IJCCR 2015 Rosa Stodder
International Journal of Community Currency Research VOLUME 19 (2015) SECTION D 114-127 ON VELOCITY IN SEVERAL COMPLEMENTARY CURRENCIES Josep Lluis De La Rosa* And James Stodder** *TECNIO Centre EASY, University Of Girona, Catalonia ** Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA ABSTRACT We analyse the velocity of several complementary currencies, notably the WIR, RES, Chiem- gauer, Sol, Berkshares dollars, and several other cases. Then we describe the diversity in their velocity of circulation, and seek potential explanations for these differences. For example, WIR velocity is 2.6 while RES velocity is 1.9 despite being similar currencies. The higher speed may be explained by WIR blended loans among other beneIits or by the fact that there are nearly 20.000 unregistered members that contribute with their transactions. Using a comparative method between cases, the article explores a number of possible explanations on the increases in velocity, apart from prevailing demurrage approaches ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I want to thank the several reviewers of this paper, especially Andreu Honzawa of the STRO foundation. This research is partly funded by the TIN2013-48040-R (QWAVES) Nuevos méto- dos de automatización de la búsqueda social basados en waves de preguntas, the IPT20120482430000 (MIDPOINT) Nuevos enfoques de preservación digital con mejor gestión de costes que garantizan su sostenibilidad, and VISUAL AD Uso de la Red Social para Monetizar el Contenido Visual, RTC-2014-2566-7 and GEPID GamiIicación en la Preservación Digital de- splegada sobre las Redes Sociales, RTC-2014-2576-7, the EU DURAFILE num. 605356, FP7- SME-2013, BSG-SME (Research for SMEs) Innovative Digital Preservation using Social Search in Agent Environments, as well as the AGAUR 2012 FI_B00927 awarded to José Antonio Olvera and the Grup de recerca consolidat CSI-ref.
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