Chichester Harbour Management Plan (2009-14) First Review
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb May 2009 Map 1:ChichesterHarbourAONB Reproduced from or based upon 2008 Ordnance Survey material with permission of the Controller of HMSO © Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. West Sussex County Council Licence No. 100023447. Contents Acknowledgements.......................................................................................2 Foreword.......................................................................................................2 Chichester Harbour and the AONB Management Plan ................................3 Part 1 - Background......................................................................................6 1. Special Qualities of Chichester Harbour AONB...................................6 2. The Vision for Chichester Harbour AONB ...........................................15 3. Managing Chichester Harbour AONB..................................................16 Part 2 - Policies and Actions .........................................................................21 1. The Role of the Harbour Authority .......................................................21 2. The Land and Seascape......................................................................25 3. Nature Conservation............................................................................30 4. Farming and the Farmed Landscape...................................................34 5. The Historic Environment ....................................................................38 6. Buildings and Development.................................................................41 7. Running a Business in Chichester Harbour AONB..............................45 8. The Working Water - Fishing, Angling and Bait Digging.........................48 9. Water Quality and Waste Disposal ......................................................51 10. Coastal Defence and Sea Level Rise................................................54 11. Enjoying Chichester Harbour on the Water........................................58 12. Enjoying Chichester Harbour from the Land......................................62 13. Activities and Information...................................................................66 14. Education...........................................................................................69 15. Community Involvement ....................................................................72 Part 3 - Implementation of the Management Plan ........................................75 Part 4 - Monitoring, Review and Research ...................................................76 Part 5 - Glossary of Terms............................................................................81 Part 6 - Appendices ......................................................................................83 Appendix 1 - Chichester Harbour AONB Management Framework ........83 Appendix 2 - The Regional Importance of AONBs ..................................86 Appendix 3 - Planning Guidelines for Chichester Harbour AONB ...........88 Appendix 4 - Chichester Harbour Conservancy Business Plan (2009-2014)..97 Front cover: Matt Simmons Photography; inside back: Ali Beckett; outside back: Keven Osborne. Published by Chichester Harbour Conservancy 2008 Printed by Sussex Litho on FSC approved paper. 1 May 2009 Acknowledgements Chichester Harbour Conservancy has produced this Management Plan for Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 2009-2014 on behalf of the Local Authorities of Hampshire, West Sussex, Havant and Chichester. This Management Plan follows the 2004-09 document which has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the CRoW Act (2000). The Conservancy wishes to thank the members of the Management Plan Steering Group for their time and support in overseeing the review process. In addition we wish to thank all partners and stakeholders who participated in the consultation process for their valuable feedback which was vital in ensuring the revised AONB Management Plan represents the needs of the Harbour and AONB community. Foreword The Chichester Harbour AONB Management Plan provides a framework for the management of Chichester Harbour AONB for now and for the future. This Plan builds upon the success and experience of the past five years of delivering the 2004-2009 AONB Management Plan. The Plan is the product of the partnership between Local Authorities, Natural England, Chichester Harbour Conservancy and those who live, work and spend leisure time within Chichester Harbour AONB. This partnership has strengthened over the past five years as members have worked together to deliver the policies and actions contained within the previous Plan. The Plan seeks to strike a balance between the needs of those who live, work and enjoy the harbour, with the integrity of the protected habitats and species which make up the rich and diverse land and seascape of Chichester Harbour AONB. The Plan also strives to encourage the sustainable and sensitive enjoyment of the harbour and AONB, through education and awareness-raising, to safeguard its special qualities for future generations. Chichester Harbour AONB will face challenging times during the lifetime of this Management Plan. The ever-increasing development pressure with the requirement for new housing places a burden on an already stretched natural resource and its related infrastructure. The uncertain impacts of climate change and sea level rise will need to be better understood, with effective strategies put in place to adapt to, and mitigate for, the effects on the landscape, biodiversity and anthropogenic features of the AONB. By further strengthening our existing partnerships and reaching out to the AONB community, the Conservancy will be well-placed to tackle these challenges and ensure that Chichester Harbour AONB retains its unspoilt character and sense of wilderness for both people and wildlife in years to come. Louise Goldsmith, Chairman of Chichester Harbour Conservancy May 2009 Keven Osborne Chichester Harbour & the AONB Management Plan Chichester Harbour and the AONB Management Plan The AONB designation Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is one of 47 AONBs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and forms part of a wider family of nationally protected landscapes, which include National Parks. There are 9 AONBs and two National Parks wholly or partly within the South East of England covering 35.8% of the region. The South East has one of the highest proportions of land designated for its landscape quality. It also has one of the most buoyant economies and highest population densities (see Appendix 2 for further information on the regional importance of AONBs). The purposes of the AONB designation as defined by the Countryside Commission 1991 statement (CCP 356) re-affirmed by the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000: The primary purpose of AONB designation is to conserve and enhance natural beauty. In pursuing the primary purpose, account should be taken of the needs of agriculture, forestry, other rural industries and of the economic and social needs of local communities. Particular regard should be paid to promoting sustainable forms of social and economic development that in themselves conserve and enhance the environment. Recreation is not an objective of designation, but the demand for recreation should be met so far as this is consistent with the conservation of natural beauty and the needs of View to Dell Quay agriculture, forestry and other uses. Chichester Harbour AONB Chichester Harbour AONB was designated in 1964 under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949. In June 2000 Nick Raynsford (then Planning Minister) made a statement in the House of Commons that confirmed that AONBs are equivalent to National Parks in terms of their landscape quality, scenic beauty and planning. Totalling 74km2, Chichester Harbour is the smallest AONB in the South East region, yet is one of the most intensively used and offers a unique mix of sea, coast and land (see Map 1 showing AONB boundary), with 41% of its area comprising water at high tide and an intertidal area covering 24km2. In addition to its AONB status, Chichester Harbour is of international importance for its wintering bird populations, marine and coastal habitats and species as designated under EC Directives and the Ramsar Convention. There are also extensive nationally and locally designated sites for nature conservation – Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) and county-designated wildlife sites - Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) and Sites of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCIs). The AONB is rich in subtidal and terrestrial archaeology, and boasts a proud history of boat building and sailing. See Maps 2-5 for further details. Chichester Harbour AONB is a major recreational boating harbour, and each year 1.5 million people come to the AONB to enjoy activities both on and off the water. Many just come to walk and enjoy the peace and tranquillity the AONB has to offer. Chichester Harbour AONB is home to a wide range of businesses, from those directly linked to sailing to those which benefit from the annual influx of visitors, and those concerned with farming the high quality agricultural land. 3 May 2009 Chichester Harbour & the AONB Management Plan Management