Fantastic Frames (5/29) Permission Slip Please complete and return this slip with $10 cash or check made payable to Kate Powell by May 25th. If cost is prohibitive, please contact Mrs. Powell. Class size is limited. Students who sign up after class is full will be placed on a waiting list. Questions? Contact Mrs. Powell at
[email protected] or 412-492-5008 Student’s Name____________________________________________ Guardian’s Name_______________________________________________________ Guardian Phone Number_____________________________ where you can be reached between 3:30-4:30. Homeroom Teacher____________________________________________________ I give permission for my child to attend. I have made arrangements to collect my child at the front lot at 4:30 PM. Enclosed is $10. Signature_________________________________________________________ *This activity is offered as an additional opportunity for students and is not sponsored by the Hampton Township School District* Recycle Rama May 19, 2018 9 a.m.-12 noon, Hampton Pool Parking Lot and High School Have old sporting equipment or Hampton attire that your kids no longer use? Donate it to Recycle Rama! Donated items will then be available for free at the Recycle Rama event! Take an item, or 2 or 5! Items collected include: sporting and dance equipment, cleats, Hampton sports uniform and jerseys as well as spirit wear. ***Please make sure that your donated items are in a condition you would like for yourself. If an item is worn out, please do not donate.**** You can drop off items at any of the Hampton elementary and middle school lobbies May 2-15. Questions? Contact Danelle Jameson at (412) 487-0752 or
[email protected] Recycle — Reuse — Repurpose Other items will also be available to trade on the day of Recycle Rama, including books and dress clothes, to check out the complete list, check out the Recycle Rama link under Community Links on the Hampton Township School District web site at and on the Hampton Township web site at Rama.