PRAIRIE FORUM Vol. 26, No.2 Fall 2001 CONTENTS Editor's Note Patrick C. Douaud iii ARTICLES The Last Quarter Century in Canadian Plains Archaeology Ian Dyck 143 From Short-term Emergency to Long-term Crisis: Public Works Projects in Saskatoon, 1929-1932 EricJ Strikwerda 169 How Do You Spell Political Success? Candidate Characteristics in the 1999 "Harvest Election" Cora Voyageur andJoyce Green 187 Agricultural Extension and Resistance: Rural Governance as Spatial Practice Rod Bantjes 203 Fictional Manawaka and Tangible Neepawa, Manitoba Sarah Payne and Paul Simpson-Housley 219 The Origins and Development of Manitoba's Provincial Park System John C. Lehr 241 ESSAY Returning to a Little Prairie Town Audrey Pihulyk 257 BOOK REVIEWS BARNHART, Gordon L., Peace, Progress and Prosperity ': A Biography of Saskatchewan's First Premier, T. Walter Scott by David E. Smith 259 ZIMON, Kathy E., Alberta Society ofArtists: The First Seventy }ears by David Garneau 260 FRIESEN, John W., Legends ofthe Elders by C. WHna Hodgson 263 CARDINAL, Harold and HILDEBRANDT, Walter, TreatyElders ofSaskatchewan: OurDream Is That Our Peoples Will One Day Be Clearly Recognized As Nations; RA~ Arthur and MILLER, Jim, Bounty and Benevolence: A History of Saskatchewan Treaties; ST. GERMAIN, Jill, Indian Treaty-Making Policy in the United States and Canada, 1867-1877 by Rob Nestor 266 STINGEL, Janine, Social Discredit: Anti-Semitism Social Credit and theJewish Response byJackie Kuikman 270 MYSYK, Avis, Manitoba CommercialMarket Gardening 1945-1997: Class, Race and Ethnic Relations byJames N. McCrorie 273 CONTRIBUTORS 275 PRAIRIE FORUM: Journal of the Canadian Plains Research Center Chief Editor: Patrick Douaud, Education, Regina Copy Editor: Brian Mlazgar, CPRC, Regina Book Review Editor: Wendee Kubik, CPRC, Regina PRAIRIE FORUM is published twice yearly, in Spring and Fall, at an annual sub scription rate of $23.00 for individuals and $28.00 for institutions.
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