6Doorsmanrussian Circus Pen 'N' Inc

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6Doorsmanrussian Circus Pen 'N' Inc Saturday. Aug. 15. 1981 Page 6B COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN. BEETLE BAI LEY by Mort Walker ACROSS 39 Thailand's Answer to Previous Puzzle 21) The unanticipated or -- neighbor , , , . ASTRO GRAPH unseen could cause you some 1 eye I Religious 40 Convent C44-L- 4 fits today. Keep a sharp out SOINS OUT? I! MEEP TO CHASE A CAT, WAS LQSlHS M - I I I poem mmate iiil when doing anything where you WftS WOPU& YOU'P KNOCK OVER A GARBAGE TOUCM WITH - JBSB Bernice Bede oth- 8 Volume una 42 School JXAAA Osol share the same space with STAY MERE, WATCH TV, A-- RML AWP BARK AT SOME REALITY j UglJ ers like the road. ,ri semester m TT AND HAVE A FEW CARS UIni,st a"n eM mBI 22-Ja- n. f -- 13 Bartizan 44 Doctrine l 7TT CAPRICORN (Doc. 19) CO - H ro ATHAjf o o"t If you expect to hang onto J" 14 Securing pin 45 Join securely D'D'T g M " get 15 Motor 47 To and ja'da things you treasure, or to o""a If He" T ( E N V longevity from tools you need, 16 Choler 48 Former Soviet a"d"a m r WJ 1 "o "o 1(EJ birthday you'll have to keep a close 17 Literary leader y y oBHe o jjjMfo Q l T watch on where you put them composition 50 Walk X nBTc you it boat August 15, 1981 or how use them today. 19 Compass uncertainly 20-Fe- Isluli torshe.rpa AQUARIU8 (Jan. b. 19) If point 52 Inscription 11 sage st This shouldn't be a dull year for you're counting on an ally to 20 Volunteer 53 Inclement t easedII ebope you. Many unusual and inter- back you up because you think state (abbr) 54 Swelling . ,. esting people will cross your Is in line with ...2 In case that 37 Lifted this thinking 22 Small bird 55 Female's path. You can enlarge your cir- yours, you are in for a big 23 Ancient f,ou 38 Solar system cle of friends, but don't forget surprise today. He won't. "old your 20-Mar- 24 Astonish DOWN session mode( old pals. PISCES (Feb. ch 20) DyReqSmythe 21 Shoves . LEO (July 23-A- ug. 22) Erratic ANDYCAPP 26 Christmas 39 Cotto" fabric Others could lose respect for trimming 1 Tiny 23 Gu.se behavior on your part could you today if you talk only about 25 Members of 4 1 Negatives bring out the worst in people fail -- 28 Two 2 Makes sleep what you can do, but to B U 1 r,T- 1 convent 43 Folkways today. If they become frustrat- pre- SCELS f-c- V WHO TRIES TO 30 Graphic noise produce. Unless you're THOUGHT OOME BEtWEEN -- - One-billion- th with you, they'll layout 3 Made of silver 27 ed take a stub- pared to demonstrate, don't fun ( I 45 Actress born stance you won't be able L mtrtuir I MEBBE WE . 'IM ANO 31 Gross 4 Journal (prefix) boast. J ISX Jg to combat. Find out more of 21-Ap- ril fflcvJ 5 Young 29 Limitless "",lse ARIES (March 19) National lady what you in 33 Sensed with 46 Christmas lies ahead for the This should be generally a -- OF Product (Fr.abbr.) year following your birthday by kjKbOOR!) ARREARS SUCCEEOINyg - (abbr ) 6 Feeble tongue 49 Astronaut's favorable day, but unfortunate- sending for your copy of Astro-Gra- ph Compass 7 Work 34 Reverential re-- ly you could make too much of 32 unit ferry Mail $1 for each to something said by a friend, gard Astro-Grap- point 8 Cower 51 New Deal h, Box 489, Radio Heavenly oinewweai causing an unpleasant 33 Arguments 9 Canine home 35 City Station, N.Y. 10019. Be confrontation Eight (Sp) 10 Riding horse body project (abbr) 36 sure to specify birth date. TAURUS (April 20-M- ay 20) VIRGO (Aug. 23-Se- pt. 22) You This Is one of those days when 1 2 3 14 15 I 6 7 8 9 j 10 could become the most expen- It may seem like you're more sive repairman in town by appreciated by outsiders than by Garry Trudeau 12 I 13 trying to fix something yourself you are by your own family'. It's DOONESBURY today that you don't know the only a fleeting condition. first -- thing about GEMINI (May 21 June 20) tTtm&AW MANWHffTA ACClZmHAPFEHltO. lf,HAV R&fHBBnHSTTei THteAOHS LIBRA (Sept. 23-O- ct. 23) Unless you keep your mind on HisonnmjLT. Tyarv ihope i can trust ue&E. r-- , cAMtourtfuswMrep VSJ. ter.tm Because the breaks have been what you are doing, or possibly icAitiHTMM misecucE miDKBEPmsums mrou pi antmuvfssmKH j, """'Nou ten imsouoes Te HHiT 1T" SHU19 coming your way lately, you what you are saying, at all 8tEANNQIN.. MSHfiPTOmufSOF.. toun&- - Memewp wcaeaOS. could get just a shade overcon- times today, you could make a M' W fident today and take that one lulu of a Be 20 21 boner. responsible. KH22 B23 last chance when you CANCER (June 21-Ju- ly 22) A shouldn't shopping trip or an evening on 2S BH26 27 SCORPIO (Oct. 24-No- v. 22) the town could turn out to be You're lucky today in money more expensive than you antic- matters or things that have an ipated. Be prepared to harness element of mystery, but don't your extravagance. buck heads with authority (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) figures. That's another story! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-D- ec. 33 34 35 HH36 3?" 38 PRISCILLA'S POP by Ed Sullivan 1 I I always enjoy m0 I I ( H.. Mike ' y I C See y6ul Kits kind of trick J 48 49 """io" 51 M HEALTH 52 53 fll Lawrence E. Lamb.M.D. j j j is (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) Wear and tear arthritis By Lawrence Lamb, M.D. plete range of motion each I I day. Stretch them as much IPIIi J DR. LAMB I as you can comfortably. If LSf DEAR - am M today 8 13 17 in my early 50s and have you do this after a hot bath NBC CBS ABC may help. $" osteoarthritis. Although my that Fllnlstones Tom & Jerry Supeririends upon IS back does not bother me too Depending bow bad LEVY'S LAW by James Schumeister 7.0030 8ugs Bunny much, my legs are very, your arthritis is, you might 45 & Road Runner want to a daily walk- I I I very weak. What exercises include y ..NOW OVER, COLOR, SO, EABTH BECN Ibo Godzilla Comedy Blockbuster ing program. you OUR UNLESS PLAING 15 would you recommend to If have ( TOBUPFDB' EADAB&HOWS JSDE6TEOYEP 15 (f'SPACE INVAPeCS" 30 Batman & Super 7 help strengthen my legs and quite a bit of joint involve- V, THE WEATHPE.. 6H0WE&S TO PHOTON TORPEDOES, V ON THE PADA& ;45 ment, I back? Would it be advisable would recommend JS-- . 1 THE EAST ANP IV TAK A6A1N,BUE? ITS 0 All New Popeye Hour j W 5-foo- t-8 in water. Swim- ANADVANaNO UMBEELLATO V-- J- LONELY IS to lose weight? I'm a exercises JTul' TTNN " - -- 4-- LINE W0BK- - TOMOBEOVY- - IN THE 9-0- 30 Dally Duck Action Comedy woman and weigh 170 ming is excellent for people (Xyr) OF S 45 ( with your problem because VENUSfAN STAE- - r--1 f3ACr6 TO , ? WEATHE& pounds. W7 S CROISERS. , ' yOUPAVE ROOM, . 00 Jettons TarzanLone ,1 y -- You you can exercise without B 1 15 RanoarShow DEAR READER 'SYn rJi ?? I I I 30 Hong Kong Phooey should definitely lose burdening your joints with weight. Osteoarthritis is also your body weight. m m --00 Johnny Quest New Fat ABC Weekend You :15 Albert Show Special called wear and tear will want to read 30 Ftlntstones Orak Pack American arthritis It does affect the more details about osteoar- I I1 :45 1 Bandstand 1 weight-bearin- g joints prima- thritis in The Health Letter I 1 . :00 Hot Fudge Jason ol the 4-1- 9, T :15 Star Command rily. That is why the hips, number Osteoarthritis: 41 30 Big Blue Marble 30 Minutes Blue Jean knees and spine are so often Degenerative or Wear and aM5 Network the areas involved. The less Tear Arthritis, which I am WINTHROP by Dick Cavalli 00 NBC Sports Star Trek :15 Summer Season you weigh, the less contin- sending you. Others who ued damage you will incur want this issue can send 75 WHAT MAKES misiy I ( Y 1 HEfe ACHAKTER. 8 , A ANT TRUE NO... SUBSCRIBER , to your involved joints. cents with a long, stamped, ROCK cg-RI- T "CYNICfe ALAAAMAC'' 0 TRY TO MCVE A 5TPIC?rTV. TO THE Ozark Jubilee Kidswortd self-address- There is a general miscon- ed envelope for L .15 0O TIMES ITS SIZ? L J 2-0- 30 Nashville on Jim Bakker ception about exercise and it to me, in care of this news- --- y 45 Ihe Road arthritis. Exercise is good paper, P.O. Box 1551, Radio Pop' Goes the Count -- y r .15 for you, but only if it is done City Station, New York, NY 8tex 300"30 Ozark Opry American Angler right. You don't need to 10019. wear a damaged joint any You might benefit from Backstage Opry Lawrence Welk Wide 15 World Sports more than it has already exercises to strengthen your 400.30 That Nashville worn. You do want to main- abdominal and back 45 Music tain your full range of muscles.
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