Nigeria‟S Foreign Policy Implementation in a Globalised World, 1993-2013 by Raji, Adesina Fatai Matric No. 139084035 August
NIGERIA‟S FOREIGN POLICY IMPLEMENTATION IN A GLOBALISED WORLD, 1993-2013 BY RAJI, ADESINA FATAI B.Sc.(Hons.) (B.U.K,Kano), M.A. (LASU, Lagos), M.Sc (UNILAG, Lagos),PGDE(LASU, Lagos) MATRIC NO. 139084035 AUGUST, 2015 NIGERIA‟S FOREIGN POLICY IMPLEMENTATION IN A GLOBALISED WORLD, 1993-2013 BY RAJI, ADESINA FATAI B.Sc.(Hons.) (B.U.K,Kano), M.A. (LASU, Lagos), M.Sc (UNILAG, Lagos),PGDE(LASU, Lagos) MATRIC NO. 139084035 BEING A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE AWARD OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN POLITICAL SCINCE, UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS. AUGUST, 2015 2 3 DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my parents, late Alhaji Akanmu and Alhaja Sikirat Raji; my darling wife, Mrs Sekinat Folake Abdulfattah; and my beloved children: Nusaybah, Sumayyah and Safiyyah who stood solidly by me to make this dream come true. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All praise, reverence, adoration and devotion are due to Almighty God alone. He is unique in His Majesty and Authority; He is Sublime in His Wisdom. He alone is the Author and Finisher of all affairs. To Him, I give my undiluted thanks, appreciation and gratitude for His guidance and the gift of good health which He endowed me with throughout the period of this intellectual sojourn. Alhamdulillah! I owe special thanks and appreciation to my beloved parents: Late Alhaji Raji Akanmu and Alhaja Sikirat Raji, for their unwavering spiritual and emotional support and for inspiring my passion to accomplish this intellectual endeavour. This milestone is essentially the manifestation of their painstaking effort to ensure that I am properly educated.
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