Nominations for President

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Nominations for President ISSN 0002-9920 (print) ISSN 1088-9477 (online) of the American Mathematical Society September 2013 Volume 60, Number 8 The Calculus Concept Inventory— Measurement of the Effect of Teaching Methodology in Mathematics page 1018 DML-CZ: The Experience of a Medium- Sized Digital Mathematics Library page 1028 Fingerprint Databases for Theorems page 1034 A History of the Arf-Kervaire Invariant Problem page 1040 About the cover: 63 years since ENIAC broke the ice (see page 1113) Solve the differential equation. Solve the differential equation. t ln t dr + r = 7tet dt t ln t dr + r = 7tet dt 7et + C r = 7et + C ln t ✓r = ln t ✓ WHO HAS THE #1 HOMEWORK SYSTEM FOR CALCULUS? THE ANSWER IS IN THE QUESTIONS. When it comes to online calculus, you need a solution that can grade the toughest open-ended questions. And for that there is one answer: WebAssign. WebAssign’s patent pending grading engine can recognize multiple correct answers to the same complex question. Competitive systems, on the other hand, are forced to use multiple choice answers because, well they have no choice. And speaking of choice, only WebAssign supports every major textbook from every major publisher. With new interactive tutorials and videos offered to every student, it’s not hard to see why WebAssign is the perfect answer to your online homework needs. It’s all part of the WebAssign commitment to excellence in education. Learn all about it now at 800.955.8275 WA Calculus Question ad Notices.indd 1 11/29/12 1:06 PM Notices 1051 of the American Mathematical Society September 2013 Communications 1048 WHAT IS…the p-adic Mandelbrot Set? Joseph H. Silverman 1054 1056 Doceamus: Reconsidering the Mathematics Preparation of Pre-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers Mary Beisiegel, Josh Chesler, Dana Cox, Rachael Kenney, Jill Newton, and Jamalee Stone 1065 Commentary 1015 Letters to the Editor The September issue features an article about the important Arf-Kervaire invariant from algebraic topology. We also have 1051 Invisible in the Storm: The Role of Mathematics in a report about a digital math library in Czechoslovakia that Understanding Weather— may prove to be a model for other libraries. Another article A Book Review considers a “fingerprinting” technology for mathematics Reviewed by Peter Lynch papers. Finally, there is a discussion of the calculus concept inventory. 1054 Gösta Mittag-Leffler. A Man of Conviction—A Book Review —Steven G. Krantz, Editor Reviewed by Sigurdur Helgason Features 1018 The Calculus Concept Inventory— Measurement of the Effect of Teaching Methodology in Mathematics Jerome Epstein 1028 DML-CZ: The Experience of a Medium- Sized Digital Mathematics Library Miroslav Bartošek and Jirˇí Rákosník 1034 Fingerprint Databases for Theorems Sara C. Billey and Bridget E. Tenner 1040 A History of the Arf-Kervaire Invariant Problem Victor P. Snaith NotNoticices Departments ofof the the American American Mathematical Mathematical Society Society About the Cover. 1113 EDITOR: Steven G. Krantz Mathematics People . 1059 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: AMS Menger Awards at the 2013 ISEF, Mathematical Sciences Awards Krishnaswami Alladi, David Bailey, Eric Bedford, at ISEF. Jonathan Borwein, Susanne C. Brenner, Danny Calegari, Bill Casselman (Graphics Editor), Jennifer Mathematics Opportunities. 1061 Chayes, Gerald Folland, Susan Friedlander, Robion Kirby, Rafe Mazzeo, Harold Parks, Mark Saul, Carla D. American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowship, Call for Savage, Steven Strogatz, James Walker Nominations for the Ostrowski Prize, AWM Travel Grants for Women, SENIOR WRITER and DEPUTY EDITOR: AIM Workshops, Call for Nominations for Clay Research Fellowships, Allyn Jackson News from MSRI. MANAGING EDITOR: Sandra Frost CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Elaine Kehoe Inside the AMS. .1064 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Randi D. Ruden New Journals from AMS, From the AMS Public Awareness Office, EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: David M. Collins Deaths of AMS Members. PRODUCTION: Kyle Antonevich, Anna Hattoy, Teresa Levy, Mary Medeiros, Stephen Moye, Lori Nero, Arlene Reference and Book List. .1066 O’Sean, Karen Ouellette, Courtney Rose, Donna Salter, Deborah Smith, Peter Sykes, Patricia Zinni Mathematics Calendar . 1096 ADVERTISING SALES: Anne Newcomb SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Subscription prices New Publications Offered by the AMS. .1114 for Volume 60 (2013) are US$547 list; US$437.60 institutional member; US$328.20 individual mem- Classified Advertisements. .1120 ber; US$492.30 corporate member. (The subscription price for members is included in the annual dues.) A late charge of 10% of the subscription price will be Meetings and Conferences of the AMS. 1123 imposed upon orders received from nonmembers after January 1 of the subscription year. Add for Meetings and Conferences Table of Contents. 1135 postage: Surface delivery outside the United States and India—US$27; in India—US$40; expedited deliv- ery to destinations in North America—US$35; else- where—US$120. Subscriptions and orders for AMS publications should be addressed to the American Mathematical Society, P.O. Box 845904, Boston, MA 02284-5904 USA. All orders must be prepaid. ADVERTISING: Notices publishes situations wanted and classified advertising, and display advertising for publishers and academic or scientific organizations. Advertising material or questions may be sent to From the (classified ads) or notices-ads@ (display ads). AMS Secretary SUBMISSIONS: Articles and letters may be sent to the editor by email at, by fax at 314-935-6839, or by postal mail at Department Special Section—2013 American Mathematical Society of Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis, Elections . .1071 Campus Box 1146, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130. Email is preferred. Correspondence with the managing editor may be sent to For more information, see the section “Reference and Book List”. NOTICES ON THE AMS WEBSITE: Supported by the AMS membership, most of this publication is freely available electronically through the AMS website, the Society’s resource for delivering electronic prod- ucts and services. Use the URL http://www.ams. org/notices/ to access the Notices on the website. [Notices of the American Mathematical Society (ISSN 0002- 9920) is published monthly except bimonthly in June/July by the American Mathemati cal Society at 201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2294 USA, GST No. 12189 2046 RT****. Periodicals postage paid at Providence, RI, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change notices to Notices of the American Mathematical Society, P.O. 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Co-hosted by the AMS and MAA, the Grad School Fair highlights more than 60 graduate programs in the mathematical sciences. Each year, over 300 student attendees gather valuable information on programs in their fi elds of interest. The event is free for registered students to attend. Schools will pay a small table fee to represent their programs. Learn more at: Please check the Joint Mathematics Meetings registration site for updated dates and times. For further information, phone: 800-321-4AMS, ext. 4060 email: Advertisement William Benter Prize in Applied Mathematics 2014 Call for NOMINATIONS The Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences of City University of Hong Kong is inviting nominations of candidates for the William Benter Prize in Applied Mathematics, an international award. The Prize The Prize recognizes outstanding mathematical contributions that have had a direct and fundamental impact on scientific, business, financial, and engineering applications. It will be awarded to a single person for a single contribution or for a body of related contributions of his/her research or for his/her lifetime achievement. The Prize is presented every two years and the amount of the award is US$100,000. Nominations Nomination is open to everyone. Nominations should not be disclosed to the nominees and self-nominations will not be accepted. A nomination should include a covering letter with justifications, the CV of the nominee, and two supporting letters. Nominations should be submitted to: Selection Committee c/o Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences City University of Hong Kong Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Hong Kong Or by email to: Deadline for nominations: 31 December 2013 Presentation of Prize The recipient of the Prize will be announced at the International Conference on Applied Mathematics 2014 from 1 to 5 December 2014. The Prize Laureate is expected to attend the award ceremony and to present a lecture at the conference. The Prize was set up in 2008 in honor of Mr William Benter for his dedication and generous support to the enhancement of the University’s strength in mathematics. The inaugural winner in 2010 was George C Papanicolaou (Robert Grimmett Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University), and the 2012 Prize went to James D Murray (Senior Scholar, Princeton University; Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford; and Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington). The Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences was established in 1995 with the aim of supporting world-class research in applied mathematics and in computational mathematics.

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