View of the Earth, Centered on Tbe Western Hemispbere

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View of the Earth, Centered on Tbe Western Hemispbere On the Front Cover Full View of the Earth, centered on tbe Western Hemispbere. Taken by the NOAA GOES-8 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) on September 2, 1994, at 18:00 UT. The colors are adjusted and enhanced to provide improved contrasts by combining measurements of visible ligbt with measurements of infrared radia­ tion. Because the North and South Poles were not actually observed by GOES-8, observations from a GOES-7 image were used to fi ll in tbese regions. Tbe image is available on the Internet via tbe NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Web site at <bttp:llrsd.gsfc.nasa.govfrsdlimages/>. Source: Image produced by M. Jentoft-Nilsen, F. Hasler, C. Cbesters (NASNGSFC) and T. Nielsen (University of Hawaii). OUR CHANGING PLANET THE FY2000 u.s. GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH PROGRAM The Nation s Research Investments To Understand the Complexity of Global Environmental Change Implementation Plan and Budget Overview Perspectives for the USGCRP for the Decade Ahead Preparing the Agenda for the 21st Century A Report by the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, Committee on Environment and Natural Resources of the National Science and Technology Council A Supplement to the President's Fiscal Year 2000 Budget About the National Science and Technology Council President Clinton established the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) by Executive Order on November 23, 1993. This cabinet-level council is the principal means for the President to coordinate science, space, and technology policies across the Federal Government. The NSTC acts as a "virtual" agency for science and technology to coordinate the diverse parts of the Federal research and development enterprise. The NSTC is chaired by the President. Membership consists of the Vice President, the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Cabinet Secretaries and Agency Heads with significant science and technology responsibilities, and other senior White House officials. An important objective of the NSTC is the establishment of clear national goals for Federal science and technology investments in areas ranging from information technolo­ gy and health research, to improving transportation systems and strengthening funda­ mental research. The Council prepares research and development strategies that are coordinated across Federal agencies to form an investment package that is aimed at accomplishing multiple national goals. To obtain additional information regarding the NSTC, contact the NSTC Executive Secretariat at 202-456-61 00 (voice). About the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources The Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR) is one of nine commit­ tees under the NSTC, and is charged with improving coordination among Federal agen­ cies involved in environmental and natural resources research and development, estab­ lishing a strong link between science and policy, and developing a Federal environment and natural resources research and development strategy that responds to national and international issues. To obtain additional information about the CENR, contact the CENR Executive Secretary at 202-482-5917 (voice). About the Office of Science and Technology Policy The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) was established by the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976. OSTP's responsibilities include advising the President on policy formulation and budget devel­ opment on all questions in which science and technology are important elements; articu­ lating the President's science and technology policies and programs; and fostering strong partnerships among Federal, State, and local governments, and the scientific communities in industry and academia. To obtain additional information regarding the OSTP, contact the OSTP Administrative Office at 202-456-6004 (voice). ii EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY WASHINGTON D.C. 20502 March 1999 Members of Congress: I am pleased to forward a copy of Our Changing Planet: The FY 2000 U.S. Global Change Research Program. This annual report was prepared under the auspices of the President's National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The fIrst edition of Our Changing Planet was transmitted to Congress as a supple­ ment to the FY 1990 budget. Over the last decade, this program has brought about a fundamental improvement in our knowledge of global-scale environmental change. We have a much better understanding of the causes and consequences of ozone depletion, land cover change, patterns of climate variability (such as El Niiio/Southern Oscillation phenomena in the tropical Pacific Ocean), and the longer-term climate change that stands as one of our greatest environmental challenges as we enter the 21st century. These research successes have led to a series of new investigations of climate change, ecological impacts, atmospheric chemistry, human dimensions of change, the global water cycle, and, most prominently, the global carbon cycle. A focused initilttive in carbon cycle science, highlighted in the FY 2000 budget, is designed to provide the information needed for more effective management of carbon held in U.S.agricultural and forest lands. It will also examine the opportunities for enhancing carbon uptake, which holds promise of reducing greenhouse gas emissions while providing environmen­ tal and economic benefits in the years ahead. The application of science to creating use­ fulinformation for decision makers in the public and private sector is an increasingly important aspect of the USGCRP. The program is in the midst of its fIrSt National Assessment of the potential consequences of climate change for the United States. Nineteen workshops have been held around the country, and analyses of the impacts of climate change on our Nation's agriCUlture, forests, water resources, coastal areas, and human health are underway. A National Assessment Report, scheduled for publication in early 2000, will bring together regional and sectoral analyses to create a national picture, identify adaptation and resource management options, and define further research needs. The USGCRP has been strongly backed by each Administration and Congress since its inception. The FY 2000 Budget Request demonstrates President Clinton's continuing commitment to supporting the research that provides the knowledge we need to preserve environmental quality for future generations. The Administration looks forward to working with you as we carry on this bipartisan tradition of support for sound science. I commend all the public and private sector participants in this program, and partic­ ularly the members of the Subcommittee on Global Change Research who manage this effort for the participating agencies, for their contributions to this important research endeavor. Neal Lane Director iii COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES D. James Baker, Co-Chair Kathryn Jackson Subcommittees National Oceanic and Atmospheric Tennessee Valley Authority Administration Air Quality Eileen Kennedy Martha Krebs (DOE), Chair Rosina Bierbaum, Co-Chair Department of Agriculture Dan Albritton (NOAA), Vice White House Office of Science Chair and Technology Policy Melinda Kimble Bob Perciasepe (EPA), Vice Cbair Department of State Ghassem Asrar Ecological Systems National Aeronautics and Space Martha Krebs Mark Scbaefer (DOl), Chair Administration Department of Energy Mary Clutter (NSF), Vice Chair Don Scavia (NOAA),Vice Chair Joseph Bordogna John Lieber National Science Foundation Department of Transportation Global Change Robert W. Corell (NSF), Chair Roland Droitsch Norine Noonan Ghassem Asrar (NASA), Vice Department of Labor Environmental Protection Agency Chair Delores Etter Kenneth Olden Natural Disaster Reduction Department of Defense Department of Health and Human William Hooke (NOAA), Chair Services John Filson (USGS), Vice Chair Terrance Flannery Craig Wingo (FEMA), Vice Chair Central Intelligence Agency Mark Schaefer Department of the Interior Tox.ics and Risk George Frampton Norine Noonan (EPA), Chair Council on Environmental Quality Craig Wingo Bob Foster (DOD), Vice Chair Federal Emergency Management Kenneth Olden (HHS), Vice Chair Len Hirsch Agency Smithsonian Institution Samuel Williamson Elwood Holstein Office of the Federal Coordinator Office of Management and Budget for Meteorology SUBCOMMITTEE ON GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH RobertW. Corell, Chair J. Michael Hall Executive Office liaisons National Science Foundation Department of Commerce! National Oceanic and Rosina Bierbaum Ghassem Asrar, Vice Chair Atmospheric Administration Office of Science and Technology National Aeronautics and Space P?licy Administration Patrick Neale Smithsonian Institution Peter Backlund Margot Anderson Office of Science and Technology Department of Agriculture Aristides A. Patrinos Policy Department of Energy Mary Gant Steven Isakowitz Department of Health and Human Daniel A. Reifsnyder Office of Management and Services! Department of State Budget National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Fred Saalfeld Sarah G. Horrigan Department of Defense Office of Management and Richard Greenfield Budget National Science Foundation Mark Schaefer Department of the Interior David Sandal ow Abraham Haspel Council on Environmental Department of Energy Michael Slimak Quality Environmental Protection Agency iv Ta ble of Contents Page Executive Summary .............................. .... .... .... ......1 Summary of Key USGCRP Accomplishments in 1998 ........
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