
Introduction 2 What comes after Finton House? 3 Advising and supporting parents 3 Open Days and visiting schools 3 Finding out more about schools 4 Applying to schools 4 Scholarships, awards and bursaries 5 Entrance procedures and examinations 6 11+ Day Schools 6 11+ Boarding Schools 7 Pre-tests and 13+ Common Entrance 7 Preparatory schools (at 11+) 8 Maintained schools: state and grammar 8 Specialist schools 9 Co-educational 11+ Senior Schools 10 Boys’ 11+ Senior Schools 12 Girls’ 11+ Senior Schools 13 Prep Schools (11-13) Day and Boarding 15 Year 6 Offers and Acceptances 16 Scholarships and Awards (2012-2018) 18

1 Introduction

The aim of this booklet is to help parents understand the 11+ process, the options that are available and how Finton House will support them in choosing the best senior school for their child – a school at which their child will be happy, enjoy learning and continue to thrive.

At Finton House, we treasure the broad, balanced education we offer and the sense of warmth and security we provide for children. We are committed to ensuring that all children achieve their potential and to helping parents select a senior school that will continue to provide the best for their children during the next stage of their education. We firmly believe that there is no such thing as the ‘best senior school’, just the best school for your child.

This guide is designed to walk you through the process including:

 Offering advice and focusing on some key questions you may have.

 Outlining the application and assessment processes at different types of school and information about publications and websites that offer further information about schools.

 Listing the range of schools that are popular with Finton families, demonstrating the breadth of choice available to you in deciding on the best school for your child.

 Overviewing the offers, awards and scholarships our Year 6 children have recently received.

I hope you find this guide helpful, and above all feel welcome to come and discuss future schooling with your child’s class teacher, Mr Ben, or myself. It is our wish that you are well supported throughout the whole process.

We are proud that our Year 6 leavers are awarded places at so many excellent and extremely competitive schools, and that many win scholarships and awards. However, in my mind, the real success is seeing and hearing how Finton boys and girls settle quickly, happily and with confidence into their new schools and how they have a love of learning and an enthusiasm for life that ensures they make the most of every opportunity.

We look forward to talking with you.

Kind regards

Karol-An Kirkman Academic Head

2 What comes after Finton House?

After Finton House, there are a number of options open to you and a variety of different types of school you may wish to consider. These include independent or maintained co-ed or single-sex day schools taking children from 11-18 years of age, or boarding schools, again either co-ed or single-sex, starting at 11 (or 13). You may also need to consider any particular talent or special educational need that your child may have. Whatever the type of school you are looking for, you will need to feel confident that its ethos and policies reflect the values that you hold as a family.

Advising and supporting parents

The process and conversations around choosing the best schools for your son or daughter can take time and we are very keen to support all parents at all stages of their decision-making. Please contact Joanna in the school office ([email protected]) if you would like to make an appointment to see either Mr Ben or Miss Karol-An.

The first thing parents are encouraged to do is to share their initial thoughts and ideas and ask any questions they may have about the 11+ process. These conversations provide a good opportunity for parents to gain advice as to what sort of school may suit an individual in terms of academic expectation. By sharing your thoughts with us and discussing the different options, the process will become less daunting.

In addition to individual meetings with parents, which usually begin in Year 4, Finton House holds an 11+ evening for Year 4 parents to explain the 11+ process in detail. This usually takes place early in the Summer Term.

Individual meetings with parents continue throughout Year 5 and Year 6, and include a special 11+ Parents’ Evening during the Summer Term of Year 5 at which parents meet with Mr Ben, Miss Karol-An and the Year 6 class teachers to discuss shortlisted schools and 11+ preparation.

Finton House’s Future Schools’ Evening is a biennial event at which parents have the opportunity to talk to representatives from approximately 30 schools. Our next Future Schools Evening will take place on 3rd May 2018.

If you have any questions regarding the 11+ process or future schools, you are very welcome to contact Miss Karol-An at any time ([email protected]).

Open Days and visiting schools

Open Days provide an excellent opportunity to get a ‘flavour’ of the establishment, and are worth going to in order to start compiling a shortlist of schools that may be suitable for your child. Often you will be given a tour by a senior pupil, which gives you the opportunity to see what sort of young people the school is turning out at the top, as well as giving you the chance to ask the questions that are important to you, but which might not be in a prospectus. Sometimes individual visits, special tours and ‘taster days’ are arranged by schools instead of Open Days – all are excellent opportunities which will give you the chance to ask questions and get a ‘feel’ for the school.

Flyers and notices about many forthcoming Open Days and events can be found on the Senior Schools’ Noticeboard opposite the Parents’ Noticeboard. However, if you are interested in visiting a senior school, we advise you to ring their Registrar to ask for details of their next open morning,

3 tour or taster day. Some schools will require you to register online to attend an Open Day event, so do check their website for the latest information.

It is a good idea to visit a school more than once and in general, we would advise taking your child with you on your second rather than first visit. Once you are registered with a school, you and/or your child may be invited to additional events which will help to strengthen your understanding of the school’s ethos, the type of educational experience it offers and its suitability for your child.

This booklet contains lists of some of the schools to which Finton House pupils have transferred in previous years, together with scholarships and awards they have been given. This is only a small selection, and you may wish to use some of the resources, events, publications or services detailed below to widen your search.

Miss Karol-An and Mr Ben regularly visit a wide range of senior schools, both those to which Finton children regularly transfer and those which are new to Finton families. This helps to ensure that Finton House has an excellent relationship with senior schools, and up-to-date information about them which enables us to provide you with the best possible advice. If you are interested in finding out more about a school or would like us to contact or visit a particular school on your behalf, please do let us know.

Finding out more about schools

School websites are a good source of information about a school’s ethos, curriculum, admissions procedure, and leavers’ grades and destinations. A school’s website will also give you access to their latest inspection report. In addition, school magazines provide an excellent insight into activities and the breadth of opportunity throughout the school year.

There are a number of useful organisations and publications, which provide school reviews and the opportunity to conduct school searches. These include:  Good Schools Guide (  John Catt “Which School” guide (  Independent Schools Council (  HMC (

In addition, parents may like to attend the Independent Schools Show in Park, which takes place on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th November 2018. Tickets are £10 on the door or advance tickets are free if you register online: .

Applying to schools

Parents need to complete a separate application form for each senior school. This may be in paper form or an online application, and completing these can be very time-consuming. In general, the closing date for registrations for many 11+ independent schools is in October/November in the year preceding entry i.e. the Autumn Term of Year 6. However, there are exceptions to this, with some schools recommending early registration and others opening and closing their registration lists at different times. For this reason, it is very important for you to speak to the Registrar at the senior school to ensure that you have a good understanding of their admissions timeline.

The number of schools to which you need to apply varies according to the nature of the school and the admissions procedure. Please feel welcome to speak to us for advice. However, as a rule of thumb, we usually recommend that parents considering competitively assessed day

4 schools for their child should apply to three schools. It is vital that parents only apply to schools they would be very happy for their child to attend and that the schools chosen represent a sensible range so that success is achieved.

We strongly believe that if you are considering 11+ day schools, it is unwise to allow your child to think that there is only one school that you feel is suitable or one school that you prefer above all others as this will put unnecessary pressure on your child and their disappointment and feeling of failure will be even greater than yours if they are not offered a place.

With many 11+ boarding schools, the entry process is slightly different and as a result, a child may only need to apply to one school. Providing Finton House and the family have worked in harmony in making this decision, successful admission will follow.

Please bear in mind that admissions procedures to senior schools vary and regularly change - don’t expect any two to be quite the same! Fortunately, at Finton House we have plenty of experience and can advise you - so do ask.

Scholarships, awards and bursaries

At 11+, many schools offer a range of scholarships and awards which recognise a child’s ability and talent. In addition to carrying considerable prestige, scholarships may carry a nominal reduction in school fees.

For the vast majority of London day schools, the award of an academic scholarship is linked to a child’s performance in the 11+ entrance tests. Children who perform exceptionally well in these papers are usually invited back to the school for a scholarship interview. For schools which have separate academic scholarship papers, most notably some 11+ boarding schools, it is important to discuss any scholarship application directly with the secondary school and Miss Karol-An.

Many schools also offer specialist scholarships for subjects such as art, design & technology, drama, music and sport, and do so with the understanding that the child’s future contributions will enhance the profile of the school. Each school has its own entry requirements for scholarship applications and many schools stipulate that the child will need to study the subject to GCSE level or beyond. If applying for a scholarship, it is important to ensure that your child meets the necessary standard as set out in the school’s scholarship criteria. It is also vital that their passion mirrors their ability and that you are confident they will enjoy contributing to this area of the school’s life for many years to come.

The scholarship process varies from school to school and for different disciplines. In general, however, applicants will be invited to the school for an audition or practical session, and may have to submit a portfolio of work and multiple references together with a detailed application form/CV highlighting their relevant experience both in and out of school. We strongly recommend that before submitting any scholarship application you speak to Miss Karol-An and the relevant specialist teachers at Finton House to ensure your child is an appropriate candidate.

The majority of schools also offer a number of means-tested bursaries, which can be worth up to 100% of fees. Information about these can be located on a school’s website, with further information and advice available from the school’s Registrar or Bursar. Parents are generally asked to indicate on the 11+ application form if they wish to be considered for a bursary, and are required to complete a separate, detailed bursary application and provide supporting documentation. As there is often considerable competition for bursary places, it is important to note that for many schools, candidates who perform highly in the entrance examination are much more likely to be awarded a bursary. 5

Entrance procedures and examinations

Following an application, 11+ entry to a senior school usually involves three aspects:  exams  interview  written reference from Finton House

Exams Most children gain their place at an independent senior school through an entrance examination of some sort. Some schools are more competitive / selective than others, and you will need to be sure your child is able to reach the required standard for the school(s) you have chosen. You are welcome to speak to the class teachers, Mr Ben and Miss Karol-An for advice.

We prepare the children for a wide range of 11+ entrance assessments, tailoring each child’s preparation to the specific tests they will be sitting. At the same time, we ensure the children continue to enjoy and benefit from a broad and balanced education that is not solely exam focused. Children who remain happy, calm and confident whilst revising and developing their exam technique, are better able to perform to the best of their ability in the 11+ assessments.

Interviews This may be an individual or a group interview, and may take place before or after the entrance exams. In addition to exam preparation, all Year 6 children receive interview guidance and practice during the Autumn Term. The aim is to help the children to understand how an interview works and the types of question they are likely to be asked so they can approach any interviews they may have in a relaxed and confident manner. Finton House is not usually notified about a child’s interview dates and so we rely on parents to keep us informed.

Written Reference from Finton House All schools will ask Finton House for a confidential reference about a child. This is a detailed form which will provide information about a child’s interests and achievements in all areas of school life, and their suitability for the senior school to which they have applied. This reference does not take the same format or include exactly the same information as end of term reports written for parents.

Please note, in addition to the reference written by Finton House, some schools may ask parents to send them a copy of their child’s most recent school report as part of the application process.

Further information about the entrance procedures and examinations for different types of school is included below.

11+ Day Schools

In general, each school sets its own assessment process and the competitive entrance exams are sat at the school(s) applied to during the January of Year 6, either on a weekday or Saturday morning.

Most schools have an English paper (comprehension and composition) and Maths paper, and in addition to this there may be a Reasoning test (verbal and/or non-verbal) which could be paper or computer based. Occasionally, pupils may be assessed in other areas of the curriculum, or be required to sit a computerised pre-test which takes place before the main assessment period. It is important to note that many senior schools are reviewing their entrance assessments and

6 introducing new elements in a bid to ‘tutor proof’ their exams and safeguard the mental health and wellbeing of all of pupils . At Finton House, we welcome this development.

A small number of schools, including and Eaton Square Upper School, use the ISEB pre-test to assess entry for Year 7. Further details about this test is included in the section on pre- tests below.

11+ day schools almost always invite pupils for an individual or group interview, which may take place before or after the entrance exams. The interview process may include a group activity such as problem solving, drama, science or sport, which will help to show the school how a child approaches a task/challenge and how well they interact and work with others.

Results are usually released in February and offers have to be accepted by each school’s agreed date and time in early March.

11+ Boarding Schools

Some schools set their own exams whilst others use the Common Entrance Examinations set by the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB). At 11+, Common Entrance exams consist of two English papers, a Maths paper and a Science paper. These exams are sat at Finton House in the January of Year 6. Where a school sets its own papers, it is usual for the pupil to visit the school to sit the exams. This may take place in either the Autumn Term or the Spring Term of Year 6.

In addition to the January exams, the majority of Common Entrance boarding schools hold an Assessment Day during the Autumn Term of Year 6. These days vary enormously in format from one school to another. Often the day will include pre-testing, for example in English, maths and reasoning, as well as the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities e.g. music, drama, sport.

Results are usually released within a couple of weeks of the assessment period and offers have to be accepted by each school’s agreed date and time in early March.

Pre-tests and 13+ Common Entrance

Pupils applying for 13+ entry to a school are likely to be invited to sit an assessment, such as the ISEB computerised pre-test, and/or attend an admissions interview/assessment day at the senior school whilst in Year 6.

The purpose of these pre-tests is to understand potential, not just current academic attainment, and thus determine a pupil’s suitability for entry to a particular school ahead of the 13+ assessments.

The ISEB common pre-test is an online multiple choice adaptive test which is sat at Finton House during the Autumn Term of Year 6. The ISEB pre-test takes about two and a half hours to complete and is divided into four sections which can be taken at different times during the assessment period:  Maths  English  Verbal Reasoning  Non-Verbal Reasoning

7 Parents need to register their child with the senior school(s) they are interested in and the results from the ISEB pre-test can be shared with more than one 13+ senior school.

A number of independent senior schools run their own pre-test system. Whilst there are differences between schools’ pre-tests, there is a growing trend for these to be computerised and sat in Year 6.

Whilst offers made following pre-tests have historically been conditional, based upon satisfactory performance at Common Entrance or other 13+ examinations, there appears to be a growing trend for senior schools to make unconditional offers, thus securing a child a place at the school.

For children sitting the 13+ Common Entrance exams in May/June of Year 8, the core subjects - English, Mathematics and Science - are compulsory. In addition, many pupils sit papers in a wide range of subjects chosen from French, Geography, German, Greek, History, , Mandarin Chinese, Religious Studies and Spanish. Usually senior schools expect the majority of candidates to offer Geography, History, Religious Studies and a language. The Common Entrance examination, however, is flexible and a number of subjects are offered at more than one level with candidates not being expected to tackle papers beyond their ability.

Preparatory schools (at 11+)

Applicants usually sit assessments in English & Maths. Sometimes there is also a reasoning test and an interview. Often pupils are invited to spend a day at the preparatory school and participate in lessons with the group they will be joining. This usually takes place in the Autumn or Spring Term of Year 6.

With a growing number of schools offering 13+ pre-tests in Year 6, Finton House pupils joining a prep school for Years 7 and 8 will often do so having already sat these pre-tests and secured a conditional or unconditional offer from one or more senior schools. Naturally, this gives parents peace of mind about transfer at 13+.

Prep schools are usually very quick at sharing results with parents and offering places.

Maintained schools: state and grammar

Assessments Parents interested in applying to maintained schools need to register their child for the Wandsworth Year 6 Test during the summer holiday between Years 5 and 6. Registered children will then be invited to sit the online test in verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning on a Saturday morning in late September, with results being sent to parents in mid-October.

Performance in this test will indicate to parents whether a child is eligible for a selective (ability) place at the following Wandsworth schools:  (girls)  (boys)  (co-ed)

Children applying for specialist places at Wandsworth schools have to take the particular school’s aptitude test as well as the Wandsworth Year 6 Test. These schools include:  Ashcroft Technology (Design Technology and ICT)  Chestnut Grove School (art or languages)  Saint Cecilia’s, Wandsworth Church of School (music)

8 In order to be able to apply to certain maintained or grammar schools, a separate application form needs to be completed during the Summer Term of Year 5 and the child will be invited to sit Selective Eligibility Tests (SETs) in September of Year 6. These tests usually include English and Maths assessments and may involve one or two separate stages. Schools that require children to sit SETs include:  Greenshaw High School (co-ed)  Nonsuch High School (girls)  Sutton Grammar School (boys)  Tiffin School (boys) and Tiffin Girls  Wallington High School (girls)  Wallington County Grammar School (boys)  Wilson’s School (boys)

Common Application Form & Offers Applications to maintained schools are made by completing the online Common Application Form before the end of October in Year 6. Up to six schools, in Wandsworth or other boroughs, may be listed on this form. Performance in the Wandsworth Test or Selective Eligibility Tests will indicate whether a child is be eligible to apply for a selective (ability) or specialist place at certain schools, but does not guarantee that a place will be offered.

Offers are released to parents on 1st March.

Further details regarding the Wandsworth schools and the admissions process are available on Wandsworth’s website:

Specialist schools

Specialist schools may be for those children with an individual talent or for those with a specific need.

For parents looking for a school for their son or daughter with a particular aptitude, it is worth speaking with Miss Karol-An or Mr Ben first to discuss the best approach. It is important to note that specialist schools generally set their own assessments. Please contact the individual schools for further information.

Alternatively, for those parents looking for a specialist school, which can support the specific need of their son or daughter, it is wise to arrange a meeting with Miss Nicola, our SENCo, who will lead parents through the process with the support of the Special Needs Department, Miss Karol-An and Mr Ben.

The National Association of Independent Schools & Non-Maintained Special Schools (NASS) is a source of valuable information, and their website ( includes a very useful search facility. A list of special schools and colleges is also available on the following website: . In addition, the CReSTeD Schools List includes a wide range of mainstream and special schools that are accredited for the provision they provide for children with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD). For further information, please visit their website: .

9 Co-educational 11+ Senior Schools

School Day Boarding Contact Details ACS Cobham International

Cobham, KT11   01932 867251 Alleyn's School

Dulwich, SE22  020 8557 1500 College

Heywoods Heath, RH17   (0) 1444 893000 Bethany School

Cranbrook, Kent, TN17   01580 211273 Box Hill

Dorking, RH5   01372 373382 Brighton College

Brighton, BN2   01273 704200 Canbury

Kingston Hill, KT2  020 8549 8622 School

Caterham, CR3  01883 343028 Christ’s Hospital

Horesham   01403 246555 Claremont Fan Court Esher, KT10  01372 467841 Dunottar

Reigate, RH2  01737 761945 Eaton Square Upper School

Mayfair, W1  0207 491 7393 Emanuel

Battersea Rise, SW11  020 8870 4171

Epsom, , KT17   01372 821000 Ewell Castle

Ewell, Surrey, KT17  020 8393 1413 Frensham Heights Farnham, GU10   01252 792561 Fulham Prep Senior W14  020 73862444 Haileybury Hertford, SG13   01992 706200 The Hall

Wimbledon, SW20  020 8788 2370 Hampton Court House

East , KT8  020 8943 0889 The Harrodian School

SW13  020 8748 6117 Kent College Canterbury, CT2   01227 763231 Kew House

TW8  020 8742 2038

10 School Day Boarding Contact Details King Edward’s School, Witley

Godalming, GU8   01428 686700

Kingston, KT2  020 8546 5875

Roehampton, SW15  020 8876 9991 Latymer Upper School

Hammersmith, W6  0845 638 5800 Lord Wandsworth College

Hook, RG29   01256 862201 Monkton Combe

Bath, BA2   01225 721102 Portland Place

London, W1B  020 7307 8700 Radnor House

Twickenham, TW1  020 8891 6264 Reigate Grammar

Reigate, RH2  01737 222231 Royal Russell

Croydon, CR9   020 8657 4433 St Dunstan’s College

Catford, SE6  020 8516 7200 St George’s Weybridge Weybridge, KT15  01932 839400 St John’s School

Leatherhead, KT22   01372 385 450

West Sussex, GU28   01798 867392

Kent, TN13   01732 455133 Thames Christian College

Clapham, SW11  020 7228 3933

West Sussex, RH10   01342 710200

11 Boys’ 11+ Senior Schools

School Day Boarding Contact Details City of London School

London, EC4V  020 7489 0291 The Cedars

Croydon, CR0  020 8185 7770 Dulwich College

London, SE21   020 8693 3601 Eltham College

London, SE9  020 8857 1455

Shepperton, TW17  01932 223593 Hampton

Hampton, TW12  020 8979 5526 King’s College

Wimbledon, SW19  020 8255 5335 Kingswood House

Epsom, KT19  01372 723590 More House

Surrey, GU10   01252 792303 Reed’s

Cobham, KT11   01932 869001 St James Senior Boys

Ashford, TW15  020 8892 2002 Trinity School

Croydon, CR9  020 8656 9541 Wetherby Senior London, W1  020 7535 3530 Whitgift

Croydon, CR2   020 8688 9222

12 Girls’ 11+ Senior Schools

School Day Boarding Contact Details Benenden School   Cranbrook, TR17N17 01580 240592 Cheltenham Ladies’ College

Cheltenham, GL50   01242 520691 City of London School for Girls

EC2Y  020 7489 0291 Downe House

Thatcham, RG18   01635 200286 Francis Holland School

SW1W  020 7730 2971 Godolphin

Salisbury, SP1   01722 430500 Godolphin & Latymer School

W6  020 8741 1936 JAGS - James Allen’s Girls

SE22  020 8693 1181 Heathfield School

Ascot, SL5   01344 898343 Lady Eleanor Holles

Hampton, SW12  020 8979 1601 Marymount International

Kingston, KT2   020 8949 0571 Mayfield

East Sussex, TN20   01435 874600 More House School

SW1X  020 7325 2855 Notre Dame Senior School

Surrey, KT11  01932 869990 Old Palace

Croydon, CR0  020 8688 2027 Prior’s Field School

Godalming, GU7   01483 810551

SW15  020 8788 4886 Queen Anne’s School Caversham   01189 187333 Queen’s College W1  020 7291 7000 Queen’s Gate School SW7  020 7589 3587 Roedean Brighton, BN2   01273 667500 St Catherine’s School Guildford, GU5   01483 893363 St George’s School Ascot, SL5   01344 629900

13 School Day Boarding Contact Details St Mary’s School Shaftesbury, SP7   01747 852416 St Mary’s School Calne, SN11   01249 857200 St Paul’s Girls’ School W6  020 7603 2288 St James’ Senior Girls’ School W14  020 7348 1777 St Swithun’s Winchester, SO21   01962 835700 Streatham & Clapham High SW16  020 8677 8400 Sherborne School for Girls Dorset, DT9   01935 818287 Kingston, KT1  020 8546 5245 Sydenham High School SE26  020 8546 5245 Tudor Hall Banbury, OX16   01295 263434 The Laurels SW12  020 8674 7229 Wimbledon High School SW19  020 8971 0900 Surrey, CR3   01883 349431 Wychwood School Oxford, OX2   01865 557976 Wycombe Abbey School Buckinghamshire, HP11   01494 520381

14 Prep Schools (11-13) Day and Boarding

Co-ed/ School Boys/ Day Boarding Website Girls Broomwood Hall

SW12 Girls  020 8682 8830 St Paul’s Junior Boys SW13  020 8748 3461 Cranleigh Preparatory Co-ed Surrey, GU6   01483 273666 Dulwich Prep London Boys SE21  020 8670 3217 Eaton House The Manor Boys SW4  020 7924 6000 Feltonfleet Co-ed Cobham, KT11   01932 862264 Handcross Park Co-ed Haywards Heath RH17   01444 400526 Highfield School Co-ed Liphook, GU13   01428 728000 Preparatory Co-ed Somerset, BA6   01458 832446 Rokeby Boys Kingston, KT2  020 8942 2247 Thomas’s Co-ed SW11  020 7978 0900 / 020 7326 9300 Westminster Under Boys SW1P  020 7821 5788 Willington School Boys SW19  020 8944 7020 Windlesham House Co-ed West Sussex , RH20   01903 874700 Woodcote House Surrey, GU20 Boys   k 01276 472115

15 Year 6 Offers and Acceptances

Finton House’s Year 6 pupils are extremely successful in securing places at competitive senior schools. Over the past 7 years our pupils have received offers from over 70 different schools. The table below details these offers. The first number in each column denotes the number of pupils who received an offer. The second number denotes the number of pupils who accepted the offer.

School 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Alderley Edge 1-0 Alleyn’s 5-4 3-2 2-0 4-2 2-2 2-2 1-0 Benenden 3-3 1-1 1-1 2-2 Brighton College Prep 1-1 Broomwood Hall 4-4 4-2 5-3 6-3 1-1 4-4 Burntwood 1-0 Canbury 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-2 Churcher’s College 1-1 Cranleigh Prep 1-0 Downe House 1-1 2-2 Dulwich College 1-0 Dulwich Prep London 1-0 Eagle House 1-1 Emanuel 2-0 3-0 2-2 4-0 6-1 8-2 Epsom College 2-2 5-3 Ewell Castle 1-1 1-0 Fairley House 1-1 1-1 Feltonfleet 1-0 Francis Holland 3-0 3-0 1-0 1-0 Godolphin, Salisbury 1-1 Godolphin & Latymer 1-0 1-1 1-0 Grey Coat Hospital School 1-1 1-1 Graveney 1-0 3-0 The Hall, Wimbledon 1-0 1-1 2-0 1-0 Harris Academy 1-0 Harrodian 1-0 1-1 1-0 Heathfield 2-2 4-2 1-1 1-1 Ibstock Place 3-2 2-0 2-0 JAGS 2-1 3-1 3-2 1-1 5-3 2-2 3-3 Kent College 1-0 Kew House 2-1 1-0 3-1 King’s College, Wimbledon 1-0 Latymer Upper 1-0


School 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Manchester High School 1-0 Marymount International 1-0 More House, London 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-1 Oakham School 1-0 Prior’s Field 1-0 1-0 Putney High School 1-0 2-1 Queen’s, Chester 1-1 Radnor House 1-1 Reed’s 1-0 1-0 Ricard’s Lodge 1-0 Royal Russell 1-1 3-1 1-0 7-1 2-1 St Dunstan’s 1-0 St George’s Ascot 1-1 St John Bosco College 1-0 St Mary’s Ascot 1-1 St Mary’s Calne 2-1 1-1 1-1 St Mary’s Shaftesbury 1-1 St Paul’s Girls’ School 1-0 1-1 St Swithun’s 1-0 St Theresa’s, Effingham 1-1 Sherborne Girls’ School 1-1 1-0 Streatham & Clapham 14-10 8-3 8-6 10-3 9-3 7-4 13-5 Surbiton High 6-2 3-0 2-0 2-0 3-1 Sydenham High 1-1 1-0 1-0 Thames Christian College 1-0 1-1 Trinity 1-0 1-1 3-2 3-2 Tudor Hall 3-3 1-1 Twyford 1-0 Ursuline High School 1-0 Whitgift 3-2 1-1 4-3 1-1 5-2 Wimbledon High School 1-0 7-2 3-1 2-2 5-2 5-3 6-3 Withington High 1-0 Woldingham School 2-2 7-5 6-2 7-2 10-5 10-1 8-2 Worth 1-0 Young Dancers’ Academy 1-1

17 Scholarships and Awards (2012-2018)

2018 33% of Year 6 (13 pupils) received a scholarship or award Academic Scholarship Alleyn’s Sports Exhibition English Award Downe House Sports Exhibition Sports Scholarship Epsom College Performing Arts Scholarship Reed’s Sports Scholarship St Mary’s Calne Art Exhibition Streatham & Clapham High School 2 Academic Scholarships Surbiton High School Academic Scholarship Trinity School Academic Scholarship All Rounder Scholarship Whitgift School Sports Scholarship Wimbledon High School Academic Scholarship Academic Scholarship Woldingham School 2 Music Scholarships 2017 4% of Year 6 (1 pupil) received a scholarship or award

Streatham & Clapham Music Scholarship

2016 56% of Year 6 (15 pupils) received a scholarship or award Alleyn’s Sports Exhibition Emanuel Art Scholarship 4 Academic Scholarships Royal Russell School Sports Scholarship 4 Academic Scholarships Streatham & Clapham High School Sports Scholarship Music Scholarship Academic Scholarship Sydenham High School Music Scholarship Trinity School Art Scholarship 2 Design Technology & Engineering Whitgift School Scholarships Wimbledon High School 4 Academic Scholarships 2 Academic Scholarships Woldingham School 2 Music Scholarships


2015 30% of Year 6 (6 pupils) received a scholarship or award Churcher’s College Academic Scholarship Godolphin, Salisbury Sports Award More House Performing Arts Scholarship Academic Scholarship Sherborne Girls’ School Music Scholarship Streatham & Clapham High School Drama Scholarship Windlesham House Computing Scholarship Woldingham School Drama Scholarship 2014 18% of Year 6 (5 pupils) received a scholarship or award JAGS Sports Exhibition English Exhibition 2 Academic Scholarships Art Scholarship Streatham & Clapham High School Drama Scholarship Sports Scholarship Woldingham School All-Rounder Scholarship 2013 19% of Year 6 (4 pupils) received a scholarship or award Alleyn’s School Academic Scholarship Art Scholarship Woldingham School 2 Drama Scholarships 2012 29% of Year 6 (11 pupils) received a scholarship or award Academic Scholarship Alleyn’s School Art Scholarship Alderley Edge Sports Scholarship Emanuel School Art Scholarship JAGS Academic Scholarship More House More Scholarship Royal Russell Academic Scholarship St Dunstan’s Academic Scholarship Streatham & Clapham High School Drama Scholarship Tudor Hall Academic Scholarship Whitgift School All-Rounder Scholarship All-Rounder Scholarship Woldingham School Academic/All-Rounder Scholarship 19