& CO. LIMilED ' '· ' ) . ' .. RUN DOWN? 141•0 NEED rEOPLE BOUGHT· ·USED . A TONIC?? CARS and TRUCKS · ·T··H· • TAKE FROM US i:AST. tEAR -- BRICK'S Nova· Motors ·Ltd. Vol. 68. No. 39 TI;fE DAILY NEWS, S'.f. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1961 (Price: 7 Cents) TASTELESS· I . , • . "".. mars 0 uss1ans:- lnjur;ed W~n U. S. Negroes: U. N: Council .Chamber' By JOSEPH MacSWEEN ·Canadian Pre_, Staff Writer ED NATIONS (CP)- Dag Hammarskjold charged Wednesdoy that the Soviet Union to paralyze the United Nations by atta~ks on him and rejected Russia's demand th~t UN secretary. general struck back at Russia at a hectic meeting of the UN Security which earlier saw the wildest melee in UN ·history when a group of Negroes roared 11e council chamber protesting the slaying of Patrice Lumumba in The Congo. : ~~ prr<ons .were In· 1 • . th~ ;crcnmmg dem·l "Let the Soviet government, 1 mcsti)· from :-lew if it wishes, pretend that he 1 73 D• I c ' h . srction• bowled I does not exist. It will lind that I 1 1 l·e· .n • · ra s ~~ur:t,· ~uards ,nd he is far from a disembodied ,'.:~: with their fists. I ghost and It wlll find that peace : ~ r 0 r t e d to have I loving states wlll continue to Of s· . J t:.:!~. supp~rt his ·patle~~ search for rt~ht O'I 'In g et the road. e UN SHOULD STAY r::tfd Sta.tcs: ambas· "We believe that the only . ~akin~ hts ltrst mn· i "'ay to keep the cold wn out . t The Con~o. of The Congo is to keep ' BRUSSELS CCP from AP·Heu· taught- at the Illlnto Skating 1 . : . made no re!· the U nit e d Nations in 'fhe ters.1 - The crash of a Boeing Club in Ottawa in 19jj lnd : t'.~ inl'ident in Ius Congo, and we call on the So· 707 jet Wednesday killed 73 per· 1956. He lived in Indianapolis in UOO-word s~e~h, viet Union to .loin us In thus ~n- sons, including•18 youn:: l\m~n-~ recent years. br:an by descnbmg suring the free and untramelled can figure skating stars. 1 Among the 49 Americans w~o of Lumumba, ole·j' exercise bv the Congolese peo·j The Sabena Airlines. plane' perished were Mr. Maribel : premier, as a pic of the.ir right to independ· spun out of control in circling Vinson Owen, 49, of Winchester, CAIRO-The three chlldren or deposed Congolese Premier Pat rice Lumumha arc shown with ~Irs. Fathyia ~krumab (center), . " j ence." · for a landing and crashed in a Mass.• and two daughters. Mrs. wife uf Ghana Premier Kwame Nkrumah, ~t the Tahara Palace here Feb. 7th. Lumumba and the two aides who escaped Jail ......am· POST As to the U.S. position, Slel'· sunlit farmyard, killing a br· Owen, nine times U.S. figure with hint were killed by natives Feb. l~th, it was announced by a Katanga government spok~sman Feb. 13th. The Lumumba · Mclared that I enson declared: · mer iti addition to.61 passeng· skating champion, wa~ coach youngsters are Juliana, sittin~ on Mrs. 1\'krnmah's lap; Patrice, Jr., and Francois (right), Mrs. Nkrumah's son, Gamal, js be- !lfkin~ not only to get "We, Insist that all foreign 1ers and 11 crew members. The for the two girls, both members lng held by ~Irs. Nkrumah's sistcr.-(UPI Photo). · b~t to destroy the .military aid from whateverjwreckage burned. · of a U.S. team headin~ to ---------- -:-------------------------------- lKfrtary. general and source and to whatever end be Among the dead. was a 39· Prague, Czechos!o1•akia, lor t!lc MillionS 1 d t ~th a "triumvirate removed from The Congo nnd year~ld tobacco farmer from Wodld Figure Skating r:hamp- 1 K w R • . ll(lt !unction. :" that no sue!: aid be permitted Vanessa, Ont.. ViCtor Maes. A lonships due to open Feb. 22. : s E r I I en n y ar n s us sa ~aid that m to interfere with the free and native of Belgium but a natural· Flames fed by bursting fuel ' ee c Ipse i . e li'r-:1\ltm.1crs he would Independent working out lly the 1lzed Canadian citizen, he w~s tanks quickly engulfed the hulk LO:-IDON t Reuters l - Mil· ; ~'t t'lthdrawal of ~n· Congolese people themselves. of I on his way to attend h:s of the $5,000,000 plane. lions of Europeans-and a num- 1 AP ~ mf of the Securtty their own poi!Ucal destiny. ·We jmother's funeral. The names frustrated rescue her of Soviet high - altitui;le ob- : 0 ( I t t• ;otm'J~ent me~be~ mean this and we intend· to keep I Also aboard was skating in· of firemen. who were speeding scrvation rockets - watch~d 0 0 II I0 If n ng erve n n tr~ r.s.. B r t tat n, on meaning it." structor D n i e I Ryan, .vho to help even while the plime Wednesday as a total eclipse of: a."'d 'Sationalist China- was still erratically aloft, with lhL sun cut a path of darknes; ; i.nes lo rtli~n. engines sounding oddly, in the from France to Russia. uN Off• • I R 1 I,. ·:n ,this t~e t~e So'li~t . final stage of a flight from New The moon's GOO-mile shadow WASHI~GT0:-.1 iAPl - Prcsi- zenga as the lawful government withdrawal of UN forces from rlit relusmg tts confl- ICia .. s. ··.·. epo·.. \\···rt ... ' .· York. .swept from Bordeaux. France. 1 r . , _ the s«ret•,.,.general "It ..... ~h""-~abomb•'- the·air-'·" · ..._, ·l' . y-- . .·. B ,dent I.cnned) \lilrned R~sola of The Congo - · rccQJaition The Congo and for ouster\of 81 05 101 1 •ippiny;. -• • ,.., • '!"" • · .. cro•s ' y, ug ta, u · Wed e d· ·"1 1 t " · t ·1 coup' d 1'th r 0 mi 0 f Dag Harmmarskjold as UN see. ume tune taken a R • I I Port tower commander sa[d. garia, Romania and part of !t n st aty .~!bt .• ahams .1 1 2~ t ·: dw 'd a P se sup· 1113les it absolutely . con· · Heat was so Intense that part Russia, The eclipse started in . a e~~ o tn e~ \ enc um ? e:.: po~. an" aI . retary-general. nre the pre.;ent eprasa s. n g·o of the plane's metal skin melted France at 7:32 a.m. G:I1T (3:32: ?IIY 111 The Con,o. .He Said tt I Gtzen,a .\IJS a former deputy -:: '·' -1 . ~!!lf'ral to resiJ(n, no . · , . llke · butter. Authorities said a.m. AST'. , 1s the du~y ~f the ~h~1tcd States! of the st~m" Patnce ~u,numba, .-.:::,~· Demonstrate ,;,• . could be . identification of many will ·be Russia topped scientific cf. • a1~d othe1 Un1ted :'\ac~ons '.nen:· 1deposed Conho premJct. '· ~ !fJ.Sy'O!r and the world would LEOPOLDVILLE <Reuters> - lnce, Willi arrested Tuesday af· difficult. forts tl) observe the eclinse hv hct.". to oppose any such mtct· ~ The "only lc"itimatc author-! In Montrea J tn the wish of the Reprisals against wh!tes for !he ter he shot to death a Bel~ian Debris. wd scattered for sev- the unexpected lau'nching ~~: vcntwn. · : ity" qualified t~ sn~ak for· the 1 • ;·, ~ ·'? to have thb or- murder of ex-premier Patrtce and wounded a Portuguese m a era! hundred yards. "several" rockets to carrv oult' The nrc>idcnl oncnin" 'lis i cnttre Con"o 1\cnticdv said is! :I!O:'i~REAL tCP) - Nea_r~y . ~ ~·~~, 1 • ' · • · · :·. 1'ts l' L b · t d w·~oru· h t 1 ba I . ' th d · ~nd · · · · · ~ ' · ~ 100 llfncan students attendtn2 .. r:;·v.·' nn execu 1ve umum a were repor e o e r, c atmang ey ma e The passengers apparently studies of the sun in eclipse press conference with a sta•e· the "oYernmcnt of President I · . · \ .. by a triumvirate nesda1 by United ~allons off!· fun of Lumu.~ba. hail been warned to expett t.rOU· its effect on the upper at moo· , mcnt on The Cun;!o crlsis, '.Jid, Kasm;1hu at Leopolth·illc. lie' Montreal umversthcs Wednes.· ~· n?t. function 'IDd clals. · . · · . Four Bel~tans sought asylum ble. Many bodie!i were found in phere. · not specifically name Russia: snid discussions arc under way Iday marched lroa_n the., m~fn 11 dtfmttely would !lOt I The UN Said 25 whites were with EthiOpian UN troops in Bu· a crouching position . - head High • fiying jetliners Joad~rl ·but he said he is ",el'iou Jv • with 0 1 h e r countrirs nbout gate of the MeG til U:n erstty instrument ~or· an arreated. Tuesday. .by pro.·. Lu- nla, northeastern Orienta] prov· down; knees together - a'dopled with astronomical equipment i concerned at what. ap~ears , 1 ~ 'j broadening this government po.J cat;Jpus lo the Belgmn all_d countries of mumba. troops. In Bukavu, Clpi· !nee, . In crash landings. anq astronomers a 1~ 0 sped 1he. a threat of unilateral inter·. liticallv 1 Umted States consulates to pri' in ~eed." ! tal of Kivu province. WON'T. SEE UN • . alohg the moon's shadow in: \'cntion." . · · J test the d ~at h of Congolese SBld, bowever· 'some ·or them were ·rOUtlhly Meanwh)le, Premter Morse o·ff" It r· France and Russia, making ex- i : Kennedy also deplored any 21- leader Patnce Lumumha. t!!i~n if it were the handled and one was taken to.
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