
Currencies we support

£ (GBP) Great British Pounds kn (HRK) Croatian Kuna ₱ (PHP) Philippine Peso

€ (EUR) Ft (HUF) Hungarian Forint ₨ (PKR) Pakistani Rupee

$ (USD) US ₪ (ILS) Israeli New Shekel zł (PLN) Polish Zloty

(AED) UAE Dirham ₹ (INR) Indian Rupee QR (QAR) Qatari Rial

A$ (AUD) Australian $ (JMD) lei (RON) Romanian Leu

Bds$ (BBD) (JOD) Jordanian Dinar din (RSD) Serbian Dinar

Лв. (BGN) Bulgarian Lev ¥ (JPY) Japanese Yen ₽ (RUB) Russian Ruble

BD (BHD) Bahraini Dinar (KES) Kenyan SR (SAR) Saudi Riyal

B$ (BSD) (KWD) Kuwait Dinar kr (SEK) Swedish Krona

P (BWP) Botswana Pula $ (KYD) Dollar S$ (SGD)

C$ (CAD) Rs (LKR) Sri Lankan Rupee ฿ (THB) Thai Baht

Fr. (CHF) Swiss Franc L (LSL) Lesotho Loti DT (TND) Tunisian Dinar

¥ (CNY) Chinese Yuan ₨ (MUR) Mauritian Rupee ₺ (TRY) Turkish Lira

Kč (CZK) Czech Koruna MK (MWK) Malawian Kwacha TT$ (TTD) Trinidad and Tobago Dollar

Kr. (DKK) Mex$ (MXN) Mexican Nuevo Pesos USh (UGX) Ugandan Shilling

FJ$ (FJD) ₦ (NGN) Nigerian Naira $ (XCD) East Caribbean Dollar

GH¢ (GHS) Ghanaian Cedi kr (NOK) Norwegian Krone R (ZAR) South African Rand

HK$ (HKD) NZ$ (NZD) Dollar ZK (ZMW) Zambian Kwacha

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Interpolitan Money (Interpolitan) is a trading name of Wirepayer Limited (Wirepayer). Registered office address: 66 Prescot St, London E1 8NN. Registered in England No.07666629. Wirepayer is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 and the Payment Services Regulations for the issuing of electronic money and the provision of payment services with FCA register number 900413.

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