Louis Aragon Was One of France's Most Prolific, Prominent, and Contro
Jennifer Stafford Brown "AU FEU DE CE QUI FUT BRULE CE QUI SERA": LOUIS ARAGON AND THE SUBVERSIVE MEDIEVAL ouis Aragon was one of France's most prolific, prominent, and contro Lversial modern poets, causing strong reactions even among those he supported. As a novelist, a poet, an art critic, a member of the surrealist move ment and the French Resistance, and an active member of the PCF, he was throughout his long life a major figure of the French cultural landscape. From his well-known surrealist poetry to his cycle of socialist realist novels to the difficult postmodern works he wrote late in his life, his wildly diverse body of writing leaves no shortage of work for biographers and scholars. Aragon never accepted the status quo. As a surrealist, and later as an ardent Communist, he pushed the boundaries of metaphor, image, and style while passionately advocating literary and social change. During the turbulent years that led up to World War II, however, as well as during the war itself, the nature of his work changed subtly. Aragon, faced with national crisis, turned to the creation of a national myth. For him, as for many other authors, this new sense of nationalism had its roots in the Middle Ages. His contemporaries, as well as his later critics, were bewildered and intrigued by the unexpected source for this myth, going as it did against so many of his social and authorial sensibili ties: "Le projet d'Aragon est ala fois ideologique et poetique. II recherche les moyens d'une expression nationale, ou pour mieux dire franr;aise, a la fois populaire et savante ..
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