AVATAR MEHER BABA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1928 to February 25, 1978 Exte!"e" to 2#15, $%th re'%(%o!( )or*( by a!" about Meher Baba %! E!+,%(h a!" other Euro-ea! ,a!+ua+e( .o/-%,e" by Ba, 0AT1 E"%te" 2 Pre-are" 3or Pub,%4at%o! by 56 F,a++ 7RI8 0E) 9ELHI 1978 1-"ate" by )/6 GRAHAM B,oo/%!+to!, I!"%a!a I! 4o,,aborat%o! $%t& 5%m MIGDOLL a!" 9a'%" HOB8O0 Avatar:( Abo"e Ar4&%ve(, ;uee!(,a!", Au(tra%,a 2#19 "I! Ho!or o3 5%/ MIG9OLL <19=9>2#18?" "The boo* that I (ha,, ma*e -eo-,e rea" %( the boo* o3 the heart that ho,"( the *ey to the my(tery o3 ,%3e666@ MEHER BABA .o-yr%+ht A B 1978, Ba, 0atu, Meher 0aCar, 7%!+:( Roa", Ahme"!a+ar <MS?, I!"%a F%r(t E"%t%o! 1978 D## 4o-%e( Pub,%(he" by 56 F,a++ 7r%(, $%th the *%!" -er/%((%o! o3 A"% 76 Ira!%, Ahme"!a+ar <MS?, I!"%a E 2 Pr%!te" by A O 3or" Pr%!t4ra3t I!"%a Pvt6 Lt"6 F8, 84%!"%a Hou(e, 0e$ 9e,&% 11###1, I!"%a Re'%(e" a!" E te!"e" E"%t%o! 2##9 2!" Re'%(e" 2 E te!"e" E"%t%o! 2#1F Dr" Re'%(e" 2 E te!"e" E"%t%o! 2#19 Pub,%(he" by the Avatar Meher Baba Per-etua, Pub,%4 .har%tab,e Tru(t E 2 Po(te" $%t&%! the O!>,%!e Library TABLE OF CONTENTS Avatar Meher Baba : a short biographical sketch by Adi K !ra"i ii #re$ace to the Origi"al Editio" iv #re$ace to the %evised a"d Exte"ded Editio" vi Abbreviatio"s a"d Symbols xii Mo"ograph Sectio" ()*+, Serial Sectio" *+-)*,* So."d %ecordi"g Sectio" *,/)/*( Motio" Sectio" /**)//+ 0ideorecordi"g Sectio" //()/1( A"alytical Sectio" /1*)/2- Appe"dix /21)/3( !"de& ()11 i A0ATA% ME4E% BABA A Short Biographical Sketch By A5! K !%AN! Bor" i" #oo"a6 !"dia6 o" Febr.ary *-6 (37,6 Mer8a" S !ra"i6 k"o8" as Meher Baba6 received 4is ed.catio" i" the to8" o$ 4is birth.
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