Wood-Wind Instruments
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Music Trade Review -- © mbsi.org, arcade-museum.com -- digitized with support from namm.org 42 THE MUSIC TRADE REVIEW JULY 26, 1924 musical instrument cases, returned to the fac- tory to-day after a long motor trip on which he visited dealers and jobbers in many States. His journey included New York and the con- vention, Washington and Boston, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. He reported an excellent de- mand for the product of both companies. Frederick Finds Free •/-MUSICAL INSTRUMENT* Lessons Sales Getters Plan Consists of Forming Amateur Orchestra With Nominal Enrollment Fee Open to Be- Manufacturers of musical instrument ginners cases of quality. Veneer, Duck, Leather, PITTSBURGH, PA., July 21.—Free music lessons Fibre. are proving to be a sales magnet for the W. F. Frederick Piano Co., retailer of small goods and supplies. This store's offer of free lessons to beginners has encouraged a great many young- sters to take up the study of a musical instru- ^eFELSBERG CO.,40Cros55tNewark,Ni ment and extra sales have resulted. The Frederick plan consists of the forming small goods knowledge from long experience. of an amateur orchestra with free lessons to William Titus Heads Martin band instruments and saxophones, the boys and girls who join. A nominal enroll- Jordan-Marsh Department made by the Martin Band Instrument Co., Elk- ment fee is charged merely to insure that the hart, Ind., are featured prominently in the Jor- child means business. This method has netted Made Manager for Well-known Boston House— dan-Marsh merchandising plan. A complete the company substantial business, especially on Martin Band Instruments and Saxophones stock of Martins is kept and a good display is Lyon & Healy banjos, King saxophones, Koh- Prominently Featured by Firm made at all times, with the result that the ler-Liebich xylophones, Selmer clarinets and agency has become a most valuable one. Ludwig drums. BOSTON, MASS., July 21.—The Jordan-Marsh Co., Mr. Titus placed a large order last week with one of the largest department stores in this Geo. B. Stone & Son, Inc., local manufacturer Xylophones Are in Strong city, now has one of the best small goods of drums and drummers' accessories. The order departments in New England. This department included a number of the famous Stone De Luxe Demand in State of Texas was recently enlarged and placed under the Master Model drum outfits. These outfits are management of William Titus, a prominent prominently featured in the window displays. Thos. Goggan & Bro., San Antonio, Report Boston , mtlsician and a man well versed in During the recent national convention of the That a Large Number of Amateur Musicians Elks here in this city the Jordan-Marsh store Are Purchasing Those Instruments had special window and store displays. These displays interested many of the Elks' bands and SAN ANTONIO, TEX., July 21.—Sales of xylo- drum corps from other cities and a large num- phones are on the increase throughout the State Wood-wind ber of them visited the store during the week. of Texas, according to officials of the musical One of the features was a beautiful show win- merchandise house of Thomas Goggan & Bro., dow filled with all so.rts of Martin band instru- who operate stores in a number of Texas cities, Instruments ments and Sousaphones, an Irish harp and a with headquarters here. Most of these xylo- Stone De Luxe drum outfit. phone sales are going to amateur musicians in private homes, and the Deagan tempered aluminum xylophone seems to be the popular B. R. Hunt Visits Dealers favorite. These instruments are made by J. C. Deagan, Inc., Chicago, for whom the Goggan Highest Standard CARMEL, IND., July 21.—B. R. Hunt, head of the house has the agency. Be Roiunt Products Co., manufacturer of the The Deagan tempered aluminum xylophone Quality Supreme "Turnerack," a patented device for turning is being heavily advertised by Goggan's in the music on a music stand, and also president of newspapers. Stress is laid on the unusual light- the B. R. Hunt Mfg. Co., manufacturer of ness in weight of the instrument. It is pointed out that it is easier to carry from place to place Have the Endorsement than a violin. of America's Foremost Artists. RUNO Weymann Line in Baltimore Send for our Catalog E. Hammann-Levin Co., Inc., has taken on the THE OLDEST AND Weymann string instruments as exclusive Instruments for the Reed agency for Baltimore. This firm features LARGEST MUSICAL Section of the Band. banjos, guitars, mandolins and ukuleles in its MERCHANDISE HOUSE window display every week as well as some IN AMERICA extensive newspaper advertising. Exclusively Wholesale Harry Pcdler & Co. ESTABLISHED IB34 Incorporated 351-53 FOURTH AVE. NE VYORKCITV Musical Merchandise Elktiart Ind. Victor Dis t rihu toi~s Trimmings of Quality Hoops, Brackets, Nuts, Pegs, Tailpieces, Armrests, Resonators, Tuning Forks, Tambourine Jingles, Hawaiian Steels OSCAR SCHMIDT, Inc. Hardware and Trimmings La Scalla 87-101 FERRY ST., JERSEY CITY, N. J. for Ukulele and Banjo Ukes STELLA d l'ttrgrNt riuiit of It* Kind in America Patent Heads for Banjo, Man- BANJO- MA>' IM> M N S (KtLKLKS ACCORDIONS SUPFLIKS dolin, Guitar and Violin SUVJbKElGil J T.KNOR It AN.JO MAM). HAWAIIAN (il ITAKS HARMONICAS CASES, KTC. A Dependable Source of Supply The STELLA and SOVEREIGN Brands have become National Necessities FOR VKARS, THE I'RINCII'AI. SOI RCK OK SMALL STKJNU INSTRUMENTS IN AMERICA Waverly Musical Products Co., Inc. THE BEST 1 OR THE MONEY ALWAYS KKE1* OUR I'RICE LIST BEFORE YOU Representatives for the Pacific Coast: Western Musical Supply Co., 503 Templeton Bldg., Salt Lake City. Utah 342 Madison Ave. New York.