1 from the Circumstances, Dortmunder Would Say It Was a Missing-Heir Scam
1 1 From the circumstances, Dortmunder would say it was a missing-heir scam. It had begun a week ago, when a guy he knew slightly, a fella called A. K. A. because he operated under so many different names, phoned him and said, "Hey, John, it's A. K. A. here, I'm wondering, you got the flu, something like that? We don't see you around the regular place for a while." "Which regular place is that?" Dortmunder asked. "Armweery's." "Oh, yeah," Dortmunder said. "Well, I been cuttin back. I might see you there sometime." Off the phone, Dortmunder looked up the address of Armweery's and went there, and A. K. A. was at a booth in the back, under the LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS poster where some wag had blacked out most of the Jap's teeth. "What this is," A. K. A. said, under his new mustache (this one was gingery, and so, at the moment, was his hair), "is a deposition. A week from Thursday, 10:00 A. M., this lawyer's office in the Graybar Building. Take maybe an hour. You go in, they swear you, ask you some questions, that's it." "Do I know the answers?" "You will." "What's in it for me?" "Half a gee." Five hundred dollars for an hour's work; not so bad. If, of course. Depending. Dortmunder said, "What's the worst that could happen?" A. K. A. shrugged. "They go looking for Fred Mullins out on Long Island." "Who's he?" "You." "Got it," Dortmunder said.
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