MADE in the DISTRICT from Bikes to Beer, from Maps to Musical Guitar Strings – They’Re All Made Here! Pages 12 and 13

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MADE in the DISTRICT from Bikes to Beer, from Maps to Musical Guitar Strings – They’Re All Made Here! Pages 12 and 13 sdc_newsdesk sevenoaksdc sevenoaksdistrictcouncil THE NEWSLETTER OF SEVENOAKS DISTRICT COUNCIL NO.112 AUTUMN 2019 MADE IN THE DISTRICT From bikes to beer, from maps to musical guitar strings – they’re all made here! Pages 12 and 13 No. Note 1 All dimensions to be verified on site by GENERAL CONTRACTOR prior to any work, setting out or shop drawings being prepared. 2 Drawings not to be scaled. Work to figured dimensions only. 3 © copyright SAUNDERS BOSTON LIMITED. All rights reserved. This drawing remains the property of SAUNDERS BOSTON LIMITED at all times and may not be reproduced or copied in whole or in part without their prior written consent. 4 This drawing and related specifications are for use only in the stated location. 5 This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other Consultants drawings and specifications. 6 Drainage has not been surveyed and any/all pipe locations and below ground drainage runs are indicative. 7 It is assumed that all works will be carried out by a competent contractor who will be working, WHITE OAK CENTRE PLANS PLASTICwhere appropriate, to an approved method statement. FANTASTIC TAKING ON FLY TIPPERS MAKE A SPLASH Making it easy Environmental Planning application to recycle your enforcer fights back for new leisure centre plastic waste against the dumpers coming soon Page 3 Page 10 Pages 18 and 19 A Issued for Pre-App 050819 No. Revision Date Chk Auth Client Alliance Leisure Services Saunders Job Boston White Oak Leisure Centre Architects Drawing Aerial View Eastern Gate House, 119 Newmarket Road, The Generator, The Gallery, King’s Wharf Cambridge CB5 8HA The Quay, Exeter EX2 4AN T:01223 367733 T:01392 348627 [email protected] Scale Revision PRE-APP @A1 A SBA Project Code Drawn JS Date 06.11.19 project originator zone level type role number Checked Suitability 1689 MNL Code 1689 -SBA-XX -XX -DR-A -701 2 ADVERTISEMENTS New two and three bedroom homes for shared ownership Oakley Park, Edenbridge TN8 6GA Available now Shares from 35% • Low deposit needed Register your interest: Follow us to hear about all our visit new shared ownership homes email [email protected] @west_kent WestKentHA or tel 01732 749900 @westkenthousingassociation E7312_WK_OakleyTotal Park Advert_AW.indd peace 1 of mind,05/09/2019 a 16:08 better quality of life The Good Care Group difference Our clients are 60% less likely to suffer a fall than in a care home1 Safe Outstanding Our clients are 8 times less likely to suffer serious injury due to falls compared to a care home2 Effective Outstanding Our clients are 4 times less likely to acquire a pressure sore Outstanding 3 Inspected and rated Caring than in hospital Outstanding Responsive Outstanding Our professional carers are trained to detect infections, such as UTIs, and to check vital signs, further reducing hospital Well-led Outstanding admissions Our unique dementia care makes our clients twice less likely to require anti-Psychotic medication than those in a care home4 For complete peace of mind, our care advisors are on hand to guide you through how best we can support conditions such as dementia, Parkinsons, MS and palliative care 01732 441098 as well as support for people who need general care to remain in their own home References from ‘The Good Care Group: Client Outcome’ Copyright @ 2018 1 & 2: Help the Aged (2006), Preventing Falls. Managing the risk and effect of falls among older people in care homes. 3: NHS Safety Thermometer Data, May 2018 4: sdc_newsdesk NEWS 3 New centre makes a splash Health Council Plan A brand new leisure centre for Swanley 50 years. But, due to its age and condition, it’s coming to the end of its life. It is expensive to run, uses a lot of is a step closer with a planning energy and will cost too much to repair. application expected this autumn. The plans include dedicated cycle parking and car parking We are intending to build a modern, energy efficient facility for around 140 vehicles. to replace the current White Oak centre, offering a first The centre would cost £20 million to build and equip and class experience. The new centre would include swimming will be constructed in the grounds of the current White Oak and learner pools, a fitness suite with modern equipment, Leisure Centre, which would remain open during the works. rooms for classes and events alongside new activities, including Tag Active. After the new leisure centre opens, it is planned to build some new homes on the White Oak site to help pay After we unveiled our plans in March, we have made towards the new centre. a number of significant changes following residents’ comments and suggestions. Cabinet Member for People and Places, Cllr Lesley Dyball, says: “We are really excited about our plans for White Oak. We are now planning to include: The proposals for a modernised centre provide excellent • A state of the art, 100+ station fitness studio activities that reflect current leisure trends.” • A multi-purpose sports hall big enough for two “We have listened carefully to residents’ comments and we badminton courts have made some significant changes so the new centre can cater for a wider-range of users. • A 25 metre, six lane swimming pool with a two metre- deep moveable floor making it suitable for beginners “The new White Oak Leisure Centre would be through to sub aqua and water polo clubs environmentally friendly and economically viable, so we can continue to provide leisure in Swanley for • A bigger viewing area for the swimming pools generations to come.” • A spin bike area in the fitness suite • Multi-purpose rooms and interconnected studios Have your say on the new White Oak with flexible, moveable partition walls Leisure Centre As In Shape went to print, the planning application for the • A viewing area and café state-of-the art centre was expected in October. • A coach drop-off point in the car park To find out more, including how to comment on the plans, White Oak Leisure Centre was built in 1967 and has visit served generations of Swanley residents for more than sevenoaksdc sevenoaksdistrictcouncil 4 NEWS Wellbeing Grab a grant! Council Plan We’re really proud that year-on-year, we provide grants to support the work of voluntary and charitable organisations across the District, and next year will be no different. Our Community Grants Scheme supports volunteer- Visit, email led services within the District that help the health and [email protected] or call 01732 227000 for more wellbeing of our residents. If your community group falls information and to request an application form. in this category, we want to hear from you! Let us know how a grant could benefit what you’re doing and you Jenny Godfrey, our Community Projects and Funding could receive up to £5,000 of funding! Officer, will be happy to help guide you through your application. This year we paid £54,800 in grants to 25 local You have until Friday 22 November 2019 to return groups. Recipients included West Kent Mind who your application form so don’t miss out on an amazing received £3,000 to extend their ‘Let it Grow’ project opportunity to help support your services. in Shoreham. The Royal Air Force Cadets 593 Swanley Squadron also received £1,000 to help cadets learn Successful applicants will receive their funding in about cyber threats. April 2020. Conservation is key for the Sevenoaks District We’re helping to fulfil our promise to protect the Environment environment by extending five Conservation Areas. Council Plan In July, we agreed to improve and broaden Conservation Areas in Brasted, Leigh, Seal, Shoreham and Swanley Village, with Shoreham having two existing Conservation Areas merged into one. People living in the Conservation Areas had an opportunity to comment on our proposals last October. The majority of residents and resident groups were extremely positive, with most people recognising the changes as being necessary to maintain the special character of the areas. Conservation Areas provide extra the character of our beautiful District consultation shows that residents are planning protection to areas with historic and these five updated and extended just as keen as we are to preserve our character. In the Sevenoaks District, conservation areas will mean they historic villages as best we can.” there are 42 Conservation Areas. will remain great places to live, work and visit.” For full details of the changes to Cabinet Member for Development and the Conservation Areas, visit www. Conservation, Cllr Julia Thornton, says: Cllr Thornton adds: “The overwhelmingly “We are passionate about preserving positive response to our public sdc_newsdesk NEWS 5 Wellbeing Making Council Tax discounts easy Council Plan We’re here to simplify the world of Council Tax! Have you ever thought you might be entitled to a reduction You’re not alone, lots of people think that applying for a in your Council Tax but the idea of applying for it has put you Council Tax discount or exemption is complicated and time off? Or perhaps you don’t have the time to do the research? consuming, but we’re here to show you that it really isn’t. Severely mentally impaired Physical disability If you live with someone who is severely mentally If you or someone in your home is disabled and use impaired, including living with dementia, you can apply for a wheelchair, have a treatment room or a second a discount.
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