Great Bindings Spanish Royal Collections
Great Bindings from the Spanish Royal Collections 15th-21st centuries Great Bindings from the Spanish Royal Collections 15th - 21st centuries I> IKLC I ll> CY Maria Luisa L6peL-Vidriero PATRIMONIO NACIONAL ED I CIO NES EL V ISO A< ~nowiPdgPmcnts Patrimonio 'lacional and the exhibition curator, w"h to tlhln~ tlw lollowong uhlltutions and people, as well as thoM' who preler to n•ut,llll .ammymnll'' R<'hgious commumtit~ ol the conveuts of L.•~ ~•• l~<h Re.llt·,, 1.1 rnc.u nacion, ~anta lsabel and Las Huelgas and the nlo•M,Iery ut '>.m l~•u•nm d(• El E~orial J<>>l' Anlonio Ahijado; Monica 1\koha; Juan Jo;,p Alon,o; Mt'rn'{lt•, Alon ,o; Angl'l de An,,; Fr;u1c ism cl .. J\ndre~; Juan Ramc\n Apa1irio; Amc•li.1 /\1 diHI,l; Visgini11 J\1 nail: Luis Ba~na; Pilar Bdglit'Uo; lnt51.1 Btlll igtl; M~l 'Id lldrrigoll; RO><t n.. , ~ · I il; Pilal Benilo: RO,dl in Bla,ro; lgn.l< io c .• lie•; l',Jinlll<t Callejo; lnmac .. lada Candil: c, islina Ca1o; 1'111 ifk.~ri<in ( ,., ,•ijo; Jo"' Co,ial,; Sag• al'io Cri ado; Belf'n Curie!; Ca1nwn Dfa1.; ~ li ~.1 E> lc·!J,,n; I<'"" l'vlig11r·l r,,, n;\ndl'7; j11l ian F~rnandt>1.; Marta fPI m\ndc•1; M" CM111!'n l't•r lldHdP'/ l .dM oil i: josP J\nLonio frdn< o: And Garc1o~ fatl'itiiW Cttrc w; l'vl'' ~nll'dMI Gn rt1a; Carmen Garcfa-Fria>; lsabd Cil Robles; Jo't' Anlonin (,i"rwr .1; Elni sa Conzalez; Daniel Cuindulain; Ampuro Gutien·c•t; l·uf.:<' nin ll1•111ando; Concha Hcrrero; Mana Jestl' Herrero; :;,,uti,,go lit'IIC'IO; flo~vr<l lhor 1a; Oriol Janc•; Julian Jimcnez: Javier Jord,m de Urrre': llnlort•, LC>Jll'?; Ana Loureiro; Lourdes de Luis; Lucio M,•irt'; h•m,111dn M,11 1111; Ro-.uin M.1r1m· Tcresa Martm; Adcla .\larunez; Ouniele \l,u ur.•.
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