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VVolumeolume 7733 , IIssuessue 2 OOctoberctober 330,0, 22009009 Fight the fl u H1N1 vaccine available at local clinics BY JENNY LUONG Staff Writer Sore throat? Cough? Fever or of the vaccine. [I need to] see re- vomiting? Could it be the swine sults before I get it.” fl u? In a survey of 1,678 U.S. The H1N1 vaccine (more parents, conducted by the Uni- commonly known as swine fl u) versity of Michigan’s C.S. Mott has arrived in Los Angeles Coun- Children’s Hospital, only 40% ty and many doctors’ offi ces, hos- percent said they would have pitals and local clinics will have their children vaccinated. Among the vaccine available soon. those who intended to not vacci- About 45 million doses were nate their kids, almost half said expected to be available since they were not worried about their Boxing Up Th e Goods: Seniors Christopher Alora and Charity Lombard fold and pack the donated clothing to send to mid-October. Local clinics and children becoming ill with the vi- tsunami victims. doctors’ offi ces have already re- rus. ceived small shipments of the Some parents are concerned FluMist nasal spray vaccine. with the long term effects the Student club hosts drive for The Food and Drug Admin- H1N1 fl u vaccine could have. istration approved vaccines from “What if it does more harm four manufacturers on September than curing?” Mercado asked. victims of Typhoon Ketsana 15, 2009. The licensing approval Yet, suspected swine fl u outbreaks BY JOLENA COLLAS AND JILLIAN the river running through Mari- if you don’t know them [the peo- of these vaccines means the vac- have occurred at several schools GOODMAN kana washed out the city. ple], you help them,” Lombard cines are made properly and meet in Los Angeles County since Staff Writer and News Editor “My grandmother had to explained. certain manufacturing and quality classes began in September. move to my aunt’s house with her Cleveland’s effort inspired standards. “One of my friends is in the Cleveland’s Filipino Appre- grandchildren, since the water was other Filipino clubs, such as the The Centers for Disease Con- hospital right now,” Chong said. ciation Club held a blanket drive over her head,” Alora said. “We one at El Camino High School, trol has indicated priority popu- “She’s really sick and I don’t for the victims of the Typhoon pretty much lost everything.” to contribute to the drive. Cleve- lations who should receive the know what it is.” Ketsana, which hit the Philip- “It was really devastating,” land’s response, both within and vaccine. They include pregnant “Most of the volleyball team pines on September 26, bringing Senior and Filipino Apprecia- outside the school’s club itself, women, people between the ages is sick!” Mercado said. “I’ve massive devastation. tion Club Vice President Char- was overwhelming and pushed of six months and 24-years-old, done everything[to stay healthy] With the help of Cleveland ity Lombard said. She explained Alora and Lombard to extend the people ages 25 through 64 who but it doesn’t work. I’m sick now, students, the club collected boxes the city of Manila had resources drive beyond its original week to are at higher risk due to chronic too!” of clothes, blankets, fl ashlights, to manage through the storm, fi nish collecting donations. “I’m health problems or compromised Los Angeles Unifi ed School candles, non-perishable canned but underprivileged people in the not really surprised. I’m just re- immune systems, people who live District offi cials said they are fol- goods and stuffed animals, among provinces were affected greatly. ally thankful,” Lombard added. with or care for children young- lowing the lead of the Los Ange- other items. Roads became rivers, and people “Every year it fl oods in the er than six months of age, and les County Department of Health According to Senior and Fili- fl ed to the hills for refuge. “The Philippines, but it was the worst healthcare and emergency medi- Services declined to comment on pino Appreciation Club President images we saw on TV were really in 40 years,” Junior and Club cal services personnel. whether they had any infections, Christopher Alora, the drive was scary,” Lombard added. Secretary Martha Tumbokon said. While some are being vac- and if so, at what schools. a must. “After seeing the destruc- One Marikana resident, Vic- In fact, the devastation of the ty- cinated, others have serious con- When asked if she was afraid tion [from Typhoon Ketsana] on toria Vergara, said, “The typhoon phoon left no area of the Phil- cerns about the newly developed of the swine fl u, Chong said, the news, I felt like I had an ob- didn’t actually weaken us. It only ippines unaffected. Rice crops weapon against swine fl u and “Yeah, I am, especially since ligation to do something, and I make us [our family] stronger. across the country were fl ooded, many people fear this supposed there have been so many deaths. have family there.” Even it if destroyed a lot of our destroying a large part of the “experimental” vaccine. It’s scary how drastic it has be- While the typhoon itself last- world, it’s all just material things. country’s income along with the “I’ve never heard about it come across the world.” ed nine hours, it brought months What matters is we got through it, livelihood of many farmers. [the H1N1 fl u vaccine],” Senior H1N1 fl u fi rst appeared last of rain to Manila in a matter of and we’re all still together.” “It’s a third-world country. Jessica Chong said. “I’d probably spring. As of September 10, the days. Thousands of homes were Yet, without support, the People build their houses from get it rather than getting sick. I fl u has killed 593 and hospitalized underwater, leaving many home- Filipino communities hardest hit scraps,” Tumbokon said. “They wouldn’t want to risk it.” 9,079 in the United States alone. less. Marikana, one of Manila’s by the typhoon would have little are easily broken down.” Unlike Chong, when asked if The swine fl u spreads more eas- lowest cities, was especially hard chance of survival. That need led Many Cavaliers came to to- she would get vaccinated, Junior ily than other viruses and targets hit since it is shaped like basin to the student-run drive to col- gether in support of the club and Alex Mercado said, “It depends children and young adults under and sits below sea level. As water lect much-needed items. “It’s in its efforts. “The response has been on the research and effectiveness the age of 25 versus the elderly. levels rose during the typhoon, our culture to give charity. Even really amazing,” Lombard said. E Teacher Shares Simply H2O Polo D His Amazing Sports I ‘Glee’ful Entertainment S Journey N Page 6 I INSIDE Page 9 Page 11 2 Opinions Le Sabre October 30, 2009 We need chick-lit BY MERY HOUNANISAN Copy Editor When was the last time you with his old girlfriend, Rosaline. variety of books to teach to their read a book with a strong, female Along comes Juliet and he “falls students. Simply give the cen- protagonist at school? Or even out in love” with her right away. Love turies old male perspective just of school? No, Twilight doesn’t doesn’t work like that in real life. doesn’t cut it. I’m not saying that count as it sets back feminism de- What kind of message is this we should get ride of male-cen- cades, seeing as the female pro- tered stories, but incorporate sto- tagonist doesn’t seem to have any ries with female leads to broaden interests outside of her boyfriend people’s horizons. Seriously, who photo illustration by Eric Tran who has stalker-like tendencies. would want Ophelia as a role It has come to my attention model? that over the past three years of At least Hermione Granger Can’t U.C.? high school, I can count the num- was the brightest witch of her ber of books we’ve read with fe- year in the Harry Potter series. male protagonists or authors on Elizabeth Bennet was witty, lik- BY MERY HOUNANIAN one hand: The Color Purple and able, and clever. Jane Eyre, even, Copy Editor Frankenstein (by Mary Shelley). is better role model. Scout, in Seriously, that’s it? To Kill a Mockingbird, has more September 24 marked the were was fun, “I don’t feel like Even in books we read at backbone and intellect than Oph- fi rst day of fall quarter classes they accomplished anything.” school with female characters, elia. And she’s an eight year old among all UC campuses. The day Boden commented that she they are either weak or the cause photo illustration by Holland Mervis child. was met with loud, but peaceful had to cross the picket line a few of the male protagonist’s failures. sending to students? That men I’m not saying that these protests. Students, faculty, and times to turn in assignments, but In Hamlet, Ophelia is a simper- have to be macho and tough, void women are perfect, far from it in staff joined the systematic pro- most of her classes were can- ing girl who follows her father’s of emotions, and that women are fact. They have their good quali- tests against UC fee hikes, class celled.