Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Index to Volume 125 (2017) Bold page numbers indicate illustrations (Issue number 1: 1–96; 2: 97–208; 3: 209–312; 4: 313–416) A Bemiss, Samuel F., 271 Abbitt, Watkins, 261, 266 Berkeley, Sir William, 3, 28–29 Ablavsky, Gregory, 112 Berkeley (Charles City County), 338, 338, 339 Accotink Home Guard, 61, 61 Bernstein, R. B., review by, 69–71 Adams, Abigail, 340 Beverley, Robert, 28 AFL-CIO, 262 Beverly, Robert, 127 African American history, 68–69, 76–77 Bierce, Ambrose, 156 African Americans, 163, 397–400 Billings, Warren M., and Brent Tarter, eds., “Esteemed Biography, 188–91 Bookes of Lawe” and the Legal Culture of Early Virginia, Hospitals, 156–65 293–95 “A History of Madness: Four Venerable Virginia Lunatic Binney, Horace, 42, 44 Asylums,” by Caroline Norris, 138–82 Bird, Lloyd, 250 All Falling Faiths: Reflections on the Promise and Failure of the Black, Harvey, 166–67 1960s, by J. Harvie Wilkinson III, 191–92 Black Heath mines, 359 American Legion, 324, 348 Blair, Stephen, 63 American Revolution, 68–69, 314–57 Bland, Richard, 107, 117 Espionage, 183–84 Bland, Theodorick, Jr., 335 Southern Campaign, 319 Bonner, Michael Brem, Confederate Political Economy: “A Meteor and a Generous Mind: The Revolutionary Creating and Managing a Southern Corporate Nation, Political Thought of Thomson Mason,” by Kathy O. 296–98 McGill, 98–137 Bowman, Nat, 44 Anderson, Hannah, 336–37 Bowry, Graham, 152 Architectural history, 402–3 Brandt, Clare, 317 Army of Virginia, 395–97 Breeden, Edward L., Jr., 252 Arnold, Benedict, 314, 314–57, 316 “Bridge to the New Dominion: Virginia’s 1965 Letter to Richmond Merchants, 333 Gubernatorial Election,” by James R.
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