CAPTAIN FLASHBACK A fanzine composed for the 400th distribution of the Wait for the Bus: Turbo-Charged Party-Animal Amateur Press Association, from the joint membership of Andy The Sanguine Story Hooper and Carrie Root, residing at 11032 30th Ave. of Light Aviation NE Seattle, WA 98125. E-mail Andy at and Popular Music
[email protected], and you may reach Carrie at
[email protected]. This is a Drag Bunt Press Carrie and I have been watching Ken Burns’ Production, completed on 10/20/2019. latest documentary series on PBS, Country Music. It has been as fascinating and moving as CAPTAIN FLASHBACK is devoted to old the very best of Burns’ previous work, and fanzines, monster movies, garage bands and other somehow more effectively paced than most of his fascinating phenomena of the 20th Century. All films. We have found each of the chapters so written material by Andy Hooper unless indicated. engrossing that their endings come before we expect them. And this despite the fact that each Contents of Issue #11: of the first three segments ends with the death of Page 1: Wait for the Bus: The Sanguine Story of a Country music pioneer – Jimmie Rodgers at Light Aviation and Popular Music the end of part one, Hank Williams at the Page 2: Comments on Turbo-Apa #399 conclusion of chapter two, and the tragic end of Page 6: A Key to Interlineations in Issue #10 Patsy Cline, Hawkshaw Hawkins and Cowboy Page 6: Lettercoltrains Copas at the end of chapter three. Page 18: I Remember Entropy Department: Selections by Andy Young, Harlan Ellison, The deaths of Rodgers and Williams were not Ed Wood and Dean McLaughlin much of a surprise – Rodgers had tuberculosis, Page 19: Fanmail from Some Flounder: Letters of and Williams suffered from a raft of physical Comment on CAPTAIN FLASHBACK issues and addictions – but the small plane crash Page 20: Top Fanzine Auction Prices in 2019 that killed Cline, Copas and Hawkshaw was a terrible shock.