Annual Exhibition by the Society for Contemporary American Art
23rd ANNUAL EXHIBITION BY THE SOCIETY FOR CONTEHPOR.ARY ANERICMJ ART May 24- June 17, 1963 Nominated by: 1. IV AN ALBRIGHT Young Girl, charcoal3 $1700 Lent by the artis-t,, Chicago Hr. Lawrence Pucci, Jr. 2, MILTON AVERY Beach Blankets, wat er color> ~;;1300 Grace Borgenicht Gallery, New York Mr" and Urs. H . Press Hodgkins 3 • ROBERT BARNES View From Riverbank, pencil, ~P2.50 Allan Frumkin Gallery, Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Arnold noot 4. ROBERT BARNES Stage No.,l, pencil, ~>2.50 Allan Frumkin Gallery, Chicago Mrs. Jane G8 Weinberg .5. LEONARD BASIITN l1outh of Socrates, ink and wash, ~>700 Boris Hirski Gallery, Boston l1r. and Mrs.. Arnold Smoller 6. LEONARD BASKIN Flower III, ink, $7.50 Grace Borgenicht Gallery, New York Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arenberg 7. ROBERT BEAUCHAMP Untitled, pencil, ~~175 Green Gallery, .New York Mr. and Hrs. Sanford R. Robertson 8.. GENE BEERY Hello There, water color Lent by the artist, Racine, Wi.sconsin Mr. and Hrs. Barnet Hodes 9 •. CLAUDE BENTLEY Retablo, paper collage and casein, $800 Lent by the artist, Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Alfred w. Stern 10. CLAUDE BENTLEY Boy with Kite, swni ink, ~~175 lent by the artist, Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Altred W. Stern 11. LEE BONTECOU Untitled, soot on muslin, ~~875 Leo Castelli Gallery, New York Mr~ and Mrs. Joseph R. Shapir o 12., LEE BONTECOU Untitled, pencil, ~~470 Leo Castelli Gallery, New York ~Wo and I~s. Joseph R. Shapiro 13. HARRY BOURAS Gift of Night, collage, ~~250 lent by the artist, Chicago Mr .. and Urs. Alexander Liveright 14 o HARRY BOURAS Landfigure 1 collage, ~~350 lent by the artist, Chicago }~o and Mrs.
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