Quick and Simple Homemade Recipes

Homemade lemonade is as American as apple pie on the Fourth of July, but so many of us out there opt for soda instead of this great American classic – but of course, soda is also pretty American too! Anyway, here at NetCost Market, we just love a good old glass of ice-cold lemonade on a hot summer’s day, which is why we’ve got some brilliant lemonade recipes that will get you hooked!

The perfect classic lemonade

Well, where else would you start? To make great lemonade you first need to know how to make the classic stuff before you go adding different fruits and spices. This recipe is quick, easy, and very, very tasty, so unless your grandma has a secret family recipe that she’s willing to give to you, we’d suggest you use it as a starting point! Recipe (6 servings)

Ingredients: 1 cup white granulated sugar, 1 cup water and 2 to 3 cups water, 1 cup lemon , a handful of ice.

How to make:

Start by making a simple syrup – you’ll need to place the sugar and 1 cup water in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Keep stirring until the sugar dissolves and then remove from the heat. Allow to cool. Juice the lemons until you have 1 cup of lemon juice. Mix together the lemon juice and syrup by pouring them into a pitcher. Then, add the rest of the water little by little, until it tastes just as sweet as you like. Place in the refrigerator for about 45 minutes, and then add ice before serving! All-natural -infused lemonade

Okay, so we got the classic stuff out of the way, and if you perfected that you can now move on to the more advanced recipes! For those that love a nice pink with a sweet aftertaste, this is the perfect one for you!

Recipe (6 servings)

Ingredients: 4 large – cut in half, 1 tbsp. white sugar, 3 ½ cups water, ½ cup white sugar, 1 cup lemon juice, some ice cubes.

How to make:

Start by making the syrup seen in recipe 1. but with half the ingredients. Place the strawberries in a blender with the 1 tbsp. white sugar and pour over ½ cup water. Blend until juice is formed. In a large pitcher, combine the juice, syrup, and the remaining water. Stir until well mixed. Refrigerate for 45 minutes and add ice before serving.

Brazilian lemonade

Remember when we said that lemonade was totally American? Well, we lied – other countries also have their own versions! The Brazilian version is pretty tasty so it’s certainly worth a try, but it also doubles very well as an alcohol-free cocktail!

Recipe (serves 4)

Ingredients: 2 limes, ½ cup sugar, 3 tbsp. sweet condensed milk, 3 cups water, 2 cups crushed ice. How to make:

Thoroughly wash the limes, cut the ends off, and then cut them into eighths. Add them to a blender with the sugar, condensed milk, water, and ice. Pulse the mixture 7 times, and then strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer. Serve over more crushed ice.

Peach and basil lemonade slushy

This recipe sounds a bit crazy, but you just need to open your mind and realize that basil is for so much more than just pasta and pizza! This is one of the tastiest you’ll ever find in your hand!

Recipe (12 servings)

Ingredients: 2 cups sugar, 3 cups chopped and peeled peaches, ¾ ounce fresh basil leaves (about 20 large leaves), 4 cups water, 1 ½ cups fresh lemon juice, 5 to 8 cups ice cubes, peach slices and fresh basil leaves for garnish.

How to make:

In a large saucepan, mix together sugar, 3 cups chopped peaches, basil leaves, and water. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand for 30 minutes. Once cool enough, pick out the basil leaves and discard them. Stir in the lemon juice and refrigerate until cool. Blend the peach mixture with ice – this may need to be done in batches if you don’t have a large blender. Pour the mixture into glasses and garnish with slices of peach and basil leaves!

If you’re looking for ways to keep cool this summer, these recipes give you a great starting place! Why not impress your guests by offering them something a bit whacky this summer – peach and basil will surely get them talking! At NetCost Market, we stock some of the best quality fruits you can find, so why not head in store to get a bit experimental with your lemonade recipes this summer!

10 Simple Ways to Sneak More Leafy Greens into Your Diet

Leafy greens are more than just space filler on a dinner plate! They’re an essential part of a healthy balanced diet, providing the body with vital vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as essential vitamins such as magnesium, calcium, and iron. But there’s always been a big fuss about eating these superfoods!

Here at NetCost Market, we’ve got some great and easy ways for you to sneak more greens into your diet without compromising on enjoying your meals!

1. Put them in a ! – If you’re not fond of greens, put them in a smoothie with sweet fruits like berries and coconut to mask their flavor. This way, your daily intake of greens can be over in seconds!

2. Get creative with some kale chips – Kale is super healthy, yet some people find it less than appealing. Try baking the leaves in the oven with a light brushing of vegetable oil and some salt to make crispy kale chips. They’re not quite like potato chips, but they certainly make a great compromise.

3. Leafy taco shells! – What? I hear you ask! This tactic is a great way to increase the amount of leafy greens you’re ingesting while reducing the amount of complex carbohydrates in your meal! Try it with taco beef or spicy chicken to make the perfect high protein, low carb feast!

4. Add them to soup – We all love some tasty croutons in soup, but the truth is they’re made from fried pieces of bread! For a healthier option, why not chop some leafy greens into bite- sized pieces and add them to a nice winter soup? They’ll add to the texture while also giving you that green boost your body so badly needs! Homemade creamy leek soup 5. Go green with a stir-fry – Believe it or not, leafy greens are actually brilliant in a stir-fry! Try adding kale or pak choi next time you’re cooking up a feast! They only need a quick flash in the pan, but the added benefits will add to the vitamin richness of this already healthy meal.

6. Breakfast Greens! – Not a fan of greens? Why not get them out the way during a super healthy breakfast so that you can enjoy an indulgent (less green) dinner? Poached eggs go great with raw spinach on sourdough bread for a super healthy start to the day.

7. Hide your greens in a sandwich – It’s an obvious one, but you’ll be surprised how often people leave out lettuce or other leafy greens when it comes to sandwiches! Just a few leaves added to your pastrami sandwich, that bagel with cream cheese or even that salami sub could have major health benefits without you even noticing that you’re eating anything green! Sandwich with cheese, tomatoes and greens 8. Unleash the benefits of fresh herbs – Herbs such as fresh parsley and cilantro are packed with vitamins and minerals but are often forgotten about when it comes to making fresh salads. Keep a bunch in the fridge ready for when you’re in need of a salad with an extra punch of flavor!

9. Grow your own! – If you grow it, you’ll love it! It sounds crazy but it’s true! Growing your own lettuce, spinach, or kale is a great way to fall in love with leafy greens. What’s more, they’re easy to grow and care for, and of course, you’ll even save some money in the process!

10. Pack it into a pesto – Pesto is usually made with basil, but it can, in fact, be made with any leafy green! Blending your greens together with toasted nuts, garlic, olive oil, parmesan cheese, and some salt and pepper will make it burst with flavor! It’s perfect for adding to pasta dishes or as a healthy spread for toast!

Next time you turn your nose up at some leafy greens, consult this list to see if you can get yourself into eating vitamin- rich, healthy, and tasty green leaf alternatives! NetCost Market specializes in fresh produce, so we’re the place to find the freshest, tastiest leafy greens around!

Benefits of Melon and Watermelon

One of our favorite food items during the summer months is the melon! What’s not to love about this sweet, juicy and versatile piece of fruit (or vegetable, depending on which variety you are talking about!) Summer is the season of the melon and you’ll find them in abundance across the months of May to September. Whether you are a fan of the classic red and green watermelon, the bright orange flesh of the cantaloupe melon, the sweet flavors of the honeydew or one of the much lesser known types such as the Hami, Korean or yes, even the comically named, Santa Claus Melon, there are so many reasons and benefits to make this fruit your go-to snack this summer!

Hydrate with fruit! If you’re struggling to drink more water, substitute your water intake by reaching out for a piece of melon! With a water percentage of approximately 92%, it’s an easy way to feel a little more refreshed and hydrated!

Boost your vitamin and mineral intake!

There’s more to the melon than you think! With each delicious bite you’re one step closer to reaching your RDI goals of Vitamins A, B1, B5, B6 and C, not forgetting the potassium and magnesium! This low-calorie snack is packed with antioxidants to help you keep healthy from the inside out.

Lower your blood pressure

High blood pressure is as we all know a common health condition that can lead to more serious things such as heart attacks and strokes if not addressed. The good news is you can improve your diet in order to help reduce your blood pressure, and melon (in particular, watermelon) can aid you in achieving this. Watermelon contains high levels of an amino acid called citrulline which the body converts into arginine… without all the complicated science stuff, these two things facilitate the production of nitric oxide in the body which helps to relax and dilate blood vessels!

Promote healthy digestion

That high water content we talked about combined with the melon’s high fiber is the perfect combination to help keep your digestive track working efficiently. Adding melon to your daily diet could be helpful for those who have regular problems with constipation.

An alternative source of calcium

If you are lactose intolerant or simply not a fan of drinking milk. Reach for another piece of melon. Melons have varying levels of calcium. Honeydew delivers 6mg per 100g serving, while cantaloupe offers 9mg, and best yet, the Casaba melon offers 11mg per serving. Not only is calcium good for your teeth and bones but also helps to keep your nerves functioning properly.

Weight loss aide

Melon is the perfect addition to your diet if you’re looking to lose a few pounds. The sweet taste is a great substitute for slightly naughtier sweet treats as it has way fewer calories per serving! The high fiber content will help you to feel fuller for longer and can help reduce overeating. Melon can be introduced into both your sweet and savory dishes, so why not try a grilled watermelon, feta, and mint salad for a light summer lunch or making yourself some low-cal ice pops from blended and frozen honeydew melon. Trust us, it’s delicious!

Trick or Treat around the World

The art of trick or treating at Halloween is a typical American tradition that brings out the best, and sometimes the scariest in communities across the country. However, the roots of this great American custom are found further afield in sunny Britain, where Celtic pagans believed that the spirits of the dead would visit on the night of Halloween. Some people would dress as these spirits and demand offerings in return for good fortune during the hard winter months, tricking unsuspecting people and so creating the idea of “trick or treat”. Modern debates about this family fun festival largely remain around which candy is the best and most loved. At NetCost Market we have a great selection of confectionary from around the world which will make your home the talk of the neighborhood on Halloween eve. Don’t just offer the same old stuff this year, bring something a little different and more exciting to each child’s haul of candy with our help!

Russia: Russia produces some of the world’s greatest tasting candy, largely thanks to the high standards that were implemented during the Soviet era that gave everyone in the country a sweet tooth! Classic children’s candy includes Korovka toffees, chocolate covered wafers, andBon Rolls, which are all made to the high stand Russians have come to know and expect from Korovka. The simple yet satisfying taste of these classic sweets means they are still popular in Russia around Halloween, proving that sometimes simplicity is the best policy!

Poland: The love for chocolate and caramel continues with one of the most popular Polish sweets, the Cuckoos from Kukulki. This candy is made of caramel, with a liquid chocolate filling that oozes out and bursts in the mouth. Children love this classic yet fun sweet, but be careful, it can be messy when consumed all at once!

Ukraine: The Ukraine is home to the candy manufacturer Roshen. This giant among candy producers makes some of the highest quality sweet candy in the world, establishing themselves as a truly global force in confectionary. Their greatest achievements include Bonny-Fruit – a fruit candy that uses real fruit juice, Minky Binky – their classic creamy toffee candy, and Crazy Bee Gummi, a brilliantly fruity gummy sweet that bursts with fruit flavors. All of Roshen’s classics can be found in the confectionary department at NetCost Market.

Germany: Germany makes some of the world’s best chocolate and candy. They’re known for their rich, smooth milk chocolate, but also for their love of licorice. As the home of Haribo, they’re also experts in gummy sweets. Here at NetCost Market, we have stocked a wide selection of Haribo gummy sweets, many of which are rarely found in other American stores. Try surprising those little tricksters this Halloween by giving them something they don’t recognize!

Try shaking things up this Halloween and give the children of your neighborhood something different! A selection of candies from around the world will surely make their Halloween eve that bit more exciting and may even teach them something about other cultures in the process. NetCost Market features a wide range of confectionary from around the world, meaning you’re able to build the most exciting stash of candy for those little trick or treaters this Halloween!

Make the Most of Seasonal Food

As the weather changes, so too do the selection of fruits and vegetables available in store. Different plants ripen and provide produce at different times and this phenomenon was used by our ancestors to ensure there was fresh produce available all year round. However, nowadays with mass farming, indoor growing mechanisms, a global trade in fresh produce and a demand for exotic fruits and vegetables, we’re able to get literally anything at any time. Here at NetCost Market, we believe that there are still massive advantages to eating seasonally, and below we have compiled some of the reasons why!

Flavor, Flavor, Flavor!

There is no denying it! In-season produce simply tastes better. This is for a number of reasons. Firstly, it has been grown and picked at the optimal time and under the optimal conditions to produce the fruit or vegetable in its perfect form, maximising flavor and nutritional value. Secondly, unlike imported or freeze-dried fruit, the journey from field to fork is much shorter and quicker, meaning it keeps its freshness and retains that great flavor.

Value for Money Have you ever noticed that apples are always cheaper around fall, but only certain types? These are usually the locally grown varieties that have come into season and the farmers are practically giving them away! Locally sourced, seasonal produce saves on transport costs and is available in abundance, driving down the cost. Following the seasonal food cycle, all year round could dramatically reduce your shopping bill!

Avoids Overseas Contamination

Food has been traded around the world for centuries, but until recently farmers did not use chemical pesticides or other chemical compounds to grow their crops. Imported food may contain chemicals that do not meet the standards of the Food Standards Agency, potentially exposing your body to small levels of harmful contaminants.

Eco-Friendly Farming In this globalized world long haulage has become the norm. However, the pollution produced by freight shipping and long- distance trucking is increasingly damaging our planet’s atmosphere. Eating locally produced, seasonal fruit and vegetables will drastically reduce those greenhouse gases pumped out. On top of that, mass farming non-native crops often involves using chemical aides that may damage the ecosystem or even the consumer, making locally produced seasonal produce the best answer all round!

Fall Seasonal Foods

Fall has a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables that make it a flavorful, hearty and nutritious time of year. When it comes to fruit, apples are a major part of the Fall diet. They come into season in late summer, until early winter, making it a great time of year to bake some locally sourced apple pies, make some seasonal cider or some apple preserve to keep those tasty fruits all through the winter. Other Fall fruits include cranberries, figs, and grapes. When it comes to vegetables, broccoli is a great Fall choice. Make a tasty broccoli soup, steam with some tasty roasted meat, or simply stir-fry with soy sauce and a bit of garlic and chili. Other seasonal vegetables include carrots, pumpkins, cauliflower and greens such as chard. Pop in store to pick up some fresh fall produce today!

Back to School: Lunch Box Ideas

Back to school means the not so fun task of ensuring your child eats a well-balanced meal during school hours. It can quickly become difficult to entice your child to eat their lunches and even more difficult to think of new ideas to make it interesting to them. Fear not, you are not alone in this! We have come up with some suggestions to ensure those bellies come back full and the lunch boxes empty!

Frozen Fruity Fun Cups

For those hot summer days at school, an immediate cool down is a must! Why not create some miniature fruit cups into your child’s packed lunch to add some color and a serious cool-down at lunch. Simply combine your chopped, favorite fruits together with a fruity juice e.g. orange or apple, and then freeze them overnight in a single cup container. Add a cup to your child’s lunch box and by lunch, it will have thawed into a slushy, fruity delight!

Double-decker Club Sandwich

Children are always drawn to things that look different, that’s why doubling up your sandwiches will make a simple, yet exciting new twist. An extra tier also allows some leeway for adding a bit more greens and goodness; therefore giving them that extra energy to power through lessons. Simply add some chopped avocado, cherry tomatoes, a handful of rocket leaves, along with some hummus together in rye bread and you are ready to go.

Crunch Cinnamon Apple Bites

With a simple mixture of sugar, ground cinnamon, and slices apples, you can create a delicious crunchy snack that will fit nicely in the lunch box and get 1 of that all-important 5 a day. To make these delicious additions, preheat oven to 250°F, slice apples thinly and sprinkle a combination mixture of the cinnamon and sugar. Bake these delights for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, turning every 30 minutes until dry.

Traffic-Light Pepper fingers

Does your child love the taste of bell peppers? Why not brighten up their lunch box with chopped red, orange and green peppers into a small cup container. They are an excellent source of a wide range of vitamins and minerals such as B6, A and C!

Pizza Pods

If you are wanting to step away from the sandwich-scene, we have a quirky – yet exciting, alternative guaranteed to be a winner at dinner. Pizza pods are fun little bites that children can enjoy during their school lunch. All that you need is ready-rolled puff pastry, pizza sauce, ham/salami, grated cheese and finely chopped red capsicum! Simply spread the sauce thinly over the sheeted pastry, add the capsicum and then roll the pastry into a scroll. Seal the edges with water and then slice 1cm rounds and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Fun and Fruity Cookies

It’s always nice to add a little treat to finish off a healthy packed lunch. These fruit infused cookies will surely do the trick. Simply combine some butter, maple syrup and sugar in a medium saucepan. Once melted add a mixture of boiling water and bicarbonate of soda and continue to stir to prevent frothing. With a quick mix of rolled oats, flour, and dried fruits; add these to the saucepan and combine. Scoop the mixture into miniature, slightly flattened dough balls and place in oven. Bake for 13-15 minutes and your fruity-fused cookies are ready!