Audiovisual Communication Modality: On-Campus Academic Year 2020/2021 Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences

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Audiovisual Communication Modality: On-Campus Academic Year 2020/2021 Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences SYLLABUS SUBJECT: AUDIOVISUAL SYSTEM YEAR 1 | SEMESTRAL COURSE SEMESTER: 1ST DEGREE: AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION MODALITY: ON-CAMPUS ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCES Syllabus / Academic year 2020-2021 1. COURSE/SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.- COURSE/SUBJECT: Name: Audiovisual System Code: 14245 b212 Year (s) course is taught: 1st Semester (s) wheN the course is taught: 1st Type: Core Subject ECTS of the course: 9 Hours ECTS: 30 Language: ENglish Modality: On-campus Degree (s) iN which the course is taught: Audiovisual CommuNicatioN School which the course is taught: HumaNities aNd CommuNicatioN ScieNces 2.- ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSE: DepartmeNt: Audiovisual CommuNicatioN aNd MarketiNg Area of knowledge: Audiovisual CommuNicatioN aNd MarketiNg 2. LECTURERS OF THE COURSE/SUBJECT 1.-LECTURERS: Responsible of the Course CONTACT Name: Dr. D. Ricardo Vaca Berdayes PhoNe (ext): 91.446.17.57 Email: [email protected] Office: - TeachiNg aNd Research profile PhD iN Audiovisual CommuNicatioN from the CEU SaN Pablo UNiversity iN Madrid Research LiNes Doctoral thesis: "Study of the value of the televisioN audieNce of two emergiNg SpaNish chaNNels. The case of Cuatro aNd lasexta: 2005-2008" Profesores DATOS DE CONTACTO Nombre: Dr. Dña. Idoia Salazar TlfNo (ext): 91.446.17.57 Email: [email protected] Despacho: 2 Syllabus / Academic year 2020-2021 2.- TUTORIALS: For aNy queries studeNts caN coNtact lecturers by e-mail, phoNe or visitiNg their office duriNg the teacher’s tutorial times published oN the studeNts’ Virtual Campus. 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides a coNtext for the audiovisual sector, focusiNg oN activity iN the televisioN sector, which is the most importaNt iN terms of coNsumptioN aNd iNvestmeNt iN the world. 4. COMPETENCIES 1.- COMPETENCIES Code Basic aNd GeNeral CompeteNcies BS1 That studeNts have demoNstrated knowledge aNd uNderstaNdiNg iN aN area of study that is at the core of geNeral secoNdary educatioN, aNd is ofteN at a level that, while supported by advaNced textbooks, also iNcludes some aspects that iNvolve knowledge from the cuttiNg edge of their field of study. BS3 That studeNts know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocatioN iN a professioNal way aNd possess the skills that are usually demoNstrated through the elaboratioN aNd defeNse of argumeNts aNd the resolutioN of problems withiN their area of study. BS4 That studeNts have the ability to gather aNd iNterpret relevaNt data (usually withiN their area of study) to make judgmeNts that iNclude reflectioN oN relevaNt social, scieNtific or ethical issues. Code Specific CompeteNcies SC3 Ability to carry out the aNalysis of the structures, typology, audieNces aNd coNteNts aNd styles of radio aNd televisioN commuNicatioN, as well as to produce aNd realize souNd aNd audiovisual coNteNts of differeNt Nature, accordiNg to aN idea, usiNg the Necessary Narrative aNd techNological techNiques. 2.- LEARNING OUTCOMES: Code Learning outcomes RA1 Have acquired advaNced knowledge aNd demoNstrated a detailed aNd grouNded uNderstaNdiNg of the theoretical aNd practical aspects aNd methodology of work in oNe or more fields of study. RA2 KNowiNg how to apply aNd iNtegrate their knowledge, uNderstaNdiNg, scieNtific backgrouNd and problem-solviNg skills iN New aNd vaguely defiNed eNviroNmeNts, iNcludiNg multidiscipliNary coNtexts for both researchers aNd highly specialized professioNals. RA3 KNowiNg how to traNsmit iN a clear aNd uNambiguous way to a specialized or NoN- specialized public, results from scieNtific aNd techNological research or from the most advaNced field of iNNovatioN, as well as the most relevaNt fouNdatioNs oN which they are based 3 Syllabus / Academic year 2020-2021 5. LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1.- DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS` ASSIGNMENT: Total hours of the course 135 Code Name On-campus hours Work practices iN class 4 LA2 SEM - SemiNar 41 TOTAL PreseNce Hours 45 Code Name Not oN- campus hours LA7 Self studeNt work 90 2.- DESCRIPTION OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Activity DefinitioN AF1 EducatioNal activity that streNgtheNs the participatioN of studeNts iN the SemiNar reasoNed iNterpretatioN of the knowledge aNd the sources of the area of study. It is aimed preferably at the skill of applyiNg knowledge (skill 2 MECES), aNd the capacity to collect, iNterpret aNd give opiNioN oN relevaNt data aNd iNformatioN (skill 3 MECES). It is represeNtative of areas or activities of a mixed profile, theoretical aNd practical. AF3 EducatioNal activity iN which studeNts iNdepeNdeNtly maNage their owN Self-StudeNt Work learNiNg by virtue of study of educatioNal material. AF4 TraiNiNg activity preferably orieNted to the competeNce of applicatioN of Work practices knowledge (competeNce 2 TIMES) aNd represeNtative of the subjects or practical activities (laboratories, radio studios, televisioN sets aNd/or aNy of the spaces iNhereNt to the field of commuNicatioN). 6. ASSESMENT OF LEARNING 1.- CLASS ATTENDANCE: • IN order to be eligible for examiNatioN by coNtiNuous assessmeNt studeNts must atteNd at least 75% of scheduled class time (atteNdaNce sheets will be used). As studeNts may be abseNt 25% of the classes, No atteNuatiNg circumstaNces will be accepted for abseNces. • AtteNdaNce to coNfereNces orgaNized by the Faculty, specific to the degree or liNked to a subject, are coNsidered of great iNterest for the traiNiNg of studeNts aNd the acquisitioN of skills. Therefore, accredited assistaNce to these activities may be recogNized by the teacher as part of teachiNg imparted. 4 Syllabus / Academic year 2020-2021 2.- ASSESMENT SYSTEM AND CRITERIA: ORDINARY EXAMINATION (coNtiNuous assessmeNt) Code Name PerceNtage AS1 Oral preseNtatioNs iN semiNars or workiNg groups. 30% AS2 EX – WritteN Exam 70% RE-TAKE EXAM/EXTRAORDINARY EXAMINATION Code Name PerceNtage AS2 EX – WritteN Exam 100% 3.- DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: AssesmeNt Definition criteria AS1 PreseNtatioN of papers iN semiNars or workiNg groups. PreseNtatioN AS2 WritteN examiNatioNs with loNg questioNs aNd writteN exams with exercises, WritteN Exam problems, cases, etc. AS5 Reviews, research projects, reports, opiNioN articles… AssessmeNt of Papers aNd Projects 7. COURSE PROGRAMME 1.- COURSE PROGRAMME: THEORETICAL PROGRAM: 1. The reality of the Spanish Audiovisual Industry. Current situation: technology, regulatory changes, the speed of change, economic crisis, advertising turnover, General Law of Audiovisual Communication, new business model, fundamental facts from 2007 to 2013, the concept of audience fragmentation, flow television schedules, stock, multi-channel, hybrid and connected. Television as the engine of the centrality/transversality of society. Everyone, everytime and everywhere. Keys to the immediate future. 2. The value chain of the Audiovisual system. Television operators, open and paid, national and regional, competition. Content providers: Audiovisual production companies, distributors, Audiovisual services companies (recording, broadcast packaging, consulting companies...) Advertisers, media agencies (creativity, planning) Legal regulators of activity (THE POWER: State, Ministries, Telecommunications Market Commission...) Technology suppliers (new devices, emission technology and hardware manufacturers...) Value chain representation map: ideas/creativity, production, distribution, exhibition, audience: research, contents, packaging, consumption on different screens... Content exploitation windows. FLOW MAP OF THE ENTIRE VALUE CHAIN. 5 Syllabus / Academic year 2020-2021 3. The pallet TV and the neotelevision. Concept of the pallet TV and the neotelevision. Umberto Eco: "The structure of the television illusion: the lost transparency". The State's television monopoly, unique television, hierarchy and vertical relationship. Public Service: informing, training and entertaining. POLITICAL TUTELAGE and OFFERING TELEVISION. The programming regulates schedules, there is no strategy or philosophical concept of positioning of television network, no formats. Absence of competition or audience studies. Differences between Europe and America. New regulatory framework (DEREGULATION) and competition since 1980 Investment, advertising and audience allocation. From "broadcasting" to "narrowcasting". Emergence of the concept of "target". Coexistence of the public and private model. Consequences of neo-television, the importance of research (competition). New concept of narrative rhythm. Increase in television consumption. Theory and sequence of flow (RAYMOND WILLIAMS). 4. Digital convergence in the audiovisual industry. Concept and coexistence of three industries: audiovisual media, IT and ICT (Telecommunications and Telephony). Television and Technology: THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTENT AS A VALUE OF DIFFERENCE AND STRATEGIC POSITIONING. INTERNET: video as a concept of change. AUDIOVISUAL AND VIRTUAL DEPARTMENT STORE. Supports and contents. The importance and quality of broadband. THE MULTISUPPORTED IMAGE: devices, screens, new consumer habits. The distribution of content by media and products. OTT: OVER THE TOP. TYPOLOGICAL MAP OVER THE TOP. Convergent television universe. Hybrid and connected television. The strength of television in this new context. Cross platform consumption. SOCIAL TELEVISION and SOCIAL NETWORKS. 5. The effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Concept and mission of GRP. Types of GRP'S. Differences between effectiveness and efficiency. Diffusion, coverage, support audience, exposure, advertising recall, notoriety, persuasion, sales... Minutes of advertising per
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