Adjutant- General
ANNUA.l-~ REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT- GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW/~YORK. fRANSMITTED '1'0 THE LEGISLATURE J ANU ARY 6, 1875. ALBANY: "WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 18:'5. s~rATE OF NEW YORK. No. ?". IN ASSEMBLY, January 6, 1875. ANNUAL REPORT OIl' THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. STATE OF NE\V YORK: EXECUTIVE OHAMBER, } ALBANY, January 6, 1875. ~T()the Legislat1tre / I have the honor to transmit herewith the Annual Heport 01 the Adjutant-General. SAMUEI.I J. TILDEN. REPORT. STATE OF NEW YORK: ADJUTAN'r-G.ENERAL'SOFFICE, } .ALBANY,December 31, 1814. To HIS EXCELLENCYJOHN A. DIx, Governor and Oommander-in- Ohief: .GOVERNOR- I have the honor to present the following report of this department for the year ending December 31, 1814. oRGANIZATION. The National Guard, as at present constituted, consists of eight (8) q.ivisions, nineteen (19) brigades, one (1) regiment, and nine (9) separate· troops of cavalry; one (1) battalion and ten (10) batteries of artillery; thirty (30) regiments and thirteen bat- talions of infantry; including nineteen hundred and forty-eight (1948) commissioned officers, and nineteen thousand three hundred and ninety (19,390) non-commissioned officers, musicians and p'ri- vates, making a total force of twenty-one thousand three hundred fendthirty-eight (21,338). The number of non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates being now reduced below that prescribed by law, I deem it import- ant for the public safety that there should be organizations of the National Guard in large towns and cities, especially upon the ·frontier, where at present they do not exist.
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