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CURRICULUM VITAE WILLIAM E. METCALF Department of Classics CURRICULUM VITAE WILLIAM E. METCALF Department of Classics Curator of Coins and Medals Yale University Yale University Art Gallery P. O. Box 208266 P. O. Box 208271 New Haven, CT 06520-8266 New Haven, CT 06520-8271 203-562-2003 fax 203-432-0982 203-432-1801 [email protected] 203-432-2780 fax Education A.B. with distinction and highest honors in Latin, The University of Michigan, 1969; A.M. in Classical Studies, 1970; Ph.D. in Classical Studies, 1973 Honors and Awards National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship for Museum Professionals, 1978 American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant, 1986 Member, The Institute for Advanced Study, 1988/9 C. M. Kraay Visitor, Wolfson College, Oxford, 1992 Robinson Visitor, Ashmolean Museum, 1992 Nickle Lecturer, The University of Calgary, 1993 Corresponding Member, Österreichische Numismatische Gesellschaft, 1998 Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1998 Honorand of the William E. Metcalf Lecture Series, Archaeological Institute of America, 2000- Employment Yale University. Professor of Classics (adj.), 2002- ; Curator of Coins and Medals at the Yale University Art Gallery, 2002- . New York University. Adjunct Instructor, Department of Classics, 1996; Adjunct Associate Professor, 2000-2001; Visiting Associate Professor, 2001-2002. The American Numismatic Society. Assistant Curator, Roman and Byzantine Coins, 1973; Associate Curator, 1975; Curator, 1978-2000; Deputy Chief Curator, 1978; Chief Curator, 1979- 2000. Presently Honorary Curator. Rutgers University. Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Classsics, 2001. Bryn Mawr College. Visiting Professor, Department of Latin, 2000. Università degli Studi di Padova. Professore Contratto, Dipartimento di Archeologia, 2000. Princeton University. Adjunct Professor, Department of Classics, 1999. Columbia University. Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Art History and Archaeology, 1978; Adjunct Professor, Department of Art History and Archaeology, 1980- . Adjunct Professor, Department of History, 1993; Adjunct Professor, Department of Classics, 1998. Publications Curriculum Vitae William E. Metcalf Books The Cistophori of Hadrian (Numismatic Studies 15, New York, 1980). The Silver Coinage of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Vespasian to Commodus (Numismatic Notes and Monographs 166, New York, 1996). In progress: The Proconsular Cistophori (2005). Roman Provincial Coinage vol. 10 (Valerian-Diocletian). As editor: Second edition, with new introduction, of J. M. C. Toynbee, Roman Medallions (Numismatic Studies 5, 1944) (New York, 1986). Studies in Early Byzantine Gold Coinage (Numismatic Studies 17, New York, 1988) (with Wolfgang Hahn). America's Gold Coinage (Coinage of the Americas Conference, November 4-5, 1989) (New York, 1990). Mnemata: Papers in Memory of Nancy Waggoner (New York, 1991) Articles “Hadrian, Iovis Olympius,” Mnemosyne4 27 (1974) 59-66. “Roman Coins from the River Liri. II,” Numismatic Chronicle7 14 (1974) 42-52. “The ‘Cairo’ Hoard of Tetrarchic Folles,” Revue Belge de Numismatique 120 (1974) 73- 107. “The Tell Kalak Hoard and Trajan's Arabian Mint,” ANS Museum Notes 20 (1975) 39- 108. “A Heraclian Hoard from Syria,” ANSMN 20 (1975) 109-137. “Early Anonymous Folles from Antioch and the Chronology of Class A,” ANSMN 21 (1976) 109-128. “The Overstriking of Hadrian's Cistophori,” Actes du 8ème Congrès International de Numismatique New-York-Washington 1973 (Paris-Bâle, 1976) 347-353. “Two Alexandrian Hoards,” RBN 122 (1976) 65-77. “A Note on Trajan's Latin Aes from Antioch,” ANSMN 22 (1977) 67-70. “The Antioch Hoard of Antoniniani and the Eastern Coinage of Trebonianus Gallus and Volusian,” ANSMN 22 (1977) 71-94. “The Antioch Hoard--A Supplement,” ANSMN 23 (1978) 129-132 (with Paul Munro Walker). “New and Noteworthy from Roman Alexandria, Pescennius Niger - Diadumenian,” in O. Mørkholm and N. M. Waggoner, eds., Studies in Greek Numismatics and Archaeology presented to Margaret Thompson (Wetteren, 1979) 173-182. “The Roman Empire from Augustus to A.D. 284” in A Survey of Numismatic Research 1972-1977 (Berne, 1979) 177-191. “Medallions,” in K. Weitzmann, ed., Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art Third to Seventh Century (New York, 1979) 36-44. “Roman Aurei from India,” ANSMN 24 (1979) 123-127. “A Roman Hoard from Cyprus,” NC7 19 (1979) 25-34. Page 2 Curriculum Vitae William E. Metcalf “The Coins—1977” in J. H. Humphrey, ed., Excavations at Carthage 1977 conducted by the University of Michigan V (New Delhi, 1980 [=1981]) 185-262 (with R. Bruce Hitchner). “Three Seventh Century Byzantine Gold Hoards,” ANSMN 25 (1980) 87-108. “The Coins from the Cisterns 1977.1, 1977.2, and 1977.3.” in J. H. Humphrey, ed., Excavations at Carthage 1977 conducted by the University of Michigan VI (Ann Arbor, 1981) 79-84. “A Corrigendum to The Cistophori of Hadrian,” ANSMN 26 (1981) 185-186. “A Nummus of Honoria and a Decanummium of Constans from the Excavations at Carthage,” NC 141 (1981) 154-156. “The Coins—1978” in J. H. Humphrey, ed., Excavations at Carthage 1978 conducted by the University of Michigan VII (Ann Arbor, 1982) 63-168. “The Flavians in the East,” Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Numismatics, Berne, September 1979 (Louvain-la-Neuve/Luxembourg, 1982) 321- 339.[Abstract] “From Greek to Latin Currency in Third-Century Egypt,” in W. Heckel and R. Sullivan, eds., Ancient Coins of the Graeco-Roman World. The Nickle Numismatic Papers (Waterloo, Canada, 1984) 296. Introduction, bibliography and corrections to J. M. C. Toynbee, Roman Medallions (Numismatic Studies 5, 1944, reprinted New York, 1986) i-xi, 268. “From Greek to Latin Currency in Third Century Egypt,” in H. Huvelin, M. Christol, and G. Gautier, eds., Melanges de numismatique offerts à Pierre Bastien (Wetteren, 1987) 157-168. “The Michigan Finds from Carthage, 1975-1979: An Analysis,” ANSMN 32 (1987) 61- 84. “The Coins—1982” in J. H. Humphrey, ed., The Circus and a Byzantine Cemetery at Carthage (Ann Arbor, 1988) 337-382. “Introduction” to W. Hahn and W. E. Metcalf, eds., Studies in Early Byzantine Gold Coinage (Numismatic Studies 17, New York, 1988), 1-19 (with Wolfgang Hahn). “The Joint-Reign Gold of Justin I and Justinian I,” in W. Hahn and W. E. Metcalf, eds., Studies in Early Byzantine Gold Coinage (Numismatic Studies 17, New York, 1988) 20- 29. “The Severan ‘Cistophori’,” Rivista Italiana di Numismatica 90 (1988) 155-166. “The Dating of the M. Agrippa Asses,” NC 148 (1988) 145-147 (with Giles F. Carter). “Rome and Lugdunum Again,” American Journal of Numismatics 1 (1989) 51-70. “Aes Grave” in Gens Antiquissima Italiae. Antichità dall'Umbria in New York (Exhibition at the Grey Art Gallery, New York University) (Perugia, 1991) 377-386. “Appendix 3: The Coin Finds” in N. Ben Lazreg and D. J. Mattingly, eds., Leptiminus (Lamta): a Roman port city in Tunisia Report no. 1 (JRA Supplementary series no. 4, Ann Arbor, 1992) 264-266. “The Emperor's Liberalitas: Propaganda and the Imperial Coinage,” RIN 95 (1993) 337- 346. “The Coinage of Otho and Early Imperial Mint Organization,” in M. Price, A. Burnett and R. Bland, eds., Essays in honour of Robert Carson and Kenneth Jenkins (London, 1993) 155-160. “A Late Second-Century Hoard of Posthumous Alexanders,” Revue Suisse de Numismatique 75 (1994) pp. 19-53. Page 3 Curriculum Vitae William E. Metcalf “Coins from the Excavations at Tell Nimrin,” AJN 7/8 (1995/6) 145-154 (with William J. Fulco, S.J.) “Roman Dies and Modern Studies,” in R. G. Doty and T. Hackens, eds., in Italia Fato Profugi: Numismatic Studies dedicated to Vladimir and Elvira-Eliza Clain-Stefanelli (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1996) 253-258. “Byzantine Imperial Coinage” and catalogue entries nos. 147A-K, 265-266, 280, and 339-340 in Helen C. Evans and William D. Wixom, eds., The Glory of Byzantium. Art and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era A.D. 843-1261 (New York, 1997) 213-217, 399, 422, 502-503. “Notes on the Severan Coinage of Caesarea,” in Nomismata 1. Historisch-numismatische Forschungen. Internationales Kolloquium zur kaiserzeitlichen Münzprägung Kleinasiens 27.-30. April 1994 in der Staatliche Münzsammlung, München (Milan, 1997) 173-180. “Aurelian's reform at Alexandria,” in R. H. Ashton and S. Hurter, eds., Studies in Greek Numismatics in memory of Martin Jessop Price (London, 1998), 269-276. “The ‘Ain Tab Hoard (IGCH 1542),” in A. Burnett, U. Wartenberg, and R. Witschonke, eds., Coins of Macedonia and Rome: Essays in honour of Charles Hersh (London, 1998) 59-65. “Coins as Primary Evidence” in G. M. Paul and M. Ierardi, eds., Roman Coins and Public Life. E. Togo Salmon Studies 2 (Ann Arbor, 1999) 1-18. “The Mint of Antioch,” in C. Kondoleon, ed., Antioch: The Lost Ancient City (Princeton and Worcester, 2000) 105-111. “The Coins from the 1992 and 1994 seasons” in N. Ben Lazreg and D. J. Mattingly, eds., Leptiminus (Lamta) Report no. 1 (JRA Supplementary series no. 41, Ann Arbor, 2001) 460-464, with pp. 103, 214. “The End of Antioch’s Silver Coinage,” forthcoming in Actes du table-ronde Damas 1999. “The Reka Devnia Hoard Reconsidered” in G. Gorini, ed., Ritrovamenti monetali nel modo antico: problemi e metodi. Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Padova 31 marzo-2 aprile 2000 (2003), 145-150 “Regionalism in the imperial coinage of Asia Minor,” forthcoming in Regionalism in Asia Minor in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods (Hartford, 2005?). “Roman Imperial Numismatics” forthcoming in Blackwell Guide to the Roman Empire (2005) “The Roman Empire from the death of Caesar to the death of Commodus,” forthcoming in A Survey of Numismatic Research 1996-2001 (Madrid, 2003). “Theodor Mommsen and numismatics in the 21st century” Page 4 Curriculum Vitae William E. Metcalf Review Articles “Recent Catalogues in Roman Numismatics” in Journal of Roman Archaeology 1 (1988) 170-175. C. H. V. Sutherland, Roman History and Coinage 44 BC-AD 69. Fifty Points of Relation from Julius Caesar to Vespasian (Oxford, 1987); A. M. Burnett and M. H. Crawford, eds., The Coinage of the Roman World in the Late Republic.
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