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GATT BIBLIOGRAPHY: FIFTH SUPPLEMENT August 195Ô - July 1959 GATT Secretariat Villa Le Bocage Palais des Nations Geneva August 1959 Switzerland M3T(59)95 MJP(59)95 Page 1 GATT BIBLIOGRAPHY; FIFTH SUPEL3,ISNT The GATT Bibliography was first published in Ilarch 1954 and covered the period from 1947 to the end of 1953. The First Supplement covered the period from January 1954 to June 1955. The Second Supplement covered the period from June 1955 to June 1956; the Third Supplement from June 1956 to August 1957; the Fourth Supplement from August 1957 to July 1958; the Fifth Supplement from August 1958 to July 1959. Among the main events referred to in the Fifth Supplement are: the thirteenth session of the CONTRACTING PriRTJSS, from 16 October to 22 November 1958; the fourteenth session from U May to 30 May 1959; the publication of Trends in International Trade on 12 October 1958; and the development of the GATT programme for the expansion of international trade. Note: The GATT Bibliography and it3 Supplements do not include the publications 0* the GATT secretariat. These are contained in the Liot of Official Material relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, obtainable on request from the secretariat* MGT(59)95 Page 2 May 1958 Théorie und Praxis des GATT. Vplkswirt (Prankfort a/M,): 867-868 9 May 1959, Enrique Arocena Olivera y Enrique Ferri, El GATT, su ©structura y sus proyocciones sobre la realidad economica iberoamericana. Revista de Economic a (Montevideo), December-May 1957-58. Magnifico, G.: Il mercato comune europeo e il GATT. Rivista di politioa economica 48: 462-483, May 1958. Il GATT e i nuovi problemi del commercio internazionale. Relazioni internazionali (Milano) 22:589-590, 24 May 1958. GATT's Siamese twin. Tho Economist (London) l&7:50£r 10 May 1958. July 1958 Liebhafsky, H,H. Ten years of GATT. Southern Economic Journal (Chapel Hill, N.C.) 25: 74-87, July 1958. August11958 Blum Flor, Alfredo. Acuerdo General sobre Arancoles Aduaneros y Oomercio (GATT). (a) Antécédentes (b) Estructura (c) Analisis de sus Disposiclones (d) Ventajas que Comporta la Condicion de Parte Contratante de Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio (GATT) (e) El Consejo de Cooperacion Aduanera y la Nomenclatura Arancelaria de Bruselas (f) El Arancel de Aduanas del Ecuador (9) Recomendaciones. Banco Central del Ecuador. Boletin Apendice Nos. 372-373. July & August 1958. Quito, Macdonald, Donald S. Legal controls of foreign trade and international law; with special reference to the GATT. August I958 (typescript in GATT library, Geneva). Thesis requirement of the Diploma in International law of the University of Cambridge. Wyndham White, Eric, The evolution of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Westminster Bank Review. (London) August 1958. September 1958 Wyndham White, Eric, GATT - The first ten years. The British Export Gazette, (London) September 1958 Rohstofflander und Welthandel. Ein Expertenbericht des GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeitung. (Zurich) 24 September 1958. MOT(59)95 Page 3 October 1958 A single trading world? The Economist, (London) 11 October 1958. A provocative report from GATT, Manchester Guardian. (Manchester) 13 October 1958, Commerce international: qui paie quoi? Journal de Genève. 13 October 1958. World trade hindered by sharp price shifts. GATT report recommends extended economic aid. Daily Telegraph. (London) 13 October 1958. GATT report on world trade trends. Financial Times. (London) 13 October 1959. Tasks for GATT. Financial Times. (London) 13 October 1958. GATT plan for clearing the channels of trade. The Times. (London) 13 October 1958. Un comité d'experts du GATT étudie les moyens d'améliorer le commerce international. Le Monde. (Paris) 14 October 195#. Au GATT, Il faut tirer parti du cas allemand. Journal de Genève. 15 October 1958. Le rapport du GATT sur le commerce international souligne un double danger, L'Information. (Paris) 16 October 1958. Britain calls for United States lead in freer trade. Eccles» plea at GATT for removal of barriers. Daily Telegraph. (London) 17 October 1958. Call for United States lead in trade expansion. Sir David Eccles' appeal at GATT meeting. The Times. (London) 17 October 1958, EroTfnung der GATT-Konferenz in Gonf, Neue Zttroher Zeitung. (Zurich) 17 October 1958. GATT critics of German import policy. The Times. (London) 18 October 1958. Twenty nations urge steps to reduce curbs on trade. New York Times. 19 October 1958. GATT cheered by returning confidence. Help for primary producers. The Times. (London) 20 October 1958. GATT call for aid from industrial countries. Commonwealth protests at German farm tariffs. Daily Telegraph. (London) 20 October 1958. Le GATT lance-t-il la campagne du libre-échango contre le Marohé commun? Economie. (Paris) 14:5-6, 23 October 1958. GATT determination to help under-developed countries. The Times. (London) 24 October 1958. M3T(59)95 Page 4 United States asked to give GATT lead on trade expansion and agricultural policies. Board of Trade Journal. (London) 24 October 1958. Agricultural sins revealed, The Economist. (London) 25 October 1958» Trends in International Trade, Problems of the primary producing countries. The Statist. (London) 25 October 1958. Dons' challenge to GATT. The Economist (London) 189:336, 25 October 1958 Nodi nuovi per il lavoro del GATT. Mpndo economico (Milano) 13:7^8, 25 October 1958. Consumer aa "forgotten man". Call for expansion of trade. The Times. (London) 28 October 1958. Jugoslavia seeks link with GATT nations. Daily Telegraph. (London) 28 October 1958. United States tariff proposals at Geneva. Financial Timesr (London) 28 October 1958. Le GATT, commercial policy I957 of the Contracting Parties. L'Europe naissante. July-October 1958, p.54-82. Franken, N. Wolken boven het GATT. (Clouds over the GATT) Economist (Haarlem) IIO-687-703, October 1958. Meier, G,M, International trade and international inequality. Oxford economic papers. (Oxford) 10:277-289, October 1958. November 1958 Die Schweiz und das GATT. Neue ZUrcher Zeitung. (Zurich) 5 November 1958, Fitch, G.S. GATT session. Eastern economist (New Delhi) 31:678, 7 November 1958. Friedman, Irving S. Statement on the relations between the International Monetary Fund and GATT in foreign economic policy, hearings, 84th Congress, 1st session, US Congress, Joint Committee on the Economic Report (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1955), pp.418-23. Reprinted with title "Relations between the IMF and the GATT", in International Financial News Survey (Washington) 8, pp. 175-78 (25 November 1955). Das Fazit der GATT-Konferenz. Neue Zurcher Zeitung. (Zurich) 23 November 1958. GATT marks time. The Economist. (London) Vol. CDCQCEC, No, 6014, 29 November 1958, p.803. MGT(59)95 Page 5 Coppola D'Anna F.: L'Accordo générale sulle tariffe doganali e sul commercio (GATT) dopo le revisione del 1955. Rivista di Politica Economlca. (Rome) Fasc.XI, November 1958, p.1219-1234. Ciechomska, Z. GATT wobec wspolnego rynku. Sprawy miedzynarodowe. (Warsaw) 11:88-92, Wrzesian 1958. Hortling, G. Europeiskc frihandelsstravanden och GATT. Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift. (Helsinki) 11:85-102, November 1958. December 1958 German trade dispute at GATT. Financial Times. (London) 1 December 1958» Kover, J.F.: GATT-Konferenz ohne wichtige Beschlusse, Bundearepublik noch einmal davongekommen, Zollkonferenz bereits bis Frtthjahr i960? Per Yolkswirt. (Frankfort &/M,) No. 49, 6 December 1958, p,2435-2436. Bllancio positivo della XIII sessione del GATT, Relazioni internazionali. (Milano) 22:1532-1533, 6 December 1958. Switzerland joins GATT. Statist. (London) 168:810-811, 13 December 1958. Rilancio del GATT? Mondo economico. (Milano) 13:9, 13 December 1958. Trends in International Trade. Overseas Trading. (Melbourne) 12 December 1958. Die Ergebnisse der schweizerischen Zollverhandlungen im GATT. Noue Zttcher Zeitung. (Zurich.) 15 December 1958. Jha's Address to Thirteenth Session of GATT. Commerce & Industry. (Bombay) 17 December 1958. Le GATT va-t-il intervenir plus activement dans les discussions entre les Six et les Onze? Le Monde. (Paris) 25 December 1958. Trends in International Trade. GATT looks at the widening gap. Far East Trade. .(London) December 1958. Louis, Richard. Die Geplante Organisation fUr Zusammenarbeit auf dem Geblet des Handels (OTC). Inaugural - Dissertation zur Erlangung der DoktorwUrde der Juristischen Fakultat der Ruprecht-Karl-Universitat zu Heidelberg. 1958. January 1959 GATT Contracting Parties make decisions on stimulating world trade. Foreign Commerce Weekly. (United States Department of Commerce) 8 January 1959. Der Abbau der deutschon Importrestriktionen, Verhandlungen mit GATT- Mitgliodstaaten. Neue Zllrcher Zeitung. (Zurich) 31 January 1959. MOT(59)95 Page 6 Nurske, Ragnar. Trends in World Trade. Kyklos (Basel) Vol. XII-1959 - Fasc 1. pp.1-26 (critical review of Trends in International Trade), Wyndhtam White, Eric. Developments in international trade. Industrial India Annual 1958/59. January 1959. La treizième session des Parties Contractantes au GATT, Bulletin de la Fédération des Industries Belges. (Brussels) January 1959» Tre huvudfragor behandlades pa GATT-konferensen i Genève i december: Haberler-rapporten, de tyska import restriktionerna, och Romf'ôrdraget. Vidate diskuterade man en utvidgning av GATT:s medlemskrets, antidumping- lagstiftning, ursprungsmarkning, m.m, Svonsk Export No, 1. January 1959. February 1959 GATT members fear major trade dislocation. Common Market criticized on eve of new discussions. The Times. 15 February 1959.