Beyond Morbidity and Mortality in Reintroduction Programmes: Changing Health Parameters in Reintroduced Eastern Bettongs Bettongia Gaimardi

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Beyond Morbidity and Mortality in Reintroduction Programmes: Changing Health Parameters in Reintroduced Eastern Bettongs Bettongia Gaimardi Beyond morbidity and mortality in reintroduction programmes: changing health parameters in reintroduced eastern bettongs Bettongia gaimardi T IMOTHY J. PORTAS,ROSS B. CUNNINGHAM,DAVID S PRATT,JOANNE D EVLIN P ETER H OLZ,WILLIAM B ATSON,JANE O WENS and A DRIAN D. MANNING Abstract The eastern bettong Bettongia gaimardi, a potor- metrics for assessing the response of macropodoids to oid marsupial, has been extinct on the Australian mainland reintroduction. since the s. Sixty adult bettongs were reintroduced from Keywords Bettongia gaimardi, biochemistry, disease, east- the island of Tasmania to two predator-free fenced reserves ern bettong, haematology, health evaluation, parasite, on mainland Australia. We examined baseline health para- reintroduction meters (body weight, haematology and biochemistry, para- sites and infectious disease exposure) in a subset of ( male, female) individuals at translocation and again at – months post-reintroduction. The mean body Introduction weight increased significantly post-reintroduction but there were no significant differences in body weight between he underlying health status of individual animals can the two reintroduction sites or between the sexes in response Tinfluence survival during translocation and establish- to reintroduction. Differences were evident in multiple ment in reintroduction programmes, and disease may influ- haematological and biochemical variables post-reintroduc- ence the persistence of populations in the longer term (Kock tion but there were few differences between the two reintro- et al., ; Cabezas et al., ; Clarke et al., ). Disease duced populations or between the sexes in response to may also have an impact on sympatric species at reintroduc- reintroduction. Ectoparasite assemblages differed, with tion sites, and detailed recommendations for assessing and five of species failing to persist, and an additional four managing disease risk in wildlife translocations have been species were identified post-reintroduction. None of the bet- published (Leighton, ; Travis et al., ; Jakob-Hoff tongs had detectable antibodies to the alphaherpesviruses et al., ). Despite this, comprehensive health evaluations Macropodid herpesvirus and post-reintroduction, in- are not routinely undertaken, and the potential for disease cluding one individual that was seropositive at transloca- to influence outcomes is often not considered nor adequate- tion. Similarly, the novel gammaherpesvirus potoroid ly managed in reintroduction programmes (Mathews et al., herpesvirus was not detected by polymerase chain reaction ; Deem et al., ). Various health parameters in free- (PCR) in any of the bettongs post-reintroduction, including ranging wildlife species, including haematology and bio- one individual that was PCR-positive at translocation. None chemistry, and parasite assemblages, are influenced by a of the bettongs had detectable antibodies to Toxoplasma range of environmental and host factors and could be ex- gondii either at translocation or post-reintroduction. Our pected to change when species are reintroduced to environ- data demonstrate changing baseline health parameters in ments from which they have been extirpated (Schultz et al., eastern bettongs following reintroduction to the ; Robert & Schwanz, ; Webster et al., ). Australian mainland are suggestive of improved health in Evaluation of changes to health parameters pre- and post- the reintroduced populations, and provide additional reintroduction could potentially be used to assess the longer term physiological response of species to reintroduction and may be a useful adjunct to traditional metrics (survival, dis- persal and reproductive success) used to assess reintroduc- TIMOTHY J. PORTAS (Corresponding author) and PETER HOLZ Veterinary and Research Centre, Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, RMB 141, Via Tharwa, tion outcomes (Ewen et al., ; Nichols & Armstrong, Australian Capital Territory 2620, Australia. E-mail [email protected] ; Maceda-Veiga et al., ). ROSS B. CUNNINGHAM,WILLIAM BATSON and ADRIAN D. MANNING Fenner School of The eastern bettong Bettongia gaimardi is a small, noc- Environment and Society, Australian National University College of Medicine, turnal, predominantly mycophagous, potoroid marsupial Biology and Environment, Canberra, Australia that has been extinct on the Australian mainland since the DAVID SPRATT Australian National Wildlife Collection, CSIRO National Research − Collections Australia, Canberra, Australia s (Claridge et al., ). In adults were re- introduced from the island of Tasmania to two predator- JOANNE DEVLIN and JANE OWENS Faculty of Veterinary Science, the University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia free fenced reserves, Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and Received July . Revision requested October . Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, in the Australian Accepted November . First published online March . Capital Territory (Batson et al., in press). Comprehensive Oryx, 2016, 50(4), 674–683 © 2016 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605315001283 Downloaded from IP address:, on 28 Sep 2021 at 11:19:01, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Bettong health following reintroduction 675 health assessments were undertaken during translocation, and baseline health and disease parameters were established for the species (Portas et al., ). We hypothesized that health parameters of eastern bettongs would change post- reintroduction and could therefore be useful measures for assessing the effect of reintroduction on bettong health be- yond direct observations of morbidity and mortality. Here we compare body weight, haematology and biochemistry, parasite assemblages, and disease exposure (Toxoplasma gondii, macropodoid herpesviruses) of a subset ( males, females) of the population pre- and post-reintroduction. We also compare the haematology and biochemistry of the populations at the two reintroduction sites and between the sexes in response to reintroduction. Study area Collection sites for free-ranging bettongs in Tasmania have been described previously and included eight locations re- presenting a mix of remnant native forest, forestry planta- tions and agricultural land (Portas et al., ; Batson et al., in press). Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, in the Australian Capital Territory, is a ha remnant of FIG. 1 Location of the two reintroduction sites, Mulligans Flat highly threatened box–gum grassy woodland that is the sub- Woodland Sanctuary and Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve within the ject of intensive experimental restoration efforts (Manning Australian Capital Territory. et al., ; Shorthouse et al., ). Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, also in the Australian Capital Territory, incorpo- At – months post-reintroduction (May–November rates a fenced sanctuary in an area of wet sclerophyll forest ) bettongs were captured at both reintroduction sites and open grassland for the conservation management of at night, using padded cage traps baited with a mixture of threatened Australian species (Fig. ). oats and peanut butter. Traps were set at dusk and checked – hours later. Bettongs were removed from traps and Methods placed in cloth bags before being processed on site. Anaesthesia was induced and maintained using isoflurane Previously we established baseline health and disease in oxygen delivered via a mask. Post anaesthesia, bettongs parameters in adult (. year, on the basis of dentition) recovered in cloth bags for up to hour before being released eastern bettongs ( male, female) live-trapped during at the capture site. July–October and April–September in Tasmania The physical examination process, sample and data col- and reintroduced to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and lection, and sample processing are described in detail in Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary (Portas et al., ). Portas et al. (). Briefly, the following were performed: Bettongs released into Mulligans Flat ( males, females) physical examination; body weight was recorded; pes length were monitored via global positioning system/VHF collars was measured; ticks and fleas were collected using forceps and live-trapping approximately every months. They re- and fixed in % ethanol; mites and lice were collected ceived no supplemental food and the population was un- from skin and hair scrapings in glycerine; blood was col- managed. Bettongs at Tidbinbilla ( males, females) were lected from the lateral coccygeal vein for assessment of housed in small groups in natural bushland enclosures (.– haematological and biochemical parameters and serology . ha) and managed to maximize genetic diversity of off- (Toxoplasma gondii, Macropodid herpesviruses and spring; they received supplemental food, including fresh [MaHV-, MaHV-]); pooled swabs from the conjunctival, locally available produce and a commercially available nasal and urogenital mucosa were collected for the detection pellet, at least weekly. Monitoring was limited to remote of herpesvirus DNA using polymerase chain reaction observation of feed stations via camera, and live-trapping (PCR); and faecal samples were collected and assessed approximately every months. using the sodium nitrate floatation technique for endopara- Trapping, sedation and anaesthetic procedures at trans- site ova. Bettongs were weighed to the nearest gram using location have been described previously (Portas et al., ). electronic scales. For females
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