Giambattista Bodoni
Giambattista Bodoni iambattista Bodoni theFather was born as “Bodoni” made other than the Duke’s. of Latin, Greek, Febuary its appearance about During this time, Russian, Hebrew, 16, 1740, in 1790. Bodoni printed many Etruscan, Turkish, Saluzzo, Piedmont, important works, the Tartar, Ethiopian, Italy. His father was Bodoni’s pages were most famous of which gothic, and Asian a printer, and Bodoni not easily read. He were fine editions of fonts, script types was also trained in emulated Baskerville’s the writings of Horace with flourishes in the the trade. In 1758, priniciple of page and Virgil (1791 and capital letters, lines, he traveled to Rome, design but not 1793, respectively) borders, numbers, where he became Baskerville’s typefaes. and Homer’s Iliad in symbols, and musical a typesetter in the Rather, Bodoni 1808. These books notation. He was Vatican’s Propaganda mechanically varied were best known working on a second Fide printing works. the difference between for their beauty edition of the book Ten years later, he the thick and thin and typographical when he died, and his assumed management strokes of his letters exellence rather widow, Margherita of the Stamperia Reale to achieve the ultimate than for their textual Dall’Aglio, published (Royal Press) of the contrast possible. accuracy. Bodoni it in 1818. The second, Duke of Parma, where This strong difference achieved international two-volume edition he produced Italian, in thick and thin fame in the final contained examples of Greek, and Latin strokes gave his pages years of his life, 373 alphabets. books and printed a “sparkle” that made garnering compliments material for court use.
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