On behalf of the USTA, we thank you for supporting Net Generation. You are the key to growing the game, and together, we can shape the of . Net Generation isn’t just a new brand—it’s a comprehensive platform and development program for kids ages 5 through 18. By creating a singular platform for tennis that we all can rally behind, and through the support the USTA will offer along the way, we believe we can grow participation, instill the love of the game in future generations, and ensure that tennis remains a vibrant sport in our communities for years to come.

As U.S. Fed Cup and U.S. captains, former professional tennis players, and parents, we are Net Generation ambassadors because we believe this new approach will benefit the growth of youth tennis. We believe that no other sport is meeting the needs of today’s discerning parents, players, coaches, and community organizations quite like we will with Net Generation.

By registering and becoming an active part of Net Generation, you will get access to the very best in coaching curriculum, digital tools and resources that make teaching, coaching, planning and playing easier, and marketing resources and support to enhance your programs’ visibility. The USTA created Net Generation with you in mind and we hope to hear from you about what is working, what is not, and what materials, curriculum and tools will help you. After all, this is your brand and without your talents as a coach, teacher, and mentor, we cannot inspire kids to get in the game—and stay in it.

This coach’s manual is just one item under the Net Generation brand. It’s comprehensive, competency-based, collaborative, and packaged conveniently online with additional resources to help you customize your approach to teaching the sport you love.

Again, thank you for being a part of Net Generation! Together, we will shape the future of tennis!

Jim Courier Kathy Rinaldi U.S. Davis Cup Captain U.S. Fed Cup Captain Net Generation Ambassador Net Generation Ambassador



For a sport that had its origins in Southern California, created by an extreme skier named Brad Parks in 1976, the sport of wheelchair tennis has come a very long way. How could Brad have ever dreamed how much growth and inclusion wheelchair tennis would receive from the overall global tennis community? Wheelchair tennis has been included into all four events, been a medal sport at the Paralympic Games since 1992, created the World Team Cup (wheelchair tennis’ equivalence to Davis Cup and Fed Cup) in 1985, the creation of the year-end NEC Singles and UNIQLO Doubles Masters, and the building of an entire professional tour managed by the ITF (International Tennis Federation) and sponsored by UNIQLO. Having all of that history behind it, the future for wheelchair tennis and it’s growth looks to be even greater!

Net Generation, the youth tennis brand of the USTA, will provide ALL youth the opportunity to play more tennis and to have the sport made more accessible to those who need some adaptation to make it work! The Net Generation Wheelchair Tennis adapted curricula, created here by the USTA National Wheelchair Staff, will allow teachers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, parents and volunteers to bring tennis to kids who otherwise might find the able-bodied curricula more difficult to adapt to. Adaptation, accessibility and inclusion, all in one curriculum!

We hope you enjoy the journey you are about to embark upon and with the power of Net Generation at your back! There is only the love and joy that tennis brings all of us that is coming your way.

Jason Harnett USTA National Manager - Wheelchair Head Paralympic Coach for Team USA


On behalf of the USTA Wheelchair Tennis Department, it brings me much joy to introduce this adapted Net Generation Curricula. On a personal level, much satisfaction was derived in this lengthy process. Wheelchair tennis is unique in that it is the most integrated of all the disabled sports. This integration is due to several factors that we celebrate frequently. Wheelchair players get two bounces and all the rest is the same including court size and equipment. We also observe that there is a professional wheelchair tennis tour sanctioned and managed by the ITF. I highlight this as a precursor to the fantastic integration that our department has enjoyed through this process of utilizing the Net Generation platform.

Through this effort to adapt Net Generation curricula, we had the opportunity to liaise and collaborate with several departments within the USTA. In doing so, we were able to solidify strong relationships while bringing more attention to this great sport. Over the next few years, we look forward to continued collaborative work in order to grow wheelchair tennis.

I have personally seen how children’s lives have changed as a result of playing wheelchair tennis. As you begin to utilize these curricula, enjoy the shared wonderful moments. Hopefully, you will find the immense education value in this program. I want to highlight two essential ground-breaking aspects. All of these curricula are a stellar example of transition tennis based on appropriate progressions. Moreover, they all promote high levels of engagement during every lesson. Long gone are the days of children waiting in a line to hit a ball.

We wish you and your students’ great success. Hopefully we will see you on the courts!

Jason Allen Manager USTA Wheelchair Tennis


INTRODUCTION______6 RED BALL 2 1. Rally With My Partner______109 2. Watch Me Control The Ball______115 PRE-RALLY 3. I Can ; Show Me Your Return!_ ___ 121 1. Meet The Ball______13 4. Let’s Go To Net!______126 2. Meet My Racquet______20 5. I Can Serve Where I Want______130 3. Control The Ball And Racquet______27 6. Let’s Go To Net … Again!______135 4. And Backhands______34 7. Playing From The Baseline______139 5. Watch Me Rally______39 8. Let’s Play! ______144 6. Rally With My Partner______45 7. Serve And Rally______52 8. Tennis Olympics ______58 RED BALL 1 1. Rally With My Partner______150 2. How Do You Hit ?______154 RED BALL 3 3. I Can Slice______161 1. Rally My Forehand______64 4. Rally Games______166 2. Rally My Backhand______70 5. Spin My Serve______171 3. Rally My And Backhand_____ 75 6. Up In The Air ______176 4. I Can Serve ______79 7. , Volleys, Overheads 5. Rally With My Partner______84 And Serves, Oh My!______181 6. Move It! ______89 8. Check Out My Skills ______186 7. Watch Me Volley______94 8. Game On!______101

© 2019 USTA. / 5 INTRODUCTION Thank you for registering your to Net Generation. It is great to have you as part of the team where our focus is to have more kids playing tennis more often. Net Generation starts with all of us, and we’re here to usher in a new era of tennis in the United States.

Net Generation is the United States Tennis Association (USTA) official youth brand and development program that captures the imagination of parents and children ages 5 through 18. One that taps into the adaptability and creativity children and parents seek when choosing activities.

The following practice and play plans are unique to the USTA wheelchair tennis and have been developed and designed specifically for you, the coach. In doing so they are:

COMPREHENSIVE COMPETENCY COLLABORATIVE CONVENIENT BASED Covers the beginner Spells out the Includes nine levels Lets you select the Red Ball to the advanced skills and knowledge developed by the USTA method of delivery Green Ball player. each player should Community Tennis and that works best for have before moving Player Development you—printed manual, to the next ball divisions, USPTA and downloadable and court size. PTR, and subject matter PDFs, or coaches app. experts in the field from the U.S. and abroad.

Inside this manual you’ll find four levels of Practice and Play Plans—Pre-Rally, Red Ball 3, Red Ball 2, and Red Ball 1. Each plan consists of eight chapters. We recommend you use each Practice Plan twice before moving on to the next plan. When you finish all the plans, you can start from the beginning again or move certain players to the next level. Before you get started, take some time to review the necessary equipment, structure of the plans and descriptions of the activities.


PLAYGROUND BALLS RED BALLS RACQUETS Large, lightweight balls available Low-compression red felt and red 23 inches and smaller. at most big-box stores. foam.

BALL BUCKETS POLY-SPOTS AND BEANBAGS 40- to 60-quart plastic containers THROW-DOWN LINES (TDL) Can be made or purchased. or small plastic paint buckets. The large containers can hold For targets, recovery spots, court playground balls or red balls, and lines, group control, etc. the small buckets are ideal when players work in small groups and need a limited supply of red balls.

HULA HOOPS CONES NETS Available at most big-box stores. Nine-inch and half-cones. If you don’t have an 18-foot mini- net, which is designed specifically for a 36-foot court, you can attach things like tennis tape, rope or pendant banners to a standard net or to objects such as fences, teaching carts, hoppers, chairs/benches or cooler stands.


WARMUP Pre-Rally and Red Ball 3 start with a simple activity that gives players a chance to become engaged and the coach time to make final adjustments for the session. As players progress into Red Ball 2 and Red Ball 1, they start with a hitting warmup, during which they start hitting to get the entire body moving, and prepare for the theme of the day.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT Athletic: For Pre-Rally and Red Ball 3, these are fundamental movement skills that work on the ABCs (agility, balance and coordination), along with sending and receiving skills such as rolling, tossing (underhand), throwing (overhand) and catching. Red Ball 2 and Red Ball 1 focus on fundamental skills for the hands for the ABCs, but add more tennis-specific activities. Tennis: Skills in Pre-Rally and Red Ball 3 chapters serve as building blocks for serve, rally and score. In Red Ball 2 and Red Ball 1 chapters, skills work on tactics, technique and movement.

GAMES Players are divided into teams to work on the skills covered in each practice.

CHARACTER (ALL LEVELS) Practices have a character theme that can apply to both tennis and life.

PLAY AT HOME (ALL LEVELS) After each lesson, players are assigned specific challenges to practice at home. These can be done independently or with a friend or family member.


TYPE Individual: Independent skill development. Team: Two or more players. Cooperative: Pairs or groups focused on improving skills together. Competitive: Scoring and declaring a winner. Hand-Feed: How the ball is introduced into the activity; can be by player or coach.

FOCUS Specific areas to work on.

SETUP Location of players, balls and equipment.

MISSION WHAT we want players to do, followed by bullets with specific instructions.

GOAL HOW we want players to execute the activity, generally related to a specific competency.

PROGRESSIONS Specific steps to increase difficulty of the skill/activity, to be used in subsequent practices or to handle mixed abilities.

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PRE-RALLY PLANS ATPLANS AGLANCE • • • • • Total: 45minutes SAMPLE LESSON PLAN Lay thefoundations for serve, rally andscore. OBJECTIVE Play at Home:3minutes orless Team Challenge:10–12minutes Skills (athletic andtennis): 20–25minutes Character: 3minutes orless Warmup: 8–10minutes © 2019 USTA. / 11

PRE-RALLY Warmup Character Athletic Skills Development Tennis Skills Development Team Challenge Play at Home

01 Freeze Tag Respect Ice-Cream Cones Walk the Dog Add ’Em Up Toss to Wall and Catch Meet the Ball Ice-Cream Cones w/Partner Walk the Dog w/Partner Bullseye

02 Self-Toss Respect Obstacle Course Balance the Egg Red Light/Green Light Bungees Meet My Racquet Pizza Delivery Balnce the Egg w/Partner Tennis Sandwich

Bungee Jump

Start Your Engines

03 Messy Bedroom Respect Copy Cat Walk the Dog Zigzag Touchdown Jacks Control the Ball and Racquet Big-Ball Tennis Walk the Dog Zigzag w/Partner Survivor


04 Tic-Tac-Toe Respect Compass Pushes Walk the Dog Zig Zag Touchdown with Jacks with Backhand Forehands and Backhands Closest to the Net Walk the Dog Backhands w/Partner Survivor with Backhand

Jacks with Backhand

05 Freeze Tag Respect Push to the Line Bungee Flips Battle Spots Jacks Flips Watch Me Rally Partner Drop Jacks Flips © 2019 USTA. /

Lobster Trap

06 Messy Bedroom Teamwork Obstacle Course Keep it Moving Bucket Tap Wall or Partner Rally Rally with My Partner Hot Potato Lollipops


07 Zig Zags Teamwork Obstacle Course Over/Under Serve Pyramids Rally with Family Serve and Rally or Friend Target Throws Color Call

08 Tic-Tac-Toe Teamwork Relay Races Tennis Olympics Tennis Olympics Bounce Master Tennis Olympics 12

PRE-RALLY 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • Setup FREEZE TAG I. red balls;beanbags,nine-inchcones, smallbuckets/containers, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: MEET THEBALL CHAPTER The player withthemost tagsin45seconds wins. After 45seconds, anew player is“it”. Players canbeunfrozen by teammates. Once tagged,players must freeze. Attempt to tagopponent. Designate onepersonto be“it”. Have players spread outononeside. backwards. Players taggedcannow aswell be“it” butcanonlypursueotherplayers usinga onehandpushorby going WARMUP

01 18-foot mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets; playground ballsand © 2019 USTA. / 13

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission One player catches, othertosses. Setup ICE-CREAM CONES WITHPARTNER 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission Players spread outaround entire court, eachwithred ballandcone. Setup ICE-CREAM CONES III. • • RESPECT II. Bounce andcatch inupturnedcone. Toss ballupat least headlevel. Call outdifferent ice-cream flavor after eachcatch. Toss, bounce andcatch ballinupturned cone. Introduce yourself to your coach andnew tennis friends. Smile andsay hello. Toss withopposite hand. Catch withopposite hand. Increase heightanddistance once successful. How many scoops canyou catch inarow? Alternate between catching after bounce andcatching intheair. CHARACTER ATHLETIC SKILLS © 2019 USTA. / 14

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: WALK THEDOG IV. Need help? Usebigball. stop ballagain. Stop ballonpoly-spot withedgeofracquet, roll backto sidelineand Roll ballwithedgeofracquet to opposite sideline. Place poly-spots onopposite sideline, alignedwitheachplayer. Each player hasred ball,racquet andpoly-spot. Up to four players ononesideline(bothsides of net). Let players pick. Zigzag to spotandbackby usingbothsidesofracquet. Use backhand. TENNIS SKILLS Individual. Racquet skillswhilerolling. —Roll ballto poly-spot andreturn. WALK THE DOG © 2019 USTA. / keep racquet steady. red felt ballinstead to along ground. Usea racquet whenrolling “stuck” against the Foam ballstend to get TEACHING TIP 15

PRE-RALLY V. V. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: WALK THEDOGWITHPARTNER Need help? Usebigball. Partner stops ballwithracquet, repeats. to partner, andmove backto starting sideline. Stop ballonpoly-spot, turnandsendballalongground back to opposite sideline. Start onsidelineandroll ballwithedgeofracquet Place poly-spot onbothsidelinesfor eachpair. Pairs spread outononesideline, two pairsoneachsideofcourt. Players inpairswithracquets andonered ball. Let players pick. Zigzag to spotusingbothsidesofracquet. Use forehands andbackhands. TEAM CHALLENGE —Send ballalongground withcontrol andhitpoly-spot. Cooperative, players inpairs. Racquet skillsandsendingwithdirection. —Roll ballto poly-spot andsendbackonground.

© 2019 USTA. / follow-through. using anabbreviated to apartner/target gently pushingtheball the racquet, they’re “sending” theballwith time. Whenplayers are the racquet theentire keep theballagainst racquet, thegoalisto with theedgeof along theground When rolling theball TEACHING TIP 16

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions aiming for different targets. Goal • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: ADD ’EMUP or play by timeandgofor a“team best.” Add upscores asateam to seeifthey cangetto acertain number, Change positionsafter acertain numberofhits. each timethey hitone. Players aimat cones/spots infront ofthemandscore points a supplyofballsfor eachplayer. Place TDLsonbaselineto indicate players’ positions,with Cones shouldbenumbered; poly-spots willhave acolor. Align cones orpoly-spots sixto eightfeet insidebaseline. Four to eightplayers perhalf-court. Drop-hit to cones/spots. Use backhandsandforehands. Coach orplayer callsoutcolor/number. —Make adjustments withchairandracquet anglewhen Individual,team. Sendingwithdirection. —Hit cones/spots by rolling ballwithracquet. ADD’EMUP

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PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: BULLSEYE or play by timeandgofor a“team best.” Add upteams’ scores to seeifthey cangetto acertain number, Create scoring system for different target areas. toward service-box target. Take turnstappingballwithracquet (palmforward) from baseline center ofsmalltarget. inside service box (abouthalfthesize ofbox). Place apoly-spot in Service box is“bigtarget.” UseTDLsto create another“small target” Each team hassupplyofred felt balls. Two teams of three to four oneachsideofnet. Drop-hit to targets. Use backhandsandforehands. Start furtherbehindbaseline. —Control racquet withlimited motion. Individual,team activity. Sendingwithdirection. —Send ballalongground andtryto hitbullseye. BULLSEYE

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to getto seven. upside down. Goalis scored, turncone of thecourt. For each in alineononeside put seven half-cones To helpwithscoring, TEACHING TIP 18

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Play withred ballagainst garage doororany solidwall. Setup TOSS TO WALL ANDCATCH VI. Play withafriendandalternate. Start withthrows, thentosses. Toss ballto wall, letbounce, catch withtwo handsorone. PLAY AT HOME © 2019 USTA. / to want to play more! anything, inspire them brief, andmore than to keep instructions covered in practice. Try that hasalready been usually beanactivity “Play at Home”will TEACHING TIP 19

PRE-RALLY • • RESPECT II. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup SELF-TOSS I. orange balls;beanbags,nine-inchcones, half-cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: MEET MYRACQUET CHAPTER Be safe onthecourt by huggingracquet whencoach istalking. Raise your handto speak. Let bounce andcatch withbothhands. Toss ballwithonehand(palmup) above headlevel. Players spread outaround court. Each player hasonered ball. Toss andcatch withonehand(usingorange ball). Toss furtheraway andcatch withbothhands. Toss higherandcatch withbothhands. WARMUP CHARACTER 02 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets; playground balls,red ballsand © 2019 USTA. / catching one-handed, Use orange ballswhen TEACHING TIP one hand. difficult to catch with because red ballsare 20

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup OBSTACLE COURSE III. After eachplayer hasgonetwice, changemovement. second cone. Proceed from cone to cone usingdifferent movements. Next player goeswhenprevious player reaches Four to sixplayers persquare. distance from net. Use four cones to create an18x18-foot square incenter ofcourt oneachsideofnet.Keep square asafe Circles. Move to eachcone andmake acomplete circle around it. Diagonal. Move diagonallyto eachcone. Change direction at eachcone. Go to cones inastraight line. ATHLETIC SKILLS OBSTACLE COURSE © 2019 USTA. / 21

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: BALANCE THEEGG IV. • • • Guidelines • • Mission Players spread outaround play area holdingalarge ballintheirlap. Setup PIZZA DELIVERY Need help? Usefree handto help, orusebigball. from handsandpushwiththe otherhand. Starting onsideline, balance ballincenter ofstrings andmove to opposite sidelinealternating the racquet Each player hasracquet andred ball. Up to four players ononesideline(bothsidesofnet). Re-entry into gamecanbeat coach’s discretion. movements at thecoach’s discretion.. Dropped pizza? Move to sidelinesto cheeronremaining players orperform five repetitions of athletic Move fast withoutsprintpushing. Try to knockdown otherplayers’ pizza(gently!) orchasethemcausingpizzato drop. Move around play area withoutdropping pizza. Do bungeeswhilemoving to opposite sidelineandback. Use red light/green lightformat. Use bothsidesofracquet (palmup, thenknucklesup). TENNIS SKILLS —Move to sidelineandbackwithoutballtouching frame. Individual. Racquet skills andbalance. —Balance ballonracquet face withoutusinghands. © 2019 USTA. / 22

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: BALANCE THEEGGWITHPARTNER Need help? Useabeanbagorbigball. Pass ballto partner, whowillrepeat. Balance ballonstrings whilemoving to opposite sidelineandback. Three pairsoneachsideofnet. Players inpairs,withracquets andred ball. with ballonstrings. Do bungeesto opposite sidelineandback,pass to partner Use red light/green lightformat. Balance ballknucklesup. Cooperative, players inpairs. Racquet skillsandbalance. —Balance ballonstrings, palmup, whilepushing.

© 2019 USTA. / hands. racquet orusetwo to “choke up”onthe encouraging them smaller racquet before have themusea . Ifthisisdifficult, at thebottom ofthe to holdtheracquet Encourage players TEACHING TIP 23

PRE-RALLY Up to four players on onesideline(bothsidesofnet),eachwithracquet andred ball. Setup Focus: Type: START YOUR ENGINES ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission Up to four players ononesideline(bothsides of net),eachwithracquet andred ball. Setup Focus: Type: BUNGEE JUMP Reposition ballincenter, usingfree handifnecessary. Catch ballonstrings after bounce. Tilt racquet to sidesoballfalls off. With palmup, place ballincenter ofstrings. Tap ballupcontinuously. Balance ballknucklesup. Hold ballonstrings for less andless time. —With handat bottom ofgrip, keep racquet steady andbalance ballonstrings. Individual. Individual. Racquet skillswithbounce. Racquet skillswithbounce. —Balance ballonstrings after bounce. BUNGEEJUMP © 2019 USTA. / 24

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission who isadistance away. Players withracquets andred ball(or abeanbagifthey struggle) spread outonsidelinefacing coach, Setup Focus: Type: RED LIGHT/GREENLIGHT V. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission touch ball. Players gobackto starting lineifthey’re moving whencoach callsred light,ballfalls offracquet orthey toward coach; onred light,stop. Balance ballonstrings palmup. Coach callsouteither“green or“red light” light.” Ongreen light, move Move to opposite sidelineandbackwithballbalanced onstrings. Perform two successful bungeejumpsfrom sideline. On red light,doabungee. Move backward. Balance ballknucklesup. Zigzag bungees. Perform bungeescontinuously sidelineto sideline. Do three bungees,thenfour, andmove to opposite sidelineandback. TEAM CHALLENGE —Tilt racquet down whenmoving forward, backwhenstopping. Individual. Racquet skillsandbalance. —Keep ballincenter ofstrings whilemoving andstopping. —Mix bungeejumps,balance onstrings, andmovement. © 2019 USTA. /


PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Setup BUNGEES VI. Note: Movement may belimited here soadaptasnecessary. Goal • • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: TENNIS SANDWICH Can dowithpartnerby alternating eachbungee. Play withfoam ballondriveway orany surface. If teams drop sandwich,rebuild from samespotandcontinue. Players continue addingto sandwichinthismanner. top ofsameball,andthenplaces anotherballonstrings. Second player holdsracquet palmdown andplaces racquet on First player holdsracquet palmupandplaces ballonstrings. Players start onsideline. Teams ofthree to five. Each player hasracquet andred ball. Tap ballupcontinuously. Use bothsidesofracquet (palmup, thenknucklesup). Hold ballonstrings for less andless time. —Work together asateam andcommunicate. PLAY AT HOME Team activity. Racquet skillsandbalance. —Make itto sidelineandbackwithoutdropping sandwich.

© 2019 USTA. / the bread. and theracquet could beameatball sandwich. The ball what’s intheir Let players describe TEACHING TIP


PRE-RALLY the coach canhelphere oravolunteer. Note: Ifachildhasdifficultypickingupballs, • 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • Mission • • Setup MESSY BEDROOM I. playground ballsandred balls;cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: & RACQUET CONTROL THEBALL CHAPTER Throw asmany aspossible inoneminute. Do itagainandtryto beat team record. Players pickupballsfrom othersideandcount how many they threw. Players throw ballsoneat atimeover net. Coach tipsover bucket ofballs. Players ononesideofnet(preferably sideopposite fence) withbucket ofred balls. Teams ofsixto eight,oneteam percourt. Play on78-foot court. Throw into service box. Throw withnon-dominant hand. WARMUP

03 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets;

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PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • • Setup BIG-BALL TENNIS 1. Progressions • Mission • Setup COPY CAT III. • • RESPECT II. Partner letsball bounce, catches withtwo hands,thentosses backto partner. Toss ballwithbothhandsto box partner’s straight ahead. Position player ineachsquare. Set upfour squares oneachsideofnetusingexisting linesandTDLs. Two pairsoneachsideofnet,withonebigball. pulling backwards, sprintingforward, pushingwithonehand,zigzagging,circles, etc... Coach demonstrates aspecificmovement inachair, thenplayers copy. Movements canbe varied suchas Players spread outoncourt; maximumfour oneachsideofnet. coach istalking. Keep your eyes andearsopenwhen Listen to your coach. Catch ballinfront, thento sideofbody. Toss straight ahead,thencrosscourt. Toss from onesideofbody, thentheother. CHARACTER The coach cangradually addmore difficultmovements. ATHLETIC SKILLS

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PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: WALK THEDOGZIGZAG IV. Next player goeswhenfirst player reaches second spot. poly-spot. Getto allfour spots. Roll ballto first poly-spot with forehand (palm forward), stop ballonspotwith racquet, andhead to next On eachsideofnet,setuponeortwo zigzagpatterns usingfour poly-spots for eachpattern. Each player hasracquet andred ball.Maximumfour players oneachsideofnet. Do bungeesoneachspot. Use backhand. TENNIS SKILLS —Make itthrough allfour spotswithoutfree handorchairtouching ball. Individual.

Racquet skillsandchangingdirection. —Roll ballto eachspot. WALK THE DOGZIGZAG © 2019 USTA. / 29

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission Players spread outaround court, eachwithracquet andred ball. Setup Focus: Type: JACKS 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: WALK THEDOGZIGZAG WITHPARTNER Toss, bounce, tapuptwice, andcall“Twosies.” Continue untilyou reach “Fivesies,” orfive ina row. Toss ballupandletbounce, tapupwithracquet (palmup) once, andcatch withfree hand;call“Onesies.” Partner stops ballwithracquet andrepeats sequence. After fourth poly-spot, player turnsaround andsendsballbackto partneralongground. First player rolls ballto allfour poly-spots withforehand. Players inpairs(two pairsperhalf-court) withonered ballbetween them. Same asindividualskill. Alternate forehands andbackhands. Use backhand. Rally balluntilyou miss. Drop andhitbackto partner. Do bungeesoneachspot. Use backhand. —Control ballwhilestaying inasmallarea. —Keep ballagainst racquet entire timethrough four spotsandsendbackaccurately to partner. Individual. Cooperative, players inpairs. Directing ballafter bounce. Racquet skillsandchangingdirection. —Keep rally goingafter bounce. —Roll ballto allfour spotsandsendbackto partner. © 2019 USTA. / 30

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: • • Mission • • • • • Setup Focus: Type: TOUCHDOWN V. Partner stops ballwithracquet androlls back. Roll ballbetween cones usingforehand. opposite apartner. Start aboutfour feet from cones, between sidelines. Position baselinecones halfway baseline andnet. Position sidelinecones halfway between apart, withcourt lineincenter oftwo cones. red ballandtwo cones. Position cones four feet Each player hasracquet; eachpairhasone each sidelineandoneonbaseline. Three pairsoneachsideofnet—one TEAM CHALLENGE Cooperative, players inpairs. Sendingwithdirection. —Roll ballbetween cones undercontrol. TOUCHDOWN

3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Scoring Need help? Move closerandwidengoal. Players yell “Touchdown” whenthey getto seven. which counts asonepoint. When ballrolls through cones, it’s afieldgoal, Use backhand. players reach seven. Continue rally withoutstopping balluntil Move furtherbackandnarrow goal. —Keep racquet onedgethroughout motion. © 2019 USTA. / TEACHING TIP winners andlosers. games where there are opposed to settingup the emphasis,as and that shouldbe Kids love achallenge skills andhaving fun. is aboutdeveloping At thisstage, tennis


PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Guidelines: • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: SURVIVOR Hitter whoseballwas caughtgoesoutto sea. Catching ballin theairgetseveryone backonto island. Catch ballonone bounce to getbackonto island. Miss two andgo“out to sea”(other sideofnet). Get at least oneoutoftwo over netincourt to stay on“island.” A player orhelperfor eachlineis“ballmachine,” whogentlytosses two forehands to eachplayer. Teams lineupbehindservice lineonsamesideofnet. Use onelarge container ofred ballsperteam. Two teams of three orfour percourt. Add movement. Hit to specificarea of court. Must make bothshots. —Control ballover netwithasimpleliftingmotion. Individual. Controlling ballover net. —Hit forehands over netinto court. SURVIVOR © 2019 USTA. / 32

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Setup JACKS VI. Can play withpartnerby alternating eachjack. Same asTennis Skillsactivitybutcanplay withfoam ballondriveway orany flat surface. Alternate forehands andbackhands. Use backhand. Rally untilyou miss. PLAY AT HOME © 2019 USTA. / 33

PRE-RALLY Say you” “thank to your coaches, parents andteammates. RESPECT II. • • Mission • • • Setup TIC-TAC-TOE I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: FOREHANDS &BACKHANDS CHAPTER First team to complete three inarow ofsameobjectwins. Relay race to grid,place objectinspot,andtagnext player onteam. Divide into teams ofthree to five, two teams pergrid. Use cones, beanbags,etc., asX’s andO’s. Create large tic-tac-toe gridoneachsideofcourt withexisting linesandTDLs. WARMUP CHARACTER 04 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets; playground ballsandred balls; © 2019 USTA. / 34

PRE-RALLY 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission Players, eachwithred ball,spread outacross net,facing baseline. Setup CLOSEST TO THENET 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • Setup COMPASS PUSHES III. Player whoseballcomes closest to netwithouttouching itwins. Sprint pushto baselineoncoach’s command, turnaround, androll balltoward net. After allplayers have goneonce, changedirection. Move around compass three times,thennext player goes. Start incenter ofcones andpushto eachcone, returning to center eachtime. Players ingroups oftwo orthree per“compass.” center. Place four cones inasquare to represent north,south,east andwest. Cones shouldbeabouteightfeet from Set uptargets (cones, poly-spots) andseewhocangetclosest. Change how ballisrolled toward net—onehandortwo, between wheels. Backwards pullfrom eachcone. Go around eachcone. ATHLETIC SKILLS © 2019 USTA. / 35

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: WALK THEDOGBACKHANDS WITHPARTNER 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: WALK THEDOGZIGZAG BACKHANDS IV. Partner stops ballwithracquet, thenrepeats sequence. After fourth poly-spot, turnandsendballbackto partneralongground andmove backto sideline. Roll ballto allfour poly-spots withbackhand. Players inpairs(two pairsperhalf-court) withoneballbetween them. Same asindividualactivity. Next player goeswhenfirst player reaches second spot. poly-spot. Getto allfour spots. Roll ballto first poly-spot withbackhand(knuckles forward), stop ballonspotwith racquet, andhead to next On eachsideofnet,setuponeortwo zigzagpatterns usingfour poly-spots for eachpattern. Maximum four players oneachsideofnet,withracquet andred ball. Drop-hit backto partner. Do bungeesoneachspot. Alternate forehands andbackhands. Do bungeesoneachspot. Alternate forehand to onespot,backhandto next. TENNIS SKILLS —Keep ballagainst racquet entire timethrough four spotsandsendbackaccurately to partner. Individual. Cooperative, players inpairs. Racquet skills andchangingdirections. Racquet skillsandchangingdirection. —Roll ballto allfour spotsandsendbackto partner. —Roll ballto eachspot. © 2019 USTA. / 36

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Scoring • • Mission • • • • • • Setup Focus: Type: TOUCHDOWN WITHBACKHAND V. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission Players spread outaround court, eachwithred ballandracquet. Setup Focus: Type: JACKS WITHBACKHAND Need help? Move closer andwidengoal. Players yell “Touchdown” whenthey getto seven. When ballrolls through cones, it’s afieldgoal,which counts asonepoint. Partner stops ballwithracquet androlls backusingbackhand. Roll ballbetween cones usingbackhand. Start aboutfour feet from cones, opposite apartner. Position baselinecones halfway between sidelines. Position sidelinecones halfway between baseline andnet. Position cones four feet apart,withcourt lineincenter oftwo cones. Each player hasracquet; pairshave onered ballandtwo cones. and oneonbaseline. Three pairsoneachsideofnet—onesideline Tap ituptwice; call“Twosies,” andsoonuntilyou reach “Fivesies,” orfive ina row. Toss ballupandletbounce, tapupwithracquet (knucklesup) once andcatch withfree hand;call“Onesies.” Use forehands, thenbackhands. Pairs continue rally withoutstopping balluntilthey reach seven. Move furtherbackandnarrow goal. Alternate forehands andbackhands. Rally balluntilyou miss. TEAM CHALLENGE —Keep racquet onedgethroughout motion. —Control ballwhilestaying insmallarea. Cooperative, players inpairs. Individual. Sendingwithdirection. Directing ballafter bounce. —Roll ballbetween cones undercontrol. —Keep rally goingafter bounce.

© 2019 USTA. / three into your games. concepts oftwo outof four orseven) andthe tennis scoring (first to Try to incorporate COACHING TIP 37

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Setup JACKS WITHBACKHAND VI. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Guidelines: • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: SURVIVOR WITHBACKHAND Can play withpartnerby alternating eachjack. Play withfoam ballondriveway orany flat surface. Hitter whoseballwas caughtgoesoutto sea. Catching ballin theairgetseveryone backonto island. Catch ballonone bounce to getbackonto island. Miss two andgo“out to sea”(other sideofnet). Get at least oneoutoftwo over netincourt to stay on“island.” A player orhelperfor eachlineis“ballmachine,” whogentlytosses two backhandsto eachplayer. Teams lineupbehindservice lineonsamesideofnet. Use onelarge container ofred ballsperteam. Two teams of three orfour percourt. Alternate forehands andbackhands. Use backhands,thenforehands. Rally balluntilyou miss. Use forehand orbackhand. Hit to specificarea of court. Must make bothshots. —Control ballover netwithasimpleliftingmotion. PLAY AT HOME Individual. Controlling ballover net. —Hit backhandsover netinto court. © 2019 USTA. / 38

PRE-RALLY Be nice to your teammates. RESPECT II. 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • Setup FREEZE TAG I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: WATCH MERALLY CHAPTER The player withthemost tagsin45seconds wins. After 45seconds, anew player is“it”. Players canbeunfrozen by teammates. Once tagged,players must freeze. Attempt to tagopponent. Designate onepersonto be“it”. Have players spread outononeside. or by goingbackwards. Players taggedcannow aswell be“it” butcanonlypursueotherplayers usinga onehandpush WARMUP CHARACTER 05 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets, playground ballsandred balls; © 2019 USTA. /


PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: • • • Mission • • • Setup PARTNER DROP 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • Setup PUSH TO THELINE III. switch roles. After four successful catches oneachside, Drop oneball;partnercatches after bounce. a “V”position,withpalmsdown. Hold bothballsstraight outat shoulderlevel in Start aboutfour feet apart. One player hastwo balls;partnercatches. Players inpairsspread outaround court. Emphasize strong andcontrolled pushes. On coach’s command, move ascloseto lineaspossible. Sit five feet behindbaselineorsideline. Moves backwards andgetthetires asclosepossible to theline. Same asnumber3butwithtires. Move diagonallyfrom hubandgetascloseyou canto thelinewithcasters. toPush thelinewithtires asclosepossible. toPush thelinewithcaster wheelsasclosepossible. ATHLETIC SKILLS PARTNER DROP

3. 2. 1. Progressions orange ball. Catch withonehandusing Move back. Hold armsstraight outto side. © 2019 USTA. /


PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission Players spread outaround court, eachwithred ballandracquet. Setup Focus: Type: JACKS FLIPS 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission Up to four players ononesideline(bothsides of net),eachwithracquet andred ball. Setup Focus: Type: BUNGEE FLIPS IV. Need help? Stick with“Onesies.” For “Twosies,” tapupforehand, backhand,forehand, backhand, thencatch. Goalisto getto “Fivesies.” catch withfree hand,andcall“Onesies.” Toss ballupandletbounce, tapupwithracquet onforehand side, letbounce, tapuponbackhandside, At first, canusefree hand for help. Continue to alternate sidesofracquet after eachbounce. Let ballbounce andthencatch andbalance onstrings withknucklesup(backhand). With palmup, place ballincenter ofstrings, tiltracquet to sideto letitfall off. Play withapartner, alternating hits. Create smallerspace withboundaries,andcount onlyifballlandswithinspace. Rally balluntilyou miss, alternating forehands andbackhands. Add movement. Tap ballupcontinuously, alternating between forehand andbackhand. Hold ballonstrings for less andless time. TENNIS SKILLS —Control ballwhilestaying insmallarea. —Keep samegripfor palmupandknuckles(close to continental). Individual. Individual. Directing ballafter bounce. Racquet skillswithbounce. —Keep rally goingafter bounce. —Balance ballonstrings after bounce. © 2019 USTA. / 41

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: LOBSTER TRAP Complete four andswitch roles. Lobster setsballonground withracquets androlls itbackto feeder usingforehand. Feeder tosses ball;lobster traps itbetween racquets after bounce. hasaracquetother (“lobster”) ineachhand. Partners stays sixto eightfeet apart;one(feeder) hasred balland Players inpairswithtwo racquets andred ball. Make lobster move. Lobster sendsballbackwithadrop-hit. Feeder tosses andlobster receives ballonbothsidesofbody. —Trap ballat sideofbodyjust like agroundstroke. Cooperative, players inpairs. Sending andreceiving indifferent directions. —Catch ballbetween bothracquets after bounce. LOBSTER TRAP

© 2019 USTA. / 42

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • • • Mission • • • • Setup Focus: Type: BATTLE SPOTS V. to goover orundernet(whenusingtape/rope). Need help? Shorten distance, addbigger/more targets, allow ball Start anew gameandtryfor new record. seven points(withvisualscoring). See how many pointspairscangetintwo minutes orplay to Score apointeachtimeteam hitstarget. Partner traps ballanddrop-hits back,attempting to hittargets. drop-hitting aforehand over net. Start onservice line andattempt to targets hitpartner’s by Position poly-spots hulahoopsandhalf-cones (upsidedown) oneach sideofnetinacluster. Players start across netfrom eachotherusingservice box asboundary. Each player hasracquet; onered ballperpair. Multiplepoly-spots hula hoopsandcones serve astargets. Players inpairs,nomore thantwo pairspercourt. Rally backandforth. Use fewer targets. Move furtherback. TEAM CHALLENGE —Extend upandoutinproper direction. Competitive, team. Drop-hit withdirection. —Hit asmany targets aspossible. BATTLE SPOTS

© 2019 USTA. / TEACHING TIP to bemore successful. rope willallow them net, andusingtape/ to hittheballover the Many kidswillstruggle for anetispreferable. rope orcautiontape using sometypeof For thislevel ofplay,


PRE-RALLY Rally balluntilyou miss, alternating forehands andbackhands. Progression • • Setup JACKS FLIPS VI. Can play withpartnerby alternating eachjack. Play withfoam ballondriveway orany flat surface. PLAY AT HOME © 2019 USTA. / 44

PRE-RALLY • • TEAMWORK II. Note: Someplayers may needhelppickinguptheballsfrom theground. • • • • • Mission • • Setup MESSY BEDROOM I. orange balls;cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: RALLY WITHMYPARTNER CHAPTER Help your partner. Be ateam player. Do itagainandtryto beat team record. Players pickupballsfrom othersideandcount how many they threw. Throw asmany aspossible inoneminute. Players throw ballsoneat atimeover net. Coach tipsover bucket ofballs. fence) withbucket ofred balls. Players ononesideofnet(preferably sideopposite Teams ofsixto eight,oneteam percourt. WARMUP CHARACTER 06 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets; playground balls,red ballsand

© 2019 USTA. / 45

PRE-RALLY with onehand. Note: Useorange ball,becausered ballisdifficult to catch 2. 1. Progressions • • • • Mission • • Setup HOT POTATO 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup OBSTACLE COURSE III. Switch sidesandhandsat intervals. without tossing far. Act asifballis“hotpotato” you must getridofquickly with lefthand. and catches withrighthandandothertosses andcatches Goal isto keep ballononesideofbody, sooneplayer tosses before catching. Toss orange ballgentlybackandforth, lettingitbounce Stay aboutfour feet apartfacing eachother. Pairs withorange ball,spread outaround court. After eachplayer hasgonetwice, changemovement. player goeswhenprevious player reaches second cone. Proceed from cone to cone usingdifferent movements suchaszigzagging,sprinting,ordoingcircles. Next Four to sixplayers persquare. distance from net. Use four cones to create an18x18-foot square incenter ofcourt oneachsideofnet.Keep square asafe Move backafter four catches each. After four successful catches each,switch sidesandhands. Circles. Move to eachcone andmake acomplete circle around it. Diagonal. Move diagonallyto eachcone. Change direction at eachcone. Go to cones inastraight line ATHLETIC SKILLS

© 2019 USTA. / specific numbergoals. successful, start adding little, andonce they’re them experiment a a numbergoal.Let advisable to have skill, it’s notalways working onanew When players are TEACHING TIP 46

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: KEEP ITMOVING IV. Let players setgoalfor numberofrallies. Move ballwithoutover-hitting. Commence acooperative rolling rally. Players markcourt boundariesusingTDLs. Position partnersopposite eachotherwithservice lineactingasnet. Two orthree pairsoneachsideofnet. Forehands onlyorbackhandsonly. Coach rotates partnersfollowing adesignated timeperiod. Players changesize andshape ofcourt eachtimethey changepartners. TENNIS SKILLS —Move ballwithinboundariesusingasimplemotion. Cooperative, players inpairs. Rallyfor consistency. —Rally onground withpartner. KEEP ITMOVING © 2019 USTA. / 47

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: LOLLIPOPS ball to that spot. Partner moves to that spot,stops ballwithracquet, callsoutacolorspotandrolls ofpartner’s One player callsoutcolor spotandrolls ofpartner’s ballto that spot. Partners stay five to six feet apartwithtwo spotsofdifferent colors infront ofeachthem. Pairs spread around court, three orfour perside. Rally to targets. Drop-hit to targets andtrap. Start withforehands, thenswitch to backhands. —Be accurate by extending handtoward target. Cooperative, players inpairs. Changeofdirection. —Roll ballindifferent directions. LOLLIPOPS © 2019 USTA. /


PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • • • Setup Focus: Type: HOOPLA Need help? Toss ballinto hoop. Gently drop-hit ballinto hoop. Turn sideways, holdballinnon-dominanthandwithpalmdown. Partner stays against fence holdinghoopwithbothhands,outto side. Hitters start sixto eightfeet from fence, spread outfor safety. One player isdrop-hitter, otherholdshulahoop. Position pairsaround court, next to fence. Hold hoopabove head. Alternate forehands andbackhands. Start sixfeet away andincrease distance every four successful hits. —Hit four ballsinto hoopandswitch roles. Cooperative, players inpairs. Forehand direction. —Drop-hit ballinto hoop. HOOPLA

© 2019 USTA. / balance. non-dominant armfor They may needto use position asaforehand. of thebodyinsame and slightlyinfront shoulder to theside straight outfrom the Non-dominant armis TEACHING TIP 49

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: Team that sinksmost baskets wins. With larger groups, have oneteam at one“bucket station” andanotherat asecond. Give eachplayer five balls. Variation with Competition 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: BUCKET TAP V. Need help? Toss into container. After allballsare gone, have a30-second scramble witheachplayer pickingupfour balls. Pair players upto seewhichteam cansinkthemost balls. three feet from buckets. This iswhere players willstand. Surround large container withsmallerbuckets, eachcontaining eightto 10balls.Place poly-spots about bouncing out. Place alarge bucket/cart midcourt withatowel, afew ballsorbeanbagsat thebottom to keep ballsfrom Alternate forehand andbackhanddrop-hits. Place center bucket onacanorbox soplayers work onmore heightandcontrol. TEAM CHALLENGE —Create appropriate arc by usinganopenracquet face andliftingmotion. Cooperative, teams.

Drop-hit for heightanddepth. —Drop-hit ballsinto bigbucket. BUCKET TAP

© 2019 USTA. / 50

PRE-RALLY 2. 1. Progressions • • Setup WALL ORPARTNER RALLY VI. Drop-hit to wall orpartner, thenrally backandforth. Can play withpartneroragainst wall orany flat surface. Hit forehands andbackhands,thenalternate. See how many consecutive ballsyou canrally by yourself orwithpartner. PLAY AT HOME © 2019 USTA. / 51

PRE-RALLY • • TEAMWORK II. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup ZIG ZAGS I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: SERVE &RALLY CHAPTER Share equipment. Take turns. Perform two rounds andmove onto progressions. Warm upwithbasiczigzagto thenet. Place cones orTDLsinfront ofnetsoplayers know whento zigandthenzag. Up to four players oneachsideofnet,spread outalongbaselines. Pull apartnerdownPull andbackusingnormalpushes.Partners willholdonthebackbar. One handpushontheway down and usethedifferent handontheway back. Zig Zagdown andpullbackwards ontheway back. WARMUP CHARACTER 07 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets, playground ballsandred balls; © 2019 USTA. / 52

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup OBSTACLE COURSE III. After eachplayer hasgonetwice, changemovement. player goeswhenprevious player reaches second cone. Proceed from cone to cone usingdifferent movements suchaszigzagging,sprinting,ordoingcircles. Next Four to sixplayers persquare. distance from net. Use four cones to create an18x18-foot square incenter ofcourt oneachsideofnet.Keep square asafe Circles. Move to eachcone andmake acomplete circle around it. Diagonal. Move diagonallyto eachcone. Change direction at eachcone. Go to cones inastraight line. ATHLETIC SKILLS OBSTACLE COURSE © 2019 USTA. / 53

PRE-RALLY ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • • • Setup TARGET THROWS See how many targets players can hit in one minute, or how long it takes to get to a certain number of points. Players whohitatarget move andgrab it,andadditto adesignated scoring area for theirteam. Once everyone hasthrown, eachplayer retrieves ballandthrows from otherside(deuce/ad). Next players come upandthrow. One player from deuce court andonefrom adthrow diagonallyover netat targets. Try to have anequal numberoftargets inevery service box. Place cones, poly-spots hulahoopsandvarious targets insideservice boxes. Players stay onbaselinewithonered ball each. Up to four players oneachsideofnetplaying asateam. Move players furtherbehindbaseline. Place targets infront halfofservice box. Instead ofgrabbing atarget after it’s hit,count itasapointandaddto team total. TARGET THROWS © 2019 USTA. / 54

PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: COLOR CALL 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: OVER/UNDER IV. Server callsoutcolor ofbox returner shouldtoss to. Server tosses into service box; returner tosses back. returner’s sides(i.e., red spotondeuce side, green onadside). adifferent-coloredPut spotineachservice box onbothserver’s and server willbeat service lineorcloser, notbaseline. Players setupinstandard serve andreturn positions.For success, to next progression. After four successful exchanges, switch roles, thenmove on cannot benddown, allow himorherto usearacket. down to catch andtosses backover netwithbothhands.Ifthestudent Player rolls bigballundernetwithbothhands.Partner bends Pairs start across netfrom eachotherabouteightfeet apart. Use cautiontapeorany typeofrope for net. Up to three pairspercourt withonebigballperpair. Returner traps anddrop-hits back. Drop-hit for serve. Throw for serve and toss for return. One player rolls, partnerpicksupanddrop-hits over net. Use red ball. Roll/toss straight ahead,thendiagonally. TENNIS SKILLS —Toss by extending armandopeninguphandinproper direction. —Rotate chairfrom turnedto openpositionwhenthrowing bigball. Cooperative, players inpairs. Cooperative, players inpairs. Serve andreturn direction. Changing heightofball. —Return ball to designated side. —Roll ballundernetandreturn over net.

© 2019 USTA. /

combination. drive/topspin a on, thiswillbecome young players. Later teach basictacticsto tossing over thenet Rolling underand TEACHING TIP


PRE-RALLY 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: SERVE PYRAMIDS V. ILLUSTRATION: Need help? Have server toss. Switch roles after completing pyramid. After complete rotation switch sidesofcourt. For every successful serve andreturn, addaballto pyramid. Server throws red ballinto box; returner catches andtosses back. build apyramid. Players have adesignated spot(hulahoop, etc.) asafe distance offto sideofcourt where they will Two pairspercourt, oneserver andonereturner. Throw serve andreturn after bounce. Server drop-hits; returner traps anddrop-hits back. TEAM CHALLENGE —Complete four sequences andswitch sides. Cooperative, players inpairs. Throw withdirection. —Complete serve-and-return sequences. COLOR CALL © 2019 USTA. /


PRE-RALLY 3. 2. 1. Progressions A driveway orany flat surface. Setup RALLY WITHFAMILY ORFRIEND VI. ILLUSTRATION: Hit after bounce. Drop-hit andtrap. Rally onground. PLAY AT HOME


PRE-RALLY • • Setup RELAY RACES III. • • TEAMWORK II. • • • Mission • • • Setup TIC-TAC-TOE I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: TENNIS OLYMPICS CHAPTER Each team linesupbehindsideline. Two teams offour to sixoneachsideofnet. Give highfives! Encourage teammates duringgames. First team to complete three inarow wins. Relay race to grid,place objectdown, andreturn to tagnext player onteam. Two teams compete to befirst to complete tic-tac-toe grid. Divide into teams ofthree to five withtwo teams for eachtic-tac-toe grid. Use cones, beanbags,etc., asX’s andO’s. Coach creates large tic-tac-toe gridinsideeachcourt usingexisting linesandTDLs. WARMUP CHARACTER ATHLETIC SKILLS 08 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 19and21-inchracquets, playground ballsandred balls; © 2019 USTA. / 58

PRE-RALLY • • Team Activities (save for last) • • Partner Activities • • • Individual Activities EXAMPLES OFACTIVITIES WITHPOINTS: • • • Rules andScoring • • • • Mission Teams offour to sixwithplayers ofalllevels oneachteam. Work withplayers to selectateam name. Setup TENNIS OLYMPICS IV. &V. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission Balance-the-Egg Relays—four players perteam (each player to sidelineandback=two points) Tennis Sandwich—four kidspersandwich(to onesideline=point;and back=two points) Touchdown—forehands orbackhands(four goals=onepoint) Lobster Trap (four successful =onepoint,thenswitch roles) Jacks (make itto “Threesies” =onepoint) Bullseye (one pointinservice box, two pointsinsmallbox, 10pointsfor bullseye) Bungee jumps(four successful =onepoint) Make sure eachteam hasitsown area for registering scores. stickers orexisting scoring device onnets. During eachround, players usevisualscoring methodto track points—ballsinacontainer, cones, clothespins, Assign points to eachactivity. For example, ateam scores apointafter aplayer completes four bungees. With four teams ormore, have players rotate to multiple“stations” withdifferent activites. With three teams orfewer, have eachteam/player perform sameactivity. Have avolunteer work withless-skilled players. to three minutes. Teams perform individualandcooperative skillswithapartner. Eachactivitywilllast nomore thantwo Next player goeswhentagged;must start behindsideline. When coach says, “Go,” first player moves to opposite sidelineandback. Change starting position. Add aballandrequire anadditionaltask. Require specificmovement to sidelineandbacksuchaszigzags,circles, orpullingbackwards. TENNIS SKILLS&TEAMCHALLENGE © 2019 USTA. /


PRE-RALLY • • BOUNCE MASTER VI. Take-home awards are notnecessary. for best hustle, most improved, sportsmanship, etc. Remember to recognize effort over ability. Line upbothteams, announce scores andhave allplayers shake hands.Give individualrecognition AWARDS/CLOSING CEREMONY • • • • • Additional Tips before thenext session. Ask players for examples ofwhat they’ve donethissession, andhave themwork onthoseskills Work onvarious skillslearnedthat involve abounce andahit. At theend,have allplayers shake handswithopposingteam. atmosphere. Remember that somekidshave never played sportsonateam before. Every 12to 15minutes, take abreak andannounce team scores. Try to create excitement andateam Increase difficultywhennecessary for more-skilled players (such asseven to score apointinstead of four). Assistant coaches canbeparents oradult/juniorvolunteers. Have a“coach” for eachteam, alongwithassistant coaches. PLAY AT HOME © 2019 USTA. /




© 2019 USTA. / 61 RED BALL 3 RED BALL

OBJECTIVE Develop skills of serve, rally, and score. SAMPLE LESSON PLAN Total: 60 minutes • Warmup: 8 – 10 minutes • Character: 3 minutes or less • Skills: 25 – 30 minutes total (athletic and tennis) • Team Challenge: 15 – 20 minutes • Play at Home: 3 minutes or less PLANS AT A GLANCE

© 2019 USTA. / 62 RED BALL 3 RED BALL Play at Home at Play Self-Rally Forehands Self-Rally Backhands Rally Me Flips and Rally Throw Edgies Pick a Spot Catch Play Day a Play Attend Team Challenge Team Scramble Forehand Backhands Splat Backhand Scramble Rally Pyramids Pyramids Serve Underhand Anywhere Short-Ball Scramble Singles Tag-Team Challenge Serve/Return Team Solar System Solar System Underhand Anywhere Tennis Skills Tennis Trap Lobster Trap Lobster Half-Pound Rally—Forehand Instant Bungee Spots—Backhand Rally—Backhand Instant the Dice Roll School Grade Me Target Progression Serve/Return the Dice Roll w/Partner the Dice Roll Triangles Hoopla Triangles Progression Close the Net Edgies Rally Pyramids School Grade Athletic Skills Athletic Light Light/Green Red Pushes Big-Ball Tennis One Hand Push Starts Positional Snakes Drops Partner Zig Zags Throws Target Light Light/Green Red Pushes One Hand Push Starts Positional ’Em Move Make Course Obstacle Toss Hi-Lo Big-Ball Tennis Character Respect Respect Teamwork Effort Teamwork Teamwork Responsibility Responsibility Warmup Course Obstacle Bedroom Messy Cat Copy Tag Freeze Course Obstacle Bedroom Messy Cat Copy Light Light/Green Red Pushes

01 Rally My Forehand 02 Rally My Backhand 03 Rally My Forehand and Backhand 04 I Can Serve 05 Rally with Partner 06 It! Move 07 Me Volley Watch 08 Game On!

© 2019 USTA. / 63 CHAPTER 01

RALLY MY FOREHAND 3 RED BALL Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope; 19 to 23-inch racquets, playground balls and red balls; cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP OBSTACLE COURSE Setup • Use four cones to create an 18x18-foot square in center of court on each side of net. Keep square a safe distance from net. • Four to six players per square. Mission • Proceed from cone to cone using different movements such as zig zagging, sprinting, or doing circles. Next player goes when previous player reaches second cone. • After each player has gone twice, change movement. Progressions 1. Go to cones in a straight line 2. Change direction at each cone. 3. Diagonal. Move diagonally to each cone. 4. Circles. Move to each cone and make a complete circle around it.

II. CHARACTER RESPECT Listen and follow instructions.


© 2019 USTA. / 64 RED LIGHT/GREEN LIGHT PUSHES Setup • Up to four players on each side of net.

• Players spread out on baseline of 78-foot court. 3 RED BALL • Place some cones or TDLs in front of net so players know when to stop. Mission • Name a specific movement such as forward, sprint push, one hand pushes or pull backwards. Then use red light/green light commands. Go fast when coach calls out “green light,” slow down for yellow, stop for red. • Once majority of players get to net, turn around and start again in other direction. Progressions 1. Slowly introduce new moves and colors. Blue light for best dance move, pink light means do circles, black light means sprint to net or baseline. 2. Let players create their own lights.

BIG-BALL TENNIS Setup • Two pairs per court, using half-court. Each pair with one big ball. • Players are on opposite sides of net in front half of service box. Mission • Begin by tossing with both hands from side, straight ahead to partner. • Let ball bounce, catch with both hands, and toss back. • After four successful catches each, move to progressions. Progressions 1. Toss from one side of body, then other (forehands and backhands). 2. Toss ball up high, then low. 3. Do figure eight patterns (one side tosses crosscourt, other tosses down the line). IV. TENNIS SKILLS LOBSTER TRAP Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Sending and receiving in different directions. Setup • Players in pairs with racquets and red ball. • Feeder stays eight to 10 feet from “lobster,” who has a racquet in each hand. Mission—Catch ball between racquets after bounce while moving. • Feeder tosses ball to side, lobster traps it between racquets after bounce. • Lobster drop-hits ball back to feeder. • Complete four from both sides of the body and switch roles.

© 2019 USTA. / 65 Goal—From ready position, move and trap ball to side of body at waist level, just like a groundstroke. Progressions 1. Lobster sends ball back in the air with both racquets. 2. Feeder makes lobster move back and forward. RED BALL 3 RED BALL 3. Perform activity over net.

HALF-POUND LOBSTER TRAP Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Sending and receiving in different directions. Setup • Players in pairs with red ball. TEACHING TIP • Feeder stays eight to 10 feet from “lobster,” who has one racquet. With all activities, have players start Mission—Trap ball against racquet after bounce while moving. off in a good • Feeder tosses ball to side, lobster traps against racquet ready position. with free hand after bounce. If movement is • Lobster drop-hits ball back to feeder. involved, they should always recover back • For backhand, hold racquet with non-dominant hand at top of grip to hub and return to and trap with dominant hand. ready position. • Complete four from both sides of the body and switch roles. Goal—From ready position, move and trap ball to side of body at waist level, just like a groundstroke. Progressions 1. Make lobster move back and forward. 2. Perform activity over net.


© 2019 USTA. / 66 INSTANT RALLY—FOREHAND Type: Individual and cooperative with partner. Focus: Control direction of groundstroke. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup Players spread out around court, no more than six per side. Mission—Rally by yourself and with partner. TEACHING TIP Goal—Hit every ball from side of body. Avoid the temptation Progressions to move entire group 1. With palm up, tap ball up about head level, bounce it and catch it. through progressions at the same time. 2. Self-rally: Instead of catching ball after first bounce, continue to tap Not all players will it up after each bounce. progress at the same 3. Rally with partner to same target: Find a partner and alternate rate. If a player or pair tapping ball up after bounce to about head level. How many consecutive is struggling, either tap-ups can each pair hit? Use a poly-spot, donut or chalk circle as a stay on that task target to encourage hitting ball up instead of out. longer or try to make 4. Rally over line with partner: Pair faces each other, each about three feet it easier. from line. Rally over line, making sure ball comes up off racquet. How many can they hit in a row? 5. Rally over net: Use net or low barrier instead of line and rally for numbers. To assist with control and direction, add a target about three feet from net (poly-spot, donut or chalk circle).


FOREHAND SCRAMBLE 3 RED BALL Type: Hand-feed, players in pairs. Focus: Forehand direction. Setup • Two pairs on each court, all about four feet from net. • Feeders on one side of net—off to side with bucket of balls—hitters on other. • Create a large target in middle of opposite service boxes with hula-hoop, cones, etc. Mission—Hit ball over net to target from hand-feed. • Toss to forehand. Hit over net into opposite service box, aiming for target. After six attempts, switch sides. • Create a scoring system that rewards getting ball over net, with most points for hitting target. • Play team versus team. Goal—Simple take-back and follow-through. Progressions 1. Hit straight ahead. 2. Alternate hitting straight ahead and crosscourt. 3. Make hitter move to ball and recover.



© 2019 USTA. / 68 VI. PLAY AT HOME

SELF-RALLY FOREHANDS 3 RED BALL Setup • Play with foam ball on driveway or any flat surface. • Alternate hits with partner. Progression 1. Self-rally high and low. 2. Rally with partner over line in concrete or low barrier.

© 2019 USTA. / 69 CHAPTER 02

RALLY MY BACKHAND 3 RED BALL Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope, 19 to 23-inch racquets, playground balls and red balls, cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP MESSY BEDROOM Setup • Teams of six to eight; one team per court. • Players on one side of net (preferably side opposite fence), with bucket of red balls. Mission • Coach tips over bucket of balls. • Players throw balls one at a time over net. • Throw as many as possible in one minute. • Players pick up balls from other side and count how many they threw. • Do it again and try to beat team record. Progressions 1. Throw into service box. 2. Play on 78-foot court. Note: Players may need assistance picking up balls.

II. CHARACTER RESPECT • Take care of equipment. • Leave court ready for others.


© 2019 USTA. / 70 ONE HAND PUSH Setup Players spread out on the singles sideline. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Mission • Players will push with one hand to the opposite singles sideline and back. Repeat three to four times. Progressions • Push down with one hand and push back with the other. Push down with one hand and pull backwards with one hand.

POSITIONAL STARTS Setup • Players spread out on sideline on both sides of net. Up to four on each side. Mission • Start in various positions determined by the coach, and on coach’s command, sprint push and stop on opposite sideline. • Emphasis is on big, strong pushed and driving arms. • When finished, push backwards to starting point. Progressions 1. Start facing the net and turn to start. 2. Do the entire activity pushing backwards. 3. Stop on opposite baseline and do three wiggles.


BUNGEE SPOTS—BACKHAND 3 RED BALL Type: Individual. Focus: Racquet skills. Setup • Maximum four players on each side of net, each player with racquet and red ball. • Place two sets of four poly-spots from sideline to sideline on each side of net in a zigzag pattern. Mission—Drop ball on poly-spots with backhand (knuckles up). • Move to first spot, drop ball on spot with bungee jump, catch ball on racquet, then head to next spot. • Next player goes when previous player reaches next spot. • When finished, go back to end of line while balancing ball on racquet. • Need help? Use free hand to reposition ball on . Goal—How many spots can you hit with one attempt? Progressions 1. Double bungee jump on spot. 2. Continuous bungee jump as you move to next spot. Note: Use one or two hands for backhand.


© 2019 USTA. / 72 INSTANT RALLY—BACKHAND Type: Individual and cooperative with partner. Focus: Control direction of groundstroke. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup Players spread out around court, maximum six per side. Mission—Rally by yourself and with a partner. TEACHING TIP Goal—Hit every ball from side of body. In wheelchair tennis, Progressions there is no option to 1. With knuckles up, tap ball up about head level, let bounce and catch it. have a two-handed backhand. Coaches 2. Self-rally: Instead of catching ball after first bounce, continue to teach the one- tap ball up after each bounce. handed backhand 3. Rally with partner to target: Find a partner and alternate tapping ball up as the player’s after bounce to about head level. See how many consecutive tap-ups non-dominant hand each pair can get. Use a poly-spot, donut or chalk circle as a target to is crucial to their focus on hitting up instead of out. mobility. 4. Rally over line with partner: With each player about four feet from a line, rally over line. Ball should come up off racquet. How many can they hit in a row? 5. Rally over a net: Replace line with net or low barrier and rally for numbers. To assist with control and direction, add target about three feet from net (poly-spot, donut or chalk circle). V. TEAM CHALLENGE SPLAT BACKHANDS Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Racquet skills with bounce. Setup • Up to three pairs on each side of net. • Each pair with upturned half-cone as target, or use ball pyramid (one ball on top of three). Mission—Rally upward with partner, attempting to hit target. • One player tosses ball up, bounces it and taps it up with racquet using backhand (at least head level), trying to hit target. • Partner lets it bounce, taps it up again and continues to alternate with partner; both players attempt to hit target each time. • How many times can they hit target in two minutes? • Put pairs together into larger teams and see how many targets they can hit in two minutes. Goal—Maintain rally in small space. Progressions 1. Alternate forehands and backhands. 2. Use two targets and hit over net.

© 2019 USTA. / 73 BACKHAND SCRAMBLE Type: Hand-feed, players in pairs. Focus: Directing backhand off of hand-feed. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup • Two pairs on each court, all about four feet from net. • Feeders on one side of net, off to sides with bucket of balls; hitters on other. • Create a large target in middle of opposite service box using hula-hoop, cones, etc. Mission—Hit ball over net to target from hand-feed. • Toss is to backhand. Hit over net into opposite service box aiming for target. • After six attempts switch sides. • Create a scoring system that rewards getting ball over net, with most points for hitting target. • Play team versus team. Goal—Simple take-back and follow-through. Progressions 1. Alternate hitting straight ahead and crosscourt. 2. Make hitter move to ball and recover. VI. PLAY AT HOME SELF-RALLY BACKHANDS Setup • Play with foam ball on driveway or any flat surface. • Alternate hits with partner. Progressions 1. Self-rally high and low. 2. Find a partner and rally over line in concrete or low barrier.

© 2019 USTA. / 74 CHAPTER 03

RALLY MY FOREHAND 3 RED BALL & BACKHAND Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope; 19 to 23-inch racquets, playground balls, red balls and orange balls; cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP COPY CAT Setup • Players spread out on court; maximum four on each side of net. Mission • Coach demonstrates a specific movement in a chair, then players copy. Movements can be varied such as pulling backwards, sprinting forward, pushing with one hand, zig zagging, circles, etc... Progressions 1. The coach can gradually add more difficult movements.

II. CHARACTER TEAMWORK • Work together with teammates to set up games and activities. • Be helpful to coach and teammates.


SNAKES 3 RED BALL Setup • Place obstacles such as cones, poly-spots tennis bags, etc., randomly inside playing area. • Line players up across sideline, no more than four per side of net. Mission • Move like snakes and navigate to opposite sideline without touching obstacles. • move forward, left, right or backward, not diagonally. • Each movement must start and end in an athletic stance. Progressions 1. Players can move backwards to navigate the obstacles. 2. Players can use one hand to navigate the obstacles.


PARTNER DROPS Setup • Players in pairs spread out around court. • One player has two orange balls; partner catches. • Pairs start about four feet apart.

© 2019 USTA. / 76 Mission • With a ball in each hand, hold arms straight out at shoulder level in a “V” position with palms down. • Drop a ball. Partner catches with one hand after bounce.

• Catch with right hand on right side of body, left hand on left. 3 RED BALL • After four successful catches on each side, switch roles. Progressions 1. Hold arms straight out to side. TEACHING TIP 2. Move back. A red ball can be difficult to catch with 3. Catch with two hands, then one. one hand because of its size. Whenever performing activities that involve tossing and catching with IV. TENNIS SKILLS one hand, an orange ball is preferable. ROLL THE DICE Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Rally with partner in small space. Setup • Up to four pairs spread out on both sides of net, each pair hitting over a line. • One dice for each pair of players. Keep dice off court near net. Mission—Rally same number as on dice. • Coach says “Go” and one player from each pair moves over, rolls dice, and moves back. • Players must rally same number of balls as number on dice. • Start with forehands, then switch to backhands. Goal—Use open racquet face and make ball come up off racquet. Progressions 1. Add sidelines and baselines with TDLs. 2. With two pairs per side, rally over net.

GRADE SCHOOL Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Rally with partner in small space. Setup • Up to four pairs on each side of net, each hitting over a line with boundaries. • Use TDLs and existing lines to create mini-courts. Mission—Control ball in space with limited backswing. • Rally forehands back and forth. Hit one each and move to “first grade.” • Rally four (two each) and move to “second grade.” • Need help? Drop-hit and trap back and forth. Goal—Work your way to “middle school.”

© 2019 USTA. / 77 Progressions 1. Rally backhands. 2. On a bigger court, move back a racquet length when moving to a new “grade.” RED BALL 3 RED BALL

V. TEAM CHALLENGE TEACHING TIP Instead of hitting balls fed from a RALLY PYRAMIDS cart and using a full stroke, players need Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. to learn how to rally Focus: Rally skills. with a partner using a simple motion. Setup Initially, the rally • Two pairs per court. Use caution tape as net for less-skilled players. won’t look great, • Pairs have a designated spot on side of court (hula-hoop, etc.) but that’s ok. to build a four-ball pyramid (three on bottom, one on top). Mission—Rally forehands and backhands. • Rally on half-court, staying in middle of service box. • Player 1, with racquet under arm or on ground, tosses to player 2 and assumes ready position. • Player 2 hits ball over net with either stroke, and player 1 hits back. • For every successful rally of one each, add a ball to pyramid. • Need help? Drop-hit or toss; bounce, trap or catch one-handed. Goal—Return to ready position with both hands on racquet after each stroke. Progressions 1. Two each, then three each, etc., to score a point. 2. Increase distance. VI. PLAY AT HOME RALLY ME FLIPS Setup • Play with foam ball on driveway or any flat surface. • Rally in small space, alternating forehands and backhands. Progressions 1. Self-rally high and low, alternating strokes. 2. Rally with partner over line in concrete or low barrier, alternating strokes.

© 2019 USTA. / 78 CHAPTER 04

I CAN SERVE 3 RED BALL Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope; 19 to 23-inch racquets; playground balls and red balls; cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP FREEZE TAG Setup • Have players spread out on one side. • Designate one person to be “it”. Mission • Attempt to tag opponents. • Once tagged, players must freeze. • Players can be unfrozen by teammates. • After 45 seconds, a new player is “it”. • The player with the most tags in 45 seconds wins. Progressions 1. Players tagged can now be “it” as well but can only pursue other players using a one hand push or by going backwards.

II. CHARACTER EFFORT • Try your hardest. • Tell yourself, “I can do it!”


ZIG ZAGS 3 RED BALL Setup • Up to four players on each side of net, spread out along baselines. • Place cones or TDLs in front of net so players know when to zig and then zag. Mission • Warm up with basic zig zag to the net. • Perform two rounds and move on to progressions. Progressions 1. Zig Zag down and pull backwards on the way back. 2. One hand push on the way down and use the different hand on the way back. 3. Pull a partner down and back using normal pushes. Partners will hold on the back bar.

TARGET THROWS Setup • Up to four players on each side of net playing as a team. • Each player stays on baseline with red ball. • Place cones, poly-spots hula hoops and various targets inside front half of service boxes. • Aim for an equal number of targets in service boxes. Mission • One player from deuce and one from ad throw diagonally at targets on their side of net. • Next players come up and throw. Once everyone has thrown, players move and retrieve balls and start again. • Be sure to rotate side of court players throw from. • Hit a target, move and grab it, and add it to a designated scoring area for team. • See how many targets players can hit in one minute, or how long it takes to get X amount of points. Progressions 1. Instead of removing targets after they’re hit, count each one hit as point for team. 2. Move players further behind baseline. 3. Throw at targets on other side of net.


TARGET ME 3 RED BALL Type: Individual. Focus: Rally skills. Setup Players create their own courts with existing lines, TDLs and other objects. Mission—Self-rally in your space. • Start with forehands (palm up), hitting as many balls as possible in a row up to eye level. • Switch to backhands (knuckles up). Goal—Keep ball going in as small a space as possible. Progressions 1. Single stroke, then alternate. 2. Make a creative court and net out of anything you can find, and alternate hits with partner.


© 2019 USTA. / 81 SERVE/RETURN PROGRESSION Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Serve and return direction. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup • Two pairs per court, diagonally across net from each other in middle of service box. • Use TDLs as a “baseline” for players to stand behind. TEACHING TIP Mission—Serve and return cooperatively with partner. Players who throw better serve better. Goal—Serve overhand into service box. Keep encouraging players to throw when Progressions they’re not at practice. 1. Throw from a turned position to partner, who bounces, catches and throws back. 2. Using an abbreviated motion, player overhand-serves to partner, who traps ball on strings with hand and serves back. Chair should be at 45-degree angle to baseline when serving. 3. Receiver returns serve, server traps it on strings. After four serve-and-return sequences, receiver serves. 4. Need help? Move forward, toss or drop-hit serve. V. TEAM CHALLENGE SERVE PYRAMIDS Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Serve direction. Setup • Two pairs per court—one serves, other returns. • Partners are diagonally across net from each other in middle of service box. • Designate a spot on side of court (hula-hoop, etc.) to build a pyramid. Mission—Complete serve-and-return sequences. • Server throw-serves into box, returner traps and drop-hits back to server. • Add a ball to pyramid for each successful serve and return. • Switch roles after each pyramid, then switch sides of court. Goal—Server and returner in good ready positions after hitting. Progressions 1. Serve and return in order to score point. 2. Serve from service line.

© 2019 USTA. / | 82 COURT CENTS: SIX 36-FOOT COURTS ON ONE 78-FOOT COURT • First court is from 78-foot baseline to back fence. • Next is 78-foot baseline to service line. RED BALL 3 RED BALL • Last is service line to net. • The fence and 78-foot-court net can be sidelines, or just add a few TDLs. • Remember, at this stage, tape or rope is more effective than a regular net because players can continue to rally if balls go under.

VI. PLAY AT HOME THROW AND RALLY Setup Play with foam ball against garage door or solid wall. Progressions 1. Serve overhand to wall, hit one groundstroke (return), and catch. 2. Serve to left then right side of wall. 3. Serve and rally until you miss.

© 2019 USTA. / 83 CHAPTER 05

RALLY WITH PARTNER 3 RED BALL Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope; 19 to 23-inch racquets; playground balls, red balls and orange balls; cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP OBSTACLE COURSE Setup • Create one 12x12-foot square in center of court on each side of net, using four cones. • Three to four players per square. Mission • Go from cone to cone using different movements such as zig zagging, sprinting, or doing circles. Next player goes when previous player reaches second cone. • After each player has gone twice, change movement. Progressions 1. Move backwards 2. One hand push 3. Do circles around each cone.

II. CHARACTER TEAMWORK • Use encouraging words when speaking with partners and teammates. • Tell others, “You can do it!”


RED LIGHT/GREEN LIGHT PUSHES 3 RED BALL Setup • Up to four players on each side of net. • Players spread out on baseline of 78-foot court. • Place some cones or TDLs in front of net so players know when to stop. Mission • Name a specific movement such as forward, sprint push, one hand pushes or pull backwards. Then use red light/green light commands. Go fast when coach calls out “green light,” slow down for yellow, stop for red. • Once majority of players get to net, turn around and start again in other direction. Progressions 1. Slowly introduce new moves and colors. Blue light for best dance move, pink light means do circles, black light means sprint to net or baseline. 2. Let players create their own lights.

ONE HAND PUSH Setup • Players spread out on the singles sideline. Mission • Players will push with one hand to the opposite singles sideline and back. Repeat three to four times. Progressions • Push down with one hand and push back with the other. Push down with one hand and pull backwards with one hand.


ROLL THE DICE 3 RED BALL Type: Individual. Focus: Self-rally in small space. Setup Four to six players on each side of net. Mission—Self-rally same number as on dice. • Coach designates a player to roll dice. • Players must rally same number of balls as number on dice. • Self-rally forehands, then backhands. • Need help? Do bungees. Goal—Challenge each player with how they should self-rally. Progressions 1. Self-rally flips (alternate backhands and forehands). 2. Add a target.

ROLL THE DICE WITH PARTNER Type: Cooperative with partner. Focus: Rally in small space with partner. Setup Players in pairs, maximum four pairs per side. Mission—Rally same number as on dice. • Coach designates a player to roll dice. • Players must rally same number of balls as number on dice. • Rally forehands, then backhands. Progressions 1. Rolling rally with partner. 2. Rally with partner to target. 3. With two pairs, per side, rally over net with partner.

© 2019 USTA. / 86 TRIANGLES Type: Cooperative, groups of three. Focus: Direct groundstrokes side to side. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup • Three players per court. If necessary, two groups of three on one court. • Two feeders on one side of net, one hitter on the other. All are about five feet from net. Mission—Alternate shots left and right. • One feeder tosses ball to hitter, who hits to other feeder. • Feeder catches ball and tosses back to hitter, who continues to change direction each time. • After two successful sequences, change positions. After complete rotation, hitter switches to backhands. • Need help? Catch and hand-toss back to feeder, trap and hand-toss, or trap and drop-hit. Goal—Hitter works on using chair to turn shoulder on every ball. Progressions 1. Toss and hit. 2. Feeders trap and drop-hit to hitter. 3. All three rally.



UNDERHAND ANYWHERE 3 RED BALL Type: Competitive, team. Focus: Moving opponent. Setup • Two teams of two or three per court. COACHING TIP • One side serves, other returns. Watch for players who understand basic • Boundaries are 36-foot-court sidelines, and service line is baseline. tactics such as moving • Play a team-versus-team singles format. the opponent on the first ball. For those —Toss and hit ball to open court. Mission who don’t, encourage • Server puts racquet down, tosses ball to any part of court, them to toss away picks up racquet and plays out point. from the opponent • Rotate players after each point. Switch servers and returners on the first serve/toss. after a team scores seven points. • Need help? Trap ball instead of hitting it. Goal—Both players recover to center. Progressions 1. Must toss/serve in diagonal box. 2. Returners hit only forehands or backhands. 3. Play to only one-half of opponent’s court. VI. PLAY AT HOME EDGIES Setup Play on driveway or any flat surface. Mission—Keep ball going with edge of racquet. Hold racquet with continental grip and try to keep rally going by hitting ball to ground with edge of racquet. Goal—See how many you can hit in a row, then beat your personal best. Progressions 1. Start with edgies down, then try ups. 2. Do one edgie down, then one up.

© 2019 USTA. / 88 CHAPTER 06

MOVE IT! 3 RED BALL Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope; 19 to 23-inch racquets; playground balls and red balls; cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP MESSY BEDROOM Setup • Teams of six to eight; one team per court. • Players on one side of net (preferably side opposite fence), with bucket of red balls. Mission • Coach tips over bucket of balls. • Players throw balls one at a time over net into service boxes. Coach counts out loud how many land in services boxes. • Throw as many as possible in one minute. • Players pick up balls from other side. • Do it again and try to beat team record. Progressions 1. Throw diagonally into correct service box. 2. Play on 78-foot court and have teams compete with each other. Note: players may need help picking up balls.

II. CHARACTER TEAMWORK Be cooperative so all players have a chance to do their best.


POSITIONAL STARTS 3 RED BALL Setup • Players spread out on sideline on both sides of net. Up to four on each side. Mission • Start in various positions determined by the coach, and on coach’s command, sprint push and stop on opposite sideline. • Emphasis is on big, strong pushed and driving arms. • When finished, push backwards to starting point. Progressions 1. Start facing the net and turn to start. 2. Do the entire activity pushing backwards. 3. Stop on opposite baseline and do three wiggles.

MAKE ’EM MOVE Setup TEACHING TIP • Players in pairs, with red ball and TDL. Tossing under control is one of the most • No more than three pairs spread out on each side of net. important skills young • Pairs face each other, five to six feet apart. players can learn. It’s • One player feeds, other catches. the beginning stage • Catcher uses TDL as “home base.” of a forehand and serve, and allows Mission them to work together • Toss ball to one side of catcher, who catches with one hand, as they gain more tosses back and recovers to home base. confidence and skill. • Make catcher move left and right, using enough height Be sure to demonstrate for catcher to successfully track ball. a simple toss. • After four successful catches, switch roles. • If feeder struggles with toss, place poly-spots on either side of catcher. Progressions 1. Toss ball higher, lower. 2. Use an orange ball and catch with one hand.


© 2019 USTA. / 90 DEMO: UNDERHAND TOSS • Start by facing forward with arm out in front of body, palm up. • Use a simple motion lifting up and out toward target.

Palm is open at end of toss. 3 RED BALL • As players become more successful and the distance increases, have them turn to the side.

IV. TENNIS SKILLS HOOPLA Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Forehand direction. Setup • Players in pairs: one drop-hits, other holds hula-hoop. • Start six to eight feet from fence, spread out for safety. • Partner stays just in front of fence holding hoop to side with both hands. Mission—Drop-hit ball through hoop. • Hitter turns sideways (forehand side). • Hold ball in non-dominant hand, palm down. • Gently drop-hit ball into hoop, emphasizing control. • After a few successful hits, raise hoop above head. • Need help? Toss to hoop. Goal—Adjust racquet face and motion for each shot. Progressions 1. Increase distance every four successful hits. 2. Add a second hitter and rally over net. With hoop held high, other two hit back and forth over net aiming for hoop.

© 2019 USTA. / 91 TRIANGLES Type: Cooperative, groups of three. Focus: Directing side to side. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup • Three players per court. If necessary, two groups of three on one court. • Two drop-hitters on one side of net, one hitter on other. All players about five feet from net. Mission—Alternate shots left and right. • One player gently drop-hits to hitter, who hits back to other drop-hitter. • Trap ball and drop-hit back to hitter, who continues to change direction each time. • After two successful sequences, rotate positions. After complete round, hitter switches to backhands. • Need help? Toss ball to hitter. Goal—Hitter works on using chair to turn shoulder on every ball. Progressions 1. Increase distance. 2. All three rally. V. TEAM CHALLENGE SHORT-BALL SCRAMBLE Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Court coverage. Setup • Two pairs per court, using half-court. • Feeders are close to net; hitters are on service line. Mission—Return short ball to feeder. • Toss ball short over net to forehand side (similar to ). • Hitter moves forward and dinks ball back short for feeder to catch. • After five successful hits and catches, change roles. Goal—Keep racquet in front of body for short ball. Progressions 1. Dink backhands. 2. Feeder can drop-hit instead. 3. After hitter plays short ball, play out point.

© 2019 USTA. / 92 TAG-TEAM SINGLES Type: Cooperative team, competitive team. Focus: Directing groundstrokes. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup • Two teams of four to six per court. • Each team forms a line behind middle of baseline. • Play points inside service line. Mission—Keep rally going. • First player from one side drop-hits ball over net and moves to back of line. • First player on other side returns ball down center and goes to back of line. • Each subsequent player hits one ball and moves to back of line, keeping point going until someone misses. • Try to set a team record. Goal—Control ball down center of court. Progressions 1. Courts compete for longest rally. 2. Play competitively where ball is hit anywhere in court. VI. PLAY AT HOME PICK A SPOT Setup Play with foam ball against garage door or solid wall. Mission—Hit to targets on wall. • Use stickers or existing marks. • Start with serve and rally toward target. Once you miss, start again with serve. Progression Move to side and hit crosscourt to target with forehand and backhand.

© 2019 USTA. / 93 CHAPTER 07

WATCH ME VOLLEY 3 RED BALL Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope; 19 to 23-inch racquets; playground balls, red balls and orange balls; cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP COPY CAT Setup • Players spread out on court; maximum four on each side of net. Mission • Coach demonstrates a specific movement in a chair, then players copy. Movements can be varied such as pulling backwards, sprinting forward, pushing with one hand, zig zagging, circles, etc... Progressions 1. The coach can gradually add more difficult movements.

II. CHARACTER RESPONSIBILITY • Look after your equipment. • Carry your own racquet.


OBSTACLE COURSE 3 RED BALL Setup • Use four cones to create an 18x18-foot square in center of court on each side of net. Keep square a safe distance from net. • Four to six players per square. Mission • Proceed from cone to cone using different movements such as zig zagging, sprinting, or doing circles. Next player goes when previous player reaches second cone. • After each player has gone twice, change movement. Progessions 1. Go to cones in a straight line 2. Change direction at each cone. 3. Diagonal. Move diagonally to each cone. 4. Circles. Move to each cone and make a complete circle around it.


HI-LO TOSS Setup • Players in pairs, with one red or orange ball. • Maximum four pairs spread out on each side of net. • Players face each other, four to five feet apart.

© 2019 USTA. / 95 Mission • One player feeds, other catches. • Toss to catcher, who catches after one bounce and tosses back. • Toss second ball high. Catch in the air above waist level and toss back. RED BALL 3 RED BALL • After two successful hi-lo catches, switch roles. Progressions 1. Catch red ball with both hands. Once successful, catch orange ball with one hand. 2. Move player on both tosses. 3. Increase distance between players. Note: Start off with very easy tosses that have enough height for catcher to easily track ball. Feeder should start with arm in front of body, palm up. IV. TENNIS SKILLS VOLLEY PROGRESSION Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Learn to volley. Setup • Three pairs per court on opposite sides of net, about three feet from net. • One feeds, other volleys. Mission—Volley cooperatively with partner. Progressions 1. Toss ball to volleyer, who dinks it back. Feeder catches ball after bounce. 2. Complete four successful volleys and catches, then switch roles. Once successful, have volleyer go back to ready position each time. 3. Players move one push back. With racquet under arm, feeder tosses ball and traps partner’s volley after bounce. Do four tosses, volleys and traps before switching roles. 4. Players take another push back. Drop-hit ball to volleyer, who volleys it so it bounces. Feeder hits it back to volleyer and volleyer hits it back to feeder, who traps it. Switch roles after four drop-hit/volley rally/volley/trap sequences. Do Same Sequence Using Backhand Side 1. Toss, volley, catch. 2. Toss, volley, trap. TEACHING TIP 3. Drop-hit, volley, rally, volley, trap. Observe players who 4. Players can perform first two steps. Final step might be best can catch easily with executed with coach or helper aiding in groundstroke position one hand. These are in order to keep ball in play. the ones who will be candidates for a Additional Progressions continental grip and 1. Alternate forehands and backhands. one-handed backhand on the volley. 2. Direct volley to left and right side of feeder.

© 2019 USTA. / 96 CLOSE THE NET Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Approach and volley with direction. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup • Two pairs per court, using half-court. One player feeds, other volleys. • Volleyer starts on service line; feeder is at net. COACHING TIP Mission—Perform approach and volley. In wheelchair tennis, • Volleyer drop-hits ball down the line, moves toward net and is ready to the ready position hit a volley. means hands on • Feeder tosses to volleyer, who volleys back to feeder. the wheels, head • After six attempts, players change roles. looking forward at the beginning of the point Goal—Arrive at net on balance in ready position, and control volley. (return of serve)... once Progressions the point begins, it is a fluid and constant 1. Volleyer hits both a forehand and backhand. return to touching the 2. Feeder catches approach and tosses back. wheels, in the FH grip, 3. Feeder has a racquet and traps approach, drop-hits and traps again. preparing for whatever comes next.




TEAM SERVE/RETURN CHALLENGE 3 RED BALL Type: Cooperative, team. Focus: Serve direction and consistency. Setup • Two teams, each with multiple servers (two or more) and one returner. • One team serves to deuce court, other to ad court, from middle of service box. • Place seven half-cones and one ball outside playing area for visual scoring. Mission—Overhand serve into correct box and catch for return. • Teams score points when server successfully hits overhand serve into correct box and returner catches on one bounce. • Returner places ball on next cone then returns to ready position. • Rotate returners after every two successful one-bounce catches. • First team to seven wins. Goal—Turn chair at 45 degrees for serve. Progressions 1. Trap for return and drop-hit back to server. 2. Hit return back to server off of bounce. 3. Serve from service line, then baseline.

© 2019 USTA. / 98 SOLAR SYSTEM Type: Competitive, team. Focus: Tossing and volleying with direction. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup • Teams of three or four on opposite sides of net; one team starts on service line, other at net. • Place hula-hoops in each service box on side of net with net players, and bucket of balls on baseline of other side. COACHING TIP • Line up seven half-cones and a ball behind each baseline for scoring. First to seven is tiebreak scoring for Mission—Toss to hoop, hit volley to defend Red Ball tennis. Use • Two players from each team go at same time. this whenever possible. • Tosser grabs a ball (“meteorite”) from bucket, moves to service line and attempts to toss ball past volleyer and into a hoop (“planet”). • Volleyer attempts to save planets by volleying meteorites in the air. • After toss, grab a ball from bucket at back of court and wait for next turn. Volleyers wait behind service line for next turn. • For every point scored (in hoop or successful volley), player moves to scoring cones and moves ball to next cone. First team to seven wins, then switch sides. Goal—Toss with accuracy and use a good ready position as volleyer. Progressions 1. Players catch ball instead of volleying. 2. Start point with drop-hit from service line.


© 2019 USTA. / 99 VI. PLAY AT HOME

PLAY CATCH 3 RED BALL Mission—Find a friend and play catch. • Use a . Alternate between tossing and catching, and throwing and catching. • Use a baseball and gloves. Throw regular balls and grounders. • Play Frisbee. • Throw to a wall and catch.

© 2019 USTA. / 100 CHAPTER 08

GAME ON! 3 RED BALL Equipment: Mini-net, caution tape or any type of rope; 19 to 23-inch racquets, playground balls and red balls; cones, poly-spots and TDLs. I. WARMUP RED LIGHT/GREEN LIGHT PUSHES Setup • Up to four players on each side of net. • Players spread out on baseline of 78-foot court. • Place some cones or TDLs in front of net so players know when to stop. Mission • Name a specific movement such as forward, sprint push, one hand pushes or pull backwards. Then use red light/green light commands. Go fast when coach calls out “green light,” slow down for yellow, stop for red. • Once majority of players get to net, turn around and start again in other direction. Progressions 1. Slowly introduce new moves and colors. Blue light for best dance move, pink light means do circles, black light means sprint to net or baseline. 2. Let players create their own lights.

II. CHARACTER RESPONSIBILITY • Arrive to practice on time. • Come to practice ready to play.


BIG-BALL TENNIS 3 RED BALL Setup • Split players into two big teams. • Within each team, divide into smaller teams of two or three players. • Set up “matches” with two or three players from each team playing against one another. • Use 36-foot-court sidelines and service line as baseline. • Play matches using big ball. • Give each big team a name, or let players choose. Mission • Points begin with a toss, which can land anywhere in court. • Toss all balls over net from side of body. First bounce must be within court boundaries. • Rules can vary for level of players—only one bounce, endless bounces, one side serves two straight points then switch. • For teams of three, rotate positions every few points. • Have teams play to a certain number of points, then switch opponents. Focus on play, not which team wins. Progressions 1. Must toss serve diagonally to proper box. 2. Can catch ball on bounce or in the air. 3. Use baseline as boundary. IV. TENNIS SKILLS

© 2019 USTA. / 102 EDGIES Type: Individual. Focus: Racquet skills. RED BALL 3 RED BALL Setup Players spread out on court and find their own space. Mission—Keep ball going with edge of racquet. • Hold racquet with continental grip and keep rally going by hitting ball to ground with edge of racquet. Goal—See how many you can hit in a row, then beat your personal best. Progressions 1. Start with edgies down, then try ups. 2. Alternate between one edgie down and one up.


RALLY PYRAMIDS Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Rally skills. Setup • Two pairs per court. Use caution tape as net for less-skilled players. • Players have a designated spot on side of court (hula-hoop, etc.) to build a pyramid.

© 2019 USTA. / 103 Mission—Rally forehands and backhands. • Rally on half-court, staying in middle of service box. • Player 1, with racquet under arm or on ground, tosses to player 2 and assumes ready position. • Player 2 hits ball over net with either stroke, and player 1 hits back. RED BALL 3 RED BALL • For every successful rally of one each, add a ball to pyramid. Progressions 1. Two each, then three each, etc., to score a point. 2. Increase distance.

GRADE SCHOOL Type: Cooperative, players in pairs. Focus: Rally with partner in small space. Setup • Up to four pairs on each side of net, each pair hitting over a line with boundaries. • Use TDLs and existing lines to create mini-courts. Mission—Control ball in space with limited backswing. • Rally forehands back and forth. Hit one each and move to “first grade.” • Rally four (two each) and move to “second grade.” • Need help? Drop-hit and trap back and forth. Goal—Work your way to “middle school.” Progressions 1. Rally backhands. 2. On a bigger court, move back a racquet length when advancing to a new “grade.” V. TEAM CHALLENGE SOLAR SYSTEM Type: Competitive, team. Focus: Tossing and volleying with direction. Setup • Teams of three or four on opposite sides of net; one team starts on service line, other at net. • Place hula-hoops in each service box on side of net with net players, and bucket of balls on baseline of other side. • Line up seven half-cones and a ball behind each baseline for scoring.

© 2019 USTA. / 104 Mission—Toss to hoop, hit volley to defend. • Two players from each team go at same time. • Tosser grabs a ball (“meteorite”) from bucket, runs to service line, and attempts to toss ball past volleyer and into a hoop (“planet”).

• Volleyer attempts to save planets by volleying meteorites in the air. 3 RED BALL • After toss, grab a ball from bucket at back of court and wait for next turn. Volleyers wait behind service line for next turn. • For every point scored (in hoop or successful volley), player moves to scoring cones and moves ball to next cone. First team to seven wins, then switch sides. Progressions 1. Players catch ball instead of volleying. 2. Start point with drop-hit from service line.

UNDERHAND ANYWHERE Type: Competitive, team. Focus: Moving opponent, consistency. Setup • Four to six players per court. • One side serves, other returns. • Boundaries are 36-foot-court sidelines and service line for baseline. • Play a team-versus-team singles format. Mission—Toss and hit ball to open court. • Server puts racquet down, tosses ball to any part of court, picks up racquet and plays out point. • Rotate players after each point. Switch servers and returners after a team scores seven points. • Need help? Trap ball instead of hitting it. Goal—Both players recover to center. Progressions 1. Must toss/serve in diagonal box. COACHING TIP: 2. Returners hit only forehands or backhands. PLAYING OTHER 3. Play to only one-half of opponent’s court. SPORTS Everyone wants kids to keep coming back to their programs. At the same time, we want VI. PLAY AT HOME our kids to improve and realize that playing other sports ATTEND A PLAY DAY will only make them better tennis players. Your players should be ready to attend a Play Day at your facility. Be sure to encourage They may not be able to serve and rally from baseline, but they can multi-sport play. put the ball in play and rally, and that’s good enough! Parents will appreciate it and be more likely to support your program.

© 2019 USTA. / 105 © 2019 USTA. /

02 106

RED BALL 2 practice starts withahittingwarmup. Players are now able to rally, soeach or reduce to two activities. keep eachshorter thanfive minutes When there are three athletic skills, NOTES:

PLANS ATPLANS AGLANCE • • • • • Total: 60minutes SAMPLE LESSON PLAN Learn to play from allareas of36-foot court. OBJECTIVE Play at Home:3minutes orless 15–20minutesGames: Skills (athletic andtennis): 25–30minutes Character: 3minutes orless Warmup: 6–8minutes © 2019 USTA. / 107

RED BALL 2 Warmup Character Athletic Skills Tennis Skills Games Play at Home

01 Accordion Rally Effort Obstacle Course Card Shark Tag-Team Singles Alternate Shots to the Wall Rally with My Partner

Compass Pushes Capture the Cone

Push to the Line

02 Court Shapes Effort Ball Exchange Triangles See the Space Trick Shots Watch Me Control the Ball Zig Zags

Make ’Em Move

03 Accordion Rally Respect Positional Starts Serve/Return Progression Start It Out Serve and Return Against Wall I Can Serve; Show Me Your Return! Target Throws In the Freezer

04 Self-Volley Responsibility Copy Cat Volley Progression Pass Me Self-Volley Let’s Go To Net!

Hi-Lo Toss

05 No-Net Tennis Play Fair Copy Cat In the Zone Backhand Attack Serve Plus One I Can Serve Where I Want Compass Pushes

© 2019 USTA. / Box Throws

06 Self-Volley Play Fair Zig Zags Close the Net Pass Me Jump Rope Let’s Go To Net … Again! Freeze Tag Volley to Wall

Push to the Line

07 No-Net Tennis Temwork Make ’Em Move Self-Toss Hi-Lo Keep Away Rally with a Friend Playing from the Baseline Compass Pushes Partner Toss Hi-Lo

08 Trick Shots Respect Relay Races Card Shark Keep Away Play Junior Let’s Play!

108 Tag-Team Singles

RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: • • • on court. Mission Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Setup Focus: Type: ACCORDION RALLY I. poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: RALLY WITHMYPARTNER CHAPTER move backinto court—to service line, thento middleofbox. After five successful rallies eachfrom baseline, (without stopping rally), thenprogress to baseline. After five successful rallies each,move to service line starting from middleofservice box. Rally cooperatively usingany stroke, WARMUP Cooperative, players inpairs. Groundstroke direction andconsistency. —Keep rally goingfrom different positions 01 ACCORDION RALLY Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red balls;cones,

2. 1. Progressions as you move back to baseline. Goal 3. One stroke only. Hit crosscourt. More thanfive rallies. —Lengthen backswing andfollow-through © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup OBSTACLE COURSE III. • • EFFORT II. After eachplayer hasgonetwice, changemovement. player goeswhenprevious player reaches second cone. Proceed from cone to cone usingdifferent movements suchaszigzagging,sprinting,ordoingcircles. Next Four to sixplayers persquare. distance from net. Use four cones to create an18x18-foot square incenter ofcourt oneachsideofnet.Keep square asafe Ask yourself, “Am Idoingmy best today?” Give your best effort at practice andat home. Circles. Move to eachcone andmake acomplete circle around it. Diagonal. Move diagonallyto eachcone. Change direction at eachcone. Go to cones inastraight line CHARACTER ATHLETIC SKILLS OBSTACLE COURSE © 2019 USTA. / 110

RED BALL 2 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • Setup PUSH TO THELINE 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • Setup FREEZE TAG Emphasize strong andcontrolled pushes. On coach’s command, move ascloseto lineaspossible. Sit five feet behindbaselineorsideline. The player withthemost tagsin45seconds wins. After 45seconds, anew player is“it”. Players canbeunfrozen by teammates. Once tagged,players must freeze. Attempt to tagopponents. Designate one personto be“it”. Have players spread outononeside. Moves backwards andgetthetires asclosepossible to theline. Same asnumber3butwithtires. Move diagonallyfrom hubandgetascloseyou canto thelinewithcasters. toPush theline withtires asclosepossible. toPush theline withcaster wheelsasclosepossible. or by goingbackwards. Players taggedcannow aswell be“it” butcanonlypursueotherplayers usingaonehandpush © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 • • • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: TAG-TEAM SINGLES V. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • • • Setup Focus: Type: CARD SHARK IV. Need help? Useservice lineasbaseline, give players two tries. Try to setateam record. Each subsequentplayer hitsoneballandmoves to endofline, keeping pointgoing until someonemisses. First player onothersidereturns balldown center andgoesto endofline. First player from onesidedrop-hits ballover netandmoves to endofline. Boundaries are court lines. Divide players into two groups, witheachgroup forming alinebehindmiddleofeachbaseline. Minimum four players. Need help? Drop-hit andtrap oruseany stroke. designated time. (play untilallcards are gone) orseparate teams andplay for Create scoring where players cancompete asanentire group Hold onto card andpickanother. Rally over netnumberoftimesindicated by card withcorrect stroke. One player from eachpairpicksacard andmoves backto spot. Keep joker inandmake itawildcard—players getto pick. to work hard buthave success. Use onlycard numbersplayers canachieve; goalisfor them length ofrally. (example: red card isforehand). Numberoncard dictates Coach hasadeckofcards andassigns eachstroke acolor Two pairspercourt; start inmiddleofservice box. Rally crosscourt withoutsidestroke. Complete around, thenmove players back. GAMES —Keep rally goingwithgoodmovement (one stroke only). TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative team, competitive team. Competitive team withcooperative skills,players inpairs. Groundstroke consistency. Directing groundstrokes. —Keep rally going. —Rally numberofballsoncard.

© 2019 USTA. / on coping skills. also helpsthemwork engage thekids.It is agreat way to Using cards ordice TEACHING TIP


RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: CAPTURE THECONE 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal Need help? Play pointsinsideservice boxes. Switch servingteams after eachgame. with allcones wins. Play gamesby time;team withmost cones wins,orteam and claimsacone. Play outpointswithserve. Winner moves to opponent’s side court nearnet. Each team hasfive to seven cones linedupontheir side, outsideof Two teams of two orthree percourt, playing one-on-oneonfullcourt. Must serve to designated halfofbox. Serve andreturn must begoodinorder to play point. Only onestroke. Play competitively, where ballishitanywhere incourt. Courts compete for longest rally. —Recover to hub after eachshotwithgoodready position. —Control balldown center ofcourt. Competitive, team. Point play. —Serve, rally andscore. CAPTURE THECONE

© 2019 USTA. / create anenvironment into allyour gamesto team competition Try to incorporate against anopponent. rally/score andplay are ableto serve/ At thislevel, players COACHING TIP practice. new skillslearnedat to experiment with where players feel free 113

RED BALL 2 3. 2. 1. Progressions Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Setup ALTERNATE SHOTS TO WALL VI. Serve to wall andrally withafriend. Serve to leftsideofwall andalternate groundstrokes, thenserve to rightandalternate groundstrokes. Serve overhand to wall andalternate hittingforehand andbackhandgroundstrokes. PLAY AT HOME © 2019 USTA. / 114

RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: COURT SHAPES I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: WATCH MECONTROLTHEBALL CHAPTER Need help? Useshorter spaces and/or drop-hit and trap. Could beadifferent area oneachsideofnet. Rally inadesignated area determined by coach. and vertically (see diagram). add TDLsto splitservice boxes inhalfhorizontally Divide court according to existing linesand Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. WARMUP Cooperative, players inpairs. Direction ongroundstrokes. —Rally consistently to samearea. 02 COURT SHAPES Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red ballsandorange balls;

2. 1. Progressions to space selected. Goal Hit crosscourt. One stroke, alternating strokes. —Adjust lengthofstroke according © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: • • Mission • • • • Setup BALL EXCHANGE III. Practice onyour own withafriendorfamily member. EFFORT II. Move backandforth to eachcone. they were, oneat atime. other row. Turn around andputballsbackwhere row, oneballat atime, untilallthree ballsare on Move to cone, pick upballandplace itonopposite Up to three players persetofcones. leave otherrow empty. Place aballonallthree cones ononerow; Alley between cones shouldbeaboutsixfeet wide. from sidelineto sidelineoneachsideofnet. Place two linesofthree half-cones onadiagonal CHARACTER ATHLETIC SKILLS BALL EXCHANGE

2. 1. Progressions 3. cone to cone). changing handswithballwhilemoving from left side, righthand onrightside(thisrequires Pick upandsetdown ballwithlefthandon Use samehandto pickupandsetdown ball. creativity from players. Pivot from cone to cone. This requires some © 2019 USTA. / 116

RED BALL 2 2. 1. Progressions • • • • Mission • • • • • Setup MAKE ’EMMOVE 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup ZIG ZAGS After four successful catches oneachside, switch roles. catcher to successfully track ball. Make catcher move to leftandright, usingenoughheightfor Catcher usesrighthandonside, lefthandonleft. tosses backandrecovers to homebase. Toss ballto one side ofcatcher, whocatches withonehand, Catcher usesTDLas“hub.” One player feeds, othercatches. Pairs face eachother, five to six feet apart. No more thanthree pairsspread outoneachsideofcourt. Players inpairs,withoneorange ballandTDL. Perform two rounds andmove onto progressions. Warm upwithbasiczigzagto thenet. Place cones orTDLsinfront ofnetsoplayers know whento zigand thenzag. Up to four players oneachsideofnet,spread outalongbaselines. Require aspecificchair stance (open orsquare). Toss ballhigher, thenlower. apartnerdownPull andback using normalpushes.Partners willholdonthebackbar. One handpushontheway down andusethedifferent handontheway back. Zig Zagdown andpullbackwards ontheway back.

© 2019 USTA. / stances. and square chair work onbothopen hand. Once successful, catching withone on ismoving and main thingto focus when catching. The stance players use first about which chair Don’t beconcerned at TEACHING TIP


RED BALL 2 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission Two 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission One • • Setup Focus: Type: TRIANGLES IV. Complete two successful sequences, thenrotate onespot. and putsballinbucket. Hit second toss over head,to feeder’s landinsidecourt. Catcher catches ononebounce Hit first toss back to feeder, whocatches intheair. One feeder, onehitter five feet from net;catcher onbaseline. After three successful sequences, rotate positions. Feeder catches ballandtosses backto hitter, whocontinues to changedirection eachtime. Feeder tosses ballto hitter, whohitsto otherfeeder. stay aboutfive feet from net. Two players ononesideofnetbothfeed andcatch; player onothersidehits.Allplayers Players ingroups ofthree. Ifnecessary, canhave two groups ofthree ononecourt. Feeder drop-hits to hitter. Hitter moves from middleofservice box to service lineto baseline. Make hitter move wide anddeep. All three players rally cooperatively. Feeders drop-hit andtrap. —Adjust racquet face andfollow-through for high/low sequence. —Extend handandracquet indirection ofshot. TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative, groups ofthree. Side to side, high/low. —Alternate shotsleftandright. —Alternate shotshighandlow. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: • Mission • • • • • Setup Focus: Type: SEE THESPACE V. to hub. open-court groundstroke andrecovers back Toss awideballto challenger, whohits an Challenger starts incenter ofbaseline. Champ starts onsideofbaselinebehindfeeder. supply ofballs. Feeder isoffto side, closeto netwith are “challengers.” feeds, otheris“champ.” Remaining players Champs/challengers format—one player Up to five players per court. GAMES Cooperative to competitive, team. Move ball. —Hit ballto openspace. SEETHESPACE

3. 2. 1. Progressions to center. Goal • • • • feed shouldgo. If feeder struggles, putapoly-spot where feeder andfeeder to challenger. new player to champspot,andshiftto After acertain numberofpointsortime, rotate center ofcourt, ifnecessary. someone misses. UseTDLsto markoff Continue to rally inthismanneruntil Champ hitsallballsbackto center. Champ canhitanywhere. Play outpointscompetitively. Feed crosscourt. —Recover from wideballby moving back © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 • • • Mission Play ondriveway orany flat surface. Setup TRICK SHOTS VI. Change gripsto create different effects. Practice shotsafter bounce andintheair. Use any partofracquet to hitball. PLAY AT HOME —Create cool shotsonbounce andintheair. © 2019 USTA. / 120

RED BALL 2 • • RESPECT II. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Setup Focus: Type: ACCORDION RALLY I. poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: YOUR RETURN! I CAN SERVE;SHOW ME CHAPTER Support teammates whenthey trytheirhardest. Recognize effort inothers. After five successful rallies from baseline, move backinto court—service line, thenmiddleofbox. After five successful rallies, move to service line(without stopping rally), thenbaseline. Rally cooperatively beginningfrom middleofservice box, any stroke. More thanfive rallies. One stroke only. Rally crosscourt. WARMUP CHARACTER —Keep rally goingasplayers move from onespotto next. Cooperative, players inpairs. Groundstroke direction andconsistency. —Keep rally goingfrom different positionsoncourt. 03 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red balls;cones, © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 Note: The throw shouldlookmore like an overhead motionthanaserve. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • • • Mission • • • Setup TARGET THROWS 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • Setup POSITIONAL STARTS III. Need help? Players move insidebaselineto throw. or how longittakes to get to asetamountofpoints. See how many pointsplayers canscore inoneminute, value for eachtarget. Assign avalue for throwing into appropriate box anda Switch sidesofcourt after eachthrow. has thrown, otherteam throws. Other team catches balls.Once everyone from first team from adthrow diagonallyover netat targets. Team withballsgoesfirst. Oneplayer from deuce andone and various targets insideevery service box. Place anequalnumberofcones, poly-spots hulahoops Teams onopposite baselines;players ononesideallhave balls. Two teams ofthree orfour percourt. When finished,pushbackwards to starting point. Emphasis isonbig,strong pushedanddriving arms. opposite sideline. Start invarious positionsdetermined by thecoach, andoncoach’s command, sprintpushandstop on Players spread outonsidelinebothsidesofnet.Upto four oneachside. Move targets to backhalfofservice box. Score pointsonlyfor hittingtargets. Throw into adesignated halfofcourt. Stop onopposite baselineanddothree wiggles. Do theentire activitypushingbackwards. Start facing the netandturnto start. ATHLETIC SKILLS

© 2019 USTA. / • • • • • movement) execute theprior if player isableto progression only (continue to next Throwing Progression TEACHING TIP most difficult). (this willbethe facing backward hand andballare Palm ofthrowing after release. with armextended Throw isupandout, ahead orup. bent, notstraight in balance position— Non-dominant armis 90-degree position. Throwing arm is in to throw. Turn sideways


RED BALL 2 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: START ITOUT V. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: SERVE/RETURN PROGRESSION IV. Play for acertain amountoftimeandtryto beat your record. Pair scores apointfor servingandreturning to specified zone. Returner hits backto server andthey commence acrosscourt rally. Serve to aspecificspotinbox, determined by coach. Split eachservice box inhalfvertically. Two pairspercourt, diagonallyacross netfrom eachotherat service line. Use TDLsas“baseline”for players to stand behind. service line. Two pairspercourt, diagonallyacross netfrom eachotherat Play outpointscompetitively withservers versus returners. Pairs play entire court andreturn must goto aspecificside. Move players backto baselineandrepeat. switch sidesofcourt. four successful sequences. After bothpartnershave served, Serve to partner, whoreturns backto server. Changeroles after Warm upby throwing to partner, whocatches andthrows back. GAMES —Serve withdirection andrecover backto ready positionafter eachshot. —Server returns to ready positionwhenpartnerhitsreturn. TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. Cooperative, players inpairs;competitive. Serve andreturn direction andconsistency. Direct serve andreturn. —Serve to specifichalfofbox and return to server. —Serve andreturn cooperatively withpartner.

© 2019 USTA. / throw well. grip to players who Introduce a continental TEACHING TIP 123

RED BALL 2 3. 2. 1. Progressions Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Setup SERVE ANDRETURNAGAINST WALL VI. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: IN THEFREEZER Play first team to seven, then switch sides. If returner misses, servingteam winspoint.Ifreturn isincourt, returners winpoint. Server aimsaway from returner. Returner isin“freezer,” socan’tmove. Two play apointfrom deuce side, thenothertwo from adside. Serve from service line. Two teams of two orthree percourt. Onesideserves, otherreturns. Serve andrally untilyou miss. Serve to leftthenrightsideofwall. Serve overhand to wall, hitonegroundstroke (return) andcatch. score two points. Play outpoints.Ifserver winspoint,servingteam scores onepoint.Ifreturner winspoint,returners Serve from baseline. —Server usesspeedwithcontrol, returner setsupingoodready position. PLAY AT HOME Competitive, team. Directing serve. —Direct serve away from opponent. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 • • RESPONSIBILITY II. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission Players spread outaround court. Setup Focus: Type: SELF-VOLLEY I. poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: GOTOLET’S NET! CHAPTER Collect your equipmentwhenleaving practice. Be responsible for your equipment at practice. Have players setindividualgoals andtryfor “personalbest.” Use acontinental gripandone-handedbackhand. Hit continuous volleys upintheair. With continental grip, usealittleunderspinoneachvolley. Alternate forehand andbackhandvolleys. WARMUP CHARACTER —Keep ballintheairwithvery littlemovement (controlled space). Individual. Volley consistency. —Keep volley goingonbothsides. 04 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red balls;cones, © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • Mission • • • Setup HI-LO TOSS 1. Progressions • Mission • Setup COPY CAT III. After four successful hi-locatches, switch roles. Toss second ballhigh.Catch in theairabove waist level andtoss back. Toss to catcher, whocatches withonehandafter bounce andtosses back. One player feeds, othercatches. Players face eachother, four to five feet apart. Maximum four pairs spread outoneachsideofnet. Players inpairswithorange ball. pulling backwards, sprintingforward, pushingwithonehand,zigzagging,circles, etc... Coach demonstrates aspecificmovement inachair, thenplayers copy. Movements canbe varied suchas Players spread outoncourt; maximumfour oneachsideofnet. Increase distance between players. Move player onbothtosses. Catch withrighthandonside, left handonleft. The coach cangradually addmore difficultmovements. ATHLETIC SKILLS © 2019 USTA. / pointing upward. waist, withfingers should beabove Catch intheair TEACHING TIP


RED BALL 2 4. 3. 2. 1. Additional Progressions 6. 5. 4. Note: Useacontinental gripand one-handedbackhandvolley. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Mission • • Setup: Focus: Type: VOLLEY PROGRESSION IV. One feeds, othervolleys. Pairs onopposite sidesaboutfour feet from net. Rally from baselineto net. Volleyer hitsto aspecificsideofhitter. Rally to just onesideofvolleyer. Rally groundstroke to volley. Net player volleys backto partner, whotraps ballandrepeats groundstroke-volley-trap sequence. Player onservice linedrop-hits aforehand groundstroke to netplayer. Now have oneplayer onservice line, otheronopposite sidefour feet from net. Volleyer turnsto repeat sequence withbackhand.Switch roles after five volleys. Volleyer moves handto bottom ofhandleandvolleys backto feeder. Switch after five volleys. out oftheair. Feeder catches after bounce andtosses back.Switch roles after five bumpsback. Volleyer holdsracquet at top ofhandle. Feeder tosses ballto volleyer, whobumpsballbackto feeder TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. Volley direction. —Build avolley-to-groundstroke rally. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: PASS ME V. Play to seven andswitch roles. hitting ballpast volleyer withoutvolleyer touching it. Volleyer scores apointfor volleying ballover netandincourt. Passer scores apointby Volleyer drop-hits to passer, whoattempts agroundstroke . other players are offcourt at asafe distance. One sidevolleys from middleofservice box, othersidepasses from baseline. Play pointsoneonone; Two teams of two orthree onopposite endsofcourt. Passers canlob. Drop-hitters start onservice lineorbaseline. GAMES Competitive, team. Volleys andpassing shots. —Approach andvolley. PASS ME © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 2. 1. Progressions Mission Play ondriveway orany flat surface. Setup SELF-VOLLEY VI. With continental grip, usealittleunderspinoneachvolley. Alternate forehand andbackhandvolleys. PLAY AT HOME —Keep volley goingonbothsides. © 2019 USTA. / 129

RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: NO-NET TENNIS I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: I CAN SERVEWHEREIWANT CHAPTER try volleying backandforth inthe air. Once you canrally ballbackandforth 10times, racquet andaimingfor poly-spot. Have adinkrally, makingballgoslightlyupoff a poly-spot between them. baseline (thealley ofthe78-foot court), with Pairs are onopposite sidesofservice lineand Up to three pairsoneachsideofnet. WARMUP Cooperative, players inpairs. Groundstroke andvolley consistency. —Perform different typesofrallies. 05 NO-NETTENNIS Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red balls;

dice to determine how many ballsto hit. Note: This isagreat timeto useadeckofcards or • • 2. 1. Progressions and follow-through. Goal softly. Need help? Oneplayer tosses, othervolleys back and tapsbackat shoulderlevel. Next, onesidedink-volleys, otherletsitbounce or crosscourt anddown theline. Use patterns suchasforehand-to-forehand and groundstroke. Use continental gripfor dinkvolley —Rally insmallspace withlimited backswing © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • Setup COMPASS PUSHES 1. Progressions • Mission • Setup COPY CAT III. Follow rulesofthegamesandactivitiesat practice. PLAY FAIR II. After allplayers have goneonce, changedirection. Move around compass three times,thennext player goes. Start incenter ofcones andpushto eachcone, returning to center eachtime. Players ingroups oftwo orthree per“compass.” Cones should beabouteightfeet from center. Place four cones inasquare to represent north,south,east andwest. pushing withonehand,zigzagging,circles, etc... Movements canbevaried suchaspullingbackwards, sprintingforward, Coach demonstrates aspecificmovement inachair, thenplayers copy. Players spread outoncourt; maximumfour oneachsideofnet. Backwards pullfrom eachcone. Go around eachcone. CHARACTER The coach cangradually addmore difficultmovements. ATHLETIC SKILLS

© 2019 USTA. /

TEACHING TIP remain patient! sure to goslowly and them at first, somake will struggle with movements. Players tennis-specific These are allimportant 131

RED BALL 2 2. 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • Setup BOX THROWS Need help? Move insidebaselineto throw, allow catcher multiplebounces. Use ascoring system that rewards players for throwing incorrect box andcatching ballafter onebounce. from othersideofcourt. After two rounds ofthrowing, rotate returners. After acomplete rotation, serve/throw Returner catches, andafter everyone hasserved/thrown, tosses ballsback. From baseline, servers throw ballover netdiagonallyinto appropriate service box. Each team hastwo orthree servers—each withonered ball—andonereturner onothersideofnet. Players inteams ofthree orfour. to score apoint. Divide returners andservers evenly onbothsidesandperform athrow-catch-throw backsequence Split service box inhalfwithTDLsandthrow to aspecificsideofbox. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions and gobackto ready positionafter hitting. Goal • • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: IN THEZONE IV. Score apointfor eachcompleted sequence. Serve from adsideafter players complete bothpatterns. Next pattern isserve down theTandreturn down theline. Switch roles after four sequences. return crosscourt, thenstop. Next two players come upandrepeat. Two players at atime, oneshoteach.Serve outwidefrom deuce court, Service boxes splitinhalfvertically withTDLs. Two pairspercourt, partnersonopposite baselines. Serve andreturn pattern, thenplay outpoint. Serve, return andhitnext two ballsinapattern. —Stay consistent with serve andreturn setup(routine), TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. Direction onserve andreturn. —Serve andreturn inspecificpatterns. INTHEZONE

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throwing motion. working ontheir repetition and demonstration, serve through will learntheoverhand explanation. Most kids give alengthy down inpartsand to break theserve Avoid thetemptation TEACHING TIP


RED BALL 2 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Setup SERVE PLUS ONE VI. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: BACKHAND ATTACK V. Put amarkondoor/wallPut oruseexisting mark. Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Need help? Start pointwithdrop-hit, underhandserve, orthrow. Change roles after seven points.Usevisualscoring withhalf-cones onsideofcourt. also receives apoint. If player returns serve withbackhand, servingteam receives abonuspoint.Player whowinsrally between singleslineandcenter mark.Server aimsfor opponent’s backhand. Returner must stand behindapoly-spot orTDLpositionedbehindbaselineandhalfway Play outpoint,starting withserve. One sideserves, otherreturns. Two teams of two orthree. Serve andrally untilyou miss. Stay to rightorleftofmark,serve to target, move andhitgroundstroke. Serve overhand to target, hitonegroundstroke to sametarget. Must play server’s second ballto adesignated side. Aim for opponent’s forehand. GAMES —Make returner stretch for serve, lookto take advantage onnext shot. PLAY AT HOME Competitive, team. Serve direction. —Serve to backhand. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 III. • • PLAY FAIR II. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission Players spread outaround court. Setup Focus: Type: SELF-VOLLEY I. poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: GOTOLET’S NET…AGAIN! CHAPTER Call shotsin/out honestly. Keep track ofscore duringgame. Set agoalandtryfor a “personalbest.” Encourage acontinental gripandone-handedbackhandfor thosewhoare successful. Hit continuous volleys upintheair, bothforehands andbackhands. Alternate forehand andbackhandvolleys. One stroke only (allforehands orallbackhands). WARMUP CHARACTER —Use spinonballwithcontinental grip. ATHLETIC SKILLS Individual. Volley consistency. —Keep volley goingonbothsides. 06 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red balls;cones, © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • Setup PUSH TO THELINE 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • Setup FREEZE TAG 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup ZIG ZAGS Emphasize strong andcontrolled pushes. On coach’s command, move ascloseto lineaspossible. Sit five feet behindbaselineorsideline. The player withthemost tagsin45seconds wins.. After 45seconds, anew player is“it”. Players canbeunfrozen by teammates. . Once tagged,players must freeze. . Attempt to tagopponent’s . Designate onepersonto . be“it” Have players spread outononeside. Perform two rounds andmove onto progressions. Warm upwithbasiczigzagto thenet. Place cones orTDLsinfront ofnetsoplayers know whento zigand thenzag. Up to four players oneachsideofnet,spread outalongbaselines. Moves backwards andgetthetires asclosepossible to theline. Same asnumber3butwithtires. Move diagonallyfrom hubandgetascloseyou canto thelinewith thecasters. toPush thelinewithtires asclosepossible. toPush thelinewithcaster wheelsasclosepossible. backwards. Players taggedcannow aswell be“it” butcanonlypursueotherplayers usinga onehandpushorby going apartnerdownPull andback using normalpushes.Partners willholdonthebackbar. One handpushontheway down andusethedifferent handontheway back. Zig Zagdown andpullbackwards ontheway back. © 2019 USTA. / 136

RED BALL 2 3. 2. 1. Progressions with softhandonsecond. Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: CLOSE THENET IV. After sixattempts, players changeroles. After acomplete rotation, switch to backhandside. who catches after bounce. Volleyer anglessecond ballshortandaway from feeder. Feeder tosses two ballsto volleyer’s forehand side. Volleyer hitsfirst back to feeder, Volleyer drop-hits balldown theline, moves to netandisready to volley. Volleyer starts onservice line, feeder inmiddleofservice box. Players inpairsonhalf-court. Onevolleys, otherfeeds. Rally allballsafter drop-hit. Feeder traps approach withracquet, drop-hits andtraps again. Feeder tosses sameballbackfor onemore volley. Feeder catches approach shotandtosses backto volleyer, whovolleys itbackto feeder. —Adjust motionontwo volleys: Extend outward for first volley, thenangle racquet TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. Approach andvolley withdirection. —Perform approach andtwo volleys.

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RED BALL 2 3. 2. 1. Progressions Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Setup VOLLEY TO WALL VI. 2. 1. Progressions for passing shot. Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: PASS ME V. Play to seven andswitch roles. getting ballpast net player. Net player scores for volleying passing shotover netorsimplytouching ballwithracquet. Passer scores by Volleyer drop-hits crosscourt to passer andcomes to net.Passer attempts adown-the-line passing shot. Play pointsoneonone, withotherplayers offcourt at asafe distance. Two teams oftwo to three; volleyers on service lineononesideofnet,passers onbaselineother. Play withafriendandalternate hits,or volley backandforth intheairwithout awall. One stroke, thenalternate. Volley against wall intheair. Passers canplay down thelineorcrosscourt onfirst ball. Start withdrop-hit from baselineandcome to net. GAMES —Volleyer plays crosscourt approach andcovers line;passer setsupwithgoodshoulder turn PLAY AT HOME Competitive, team. Volleys andpassing shots. —Control direction ofpassing shot. will roll into thefence instead ofonto anadjacent court. feeding drills,putthetosser onthesamesideasfence soballsbeinghit Whenever possible, setupyour 36-foot courts withafence ononeside. For COURT CENTS: UPCOURTS SETTING © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 • • TEAMWORK II. 2. 1. Progressions Goal Note: This isagreat timeto useadeckofcards ordice to determine how many ballsto hit. • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: NO-NET TENNIS I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: PLAYING FROMTHEBASELINE CHAPTER Help othersto improve. Be acaringteammate. Need help? Oneplayer tosses, othervolleys backsoftly. Next, onesidedink-volleys, otherletsitbounce andtapsbackat shoulderlevel. Once you canrally ballbackandforth 10times,tryvolleying backandforth intheair. Have adinkrally, makingballgoslightlyupoffracquet andaimingfor poly-spot. Pairs face eachotheronopposite sidesofservice lineandbaselinewithapoly-spot between them. Up to three pairsoneachsideofnet. crosscourt anddown theline. Use patterns suchasforehand-to-forehand or Use continental gripfor dink-volley andgroundstroke. WARMUP CHARACTER —Rally insmallspace withlimited backswing andfollow-through. Cooperative, players inpairs. Groundstroke andvolley consistency. —Perform different typesofrallies. 07 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red ballsandorange balls;

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RED BALL 2 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • Setup COMPASS PUSHES 2. 1. Progressions • • • • Mission • • • • • Setup MAKE ’EMMOVE III. After allplayers have gone once, changedirection. Move around compass three times,thennext player goes. Start incenter ofcones andpushto eachcone, returning to center eachtime. Players ingroups oftwo orthree per“compass.” center. Place four cones inasquare to represent north,south,east andwest. Cones shouldbeabouteightfeet from Switch roles every minute. Feeder makes catcher move by tossing ballssideto side, high/low anddeep/short. Catcher usesright handonrightside, lefthandonleft. and recovers to homebase. Feeder tosses ballto onesideofcatcher, whocatches with onehand,tosses backto feeder Catcher usesTDL as“hub.” One player feeds, othercatches. Players face eachother, five to six feet apart. No more thanthree pairsspread outoneachsideofnet. Players inpairs,withorange ballandTDL. Increase distance between feeder andcatcher. Require aspecificchair stance (open orsquare) andcatching hand. Backwards pullfrom eachcone. Go around eachcone. ATHLETIC SKILLS © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 ILLUSTRATION: Goal • • • • • • Mission • • Setup SELF-TOSS HI-LO Focus: Type: SELF-TOSS ANDPARTNER TOSS HI/LO IV. Need help? Coach helpswithtoss. For backhand,self-toss withdominanthandandplace handbackonracquet after toss. After four successful sequences withforehand, switch to backhand. Second toss isupandinfront. Drive ballstraight aheadto corner target. First toss ishighandslightlybackward. Lob ballover netto center target. Set upsameway asdrop-hit, except tossing armispalmup. Place onebigtarget inmiddleofcourt, two more ineachcorner. Two pairspercourt—two hitters inservice boxes ononesideofnet,two waiting ondeck. —Adjust swing according to location andheightofshot. TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. High-low forehand andbackhandgroundstrokes. —Control ballhighandlow. SELFTOSS HI/LO © 2019 USTA. / 141

RED BALL 2 Focus: Type: KEEP AWAY V. ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions recover backto center after eachball. Goal • • • • • Mission Same asabove. Setup PARTNER TOSS HI-LO Need help? Feeder stays to sideofplayer. Complete four successful sequences eachandswitch to backhand. Hitter plays lob/drive combination to targets. Toss first feed slightlyabove hitter’s head,second ballhighandshort. Feeder at netonsame sideashitter; hitter inmiddleofservice box. Feed withracquet from opposite sideofnet. Move players closerto baseline. Toss/self-toss higherandfurtherbackondeepball. GAMES —Adjust swing according to location andheightofshot, Competitive, team. Usingwidthongroundstrokes. PARTNER TOSS HI/LO

© 2019 USTA. / new skill. feed orintroduce a demonstrate aproper hitter work harder, and feed to make the may want to step in At times,thecoach TEACHING TIP 142

RED BALL 2 2. 1. Progressions Play ondriveway orany flat surface. Setup RALLY WITHAFRIEND VI. ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • Mission • • Setup Play first to seven (usevisualscore) and switch players after game, ifnecessary. Play pointsstarting withaserve. Lose apointifyou hittwice inthemiddle. This area willbeknown middle.” as“the Use TDLsto make abigsquare around center markofbaselineineachbackcourt. Two teams of two orthree onopposite sidesofnet. Create acourt, thenchangesize. Hit withany stroke, onestroke, alternating strokes. Bonus pointifopponentmoves outsidesideline. Just oneserve. Can’t hitany ballsinthemiddle. —After serve andreturn, move into court anddrive ballto corners oruseshorter angles. PLAY AT HOME

—Keep balloutofthemiddle. KEEPAWAY © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 • • RESPECT II. Trick shotswithpartner. Progression • • • Mission Players spread outaround court. Setup Focus: Type: TRICK SHOTS I. poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: PLAY!LET’S CHAPTER Look your opponentintheeye whenshakinghands. Introduce yourself to opponentbefore play. Use different gripsto create different effects. Can hitafter bounce orintheair. Use any partofracquet to hitball. WARMUP CHARACTER Individual. Becreative! —Show coach what you cando. 08 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets: red balls;cones, © 2019 USTA. / new ones.These tricks andcreating keep working ontheir Challenge kidsto TEACHING TIP more creative game. and willtranslate to a better racquet skills activities develop


RED BALL 2 Type: KEEP AWAY V. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: CARD SHARK IV. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup RELAY RACES III. Need help? Drop-hit andtrap orany stroke isfine. play for designated time. Create scoring that letsplayers compete asagroup (play untilallcards are gone), orseparate teams and Players rally numberoftimesindicated by card, withcorrect stroke, thenholdonto card andpickanother. One player from eachpairpicksacard andmoves backto spot. Use allcards; joker iswild. Coach hasa deck ofcards andwillestablish acolor for eachstroke (e.g., red card isforehand). Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court andhittingfrom service line. Next player goeswhentagged;must start behindsideline. When coach says “Go,” first player pushes to opposite sidelineandback. Teams start onsidelinesinastraight line. Two teams of four to sixoneachsideofnet. Rally crosscourt withoutsidestroke. Move players back. Change starting position. Add aballandrequire anadditionaltask(players pick). Players pickwhichmovement to use. GAMES —Keep rally goingwithgoodfootwork (one stroke only). ATHLETIC SKILLS TENNIS SKILLS Competitive, team. Team, competition withcooperative skills,players inpairs. Groundstroke consistency. —Rally samenumberofballsasoncard. © 2019 USTA. / 145

RED BALL 2 players andwheelchairplayers having funtogether! Having awheelchairathlete onaJTTteam would beawonderful thing!Agreat example ofable-bodied Contact your district orsectionoffice if you don’thave aleaguein your area. By now, players are ready to joinateam, especiallyifthey’ve beento aPlay Day. PLAY JUNIORTEAMTENNIS VI. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: TAG-TEAM SINGLES 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal— • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Need help? Useservice lineasbaseline, give players two tries. Try to setateam record. Each subsequentplayer hitsoneballandmoves to endofline, keeping pointgoinguntilsomeonemisses. First player onothersidereturns balldown center andgoesto endofline. First player from onesidedrop-hits ball over netandmoves to endofline. Boundaries are court lines. Split players into two groups, witheach group forming alinebehindmiddleofeach baseline. Minimum four players. Play first to seven (usevisualscore) and switch players after game, ifnecessary. Play pointsstarting withaserve. Lose apointifyou hittwice inthemiddle. middle.”“the Use TDLsto make abigsquare around center markofbaselineineachbackcourt. This area willbeknown as Two teams of two orthree onopposite sidesofnet. Only onestroke. Play competitively, where ballishitanywhere incourt. Courts compete for longest rally. Bonus pointifopponentmoves outsidesideline. Just oneserve. Can’t hitany ballsinthemiddle. —Control balldown center ofcourt. PLAY AT HOME Cooperative team, competitive team. After serve andreturn, move into court anddrive ballto corners oruseshorter angles. Directing groundstrokes. Using widthongroundstrokes. —Keep rally going! —Keep balloutofthemiddle. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 2 © 2019 USTA. /

01 147

RED BALL 1 more pointplay at theend. a dynamicwarmup at thebeginning and If practice islongerthan60minutes, add have players come early. dynamic warmup to thelesson planor If practice is60minutes, addashort NOTES: PLANS ATPLANS AGLANCE • • • • • Total: 60minutes SAMPLE LESSON PLAN Develop amore complete gameonthe36-foot court. OBJECTIVE Play at Home:3minutes orless 15–20minutesGames: Skills (athletic andtennis): 25–30minutes Character: 3minutes orless Warmup: 6–8minutes © 2019 USTA. / 148

RED BALL 1 Warmup Character Athletic Skills Tennis Skills Development Games Play at Home

01 Figure 8 Respect Obstacle Course Triangles Capture the Cone Best Rally Rally with My Partner Positional Starts Point Play

Make ’em Move

02 Quicksand Effort One Hand Push Angle/Down-the-Line Combo Sideliner Make It Jump How Do You Hit Topspin? Compass Jumps Self-Toss, Partner Toss

Four-Corner Toss

03 Bounce Volley Positivity Positional Starts Slice and Dice 7 Up Slice Rally I Can Slice Push to the Line Four-Square

Grab and Throw

04 Mini-Tennis Positivity Freeze Tag Squeeze Rally Capture the Cone: First Four Over and Under Rally Games Copy Cat


05 Opposites Independence Zig Zags Slice and Dice Serve Serve Pyramids Slice Serve and Spin My Serve Rally to Wall Push to the Line Point Play

© 2019 USTA. / Two-Ball Throw

06 Figure 8 Independence Figure 8 Cone Weaves Figure 8 Volleys Pass Me Trick Shots Up in the Air Compass Pushes Close the Net

Hi-Lo Toss

07 Mini-Tennis Independence Red Light/Green Light Pushes Hi-Lo Island Tennis Mini-Tennis Groundstrokes, Volleys, Overheads, One Hand Push & Serves, Oh My! Three-Ball Throw

08 Mini-Tennis Hi-Lo Respect Big-Ball Tennis Squeeze Rally Sideliner Play a Tournament Check Out My Skills

149 Four-Square Black Hole

RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: • • • Mission • Setup Focus: Type: FIGURE 8 I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: RALLY WITHMYPARTNER CHAPTER from baseline. Two minutes ineachpattern, thensame using outsidestroke. Move partneronlyafew feet to rightandleft other hitscrosscourt. Rally cooperatively; onesidehitsdown theline, start onservice lines. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Players WARMUP Cooperative, players inpairs.

Changeofdirection ongroundstrokes. —Change direction onevery ball. 01 FIGURE8 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets, red ballsandorange balls;

2. 1. Progressions appropriate speedandspin. Goal One sidehitsallforehands. Slice andtopspin from service line. —Find rally pace you cancontrol with © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup OBSTACLE COURSE III. by treating everyone equally. Respect teammates andopponents RESPECT II. After eachplayer hasgonetwice, changemovement. player goeswhenprevious player reaches second cone. Proceed from cone to cone usingdifferent movements suchaszigzagging,sprinting,ordoingcircles. Next Four to sixplayers persquare. distance from net. Use four cones to create an18x18-foot square incenter ofcourt oneachsideofnet.Keep square asafe Circles. Move to eachcone andmake acomplete circle around. Diagonal. Move diagonallyto eachcone. Change direction at eachcone. Go to cones inastraight line. CHARACTER ATHLETIC SKILLS OBSTACLE COURSE

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RED BALL 1 • • Setup Focus: Type: TRIANGLES IV. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • • • • Setup MAKE ’EMMOVE 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • Setup POSITIONAL STARTS All players onbaseline. Two players ononesideofnet,other. two groups ofthree ononecourt. Players ingroups ofthree. Ifnecessary, canhave Need help? Move closertogether. Switch roles every minute. handed intheair. Once successful, toss ballsslightlyabove catcher’s head.Catch one- Catch withrighthandonside, left handonleft. Catch ononebounce andrecover to homebase. Make catcher move by tossing ballssideto side, high/low anddeep/short. Catcher usesTDLas“hub.” One feeds, othercatches. Pairs face eachother, four to sixfeet apart. Maximum three pairsspread outoneachsideofnet. Players inpairs,withorange ballandTDL. When finished,pushbackwards to starting point. Emphasis isonbig,strong pushedanddriving arms. opposite sideline. Start invarious positionsdetermined by thecoach, andoncoach’s command, sprintpushandstop on Players spread outonsidelinebothsidesofnet.Upto four oneachside. Move farther apart. For highball,catch withopposite foot andhand. Stop onopposite baselineanddothree wiggles. Do theentire activitypushingbackwards. Start facing the netandturnto start. TENNIS SKILLS Cooperative, groups ofthree. Changeofdirection andoff-center recovery.

2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission After four successful sequences, rotate positions. Two players hitrightbackto singleplayer. Single player alternates shotsto two players. Any player starts rally withdrop-hit. Two players hitonlytheiroutsidestroke. Single player hitsallforehands, then allbackhands. —Recover according to direction ofshot. —Alternate shotsleftandright. © 2019 USTA. / poly-spots orTDLsto to singleplayer. Use off-center recovery activity isto teach The purpose of this TEACHING TIP to recover properly. give singleplayer time drop-hit andtrap to necessary, have players should recover. If indicate where they 152

RED BALL 1 • • Progressions Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Setup BEST RALLY VI. Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Note: Whenever there’s timeleft,or practice lasts 90minutes, addpointplay. POINT PLAY 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: CAPTURE THECONE V. Do samewithafriendand hituntilyou miss. Serve to wall, thenrally for numbers.Try to setapersonal best. Switch servers after gameends. Play onepointandrotate ifthree players perteam, two pointsandrotate iftwo perteam. Play outgamesasateam. One team serves, otherreturns. Two teams oftwo orthree, usingfull court. Switch servingteams after eachgame. Play gamesby time, team withmost cones wins,orteam withallcones wins. Winner ofpointmoves to othersideofcourt and“captures acone” for team, thennext players onteams go. Returner scores by executing return to designated side. Winner ofpointalsoscores. Returner pickssidebefore pointstarts. Play outpointswithone serve. Both teams have five to seven cones linedupontheirside, off court by net. Two teams of two orthree onfullcourt. Players pickpattern. Must serve to designated halfofbox. GAMES —Apply day’s themeto pointplay (change ofdirection). —Take return earlyto putpressure onserver. PLAY AT HOME Competitive, team. Changing direction onreturn ofserve. —Play pointswithserve andreturn. —Move opponentwithreturn. © 2019 USTA. / 153

RED BALL 1 • • EFFORT II. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: QUICKSAND I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: HOW DOYOU HITTOPSPIN? CHAPTER Never give up;new skillstake timeandpatience. Try hard. First pairto place four ballswins. Once pairscomplete specifiednumberofshots,they place aballintheirscoring area. Pairs rally for aspecificnumberofshots.Must stay behindbaseline; inside court isquicksand. Start withtwo-minute warmup onservice line, thenmove backto baseline. Each pairhasdesignated area at netfor scoring. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Allplayers behind baseline. change direction andkeep balldeep. Same activitywiththree players (triangles). Singleplayer must Start withrally offour shots,thenfive, etc. WARMUP CHARACTER —Hit highwithspinsoballstays deep. Cooperative, players inpairs. Depthongroundstrokes. —Keep balldeep. 02 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets, red ballsandorange balls;

© 2019 USTA. / 154

RED BALL 1 • • Mission Players spread outonthesinglessideline. Setup ONE HANDPUSH III. one hand. downPush withonehandand pushbackwiththeother. down Push withonehandand pullbackwards with Progressions Players willpushwithonehandto theopposite singlessidelineandback.Repeat three to four times. ATHLETIC SKILLS © 2019 USTA. / 155

RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • Setup COMPASS PUSHES After allplayers have goneonce, changedirection. Move around compass three times,thennext player goes. Start incenter ofcones andpushto eachcone, returning to center eachtime. Players ingroups oftwo orthree per“compass.” center. Place four cones inasquare to represent north,south,east andwest. Cones shouldbeabouteightfeet from Backwards pullfrom eachcone. Go around eachcone. COMPASS PUSHES © 2019 USTA. / 156

RED BALL 1 2. 1. Progressions • • • • Mission • • Setup FOUR-CORNER TOSS from leftto righthand. Once successful, addasecond ball,continuing to bounce ballto partnerwithrighthandandtransfer ball Toss andcatch ballto sideofbody. Partner passes ballfrom lefthandto right,andbounces itdownward backto player’s lefthand.Repeat. after bounce withlefthand. Player bounces aballdownward (palmdown) withrighthandto partner, whocatches Pairs face eachotheraboutfour feet apart,withfour orange balls. Maximum four pairsoneachsideofnet. Introduce movement whilebouncingballs. Add athird ball,thenafourth. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: Goal • • • • • Mission • • • • • Setup ANGLE/DOWN-THE-LINE SELF-TOSS Focus: Type: ANGLE/DOWN-THE-LINE COMBO(SELF-TOSS ANDPARTNER TOSS) IV. Need help? Start insidebaselinewitheasierself-toss. Score apointfor eachtarget hit.Play two-minute games,pickupballsandchangepartners. For backhand,self-toss withdominanthand,thenplace handbackonracquet. Second self-toss insamespot.Drive balldown thelineto corner target, thenpartnerhits. First self-toss isupandinfront ofbaseline. Hitshortcrosscourt angleandrecover backto thehub. One sidehitsforehands, otherhitsbackhands. Hitters’ partnersare safe distance behindthem. One hitter from eachpaironeithersideofcenter mark,withtwo ballseach. Place targets inservice box corners anddeepcorners. Two pairsonsamesideofnetat baseline. Onepairondeuce side, otheronad. TENNIS SKILLS —Use spinonangleshotto make balldrop quicklyover net. Hand-feed, players inpairs. Creating widthongroundstrokes. —Hit shortangleanddown-the-line combination. ANGLE/DOWN-THE-LINE COMBO(SELF-TOSS) © 2019 USTA. / 158

RED BALL 1 Setup Focus: Type: SIDELINER V. ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • • • ANGLE/DOWN-THE-LINE PARTNER TOSS Need help? Feeder stays to sideofplayer. pick upballsandchangepartners. Score apointfor eachtarget hit.Play two-minute games, Complete four successful sequences eachandswitch sides. Toss second ballto samespot;hitter plays deepdown theline. and recovers. Toss first ballwideinmidcourt; hitter plays topspin angle Feeder at netonopposite side, hitter onbaseline. Must hittarget for sequence to count. Coach feeds. Racquet-feed to hitter. GAMES —Use sameshoulderturnfor eachshotto helpwithdisguise. Competitive, team. Move opponentusingwidth. ANGLE/DOWN-THE-LINE COMBO(PARTNER TOSS)

© 2019 USTA. / ratio) isnecessary. environment (2:1or3:1 or asmall-group Either private lessons need extra repetitions. level ofskill,players In order to reach this TEACHING TIP 159

RED BALL 1 • • • Mission Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Setup MAKE ITJUMP VI. ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Focus onforehand side, thenbackhand. Keep ballgoing, tryingto make it“jump”by hittingexcessive topspin. Start withtopspin feed to wall. First team to seven wins. Rotate players after eachpoint. Score onepointfor winningthepointandoneeachtimeyou force opponentoutsidesideline. Start pointswithaserve. Players must usetheiroutsidestrokes. Play allpointscrosscourt. Canplay two pointsat sametime. Use extra TDLsto splitcourt inhalf. Two teams of three orfour onopposite sidesofnet. Play fullcourt. Use insidestroke only. —Use spinto move balloffcourt. PLAY AT HOME —Use topspin to make ball“jump”offwall. —Move opponentbeyond sideline. SIDELINER © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 1 • • POSITIVITY II. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: BOUNCE VOLLEY I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: I CAN SLICE CHAPTER Come upwithyour own positive self-talk. Practice positive self-talksuch as“Iwillgetthis”orcandothis.” First backhands, thenforehands. Feeder catches ballandfeeds second balllow. Hitter “volleys” backafter bounce. Feed first ballas volley. Using continental grip, hitter dinks volley back to feeder. Two hitters inmiddleofservice box, feeders at netonsamesidewithoneballeach. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Rally slice to slice. Feeder moves to othersideofnet. Hit allballsafter bounce. WARMUP CHARACTER —For slice, make ball “stop” whenitbounces. Hand-feed, players inpairs. Introduce slice. —Hit easy slice to partner. 03 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red ballsandorange balls; © 2019 USTA. / 161

RED BALL 1 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • Setup PUSH TO THELINE 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • Setup POSITIONAL STARTS III. Emphasize strong andcontrolled pushes. On coach’s command, move ascloseto lineaspossible. Sit five feet behindbaselineorsideline. When finished,pushbackwards to starting point. Emphasis isonbig,strong pushedanddriving arms. opposite sideline. Start invarious positionsdetermined by thecoach, andoncoach’s command, sprintpushandstop on Players spread outonsidelinebothsidesofnet.Upto four oneachside. Moves backwards andgetthetires asclosepossible to theline. Same asnumber3butwithtires. Move diagonallyfrom hubandgetascloseyou canto thelinewithcasters. toPush theline withtires asclosepossible. toPush theline withcaster wheelsasclosepossible. Stop onopposite baselineanddothree wiggles. Do theentire activitypushingbackwards. Start facing the netandturnto start. ATHLETIC SKILLS © 2019 USTA. / 162

RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: • • • Mission • • • Setup GRAB ANDTHROW After bothballsare caught,othersidegrabs andthrows. Players onopposite sidecatch after bounce. Grab ballandthrow upandoutover netinonemotion. Start sideways to netwithbothballsonthelap. Each player onstarting sidehastwo orange balls. Three players oneachsideofnet,spread outalongservice lines. GRABANDTHROW © 2019 USTA. / 163

RED BALL 1 2. 1. Progressions for stability. Note: Someplayers that have balance issues may needto usetheirnon-dominant handby holdingthepushrim Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: 7 UP V. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission Players spread outaround court withenoughspace. Setup Focus: Type: SLICE ANDDICE IV. Attempt to rally seven straight balls. Must letballbounce andusecontinental grip. Non-dominanthandshouldbeonthroat. Alternate starting rally withdrop-hit. Players start onopposite service lines. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Start withonebypass; after afew successes, dotwo. Ball shouldcome upoffracquet. Let ballbounce and“bypass” ballwithracquet face parallel to ground, creating underspin. Using continental grip, work onself-rally on forehand side. All backhands,thenallforehands. then switch partners. Get competitive. Ballmust come upoffracquet to encourage touch. First to seven pointswins, Rally withpartnerinsmallspace. Alternate forehands andbackhands. All backhands. GAMES TENNIS SKILLS —Keep non-dominanthandonracquet throat. —Achieve multiplebypasses (four, five ormore). Cooperative to competitive. Individual,cooperative inpairs. Forehand andbackhandslice. Forehand andbackhandslice. —Rally slices. —Self-rally withunderspin. © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 1 3. 2. 1. Progressions Play ondriveway orany flat surface. Setup SLICE RALLY VI. ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions Goal • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: FOUR-SQUARE Play pointsstarting withserve. After serve, can’thitinto samesquare two timesinarow. Divide court into four equalsquares usingTDLsorpoly-spots. Four players percourt for cooperative; upto five orsix for competitive. Play outpointswithboundaries. Mix involleys and slice. Hit any stroke, one stroke, alternating strokes. Require slice for shortboxes. Move to competitive, attempting to winpoint. Start withcooperative, keeping rally goingwithouthittingto samesquare two timesinarow. PLAY AT HOME —Use deep/short combinations. Cooperative orcompetitive, partnerorteam.

Deep/short andsideto side. —Move opponentsideto sideanddeep/short. FOUR-SQUARE 2 1 3 4 3 4 © 2019 USTA. / 2 1


RED BALL 1 III. Smile andshow you enjoy playing tennis. POSITIVITY II. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Players inservice boxes. Setup Focus: Type: MINI-TENNIS I. and smallfootballs; cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: RALLY GAMES CHAPTER Need help? Hand-feed volley andslice withpartner. Next, volley to volley. Next, oneplayer at net,otherinmiddleofservice box. Dinkslice to volley, thenswitch. Pairs rally over netfrom middleofservice box usingdink slice withcontinental grip. Alternate strokes. One stroke only. Crosscourt. WARMUP CHARACTER —Keep non-dominanthandonthroat for ready positionafter slices andvolleys. ATHLETIC SKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. Direction, spin. —Keep ballgoingwithcontinental grip. 04 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red balls,orange balls © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 1 1. Progressions • Mission • Setup COPY CAT 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • Setup FREEZE TAG pulling backwards, sprintingforward, pushingwithonehand,zigzagging,circles, etc... Coach demonstrates aspecificmovement inachair, thenplayers copy. Movements canbe varied suchas Players spread outoncourt; maximumfour oneachsideofnet. The player withthemost tagsin45seconds wins.. After 45seconds, anew player is“it”. Players canbeunfrozen by teammates. . Once tagged,players must freeze. . Attempt to tagopponent’s . Designate one personto . be“it” Have players spread outononeside. The coach cangradually addmore difficultmovements. going backwards. Players taggedcannow aswell be“it” butcanonlypursueotherplayers usingaonehandpushorby © 2019 USTA. / 167

RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. prior movement. Note: Continue to next progression onlyifplayer isableto execute 2. 1. Progressions Play catch withpartner. Whenthrowing, work onspirals. Mission do station work. Note: Ifthere aren’t enough footballs, usetennis ballsorhave players • • Setup QUARTERBACK Pairs are onopposite sidelineswithonefootball. Up to three pairsoneachsideofnet. when behindhead. Same preparation, butthistime, pointfront tipofballbackward at 90degrees withballbehindhead. Front armisbent,parallel to ground, withhandto side. Backarmis Turn to sidewithbothhandsonball,thenseparate hands/arms. throwing armupandto side, armbentat 90degrees. Start facing forward withbothhandsonball.Turn sideways with pushing forward andthrowing.. Add movement like aquarterback—such asmoving back,stopping, Add distance. QUARTERBACK © 2019 USTA. / appropriately. challenge eachplayer so make sure you basic progressions, family. These are own withfriendsor to throw ontheir and encourage them with thebeginners before. Stay patient have thrown afootball Many players willnever TEACHING TIP 168

RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: SQUEEZE RALLY IV. Players continue untilboundary istoo narrow. Then move TDLsinoneracquet length. Rally four balls(two each)inboundaryandyell “Squeeze!” Start arally withastraight-ahead serve andreturn. wide aseightfeet. courts. Dependingonlevel ofplayers, eachcourt canbeginas Place TDLsparallel to eachotherto create two rectangular Start withsidelineasoneboundaryandTDLsother. baselines withtwo TDLseach. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Players onopposite Use dice orcards to determine numberofshots. Hit specific strokes suchasslice or topspin only. Increase numberofshotsrequired. TENNIS SKILLS —Extend follow-through to helpdirect ballinto boundaries. Cooperative, players inpairs. Direction ongroundstrokes. —Control rally withincourt boundaries. SQUEEZERALLY © 2019 USTA. / how they respond. “impossible” andsee the next distance is capability, tell them the edgeoftheir After they’ve reached Kids like achallenge. TEACHING TIP 169

RED BALL 1 2. 1. Progressions Mission • • Setup OVER ANDUNDER VI. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • • Scoring • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: CAPTURE THECONE:FIRST FOUR V. Can play withpartnerondriveway orany flat surface. Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Switch servingteams after eachgame. Play gamesby time, team withmost cones wins,orteam withallcones wins. Once pointends,player moves to othersideto capture proper numberofcones. On second serve, onlyreturner canscore—one for executing first two shotsandone for winningpoint. On first serve, onlyserver canscore—one for executing first two shotsandone forwinningpoint. For second serve, returner hitsto opposite sideofserver, andthento otherside. Play outpoint. Encourage server to take return ontherise. Play outfull-court pointswithserve. Onfirst serve, server must hit return to open court, thenplay outpoint. Both teams have five to seven cones linedupontheirside, outsideof court by net. Two teams of two orthree percourt. Alternate slice andtopspin. Rally, mixinginslice andtopspin. Players pickpattern. Must serve to designated halfofbox. GAMES —Take ballontheriseto applypressure. PLAY AT HOME Competitive, team. Serve andreturn patterns. —Use topspin andslice. —Move opponentwithcombinations ofshots. © 2019 USTA. / 170

RED BALL 1 Prepare your own equipment for practice. INDEPENDENCE II. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: OPPOSITES I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: SPIN MYSERVE CHAPTER After oneminute, switch roles. Players rally hittingopposite spins(ifleaderslices, partnerhitstopspin). One partnerisleader, otherisfollower. All activitiesinsideservice box. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Play two straight similarshotsthenchangespins. One stroke only, thenalternate. WARMUP CHARACTER —Change gripand/or handpositionfor different spins. Cooperative, players inpairs. Changingspins. —Hit opposite shotfrom your partner. 05 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red ballsandorange balls; © 2019 USTA. / 171

RED BALL 1 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • Setup PUSH TO THELINE better coordination ofarmsandlegs. Note: Over time, players willfeel what it’s like to runwith 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • Setup ZIG ZAGS III. Emphasize strong andcontrolled pushes. On coach’s command, move ascloseto lineaspossible. Sit five feet behindbaselineorsideline. Perform two rounds andmove onto progressions. Warm upwithbasiczigzagto thenet. Place cones orTDLsinfront ofnetsoplayers know whento zigand thenzag. Up to four players oneachsideofnet,spread outalongbaselines. Moves backwards andgetthetires asclosepossible to theline. Same asnumber3butwithtires. Move diagonallyfrom hubandgetascloseyou canto thelinewithcasters. toPush theline withtires asclosepossible. toPush theline withcaster wheelsasclosepossible. apartnerdownPull andback using normalpushes.Partners willholdonthebackbar. One handpushontheway down andusethedifferent handontheway back. Zig Zagdown andpullbackwards ontheway back. ATHLETIC SKILLS

© 2019 USTA. / 172

RED BALL 1 • • Setup Focus: Type: SLICE ANDDICESERVE IV. ILLUSTRATION: • • • • Mission Players spread outalongbaseline—upto four players oneachsideofnet,withtwo red balls. Setup TWO-BALL THROW Pairs diagonallyacross netfrom eachother. Two pairspercourt—one server and onereturner. If successful, letplayers usetwo orange balls. For safety purposes,have allplayers goat sametimeoneachside. trying to hitfirst ball. Imitating aserve motion,toss ballupwithnon-dominanthand.At top oftoss, throw second ballupward, Stay inserve positionwithoneballineachhand. TENNISSKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. Directing slice serve. TWO-BALL THROW © 2019 USTA. / 173

RED BALL 1 Goal • • Mission • • Setup POINT PLAY 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: SERVE PYRAMIDS V. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission Play onepointandrotate ifthree onateam, two pointsandrotate iftwo onateam. Play outgamesasateam. After each game, switch servers andreturners. One team serves, otherreturns. Two teams oftwo orthree, usingfullcourt. First pairto complete pyramid wins,thenstart new gamewith new server. If successful, pairscores apointand starts buildingpyramid. Server hitsnext ballto opencourt. One pairat atime. Server slices outwideandreturner plays ballbackdown middle. Each pairhasadesignated area behindbaseline to buildfour-ball pyramid. Righties serve from deuce side, leftiesfrom adside. Two pairspercourt, oneserver andonereturner. Complete four sequences oneachside, thenswitch servers. Returner plays ballbackto server, whocatches itandserves again. For deuce side, slice outwide;for adside, slice down “T”(righty). using edgeofracquet) andthenhitsslice serve. Using acontinental gripwithracquet onedge, server performs one“edgie” (bounce ball Players pickpatterns withslice serve. Play outpointsteam versus team. Point doesn’tcount untilfirst three shotsare made. Serve to body. Play serve plusone(one pairat atime), thenplay outpoints. GAMES —Apply day’s themeinto pointplay (spin serve). —Serve wideandrecover backinto ready positionwithbothhandsonracquet. —Lead withedgeofracquet onslice serve. Cooperative andcompetitive, compete aspairsorateam. Spinanddirection onserve plusone. —Play pointswithserve andreturn. —Slice serve outwideto opencourt. —Slice serve outwideandto “T.” © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 1 3. 2. 1. Progressions Play withred foam ballagainst garage doororsolidwall. Setup SLICE SERVEANDRALLY TO WALL VI. Slice serve, thenslice allgroundstrokes. Play withpartner, alternating shots. Slice serve to wall, thenrally. PLAY AT HOME © 2019 USTA. / 175

RED BALL 1 • • INDEPENDENCE II. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Players start onservice lines. Setup Focus: Type: FIGURE 8 I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: UP INTHEAIR CHAPTER Correct your own mistakes. Learn therulesoftennis. After two minutes ineachpattern, switch to alltopspin from service line. Move partneronlyafew feet to rightandleftusing outsidestroke. Begin withallslices. Players rally cooperatively. Players ononesideofnethitdown theline;othersidehitscrosscourt. One sidehitsallforehands. Alternate slice andtopspin. WARMUP CHARACTER —Find arally pace you cancontrol withappropriate speedandspin.

Cooperative, players inpairs. Changeofdirection ongroundstrokes withspin. —Change direction onevery ball. 06 Mini-net;cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets, red ballsandorange balls;

© 2019 USTA. / 176

RED BALL 1 2. 1. Progressions • • • Mission • • Setup COMPASS PUSHES ILLUSTRATION: • • • Mission Players inpairswithtwo cones orballsbetween them,placed aboutfour feet apart. Setup FIGURE 8CONEWEAVES III. After allplayers have goneonce, changedirection. Move around compass three times,thennext player goes. Start incenter ofcones andpushto eachcone, returning to center eachtime. Players ingroups oftwo orthree per“compass.” center. Place four cones inasquare to represent north,south,east andwest. Cones shouldbeabouteightfeet from After players have donethree sets,switch movement to backward through cones. After four complete figure 8s,next player goes. One player at atimemoves around cones inafigure 8pattern. Backwards pullfrom eachcone. Go around eachcone. ATHLETIC SKILLS FIGURE8CONEWEAVES © 2019 USTA. / 177

RED BALL 1 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • • Setup HI-LO TOSS ILLUSTRATION: After four successful hi-locatches, switch roles. Catch withrighthandonside, left handonleft. Toss second ballhigh.Catch in theairabove waist level andtoss back. Toss to catcher, whocatches after bounce andtosses back. One player feeds, othercatches. Players face eachother, four to five feet apart. Maximum four pairs spread outoneachsideofnet. Players inpairswithorange ball. Increase distance between players. Toss second ballhighinfront ofcatcher. Toss first ballhigh over catcher’s shoulder, forcing catcher to backup. COMPASS PUSHES © 2019 USTA. / 178

RED BALL 1 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: CLOSE THENET 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • Mission Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Players start infront halfofservice boxes. Setup Focus: Type: FIGURE 8VOLLEYS IV. After four attempts, players changeroles. After acomplete rotation, switch to otherside. Partner rallies ballback,andpairattempts atwo-volley, two-groundstroke rally. Volleyer drop-hits balldown theline, moves to netandisready to volley. One partnervolleys, otherhitsgroundstrokes. Partners onopposite sidesofnet,starting onservice lines. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Spend oneminute oneachpattern, thenswitch. Total oftwo rounds. Control eachshotsopartnertakes nomore thanonepush. Volley cooperatively; onesidedown theline, othercrosscourt. Play first ballas volley, second aslob. Play first volley deep, second oneshort. Player hittinggroundstrokes moves back to baseline. One sidehitsallforehand orallbackhandvolleys. Increase distance from net. TENNIS SKILLS —Successfully switch gripsand/or handsfor approach/volley sequence. —Use anopenface oneachsideto keep ballintheair. Cooperative, players inpairs. Cooperative, players inpairs.

Approach andvolley withdirection. Changeofdirection onvolleys. —Perform approach andtwo volleys. —Change direction onevery volley.

© 2019 USTA. / 179

RED BALL 1 • • • Mission Play ondriveway orany flat surface. Setup TRICK SHOTS VI. 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: PASS ME V. Use different gripsto create different effects. Practice shotsafter bounce andintheair. Use any partof racquet to hitball. Baseliner scores for winningpoint. and abonuspointfor winningpoint. Volleyer scores apointfor approach shotandopen-court volley, Baseliner triesto pass withagroundstroke to eitherside. First volley must goto opposite side. Volleyer drop-hits down theline, approaches netandplays outpoint. other players are offcourt at asafe distance. One sideapproaches, otherhitspassing shots.Play pointsoneonone, starting onbaseline. Two teams of two orthree onopposite endsofcourt, Coach oraplayer canfeed shortballto approacher. Hit approach shotdown thelineorcrosscourt. Approach withbackhand. GAMES —Execute anapproach shot. PLAY AT HOME Competitive, team. Move opponentwithapproach andvolley. —Create cool shotsonabounce andintheair. —Approach andvolley to opencourt.

© 2019 USTA. /

down duringplay. can keep thelines them visually, andyou a great way to show off-center. TDLsare players shouldmove (more thantell) why the gameandshow in themiddleof the net.Take abreak teach “shading” at This agreat timeto COACHING TIP 180

RED BALL 1 • • INDEPENDENCE II. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • Mission Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Players inservice boxes. Setup Focus: Type: MINI-TENNIS I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: OVERHEADS &SERVES, OHMY! GROUNDSTROKES, VOLLEYS, CHAPTER Ask, “What didIdowell today? What can Iimprove?” Practice beingyour own coach. Need help? Hand-feed volley andslice withpartner. Next, volley to volley. Next, oneplayer at net,otherinmiddleofservice box. Dinkslice to volley, thenswitch. Pairs rally over netfrom middleofservice box usingdink slice withcontinental grip. Alternate strokes. One stroke only. Crosscourt. WARMUP CHARACTER Cooperative, players inpairs. Direction, spin. —Keep ballgoingwithcontinental grip. 07 Mini-net, cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red ballsandorange balls; © 2019 USTA. / | 181

RED BALL 1 • • Mission Players spread outonthesinglessideline. Setup ONE HANDPUSH 2. 1. Progressions • • Mission • • • Setup RED LIGHT/GREENLIGHTPUSHES III. one hand. downPush withonehandandpushbacktheother. down Push withonehandandpullbackwards with Progressions Players willpushwithonehandto theopposite singlessidelineandback.Repeat three to four times. Once majorityofplayers getto net,turnaround andstart againinotherdirection. light/green lightcommands. Gofast whencoach callsout“green light,” slow down for yellow, stop for red. Name aspecificmovement suchas forward, sprintpush,onehandpushesorpullbackwards. Then use red Place somecones orTDLsinfront ofnetsoplayers know whento stop. Players spread outonbaselineof78-foot court. Up to four players oneachsideofnet. Let players create theirown lights. light meanssprintto netorbaseline. Slowly introduce new moves andcolors. Bluelightfor best dance move, pinklightmeansdocircles, black ATHLETIC SKILLS © 2019 USTA. / 182

RED BALL 1 ILLUSTRATION: • • • • Mission • • • Setup THREE-BALL THROW Need help? Pickupball,pause, thenthrow. Partners catch allthree balls,place theminsamepositions,andplayers switch roles. Turn around andmove to second ball,andsoon. all inonemotion.Throw ishighto othersideofnet.Ifplayers cannotbenddown, they canusetheirracket. Starting at net,players withballsontheirsideturnaround, move to first ball,benddown, grab itandthrow, on baseline. On sameside, place three ballsinastraight linefor eachplayer—in middleofservice box, onservice lineand On onesideofnet,positionplayers at net—oneoneachsidelineandoneinthemiddle. Maximum three pairspercourt. THREE-BALL THROW © 2019 USTA. / 183

RED BALL 1 3. 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: TENNIS ISLAND V. 2. 1. Progressions Note: Goal • • • Mission Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Oneplayer at net,otherat baseline. Setup Focus: Type: HI-LO IV. Switch opponents,ifnecessary. Play rounds to seven points,thenotherteam serves. Play onepointandrotate players. Team winspointby gettingopponentto move offislandormiss shot. Returner starts insidebaseline. and must move insidebaselineafter serve lands(one serve only). Play pointswithserve andreturn. Server starts offinwater “Island” isboundariesofcourt. Beyond that is“water.” Two teams oftwo orthree onopposite sidesofnet,starting onbaseline. Need help? Move baselinerto service line. Complete four sequences andswitch positions. to netplayer, whohitsoverhead back. Baseliner drop-hits groundstroke to netplayer, whovolleys back.Baselinertraps anddrop-hits lob Bonus pointfor makingopponentstep outsidesideline(usingangles/width). Bonus pointfor winningat net(volley oroverhead). Only onesideplays IslandTennis. Hit lobwithcontinental grip(first drop-hit, then rally). Play acooperative rally andkeep ballgoing. GAMES TENNIS SKILLS —Take deepballsasthey come offground andcut offanglesonsideline. —Move outandacross for volley. players mighthave to learnhow to move backwards inorder to hittheoverhead. Cooperative, players inpairs. Competitive, team. Consistency onvolleys andoverheads. Take deepballson therise. —Hit every ballfrom insidecourt. —Control volleys andoverheads withpartner.

© 2019 USTA. / having to tell them. out withoutthecoach will start to figure it rules ofthegame, kids time. Because ofthe ball ontherisetakes Learning to play the COACHING TIP


RED BALL 1 • • Setup MINI-TENNIS VI. ILLUSTRATION: Play mini-tennis withafriendorfamily member. Make your own court ondriveway orany flat surface. PLAY AT HOME ISLAND TENNIS ISLAND © 2019 USTA. / 185

RED BALL 1 Be grateful for thechance to play tennis. RESPECT II. 3. 2. 1. Progressions • • Hi-Lo • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: MINI-TENNIS HI-LO I. cones, poly-spots andTDLs. Equipment: CHECK OUTMYSKILLS CHAPTER Need help? Drop-hit groundstroke, trap anddrop-hit lob, trap, andrepeat. and lob/overhead. Continue warmup withoneplayer at netandoneonbaseline. Alternate groundstroke/volley Next, volley to volley. Next, oneplayer at net,otherinmiddleofservice box. Dinkslice to volley, thenswitch. Both pairsinmiddleofservice box rallying dinkslice withcontinental grip. Start offinservice box, move to baseline. Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Alternate strokes. One stroke only. Straight aheadthencrosscourt. WARMUP CHARACTER Cooperative, players inpairs. Direction onslice, volleys, overheads. —Rally withpartnerinmultipleways. 08 Mini-net,cautiontapeorany typeofrope; 21to 23-inchracquets; red ballsandorange balls; © 2019 USTA. /


RED BALL 1 Goal • • • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: SQUEEZE RALLY IV. 2. 1. Progressions • • • • • Mission • • • • Setup BIG-BALL TENNIS III. Players continue untilboundaryistoo narrow. Rally four balls(two each)inboundaryandyell “Squeeze!” Then move TDLsinoneracquet length. Start arally withstraight-ahead serve andreturn. Place TDLsparallel to eachotherto create two rectangular courts. can beginaswideeightfeet. Start withsidelineasoneboundaryandTDLsother. Dependingonlevel ofplayers, eachcourt Two pairspercourt, usinghalf-court. Players onopposite baselineswithtwo TDLseach. Focus onplay, notwhichteam wins. Have teams play to a certain numberofpoints,thenswitch opponents. For teams ofthree, rotate positionsevery few points. one sideserves two straight pointsthenswitch. Rules canvary for level ofplayers—only onebounce, endless bounces, within court boundaries. Toss ballsover netfrom sideofbody. First bounce must be anywhere incourt. Points beginwithaserve (toss from side), whichcanland Play matches onentire court. Useonebigballfor eachmatch. against two orthree players from opposingteams. Set up“matches” with two orthree players from eachteam playing Within eachteam, divideinto smallerteams oftwo orthree. Split players into two bigteams. Let players chooseateam name. Can catch balleitherintheairoronbounce. Must toss serves diagonallyto proper box. TENNIS SKILLS —Extend follow-through to helpdirect ball into boundaries. ATHLETIC SKILLS Cooperative, players inpairs. Direction ongroundstrokes. —Control rally withincourt boundaries.

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works well. ball that canbounce two-pound medicine size basketball ora lose control. Ajunior from thewaist and heavy, kidswillbend move intheair. Too ball istoo light,itwill ball isimportant.Ifthe and weight for thebig Finding therightsize TEACHING TIP


RED BALL 1 2. 1. Progressions Goal • • • • Mission • • Setup Focus: Type: SIDELINER V. 3. 2. 1. Progressions First team to seven wins. opponent outsidesideline. Score pointfor your team by winningpointand/or forcing Start pointswithserve. Players must usetheiroutsidestrokes. Play allpointscrosscourt. Canplay two points at sametime. Use extra TDLsto splitcourt inhalf. Teams ofthree orfour onopposite sidesofnet. Play fullcourt. Must letevery ballbounce. Use dice orcards to determine numberofshots. Hit specific strokes suchasslice or topspin only. Increase numberofshotsrequired. GAMES —Use spinto move balloffcourt. Competitive, team. Anglegroundstrokes. —Move opponentoutsidesideline.

© 2019 USTA. / ready for individual doesn’t meanthey’re complete games.This developing more foot court, andare to play onthe36- players are able At thisstage, all COACHING TIP this ageandstage. are more importantat on what they dowell and focusing feedback a team environment the competition within competition. Keeping 188

RED BALL 1 tournaments inyour area. ready for anentry-level tournament. Contact your district orsectionoffice if you don’t have JTTor After participating inPlay Days at theirfacility andJuniorTeam Tennis intheirarea, players are PLAY ATOURNAMENT VI. ILLUSTRATION: 2. 1. Progressions Goal • Mission • • • Setup Focus: Type: FOUR-SQUARE BLACK HOLE Points beginwithserve andreturn. After serve, players can’thitinto samesquare two straight times. Teams selectasquare opponentscan’thitto. Divide court into four equalsquares usingTDLsorpoly-spots. Teams ofthree orfour onopposite sidesofnet. Teams canselectasquare ontheirsideofnetoropposite side. Require slice for shortboxes. —Use depthandspinto move opponent. PLAY AT HOME Cooperative orcompetitive, partnerorteam. Deep/short andsideto side. —Move opponentsideto sideanddeep/short. FOUR-SQUARE BLACK HOLE 2 1 3 4 3 4 © 2019 USTA. / 2 1 189


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