Pope John Paul II Was an Inspiration to Deacon Shaun Whittington

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Pope John Paul II Was an Inspiration to Deacon Shaun Whittington Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 5 Editorial . 4 Question Corner . 23 Sunday and Daily Readings . 23 Vacation/Travel Supplement . 9 Serving the ChurchCriterion in Central and Souther n Indiana Since 1960 CriterionOnline.com May 27, 2005 Vol. XXXXIV, No. 33 75¢ Pope Benedict quickly places individual mark on papacy VATICAN CITY (CNS)—He began for the start of Pope John Paul’s sainthood desire to pare back to the essentials—at Pope Benedict under the sign of continuity, but in his first cause, the pope showed he was listening least as much as possible for a 21st-cen- XVI embraces a new priest dur- month Pope Benedict XVI has already to the popular voice of the Church and tury pope. placed his own distinctive mark on the recognized that rules are sometimes made At the same time, Pope Benedict ing an ordina- papacy. to be set aside. understands that in many ways he is tion Mass in His public appearances, while generat- Two other decisions hinted at Pope expected to be a “pope for all people.” In St. Peter’s ing enormous enthusiasm, have been Benedict’s governing style: his first month, he spoke with various Basilica on designed more to provoke thought than to • He opted not to preside at beatifica- heads of state, international diplomats, May 15. He ordained please crowds. This will be a teaching tion liturgies, ending a 34-year practice. Christian and non-Christian representa- Giancarlo Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo CNS photo by pope, and his lessons draw heavily on Although papal beatifications had become tives, journalists, bishops from Africa and 21 priests, call- Scripture. routine, the pope and others thought they Asia, members of Rome’s Catholic com- ing on them to The new pope has kept Pope John created misunderstandings about the saint- munity, clergy, curial officials, pilgrim be “the joy of Paul first major appointment, he picked an hood process. groups from around the world and, of Christ to those American, Archbishop William J. Levada • He shortened the October Synod of course, the College of Cardinals. who suffer, of San Francisco, as his successor at the Bishops. In the past, the pope had said At his weekly general audiences, the those in doubt doctrinal congregation—a bold move that synods tend to exalt the role of bishops as pope has grown increasingly relaxed with and even gratified many U.S. Catholics and less- delegates of local Churches rather than as big crowds. He seems to genuinely enjoy those who are ened European influence in the Roman shepherds of their own flocks. riding his open Jeep around the square, reluctant.” Curia. The pope’s decisions and talks since his standing and waving as he holds onto a In waiving the five-year waiting period election on April 19 seemed to show a See POPE, page 7 Vatican ecumenist Pope John Paul II was an inspiration says sharing to Deacon Shaun Whittington Communion means sharing Editor’s note: Deacons Shaun Whitting- ton and William M. Williams will be the same faith ordained to the priesthood on June 4. A profile of Deacon Williams will be pub- Sean Gallagher Photo by ROME (CNS)—The Catholic Church lished in next week’s Criterion. believes the Eucharist is a sacrament that strengthens the unity By Sean Gallagher of the Church because those who share Deacon Shaun Whittington’s voca- Communion profess tional journey began when he was a the same faith, said the young boy growing up in his family’s Vatican’s chief ecu- home in the hills of southeastern Indiana. menist. At 10 a.m. on June 4 at SS. Peter and To say “Amen” and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis, he will receive Communion arrive at the milestone in this pilgrimage Cardinal Walter means “I fully agree to which he has looked forward for so Kasper with what has been long when he is ordained to the priest- said and what has been hood. His Mass of Thanksgiving will be done,” said Cardinal Walter Kasper, presi- celebrated at 5:30 p.m. the same day at dent of the Pontifical Council for Promot- St. Michael Church in Brookville. ing Christian Unity. Deacon Whittington’s journey leading Acknowledging the Eucharist as a up to that day has taken him far afield— memorial of Christ’s last meal with his from the wilderness of New Mexico to disciples is not enough, the cardinal said, the mountains of eastern Turkey to the responding to questions after a May 19 tomb of St. Peter in the heart of Rome. talk on “The Sacrament of Unity: The He also from a young age followed an Eucharist and the Church.” Cardinal interior pilgrimage, plumbing deeper and Kasper’s talk at the Atonement Friars’ deeper the truths of the faith with the help Centro Pro Unione in Rome was drawn of great spiritual and theological writers largely from his new book of the same from throughout the history of the title. Church. See COMMUNION, page 7 Throughout it all, he has remained faithful in prayerfully listening for God’s call and nurturing a deep love for the priesthood and the Church. Deacon Whittington, 27, is a member of St. Michael Parish in Brookville. His family moved there from Harrison, Ohio, Deacon Shaun Whittington proclaims the Gospel on March 24 at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral dur- when he was preparing to enter the eighth ing the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. Deacon Whittington, who will be grade. ordained to the priesthood on June 4 at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis, said that he See ORDINATION, page 2 looks to the late Pope John Paul II as a model for his own priestly ministry. Youth and adults prepare for World Youth Day By Brandon A. Evans people about how to prepare—spiritually will be going on the pilgrimage, which Nearly 110 youth and adults from and materially—for the pilgrimage to will be led by Archbishop Buechlein. Four around the archdiocese gathered for prayer Europe from Aug. 10-22. archdiocesan priests will also be pilgrims. and information as they prepare to embark Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein spoke The group will first travel to Assisi and on a pilgrimage across Europe to attend to the group and the event ended with a Rome, where they will visit the tomb of World Youth Day 2005 in Cologne, Mass celebrated by Father Jonathan Pope John Paul II. The pilgrimage will Germany, this August. Meyer, associate director of the Office of continue by train through Italy and The event took place at Our Lady of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the France, and before the group reaches the Greenwood Parish in Greenwood on archdiocese. Cologne they will travel by boat up the May 21, and served mainly to inform About 170 youth and adult chaperones See YOUTH, page 8 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, May 27, 2005 emergency medical technician. Deacon Shaun Deacon Whittington’s involvement in the Whittington stands ORDINATION Boy Scouts also opened to him many differ- outside the entrance continued from page 1 to the office of ent vistas of learning. He persevered to earn Sean Gallagher Photo by This move coincided with the family’s Eagle Scout, discovering a variety of fields St. Monica Parish in decision to homeschool him and his four of knowledge along the way. Indianapolis on younger brothers. But he also opened himself through May 11. Following his According to Deacon Whittington, he Scouting to geographic fields and horizons ordination to the will be the first homeschooled man to be as well. One of the most significant priesthood on June 4 ordained to the priesthood in the archdio- Scouting camping trips that he took was a at S.S. Peter and Paul cese in modern times. two-week trek in the wilds of New Mexico. Cathedral in The shift to homeschooling allowed Deacon Whittington described this trip in Indianapolis, he will Deacon Whittington and his brothers to spiritual terms, comparing it to a retreat he begin his ministry as explore deeply their own desires. For one of would take several years later after he St. Monica’s associate his brothers, that turned out to be mechan- became a seminarian. pastor on July 6. ics. For him, it was delving into classic “To be out very much in the wilderness philosophical and theological texts, includ- for two weeks can be a time of deep spiri- ing portions of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa tual renewal, even if it only happens on a Theologica and some of the documents of natural level, getting away from the busy- the Second Vatican Council. ness of everyday life,” he said. “Its amazing His interest in theology coincided with the similarity between two weeks of back- his love of liturgy, one that involved the packing and an eight-day silent Ignatian whole family through the boys’ pretending retreat. What one is on a natural level, the to celebrate Mass together. other is on a supernatural level.” According to Deacon Whittington’s Not long after camping in New Mexico, mother, Patricia, all her sons eventually Deacon Whittington began his undergradu- parish that, according to Deacon that the faith will stay in a particular place, took part, but her eldest was the instigator. ate studies at Christendom College in Front Whittington, helped him learn “what the only that it will stay alive. And it’s up to us “They’ve all played [Mass] throughout Royal, Va. people in the pews care about and what to preach Christ and him crucified to keep growing up,” she said.
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