whittle 236 239 SAW BUS WRECKED 589 703 680 1973 Simon Le\itz-3 N. McLeod 232 261 .I SUDBURY, Ont .. !CP>-Thir· S. Epstein 190 178 225-5931 J. Kielley ;ss ~8 teen elementary school students Avalon Telephone-3 R. :.\iorgan 177 197 191-565\D. Murphy -2~ 218 980 stood by Wednesday at a CPR B. Woods 266 304 282-852 M Levitz 161 197 184-542 level crossing in the village uf P. Walsh 136 174 141-451 J. ·Cranshaw 272 259 284-815 Royal Be\·erage-O • Estairc and watched a~ their R. Woods 200 222 165-587 BOO 831 884 25151 R. Pennell 2.31 119 2 school bus was wrecked oy a H. Simpson 173 124 243-540 Top-Tone Cleaners-0 F. Picco 23 :!.1~ 1 train. Bus driver Percy Hone, . 775 824 831 2430 IJ. Herbinson 130 149 142-421 B. Ivey s~l ~~~ I of Estaire• got the children uut Nfld. Great Lakes-0 · R. Norman 167 153 144-464 of the bus after it stalled on the F. Hynes , 147 121 89-357 G. Flight 232 210 183-625 crossing. The train carried the T. Wood 133 151 1Ba-464 J. Tilley 178 167 142-467; Chas. R. Bell-3 bus 200 feet down the track. T. Ryall· 180 274 187-641 707 679 611 1997 A Dowden m 2.17 A. Gardiner 144 205 343-696! United Towns-3 G: Kelly 225 172 MacCORMAC'S 604 751 803 2158 H. L:1cey 185 119 150-454 A. Chafe 151 112 V. Withers 239 172 194-605 D. Walsh 206 213 Dial 5181 · % • I Walsh's Bakery-2 A. Healey 159 253 218-630 716 75! ill Short 149 212 146-507 Murphy 153 255 250-658 Can. Pac. Tel.-0 GEAR STREET R. R. · G. Murphy 117 182 298-597 736 799 812 2347 (Default). RECEIVING OJ'FICE, 1 ADELAIDE STREET BIRTHS THE 'NOW'S TIME! REPAIR·IMPRO


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