Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index T
Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 Taggit, William, Johnson Co., 9:22. T Tahchee, painting of, 59(2):cover Tahlequah (steamer), 14:64, 24:325, 25:148 T. J. Raney High School, Little Rock, 30:113, 117, Tahlequah, Okla., 40:40n, 56n 55:46 Tahlequah Cherokee Advocate, 36:20 Taaffe, Fanny, Rocky Comfort, 14:226n Tahlonteskee. See Talantuskey Taaffe, George (father of James K.), Rocky Comfort, Takahtokuh. See Takatoka 14:226 Ta-ka-tau-ka. See Takatoka Taaffe, George (son of James K.), Rocky Comfort, Takatoka (Cherokee leader; variously Takahtokuh, Ta- 14:226 ka-tau-ka, Tick-E-Toke, Tike-e-Toke), 3:134, Taaffe, James (son of James K.), Rocky Comfort, 13:346, 23:150, 36:23, 58:85, 91, 58:405, 14:226–27 408 Taaffe, James K., Rocky Comfort, 14:226–27, 16:221 "Taken by Surprise," by Elizabeth Jacoway, 55:28 Taaffe, Jane Lemons Smith (first wife of James K. Taking off the White Gloves, by Catherine Clinton and Taaffe), 14:226 Michele Gillespie, revd., 58:451–53 Taaffe, Jesse, Rocky Comfort, 14:227 Talantuskey (Cherokee leader; variously Tahlonteskee, Taaffe, John, Rocky Comfort, 14:226n Tol-on-tus-ky, Tolluntuskee, Tulentuskey), Taaffe, Joseph, Rocky Comfort, 14:226 3:125, 128, 12:344, 23:137, 150, 153, Taaffe, Mary (second wife of James K. Taaffe), 14:226– 56:130, 155, 58:404–5, 408 27 Talbot, Dr. (Bishop of Neb.), 2:196 Tabasqueflo (Mex. steamship), 38:333 Talbot, Anna Rieves, Gilmore, 44:221 Tabler, Marshall, of Ben Lomond, 3:241 Talbot, J. H., Pine Bluff, 37:244 Table Rock Dam, White River, 4:151, 28:83 Talbot, James B.
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